Half Truth is a Lie! 54 Comments

The dictionary defines Half Truth as a statement, especially one intended to deceive, that omits some of the facts necessary for a full description or account.

I have never been a big fan of absolutism or universal trustiness. I tend to believe that things like "the truth" can be deceivingly relative. However, I also believe, a line is ought to be drawn to make sure it is decent and within the far reaching bounds of common sense.

I do not wish to state the obvious, but I really see a lack of truthful communication when it comes to friendship. I have had several encounters where I was told only half-side of a story and was expected to draw a judgment on. As a consequence, I’ve made decisions that are now, in hindsight, are telling. The results were devastating at best. Some of my friends where also burned unnecessarily with the same gimmick.

I do not think it is neither fair nor appropriate to tell portion of a story and expect a bond to hold. In relationship terms, this means telling your companion everything, not just “everything they need to know.” As it turned out, our ladies –pardon my generalization, I can only speak about my experiences—have this is feli’t’ (saying) that “you will tell your loved one what they need to know.”

Yikirta, gin, pity the fool.

How does one expect to communicate in a “need to know” basis and still expect to have a healthy relationship? How can the mantra remain commanding when untold mysteries are still hanging?

Well, the easiest thing to do is to tell the truth. The shortest path between point A and B is the straight line—the truth! As always, the motor will need a full-tank oil to run smoothly and the heart will require a sufficient blood in the stream not to fail.

So, people DO tell the truth. It's good for the soul.

54 Responses to “Half Truth is a Lie!”

  1. 1 adey

    as one bpian told me it is in our blood
    it even beats the lie detector

  2. 2 maebel

    the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth….is fine. but i really don’t think that i need to know the day to day life chronicle of my girl and as for me YEBELAHUTUN, YETETAHUTN, YEFESAHUTN HULU MENGER YALEBIGN AYMESLEGNIM.

  3. 3 Tobian

    Maebel, SBS! :-)

    Mike, truth is a two-way street. It takes a listener for there to be a truth teller. And the truth is that some people just can’t handle the truth. (of course, if you disagree with that statement, you know what that makes you, aydel? Bro, you can’t handle the truth! ;-)

  4. 4 .mike

    [quote comment="25341"]the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth….is fine. but i really don’t think that i need to know the day to day life chronicle of my girl and as for me YEBELAHUTUN, YETETAHUTN, YEFESAHUTN HULU MENGER YALEBIGN AYMESLEGNIM.[/quote]

    lol. i think you mistaken ‘the truth’ with ‘space’ different animal, imho.

    [quote comment="25350"]Mike, truth is a two-way street. It takes a listener for there to be a truth teller. And the truth is that some people just can’t handle the truth. (of course, if you disagree with that statement, you know what that makes you, aydel? Bro, you can’t handle the truth! ;-) [/quote]

    imho, that’s a good way to circumvent the process of communication. it’s pretty weird to decide what one can handle or not.

  5. 5 nahom

    i am a liar. i will remain a liar. i will die a liar. maybe even lie about my death and come back and say “suckaz!”

    i am a strong follower of half truths as per my judgement on issues. there are times i am bluntly honest and there are times where judgement tells me that a white lie is appropriate to smooth situations.

  6. 6 Nolawi

    True story,

    so how come you didn’t tell me you have a boyfriend…. you know you lied to me…!

    You didn’t ask so I didn’t tell you… :)

  7. 7 Kebebush

    in my opinion, a lie would be “I don’t have a boyfriend” and sooner or later you will find out that she has a boyfriend.

    I don’t volunteer information. You should ask whatever you want to know.

  8. 8 hidaya

    I have had several encounters where I was told only half-side of a story and was expected to draw a judgment on. As a consequence, I’ve made decisions that are now, in hindsight, are telling. The results were devastating at best. Some of my friends where also burned unnecessarily with the same gimmick.

    Hi Mike,

    It is said a story has two sides if that story involves two, and more if others are involved. Isnt up to you to find out the whole story from all sides before coming to a fair judgement to all?.

    A half truth may have an element of omitting but an omission doesnt always involve active lying.It is mostly associated with neglect of doing something that one should have that has regrettable consequences. Even deception doesnt always involve lying.

  9. 9 Nolawi

    [quote comment="25522"]Nolawi,
    in my opinion, a lie would be “I don’t have a boyfriend” and sooner or later you will find out that she has a boyfriend.

    I don’t volunteer information. You should ask whatever you want to know.[/quote]
    That is probably a good reason to b awry off you….

  10. 10 MindWithOutC

    [quote comment="25389"]i am a liar. i will remain a liar. i will die a liar. maybe even lie about my death and come back and say “suckaz!”

    i am a strong follower of half truths as per my judgement on issues. there are times i am bluntly honest and there are times where judgement tells me that a white lie is appropriate to smooth situations.[/quote]

    DING 100% ! That applies, imho, to every living cell that is able to spit words.

    If there was such thing ABSOLUTE truth, the world would have been a better and merrier place than it is now. And, we would have all lived happily ever after.

    But, the world being full of lies and evil acts, there we, the nurtured, each step of our Dade .. gulp & gush… that Half Truth … as we go along … and th worst part ..we pass on the baton… HaQegna negn EYALEN’dmo YAZUGN LEQEQUGN maletachn new enji :-)

    Truth is rushed & gushed in a way to serve our human needs! it ain’t know no boundary or race…it is a human thing!

    Didn’t the evil, who appears angel, come to Africa with the Bible, and the rest is history as you and I know it!

    Even, by all accounts, if truth is applied in all sincerity, it will always look … no absolute truth … on the other end due to skepticsm, cynism, what not… just as the MOVING plane/satellite, that is 123,000 miles away from earth and rotating it, looks stationary to the bare eyes when seen from earth.

    -Be truthful :-)

  11. 11 Chuch

    Mike is half truth like saying that I am sick, I am diabetic that I take medicine while it is HIV?

  12. 12 Bonanza

    The truth is Not relative – Relative truth is anarchy!

    Jesus said “If you hold on to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

    Know the Word of God, and dealing with the truth will become less of a task.

    Egeziabeher yebarkachew!

  13. 13 Mengedegna

    I wouldn’t necessarily say withholdin partial information from someone for whatever reason is a lie. I think it’s impractical and unnecessary to tell every little detail of everythin to someone. Some things are better left unsaid. For a healthy relationship, however, there needs to be open communication between the parties and keepin certain information might put the relationship in jeopardy(wha-u-don’t-know-won’t-hurt-u kinda thing doesn’t always work).

  14. 14 soj

    ..of course half truth is as good as a lie..if not worse!! I do not subscribe to this “don’t ask don’t tell” principle. A lie is just an intention…”Gmash tSdK, Gmash haT’yat, Gmash ewnet blo neger yelem..”

    these things can only exist in their pure form…if at all they do exist.

  15. 15 Dinich

    One important element missing from this discussion is motive. The big question is not what I am not telling but why I am not telling. Maebel has a point. You don’t have to tell everything but one has to make sure the motive for not telling is pure.

    You see, more often than not what we do not talk about is more important than what we talk about. So, people should not only be responsible for what they say but also for what they do not want to say. That is exactly why they make you say “the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth” in the courts. The truth because you have to say the truth, the whole truth because partial truth is no truth, nothing but the truth because if you add anything to the truth, it is no truth.

    I didn’t tell him because he did not ask is not always acceptable because depending on the nature of the relationship some people deserve to know some things whether they ask for it or not. If I have a daguhter and she gets illegitimately pregnant, I deserve to know whether I ask for it or not. I would like my daughter to call me up and say “Daddy, I have something to tell you.” Otherwise it is no different from an outright lie.

  16. 16 Nolawi

    Interesting story about a friend of a friend who is in her thirties very attractive lady who badly wants to get married…

    only problem is that in her younger days she suffered from an illness of some kind and she knows that she is incapable of having a child on her own…

    Her ex husband to be – left her a month before the alter because as he wanted to be married and have kids… when she told him…(he was african american btw*)

    she was devastated for a long time and then started dating… this time she would tell the guys right away about her inability to have kids…

    it just never worked out if she told them in the beginning…

    anways it is her dilema.. what is a woman suppose to do if this is the case?

    the good news is that I heard she is in a serious relationship now… and I am assuming he knows…

  17. 17 Alpha

    [quote comment="25522"]Nolawi,
    in my opinion, a lie would be “I don’t have a boyfriend” and sooner or later you will find out that she has a boyfriend.

    I don’t volunteer information. You should ask whatever you want to know.[/quote]

    I disagree. because if you know that person’s motive towards you and you have a boyfriend you should let them know. There are certain information you should voluenteer. someone shuoldn’t have to ask everything

  18. 18 Alpha

    Think about this half-truth scenario Kebebush,

    you have sex with a guy who didn’t tell you he has STDs you guys have sex and you are watching tv and a comercial pops up about some kinda STD and

    you ask: “have you ever gotten tested for one of these? I never had..”
    and he goes: “oh, yeah i have gotten tested and I have ________ and _________” how would you feel?

  19. 19 .mike

    my take is, the ‘timing’ of telling something should be relative to the situation esum bihoin, there are things so obvious that deserve no waiting…

    1. Tell him/her if you love him/her!
    2. If you are currently in another relationship, tell him/her
    3. As Nolawi mentioned, if you have any medical history or any other condition, tell him/her
    4. Past History, tell EVERYTHING!

    [quote comment="26144"]One important element missing from this discussion is motive.[/quote]

    Dinich, that’s a good point. but, motive itself needs perspective. However innocent the motive behind the “half truth” is irrelevant, because the truth boundary is already drawn.

  20. 20 .mike

    [quote comment="25639"]Mike is half truth like saying that I am sick, I am diabetic that I take medicine while it is HIV?[/quote]

    I think that’s lying, not telling half truth.

  21. 21 Abebe

    Nolawi, in my opinon your friend with a medical problem, did not have to tell her situation to every man she dates, she tells only to the people she gets serious with and I don’t think it is lying or telling half truth.
    I agree with every body who said you just tell the need to know bases becasue if you are so open about every thing in your life, people tend to take advantage of you or it will come back to bite you at some point. I used to blab every thing about myself and I’ve learned my lesson the hard way not tell every thing unless it is necessary or important to that specific situation at hand.

  22. 22 Nolawi

    Thanks for sharing Abe!

  23. 23 metad bet

    tell the truth. regardless of the outcome. i believe in that. i’ve lost friends because of that. however, i believe that there is a reason for that and i dont question it. yes, sometimes i was at fault and others i wasnt. regardless life goes on and the truth shall set you free!

  24. 24 hidaya

    I think a lie is a direct untruth spoken knowingly with the intention to decieve another.

    Lying by omission is not always intentionally deceptive and is classified as an act of deception.

  25. 25 celebratelife

    I’m not sure if I’m clear on what you’re saying. Is it that everyone you deal with should be totally and completely honest with you all the time? I don’t know if that’s possible. I consider myself very honest and truthful but I don’t know about telling the full 100% side of the story. I mean that’s impossible don’t you think? Have you ever heard of his side, her side, and the truth? That is there are two version to every story then there’s the truth meaning how we interpret things will always differ and this doesn’t mean people lie but they will tell you the story as they see it. If you and I had a disagreement and we brought in a third party to be the judge. Do you think we each would tell the full story or the story of our defense?

    So at the end of the day be true to yourself and to others (to the best of your ability). If you can honestly tell me you tell the full story…I’ll tell you, you’re bs-ing.

    For a relationship well it is our responsibility to be truthful depending on the seriousness of the relationship. If I just started dating a guy and he has a permanent girlfriend/wife then I need to know like yesterday and I shouldn’t have to ask for it. On the other hand if he’s also dating someone else casually then it’s not my place to say he needs to fess up. He doesn’t know me that well and I don’t know him so how can I place that type of demand on a relationship that has not developed into anything yet. If I really like him and I sense he feels the same way then I want all the other chicklings out of the way and I want him all to myself. I personally cannot date more than one guy at a time but I can’t demand the same of others.

    Some things should not just be blurted out cause the other party may not care to know it.

    I used to say it all whether it was the right time or to the right person but then I’ve realized, thru the years, not everyone needs to know everything about me all the time so I withhold some things.

  26. 26 BOABALBOA

    When someone tells only part of the truth is nothing more than a lie.” I’ve been sued by a Scrupulous Real Estate Attorney and he omitted public information. My defense is consting me a pretty penny! Who pays for this ommissions!!! again …When someone tells only part of the truth is nothing more than a lie.”..

  27. 27 BOABALBOA

    When someone tells only part of the truth is nothing more than a lie.” I’ve been sued by a unscrupulous Real Estate Attorney and he omitted public information. My defense is consting me a pretty penny! Who pays for this ommissions!!! again …When someone tells only part of the truth is nothing more than a lie.”..

  28. 28 roval

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