time Comments

Time- Part I

traversing to a place beyond eternity
imaginning what i would be
in that life time
whether i will live
or die because i can not see or measure time
time the illusionary
time, time imprisons my soul
how does it have all of this power?
yo! this is foul…
you would think i am tryn to jump over this circle of time
fuk it, it is just a bump
even that bump is seen thru time
everything you see is thru time
how can you exist without time?
even God is a measure of time
slice it billions of times
and times just multiplies by times
you can not even count without time
time dayumm, i hate time
life can be eternal
but not without time
eternal is just in-finte time
how do you  then surpass time?…

Pt 2. Time

If I could ever be relieved of my thoughts
I would cling on to the sun
Just to see my reflection on the moon
So it’ld be clear to you
Identity and consciousness are linked with the cosmos
And not with time
Not cosmos you infect with thoughts of time
Connecting pixels with lines
Just to name them birth signs
Is simply a facsimile of time
shattering original thoughts of silence without time
Disrupting the critical message about time
suddenly becoming deaf
To the words of a being
Speaking so loudly about infinity without time
and thus Making time a simple matter
That should not exist within the mind
But how can you comprehend
This mind over matter existence
In the context of time
When you are s u c k e d deep
In a black hole
That surpasses the concept of time
Much like the physical/spiritual realms
That you decided to infuse with concepts of time
Contradictingly making them the realities
Entities of indivisible dualities/individualities
Simultaneously existing in and out of time
Making you question that entity
That exists regardless of time
Confusing this nature of being
With concepts of time…..timmeeee
But you are still thinking about survival
That is dependent upon time
Still infected with thoughts of time
Dis-eased by the confusion of survival with time
Survival is not about time
As a matter of fact
Regardless of what you call being
Survival is not time!
I see you still…..still ….still
In paths of concepts linked with time
Never to leave your shades of shame
Even though shame is a thought conceded within time
Leaving you infected with this master plan of our time
Type of sh!t that would make your eye Bleed and make it a sign
Every time you thought about sh!t Other than time………………

Peace and Love.

Time- Part III

vengeance on time

time scares you away
It makes you full of life
and then snatches it away
makes your spirit hostage
then call it a life-time
prisoner of time
addicted and poisned
by preceptions of time
illusions of time
Just a matter of time
'till you loose it
and be out of line
illusions of time…

love conceeded in time
is destructed by time
stop loving time
for get time and talk about enternal lovetime
love is a scale unbalanced by time
why do u have to be the one that has to love harder
and then u do your fair time
suferring and trapped
by circlements of thoughts
asking your other self why?
and then say, hey!
it is just the concept of time
it'll make this unbearable pain
go away and give me growth
I know pain is sour
But it is what makes a beautiful flower…

this is just an insight trapped by time
as seasons change
the flower dies
slipping into forgetfullness of non existance

tarnished by

the vengaence on time…

out of the circle ye go…..

3 Responses to “time”

  1. 1 nolawi

    Time is fundamentally the most expensive asset we have… thanks for sharing a wonderful poem…

  2. 2 sew

    IAMX, wonderful poem.

    TIME is what kills us.
    I always smile when i hear people say, they are killing time…while dying.

  3. 3 Iamx

    Thanks guys. The comments whether they’ld be negative or positive provide me a location to polish my prespectives and concepts. Thoughts are always apperricated.

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