Archive for the 'Dating' Category

FrendshipPLUS 12,766 Comments

Scrap the Dating Fan-fair for a Genuine Connection Dating, Mating, Texting, Sexing, Sexting, Meat marketing…It’s Wednesday night, you’re waiting for the Qonjit you met at that swanky jazz spot on Friday Night to call you back – she seemed into the music but way more into you.. I mean, you were exchanging smoldering looks over [...]

Protocol 307 Comments

I have a friend who always buys present to girls in his life; expensive ones, considerate ones, cheap ones and significant ones. A friend, a female one once asked me why I agonize about time; time I spend with potential mates while they are still potential… “as long as you are sharing the costs. I’m [...]

my constant companion 33 Comments

Having him in my life is like real therapy for me. He does not care that I am married. He does not care what I look like. He is there when I need him. He is never judgmental when I snoop around or ask too many questions. He never imposes his belief on me. He [...]

The Language Choice 32 Comments

The words for dating always confuse me. I don’t understand how dating differs from hanging out; if you go on a date does it mean you are dating? Blah blah I personally just call it talking. I am talking to this girl. If we hang out a couple of times, i.e., we go on a [...]

Similarities? 85 Comments

This guys if weird, I mean really weird and whenI saw this video I couldn’t stop laughing. I could see how this could happen. Regardless though, I was surprised this morning when I got an email this morning claiming that “… this sums of most of your articles on Bernos.”