This is a new one I really loved. But I do remember the one below from the 90′s. Although there are a lot of African Mother songs. Most of them terrible.
Published by in African and Music.April 7th, 2011
As winter was fast approaching, I made it a point I needed to travel somewhere warm this year. I was not going to get stuck in another “snowmaggedon”. You’d figure that after all of these years living abroad, I’d get used to the cold or learn to appreciate it. So i decide to make my way [...]
Published by in African and Music.Although slowly, we here at bernos have been made some progress over the summer. We have been sending our products to retailers in various parts of the world. I remember when we first sent some bernosâ„¢ tees to a store in US Virgin Islands about 18 months ago. One of these stores is Agnes & [...]
Published by in African, Bernos, Shameless Plug and Social.We forget how big it is because of the lack of socio-political influence on western culture, I think. Africa is bigger than North America, China and India combined. Yet, in the news I hear more about China or India everyday. Africa is out of mind and out of sight for the westerners.Â
Published by in African and Current Issues.Yes we know its been a while but we are still here! Summer of 2010 is almost over but it was very good. We went to San Jose for ESFNA in July. It was exciting to meet some of our west coast bernosâ„¢ fans. While in San Jose, we introduced our new bernosâ„¢ shirts. If [...]
Published by in African, Bernos and Noteworthy.