Archive for the 'Bernos' Category

my Favorite Things 7,482 Comments

Oprah has her favorite things shows, and it’s amazing. I have a few favorite things now that I think about it.  But want inspired me to write today after a long absence is the new IPAD 2. Here is my list in no particular order. Roku Player : you can connect it to any TV [...]

bernosâ„¢ via Agnes & Lola on CNN 719 Comments

Although slowly, we here at bernos have been made some progress over the summer. We have been sending our products to retailers in various parts of the world. I remember when we first sent some bernosâ„¢ tees to a store in US Virgin Islands about 18 months ago. One of these stores is Agnes & [...]

bernosâ„¢ has a new home 290 Comments

Yes we know its been a while but we are still here! Summer of 2010 is almost over but it was very good. We went to San Jose for ESFNA in July. It was exciting to meet some of our west coast bernosâ„¢ fans. While in San Jose, we introduced our new bernosâ„¢ shirts. If [...]

Yesterday’s AA 31 Comments

Yes, we are developing our new site and I have been working on it on and off for about 3 months. It’s one of those things I have started working on a few times but somehow things fall apart as with any large web development project with a very small budget and time (mostly the [...]

Similarities? 87 Comments

This guys if weird, I mean really weird and whenI saw this video I couldn’t stop laughing. I could see how this could happen. Regardless though, I was surprised this morning when I got an email this morning claiming that “… this sums of most of your articles on Bernos.”