Author Archive for biskut

it’s magic 182 Comments

Every upcoming holiday leaves me reminiscing about the holidays back home. The distinct smell and sound of holiday awakens an underlying homesickness that prefers to be dormant for the sake of sanity. Despite myself, like any other fool I am taken aback with all that glitter of the American Christmas. Come Christmas, I feel my [...]

my constant companion 33 Comments

Having him in my life is like real therapy for me. He does not care that I am married. He does not care what I look like. He is there when I need him. He is never judgmental when I snoop around or ask too many questions. He never imposes his belief on me. He [...]

the budding cactus 37 Comments

Almost everyone knows what happened in the state of Arizona last week or so I presume. Gov. Jan Brewer signed a new law that makes it a crime (not illegal mind you) to be in the state of Arizona without proper documentation to prove your legal status. The entire debate is framed ridiculously, mainly concerning [...]

Springing 19 Comments

Spring is in the air. It is breezy and sunny. It has the feel of an Ethiopian morning . Be it windows, garage, driveways or basement, cleaning is underway.  It is like people are waking up from a lengthy sleep. Finally it is time to break away the last layer of the winter cocoon. Yes…the [...]