Phuck Phelps 89 Comments

Michael Phelps after the swimming section of the Beijing Olympics now holds 16 Olympics Medals. He has won 16 Olympic medals: six gold and two bronze at Athens in 2004, and eight gold at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.

He was favored to win 8 and he won 8. Big deal, good job! Yes its an amazing feat and he should be proud but the kids body was made for swimming. There was no competition at all in some of the events. He broke all the world records.

You see I root for the underdog; I root against those who are the best. To me

Success should not be judged by your achievements rather by the overwhelming odds you overcome.

Tiger Woods winning another Major is not extraordinary. Michael Jordan winning yet another ring with the best team, the best player and the best coach of the at the time Chicago Bulls is not extraordinary, its just the best team won.

The ones I root for are the Malaysian Badminton player representing a country that had never won a god in the history of the Olympics; A white Zimbabwean Olympic swimmer Kirsty Coventry going home to here country after winning a few medals for a country that has a few pools.

When the first Aboriginal Olympian carries the torch in Sydney representing a country that had oppressed her ancestors:

Asked why she was wearing no shoes on a cold winter’s morning, Peris-Kneebone said: “I thought about it a couple of weeks ago. My ancestors never wore shoes and it’s a sign of respect for my people — they’ve given me strength to get to where I have today and that’s why I chose to run barefoot.”

When Abebe Bikila sets a new world record to win Gold 40 days after an acute appendicitis surgery; those are the extraordinary moments; not when the orginal Dream Team with Jordan, Magic and Barkley beats yet another team by 60 points.

The underdogs, the ones nobody counts on, the least favored – those are the people that I root for.

89 Responses to “Phuck Phelps”

  1. 1 dawitm

    yeah big deal. he won 8 medals in one freaking sport. how can they have 8 kinds of swimming catagories as if each one is any different? 2 or 3 may be, but damn eight in just one sport…? as far as am concerened it aint that different. if you are good in one, then you got it covered for all others… i think. but hey dude got the medals … good for him and good for total metal count for usa. besides, he is from dc area too, that is kinda nice as well.

  2. 2 yachilej

    not to mention that dude is apparently double jointed..

  3. 3 overDogRunner

    I was in Addis a few years back & everywhere I turned, I kept hearing this Teddy Afro song – Kenenisa. I asked why do Ethiopians listen to the SAME song over & over again? It was a cool song but come on people, do we have to hear one song at every cafe, shop, house & car? My friends kept telling me to listen to the lyrics (a bit difficult to follow for my Americanized ear) & they insisted if I had watched the race then I would be “amazed” & I guess hypnotized by it as they were. Pure habesha hyperbole, I said!

    Forward to last night, chillin’ in my hotel room flipping the few available cable channels I stumbled upon a race & hear the announcer say, “Eritrean Tadesse leads the pack”. That definitely got my attention. As I started to watch the race, my Ethiopian brethren were running 1-2-3 at one point & I found myself screaming in that tiny room as if I was on the verge of wining the Super Bowl w/ a last second pass. Unfortunately, the sweep was not to be but Kenenisa won Gold.

    I write this, b/c this whole episode took me right back to Addis & Teddy’s song. I now understood what the hoopla was all about in ’04. With a rush of PRIDE in my country & countrymen flowing in my veins, I sat back down thinking to myself “you can send me to the outer limits of the universe but I’ll forever be ETHIOPIAN!” (w/ an american passport and all). Ethiopia is in my soul. Ethiopia sustains me & I walk proud b/c I belong to her. No matter where I’m, she is part of me & I part of her & by extension part of Kenenisa & the rest of you!

    Now back to Nolawi’s assertion, should we dismiss Kenenisa’s Gold b/c Ethiopians are supposed to win running events (i.e. he was favored in the 10K)? I think not! You better believe I WON Gold last night along w/ all of you. Thus, I can’t knock or “phuck” any American for being proud of Phelps. We should give respect when it’s deserved, the spirit of Olympics demands this of us all.

    Just a though in perspectives…

    PS Can someone give Teddy a pen & paper? I want him to express his genius gift in a song & elicit our patriotism. I was never a fan until last night.

  4. 4 Mamitu

    I hate to be the contrarian but I think Phelps winning 8 medals is a big thing. He has joint hypermobility syndrome, but not everyone that has that is a great swimmer. It takes a lot of practice and perseverance. And I don’t think it will take away from the achievements of any other Olympian.

  5. 5 Phelp Rocks


    Phelps? Ok, take a deep breath, and analyze. He is a copetitor unlike no other. Abebe Bikila is Ethiopia’s hero, and it stops right there.

    Why is it a big deal that the fact he had overcome some odds? Every athlete has a unique story.

    Belittling Phelp’s achievement or even comparing him to others is as unfair as comparing apples and oranges.

    The truth is, Phelps couldn’t do what Bikila did, because, duh, he is not a runner.

    I would love to see Bikila do the water for a second. Yeah think about it that way. That should put it in perspective.

    We call our own athletes heroes while we try to piss on others.

    I bet Ethiopia would love to have a Phelps, as i am sure we will rub it off on everyone we come across.

    Just utter foolishness to compare the uncomparable. They are both elite athletes, but Phelps is a notch above and even the elite athletes would testify to that, as it is unthinkable in most minds to have his accomplishment.

    I guess he is coming to London next, that should give everyone more to be mad about.

  6. 6 overDogRunner


    How can they have 8 kinds of swimming catagories as if each one is any different?

    We could ask the same Q for running categories? There are actually, 50+ running events in the Olympics. Interesting huh?


    Not to mention that dude is apparently double jointed..

    You know what they say about Ethiopian & Kenyan runners? It’s b/c they live in high altitude & running at that elevation level builds greater lung capacity.

    So people, lets refrain from hatin’. When we diminish his achievements we diminish ours.

  7. 7 Nolawi

    Now back to Nolawi’s assertion, should we dismiss Kenenisa’s Gold b/c Ethiopians are supposed to win running events (i.e. he was favored in the 10K)? I think not! You better believe I WON Gold last night along w/ all of you. Thus, I can’t knock or “phuck” any American for being proud of Phelps. We should give respect when it’s deserved, the spirit of Olympics demands this of us all.

    Yap – Kennisa winning Gold is not that big of a deal- so what the best runner – broke the world record- again… big fuken deal- I don’t care if he is ethiopia- – great ethiopia won but its not extraordinary…

    on the other hand Haile – the old man- 36 years old- with asthma competed got 6th place- he was an underdog but he competed with best of them and did well- eventhough he didn’t win- so major achievement. some say the best 10,000er that ever lived….

    anyways I rooted for him

  8. 8 overDogRunner


    Perhaps you will root for Phelps when he competes in the 2016 games & comes in 6th? Maybe then he will meet your age requirements. You may not think it’s an extraordinary feat but I see no need to “phuck” him for it.

    Mamitu & Phelp Rocks:

    Well put guys…

  9. 9 Phelp Rocks

    OverDogRunner – Very funny on the “age requirement” analysis.

    If the old choose to compete with the young and get thumped, whose fault is it? Is that what Alzheimers do to people? That they forget the category they belong in?

    last i checked, the handicapped competes or should compete with the handicapped. If he comes last competing with the able-bodied, is he a hero?

    Funny how people try to split a hair.

  10. 10 yachilej

    easy with the accusations overrunner

  11. 11 overDogRunner


    What accusations? Do you feel accused? Sorry but all I stated was an counter example on your attempt to diminish Phelps achievements w/ the “double jointed” comment.

  12. 12 yachilej

    overrunner: “attempt to diminish”? seriously?

    I merely chose to share a piece of information that I recently came across. I do resent your assumption that I mean to undermine, let alone “attempt to diminish”, his hard work

  13. 13 Totit

    YachiLej…U r definetly undermining the dude as u are strengthening a thread that was made before urs…and u r continuing a sentence…by adding new inforamtion when u put “not to mention”…Well that is how I learnt the english language…but u never know…I might be mistaken as english is my second language…
    AND Nolawi…I think It is okay to be excellent at what u do …not to be the underdog…and be recognized for ur achievement…
    Phelp definetly Rocks…:)…even if he is double jointed or triple jointed for that matter…:)
    Until they create a new section for the double jointed…he will be competing with the poor single jointed dudes…who wont have a chance anyways…haha…U go maman…I am having too much fun here…:)

  14. 14 Hidaya

    I admire and root for any Olympian athlete who try their absolute best, I have sympathy for the underdog but in the end it is all about skills and talent and each athlete should be judged on their sporting abilities only…

    If Micheal Phelp is suffering from hypermobile joints syndrome, then more power to him, contrary to popular belief being double jointed and being too flexible is not always an advantage and is an actual medical condition which can be painful when joints are overstretched or when they pop out, it can only be overcome by very strong muscles and body skeleton, swimming is good for it but not all that have hyper mobile joints are world class swimmers or dancers, that is a talent they may have…

  15. 15 dawitm

    LOL, still no big deal. ya’all need to chill and take it easy. hahaaa everyone getting hyterical and emotional. as i said, dude got 8 medals good for him and good for usa.


  16. 16 Genet

    I love Michael Phelps so much. I live in Baltimore and I know the type of life he led. It is one of the poorest
    cities put it’s filled with culture and pride. Don’t just assume he didn’t overcome any odds. I overcame so much odds. He suffered from ADHD and used his love of swimming to overcome it. He grew up with only his mom and sisters. So now a little boy who practiced in a small swimming club in Baltimore is now the most gold winning olympian ever in history. That is something.
    Also Carmelo Antony is in Team USA basketball. He is also from Baltimore and grew up in drug infested area but he concentrated on basketball and made it to the NBA.
    Don’t just assume that they didn’t overcome anything just because they are from a rich country.

  17. 17 Mamo

    Ok, no doubt he is great. However, it is too much about him, he is not that Great. Come on! In swimming, athletes can race two finals in just half an hour. It is not physically demanding like track and fields. Even three of the four swimming stroke’s are almost the same; if you are good at one of them you will be good at the rest of them. The trainings you do and skills you need are similar for each categories…it is like kenenisa runing 10,000m with different “styles” after taking adequate rest…like a month or so

    Phelps won…
    Men’s 4 x 100m Medley
    Men’s 4 x 100m Free
    Men’s 4 x 200m Free
    Men’s 100m Butterfly
    Men’s 200m Medley
    Men’s 200m Butterfly
    Men’s 200m Free
    Men’s 400m Medley

    The point i want to make, he is good but too much about his victories. Ya, it is the ‘American’ style…too much about themselves. Look the medal tables on any American news media…America on the top then comes China..What the hell! It is not the total medal count that matters, it is the gold medal. Ok, if you are an American and won two bronzes, you come first from a Russian who won gold. I am tired of saying ‘you are too much of yourself’…

  18. 18 celebratelife

    When jealousy rears its ugly head it gives birth to…

    I have been rooting for Phelps and I’m glad he got all the media attention. Go Phelps show the world how hard work pays off!

    The envious die not once, but as oft as the envied win applause. ~Baltasar Gracian

  19. 19 selam

    Stop hating! I bet you wouldn’t even open you mouth if he was Ethiopian. He is great and if they want to talk about him 24/7, let them.

  20. 20 abTori

    I found myself in tears too watching yesterday’s 10k broadcast. Tirunesh’s race wasn’t easy either .. How’bout that Usain Bolt kid it’s as if he’s got some wings! LOL

    Good for Phelps, though I still don’t see why there’s so many swimming categories.. I also don’t understand what the big deal is about winning 100 medals if you send like a team of 500!

  21. 21 biskut

    i can’t believe you !!

    wouldn’t it be great if kenenisa wins mens 100m ,200m,400 m ,1500m,5000m and 10000 and the marathon as well? It is just one sport but still ….man i am dumbfounded by the title .He is the greatest swimmer and nothing less .why do you have to belittle his achievement ante .qina yalew “bemistu” yiqenal alu:)

  22. 22 G-man

    Phelps has had too many opportunities. A track/field athlete doesn’t have many opportunities like Phelps. If you train for speed, you lose endurance, and if you train for endurance, you lose speed.
    Phelps’ 8 golds is no more superior than Bekele’s 2 golds.
    (Hoping he win 5000m)

  23. 23 biskut

    I was not implying a gold medal in one sport is superior to another …neither was i comparing Phelps and kenenisa’s victory .
    I was just implying that we should be happy and we should also be gracious when other ppl or other countries win .That is what is sports about .Sportsmanship pppllllll.

  24. 24 spacefog

    I think Phelps is great. I am tired of American commentators though. They exaggurate a lot and shamelessly support their team. the 10000 women’s reporting was sooooooo unprofessional!

  25. 25 datdude

    An old roommate used to be a competitive swimmer, and what amazed me is their rigorous workout schedule. They had two a days throughout the season, including additional workouts scattered throughout the week. I have a lot of respect for phelps, even though part of me wishes the torpedo guy (Thorpe?) was around to spice things up.

  26. 26 Wurgatu

    apIf the old choose to compete with the young and get thumped, whose fault is it? Is that what Alzheimers do to people? That they forget the category they belong in?

    last i checked, the handicped competes or should compete with the handicapped. If he comes last competing with the able-bodied, is he a hero?

    Funny how people try to split a hair.

    u are hilarious….besak gedelkegn…haile sindefadef behasabe meta…..i know haile is the greatest…but his time is up…he should concentrate on the maraton…jebdegnet alwedim

    i also say phelp rocks!!!!

  27. 27 kuki

    I agree with mamo. The skills you need to swim 200m are the same as the once you need for the 100m. If he’s great at one event, then I’m not surprised he’s good at the other. And it’s interesting how they kept saying 8gold medals in olympic history EVER…as if you could compete for 8 d/t events in any other sport but swiming. If kenenisa for eg. tried to accomplish this goal, he would have to run from 100m to a marathon. The skills you need for each of those events is quite different and can’t be developed simultaneously. If i’m not mistaken the guy who held the recored before was a swimmer too. Obviously phelps is a good swimmer but the whole he’s better than any athlete out there claim seems a bit too much IMO.

  28. 28 Tsedey

    el O el @

    qina yalew “bemistu” yiqenal alu:)

  29. 29 Nolawi

    so you are saying this is jealousy -

    I want to be the best all time Olympian gold medal athlete? apparently…

    it doesn’t make sense– now if you guys said I am jealous of all the girls he is going to get – you might be closer to the truth… even so my interest of bedding a blond – even if she is the girl in the cover of sports illustrated swimsuit edition…is very very low…

    me no jealous of a big eared goofy looking whiteboy from baltimore…. with 12 gold medals…. I rather be Nolawi

  30. 30 Mamo

    Ya, there is usually hard to reasonably argue with people like biskut, selam, celebratelife, genet…wait a minute, are all girls?! kenat, hate, jealousy, bla bla bla…all nonsense!

  31. 31 Mamo

    Ya,it’s usually hard to reasonably argue with people like biskut, selam, celebratelife, genet…wait a minute, are all girls?! kenat, hate, jealousy, bla bla bla…all nonsense!

  32. 32 soj

    …..I think all the categories of swimming Phelps participated in have been there for quite some time now….so it is a big achievement when someone like Phelps comes in and does what has never been done before. Besides, Nolawi the whole thing with you rooting for the underdog is I think misplaced here. There is a difference between underdog and under-achiever. Besides such thoughts usually come from the mentality that if the underdog wins oh wow great!! we say. But if he/she loses we go on and lament about how it was not an even play field to begin with blah blah blah……..and I do wish that he was Ethiopian.

  33. 33 Tsedey

    U still don’t have the bumper sticker…equal opportunity dater? Perhaps I should send u one.

    now if you guys said I am jealous of all the girls he is going to get – you might be closer to the truth… even so my interest of bedding a blond – even if she is the girl in the cover of sports illustrated swimsuit edition…is very very low…

  34. 34 selam

    Yep, You jealous. You probably wish that you swim and look like him. He is definitely BETTER looking guy than you!

  35. 35 biskut

    me no jealous of a big eared goofy looking whiteboy from baltimore…. with 12 gold medals…. I rather be Nolawi

    It is eating you alive ………The CAPITAL Q .

    Negative energy all around you.besime’ab belina dirashun atfaw .

  36. 36 overDogRunner


    What an idiotic comment to make. There is no place for that kinda puerile statement. We are exchanging thoughts/ideas not name calling.

    BTW Since you are looking for hot guys & have nothing worthwhile to contribute, Phelps has a blog… You can go there. Bye!

  37. 37 Getu

    I’ve always liked and respected Selam.
    She’s the champion of this blog. Never backs down from telling truth to power. The rest of you kiss’asses (==> you’ll never be olympians) should learn from her

  38. 38 Wurgatu

    Never backs down from telling truth to power.


    Getu you still are on a power struggle…..tera teba neh!!!!

  39. 39 maebel

    why is it always so difficult for us( Ethiopians) to simply acknowledge people’s achivments without the need to use the word BUT? If it is so obvious to the world that Phelps or Haile or Maria jones is so great an athlet, why would it be so difficult for us to swallow the facts? why do we need a reason to cloud their achievment?

    Oh Nol, you really disapoint me this time. I didn’t expect such attitude from you.

  40. 40 overDogRunner


    No one is kissing Nolawi’s derriere. On the contrary, I’ve been disagreeing w/ him on this topic (read the damn thread before barking nonsense). All I’m saying to Selam is, there is no need nor room for name-calling.

    “Truth, like milk, arrives in the dark
    But even so, wise dogs don’t bark.
    Only mongrels make it hard
    For the milkman to come up the yard.”
    - Christopher Morley, Dogs Don’t Bark at the Milkman

    Selam/Getu: Don’t hide behind name calling (i.e. don’t bark). So can you please try putting forth your ideas w/o resorting to such childish absurdity?

    I still think Nolawi is dead wrong on this one…

  41. 41 Selam

    @dogrunner. Why don’t u say something about Nolawi calling names? I guess since this is his blog he can say whatever right? well guess what? so can I! I din’t say i was looking for a hot guy, i was just making an observation. Stop kissing Nolawi’s ass and shut the hell up. Can you just be happy for the guy or STFU!

  42. 42 ababiru

    Yes, Phelps is blessed with a perfect swimmer body, but without his dedication, he couldn’t have accomplished so much. Have you seen the dude’s schedule on a regular day? And look what he had to do to get the 50M breast stroke Gold? He knew he got beat so he just went for one more stroke. Many would’ve just try to stretch, so he is just great!

    Using Nolawi’s logic, I say big freakin’ deal to Usain Bolt. I actually was cheering for Asafa Powell – cause I like his name.

    Hey, isn’t Shawn Johnson just awesome?

  43. 43 Bed_ford

    If you have to say … say it right.

    el O el @
    qina yalew “bemistu” yiqenal alu:)

    The saying is qina yalew benatu emse yiqenal

    On the subject issue – give him credit for his achievement; he has done no one has done before. Some of us can not even float the full length of the pool live alone to win several Olympic medals.

  44. 44 overDogRunner


    STFU huh? Classy… I guess you have no other way to express your thoughts other than stupid, unintelligent statements like that?

    Just making an observation… ;)

    Did you even read my argument against Nolawi’s assertion or any of the thread? Or you just like to make comments for the sake of making an entry on a blog you seem to dislike? BTW why are you even here? You are not making any thoughtful contribution, just name calling.

    BTW 2 wrongs make the last “follower” (you) twice as dumb.

  45. 45 Annonx

    Phelps is a champion. No doubt! I dont think about him though.

    But I do think about how Olympics respresentation/championship is an outcome of economic domination. It isn’t neccessarly a showcase of the best athletes. Like in American sports before AA were allowed in, in college and pro bballs, one can make a case that all records set by white athletes are invalid because….

    BIG up Jaimaca.

  46. 46 Mamitu

    Did you see Bolt run! Sim Melaak yaweTal alu
    I think Bolt is the right name for this guy.

  47. 47 ababiru


    The headline says it all ‘Bolt Strikes Twice’ He makes it look so easy, it’s unbelievable. As dominating as you know who.

  48. 48 hewe

    this is sooo CHS (classic hater syndrome): please give credit where it’s due Nol.

  49. 49 soj

    ..ende lalemesmamat temamlual ende hizbe…….betesekelew.

  50. 50 abTori

    you guys ande ken zor bil minew tirmsachu weTa?!? :)

    ababiru, whether you like it or not Usain Bolt IS a freaking big deal lol

  51. 51 biskut

    besaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkk i knew how the saying goes .I was just trying out the arada version of that saying .
    BTW B O L T is a freakin big deal.

  52. 52 ababiru

    ‘Using Nolawi’s logic’ – not mine. That would mean I do think Bolt is a big deal.

  53. 53 abTori

    am i bad! it’s all Nolawi’s fault.

  54. 54 EWNET

    Pick someone your own size and league to spray your envious venom.

  55. 55 Totit

    I think overDogRunner likes Selam….Selameye he is trying to get your attention…:)

  56. 56 Witness

    you’re being mean to Michael Phelps Why can’t you just be happy for the guy. He had to work hard to win 8 gold medals.
    If you like underdogs that’s fine. Micheal Phelps will be remembered in Olympic History.

  57. 57 Mikematic

    Correct, All swimming categories are the same and If you are good in one (category + style) you are automatically good in all the others. Same reasoning with track and field. If you are good in 10k you are automatically good in 5k,3k,1.5k…etc. If these athletes can muster the stamina for the longer distance they can infact use it more efficiently for the shorter ones. Afterall, every sport looks simple and easy from the couch that you feel you are an expert in all thats involved…

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    poosting comments. Butt so what, itt wwas still worthwhile!

  85. 85 ??????? ?????

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  86. 86 ????? ???? ???????

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  87. 87 Susannah

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    Make sure you update this again soon.

  88. 88 Thinh Kent

    There’s definately a lot to know about this subject.

    I love all the points you made.

  89. 89 ??? ??????????????E-mail????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ??????????????????? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????

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