Baby, can we talk? 538 Comments


I feel defining your relationship and your mutual decision to be or not to be exclusive is very important. Many couples spend time dating but never discuss the point they’ve crossed from just seeing each other to being committed. Exclusivity doesn’t apply to every relationship but having “the talk” should.

I’ve heard some people say, “if you’re dating and you’ve passed the initial sexual moment and you’ve been seen in public together then you’re exclusive” Well I beg to differ. What happens if one decides to date someone else and the other had expectations of a future together? Isn’t it easier to just talk about it? Exhibit A: So one guy tells me “she was fun, exciting then she dropped the ball about getting a key to my place” I asked “what was your answer?” he said, “well I never knew we were serious.” This is after about 9 months of dating. Avoid the misunderstanding and the gray areas and stop assuming what you want or think is what your partner does as well.

Sex vs Exclusivity

You can have sex, twice a day, everyday for the next 365 days but unless you have talked about it and agreed to be exclusive, you may just be a booty call. When you see him with someone else you can’t get pissed because he is not your bf. Sleeping together is not a ticket to a committed relationship it just means you’re sleeping together.

If he opens up to you and tells you his childhood and family stories that is also not a sign you’re exclusive it just means he likes to talk and feels comfortable telling you.

If you’re just dating and he starts leaving his stuff at your house that also doesn’t mean you’re exclusive it just means he is messy or lazy.

If he calls you every weekend to go out and you say yes that still doesn’t mean you’re exclusive it just means you enjoy each other’s company.

How about asking, “are you seeing anyone else, if no, then I really want us to be exclusive” That’s not what I would say but just as an example. Let’s talk about ‘us’ moment is the most romantic moment you can spend together. Him telling you what he likes most about you and you doing the same. Discussing not to be exclusive is also ok just as long as you’re both on the same page, you avoid disappointment.

I remember when I was in elementary school this little boy in my class asked me, “will you go with me?” I said “where?” he was embarrassed and said, “no I mean will you be my girlfriend?” of course my reply was “ewwww no way” I never forgot that moment and later realized even that little boy knew the importance of talking about “us.

So baby can we talk for a minute?

538 Responses to “Baby, can we talk?”

  1. 1 Nolawi

    Aye the 21 century… call me conservative.. gin I thought the sleeping part is exclusive right….

    If I am sleeping with a person I would want the sleeping part to be exclusive… meaning even if we didn’t talk about being exclusive… aydel….

    Also these days, I am meeting more and more people that want to define the relationship at the beginning… so are we talking, or dating or are we just sleeping with eachother… or are we testing the water… we are just hanging out…. etc..

    yes the talk is important… but lets not push labels after the first date… nuew yemeleuw

  2. 2 Mamitu

    Aye indeed Nolawi..

    So this thing is now like shaking hands ehh??… Call me old fashioned but this is just a little too much.

  3. 3 Sewyew

    You know what….. the whole point of talking is to avoid misunderstanding. And if it is known that the ‘relationship’ is at the ‘booty call’ stage, why all the expectations.

    But what gets to me is when you start to miss your booty call. When you feel like you want to talk to her….NOW. And keep in mind we are all human beings…. we tend to get used to what we have. Emotions kick in when least expected………… weyne….. yane new …….. booty call.

  4. 4 ababiru

    sure celeb, when? hehe

    It sure sounds like a new generation thing and I am sure more applicable to people who did their growing up in ferenj hager. It’s not easy to talk about going exclusive. I mean you are also taking a risk breaking up with someone who you like.

    If you are going out with somebody and sleeping on a regular basis, it’s natural to assume you are exclusive. If you have any reason to suspect otherwise and you want to be exclusive I suppose you need to have the talk or risk disappointment.

    As for the nine month relationship, she wants to get his keys maybe pushing it and his ‘I never knew we were serious’ is also too much. At least he could’ve said let’s talk about where we want to go.

  5. 5 beshou

    labels are good in relationships. it’s healthy. be it a booty call, friends with benefits, or an exclusive relationship. you avoid the confusion/misunderstanding and the ambiguity. hence the need for “the talk”.

  6. 6 hewe

    nice post…..agree on the ‘talk’ aleza confusion b’confusion.

  7. 7 kiki

    It is not good to assume anything in a relationship. It is important to discuss where your relationship is and where it is heading. If only, the “talk” guaranteed your exclusive significant other will always stay exclusive….

  8. 8 Sewyew

    [quote comment="58495"]sure celeb,As for the nine month relationship, she wants to get his keys maybe pushing it and his ‘I never knew we were serious’ is also too much. At least he could’ve said let’s talk about where we want to go.[/quote]

    I srongly agree to this. Nine monts of …… and not thinking you were serious doesnt make sense. It is Just a waste of his and her time. But then again I think to myslef, Do they really need to talk about it?? I mean you are sleeping with a girl, you see eachother quite often, and share your thoughts. Shouldn’t he/she be able to tell or atleast see where it (the r.ship) stands?

  9. 9 wudnesh

    inkuan without the ‘talk’, even with the ‘talk’im exclusivenett mAregAgeT altechAlem these days.

  10. 10 meron

    SBBS Wud…i think people will do whatever they want regardless of the talk. but talking and having a clear understanding gives you the right to get pissed off…

  11. 11 temari

    I agree that discussion is important. But in this case it seems all strange to me. I would have thought that you would need to discuss it if one/both felt they needed non-exclusivity. But to take non-exclusivity as granted, and needing to discuss being exclusive just turns the whole thing on its head. I understand exclusivity to be implicit in a relationship not the other way around (sure like most norms, this may change too, but I don’t think we are there yet, or are we?).

  12. 12 Yekey Dama

    Whether he just wants to ‘get to know’ or ‘test the water’…when the relationship extends to physical intimacy, I definitely demand exclusiveness. I am very territorial so I don’t like to share my sippy cup with anyone else, if you know what a’mean :-) Call me prude but I wouldn’t go that far with someone who I think “the talk” is a necessary foundation to lay out so that he keeps his wanker in one place. That’s just me.
    I could however though imagine the dialogue… “hey, sima bakih, are we just fucking woys mindnew yene ena yante neger? I want to be the only chin (tigh) that big head of yours shoudl be resting” :-) People no pun intended :P

  13. 13 celebratelife

    Nolawi if a girl wants to slap the commitment word on you on the first date then run like a bat outta hell. Once the relationship has matured, with the talk you can filter out the Ethiofused from the rest lol.

    Sewyew, how do you know she’s also thinking you’re in the booty call stage unless you’ve talked about it?

    Mamitu /Abi
    , I’d rather know he’s not on the same page and cut my ties then to live like all is hanky dory then one day it happens – the heart break because oh my I thought all along…..nahhh I’ll talk instead.

    Beshou, min largish sista. I cheer to your comment. rah, rah!

    Hewe, confusion b’confusion indeed then follows more confusion.

    , Even a marriage certificate doesn’t guarantee he/she will stay but at least by talking you’ll be holding up your part of the bargain and if it ends you shouldn’t regret anything.

    , hahaha you should have the right to get pissed off if you don’t have the talk.

    , Whether you choose to be or not to be exclusive you still need to have “the talk”

    I could however though imagine the dialogue… “hey, sima bakih, are we just fucking woys mindnew yene ena yante neger? I want to be the only chin (tigh) that big head of yours shoudl be resting” :-) People no pun intended :P

    , your humor is like no other. oh my god I just wanna die laughing. Girl you is crazy and Amen to your comment. Ohhhh you make me wanna do the “let’s talk” dance. I think you need to have a seminar on how to keep it real when you’re having “the talk”

  14. 14 Eyob

    This is the problem with Abisha girls!! They all think with their Dahbo and not with their heads. Just because you’re sleeping with him what makes you think you have to be “exclusive”? If you want to be “exclusive”, it’s simple don’t give him the Dahbo, otherwise Bihlto, melkam guzo yehhun-ehlesh.

  15. 15 tsedu

    hey eyob ,why is this subject only applicable to only’abisha girls’………on contrary i think men think with their dahbo or beso …please get real.

  16. 16 alibaba

    lol Meron. Very true. how very very true.

  17. 17 Nolawi

    [quote comment="58713"]lol Meron. Very true. how very very true.[/quote]
    the only thing is that meron didn’t write this

  18. 18 alibaba

    what the article or the comment? i was referring to her comment.

  19. 19 emebet

    as the great saying goes, “assumptions are the mother of all *uck ups”.
    abesha men do not like being treated like sex objects, so you must let them believe that they are more than just yetikim gwad. they want the woman to be thinking everything is leading to marriage while they get to screw around. no more my poor brothers, those days ended with the fall of the berlin wall (i don’t know where that came from, but you get the point).
    ladies, if you must tell a man you are only using him for his tikima tikim, expect the reverse to happen. he may instead fall deeply and obsessively in love with you. warning: do not attempt to use reverse psychology to your benefit.
    men have become more sensitive these days. all this being in touch with their emotions, they can’t handle things like friends with benefits when the subject is brought up by the woman first. ladies, if you must please expect the waterworks. sissies.
    yes, i’m still going. it is not ferenjinet of lijinet to tell someone what you really want. but then again, you can always just say nothing and like most abesha relationships date for 12 years, be engaged for another 10 and then get married to someone else.

  20. 20 Alula

    Another Ethiopian blog website It seems mostly news related

  21. 21 Nolawi

    Lol emebet, menew menew now you are complaining that men are too sissy because they do not want to be considered a boy toy….

  22. 22 Yekey Dama

    “Friends with benefits”=bataKoyegin. Plain and simple.
    As far as I am concerned it says “you are not good enough, but you shall do for now until…” and I for one don’t like to be second best to anything. Mind you I respect those who are fine with such arrangements…am just sayin it ain’t my cup of tea. Why bother mixing friendship with booty call? That is why jigglos and ho hos are there for :) Yesew business mewsed deg aydelem, seretew yeblubet…stick with guwadegnet and pick up your American Express, dat iz wat I say :-D

  23. 23 Eyob

    emebet, kes bey. If you tell a man that you’re using for, “tikima tikim” reasons only he would be more then happy, I know I would. Because this will make my standpoint very clear with her. So for short term or long I will try to enjoy the ride. And then when the right thing comes, I would move on with no regrets.
    However, if you tell an Abesha, girl that you’re only interested in “tikima tikim” there is no way she would accept it. Unless she is a shärmuT’a (sorry for using this phrase). However with non Abesha girls its very easy- to have fun and move on…..I don’t know why its like this? Abesah girls in the west are just too heavy, wow.

  24. 24 Nolawit

    In this day and age where promiscuity carries with it a death sentence, why do you feel we should resort to the mindset of the seventies and “hippy” it up like the folks at Woodstock?

    I feel it is tantamount to know for a fact that once you have dated someone for a few weeks and have had sex with him, that means he just put his John Hancock on the relationship deal. (no pun intended!)

    The sex just sealed the deal with a fifteen day guarantee that he can cancel any further obligation from the relationship. But he needs to know that once he has had sex with said woman, his fifteen day clock has started clicking and he best decide on how to deal with taking care of his woman in a way that deems fit for the person he is dating to be in a committed relationship with him.

    I see it pertinent for every man, woman and child in a relationship albeit sexual or not to follow this doctrine so that man would know that this is not the time for ‘giCHew inna fiCHew” aka hit and run situation once you have started dating a woman more than three times within a span of two weeks.

    If the need is a “gif”(short for giCHew inna fiCHew), then address your situation on the first or second date. Communicate properly that you have done what needs to be done to get into her pants by feeding her and wining her and entertaining her that proper amount of time and money to get into her pants and run away. If she complies, then go with it. If she doesn’t comply, then go for a third date and try and make the relationship last.

    I hope one day people would follow my doctrine and we will make Abesha population aids free by the year 2010 (be’abesha aqoTaTer)


  25. 25 abyssinia

    Celeb, I’m with ya. I like to talk cause we both should be on the same page as to what we expect from each other. If it is just booty call, FINE, no expectations. However, as bf/gf feelings and emotions are involved, and there will be expectations from both sides.

    Therefore, talking is imperative to avoid misunderstandings and confusions from the start so that no one gets hurt.

  26. 26 dawitm

    Nolawit, you sound serious…please chill. you make it sound like all guys are only interested to get into a girls pants [your words "get into her pants..."]. did you ever think that the opposite could be true too…? there are some girls who would go to great length to get into a guy’s pants also :)

    Yekey Dama,

    you are so hilarious. i love your quips and the way you put things….. i am new here on this blog, but am already a fan.

  27. 27 ababiru


    Do you also make them sign a pre-sex agreement, something like a pre-nup or you give out one free sex?

    How about between the first sex and the next fifteen days, is that a sex free zone?

    BTW – do you have a count down clock to show the guy how many days he has left to make a decision when they come to see you? I can imagine the sweating they go through.

    I think you should write a book with those rules. With the deadline 10 short years away, you might wanna crank out that baby soon.

  28. 28 Nolawit

    [quote comment="59153"]Nolawit,

    Do you also make them sign a pre-sex agreement, something like a pre-nup or you give out one free sex?
    Wouldn’t that be the best communication ever?? Something that is in paper that you can actually scrutinize with your friends or lawyers and still get something tangible out of?
    [quote comment="59153"]
    How about between the first sex and the next fifteen days, is that a sex free zone?

    No, that is the allocated time for the man to reacquaint himself with the situation and decide his moves so as to either move forward with the relationship and be serious, thus garnering him more sex or just be a latent ‘fuzo’ and just hone in about the sex and get nothing but the red card at the end of the day.
    [quote comment="59153"]
    BTW – do you have a count down clock to show the guy how many days he has left to make a decision when they come to see you? I can imagine the sweating they go through.[/quote]

    in order to make the situation not that confusing for the man, as he is a simpleton, I suggest giving him sex on the first or the fifteenth of the month and tell him that he has until either the fifteenth or the thirtieth, respectively, to make the right moves and decisions.

    [quote comment="59153"]I think you should write a book with those rules. With the deadline 10 short years away, you might wanna crank out that baby soon.

    I will sweety. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

    [quote comment="59146"]Nolawit, you sound serious…please chill. you make it sound like all guys are only interested to get into a girls pants [your words "get into her pants..."]. did you ever think that the opposite could be true too…? there are some girls who would go to great length to get into a guy’s pants also :)

    I am glad that I got your attention with my remark. I hope you print it and forward it to all your friends so they would learn a good lesson. And ladies, please copy and forward it to all your friends if you want to save them from the wrath of men.

    And to answer your question sweety, almost all guys can be categorized into this statement or ideology that I presented earlier but there will always be those that will “mafengeT” from the general formula as science is not universally true.

    As for the females that want to get into mens pants, I have something being processed. I am collecting enough data and I will present it soon along with a solution.

    and yes, I love yekey dama’s wit and quip. Maybe we should butt heads and write this book I am thinking about.

  29. 29 Nolawi

    just curious as to why you are using the female version of nolawi, is your real name nolawit….. :)

  30. 30 Emebet

    Nolawi/Nolawit, FIRFIRRRR. there is a misconception here that having a friend with benefits means that you are a lady of the night (or shermuta according to Eyob). i am by no means condoning having sex with several partners, all i’m saying is that it is ok for you to have sex with someone without being madly in love with them. the least you could be is good friends. don’t argue the love/sex thing. many of us wouldn’t be alive today if our grandparents who didn’t know eachother let alone love eachother didn’t do the nasty.

  31. 31 dawitm

    [quote comment="59177"] I hope you print it and forward it to all your friends so they would learn a good lesson. And ladies, please copy and forward it to all your friends if you want to save them from the wrath of men.[/quote]


    do i sense some hostility ….? i think you sound bitter and a bit harsh towards guys. i am not quite sure of your intentions, but harboring that kind of hostility aint cool. i am not saying we are all angels (i don’t think girls are either), but try to be nice eshi :)

  32. 32 MindWithoutC

    Celeb: entertaining, but provocative in deed and engaging. nice work homey :-)

    Yekey Dama: you just brought the thrilled animal outta me. i sync up with your posts of #12 & #22 , especially #22. Good insight, analysis and standpoint.

    My question to you & Ladies is though this: who is faulty here?

    Let me take it even further. I, as a man, accept and admit that we men are DOGs, that is, DOGS with a Lisan that breeds and spits words (not just sounds). If that is what it is, One thing must be known, i.e. DOGS are variety. Have you seen the DOGS in our Addis or anywhere in the developing nations?

    Some are loyal and dignified, and some are cruel and astray ones like the stars in the bright Night dark sky, and some are like the sunny day unseen stars .

    Some dogs don’t even come home while they have one. Bemeshebachew madder. Some very loyal…they even fight and die for you and even spend sleepless nights in the cold keremt season chasing away that erkus ye’keremt Leba…

    If these are facts… and we, men, are no different, than our counterpart, lisan-alba Dogs, then the next question to Ladies is:

    Who is at fault? Do you Ladies know a loyal, deceptive DOG when you see one? Even if you find it difficult to detect it right away, who twists your arm, to NOT take your time to let him mount the –let us get to know- common platform, so you can X-ray us from every possible quadrant before handing out the key of that dignity?

    The common-denominator is now right there, accessible. So why not use it. And so, Who deny you the analyzing, the hypothesizing, the snoop-around, the inquisition, the detective work… all that? But who?

    After all, we are talking about your dignity, a dignity that society has etched it into your mind that yours is something special and is valued differently. That is in deed a special privilege if society is in deed honest about what it says and does. Wouldn’t it? But, reality and women (in abundance) themselves treat it awkwardly.

    I am a man and a DOG, if that is not how I am created and then that is how society nurtured me.

    So, I, as a DOG (whether loyal or deceitful for the Lady to figure out) within the -perimeter of my conscious (whether good or bad depends on how i am wired)- will do anything in my power, will play any card in my hand, will throw in any dart in my thumb, to first
    -knock that door so I find that mutual fountain that a lady carries
    -Gently, Gradually, open the door if i hear no sound or objection, .. ere sew ale ..
    -then the next step …wide open …

    to wrap up: so, I like, what you said…about “territorial” . If that is how you are ..darn… God bless you. :-)

    It is awesome when a woman is mindful & territorizes her dignity and seeks only her DOG that she has the same denominator in there is no point whining on the end-result. We are wired the way we are. That simple.

    BTW, FYI, Ladies, we, men, have dignity as well. So, not all let be a dirt by the bank of a river. Not a wise thing to put us all in one basket. Just like you women, there are DOGS who seek what you seek and even beyond. So, throw your compass where it clicks.

    If we are dogs, and eventually, you end up associating or giving in to a dog’s demand w/o identifying the one, then what are you by extension? Really!?

  33. 33 celebratelife

    emebet, I agree with eyob…if you tell most men, whether Abesha or not, you only want sex they will think they died and went to heaven. If I may add some women, if told by a man, may react the same way.

    Nolawit, you are further complicating relationships you can’t be handling the situation as if you’re doing a countdown? You are funny though and I know you’re serious. Btw are you an accountant? Also so women apply the rules on men then, if I may ask, what rules apply to women? Does she at least get the other 15 days to play a little her way? ;) Please share some more of your rules.

    Abi, lol on the prenup for the pre-sex agreement.

    MWC, I personally don’t like the “men are dogs” statement as I have never agreed to it. Men are different from women and each gender has its own unique qualities.

    No one is at fault. Everything is good and dandy when men and women get along but one side gets hurt and all the labeling and bashing begins.

    I’m telling and I will swear by it the talk really works.

  34. 34 MindWithoutC


    while i stand by my comment as is, with the exception of the word choice “DOG” ..i meant to say characteristically…i guess i should have been more careful….i meant no disrespect or offense to you or all the readers. YiQertawen engdi folks…. kelib!


  35. 35 celebratelife

    MWC, I didn’t mean it as in I was offended I just don’t like that phrase but I knew where you were going with it. It’s just that a lot of people use it loosely and I think it’s kinda unfair. I’m glad you stood behind your comment as you should.

  36. 36 YekeyDama

    Nolawit…hmm bipolar? As in Nolawi in Kemis?:-)(hey don’t knock it, you iron thoes locks of his and slap a MAYBELLINE ™ and shegaw would be geday as set as he is as a man ;) ). So Nolawit, newe weyis a disciple, a pupil? Either way, ta ta setiy esat lay endale telba betam asferashigne :P So I am not sure I want to “butt heads” with you and get into publishing altercation :) I am sure the men would enjoy two boobs slappin but my triple Ds are overworked at the moment :-)

    MindWithOutC… just when I think I got you then I lose you, and then bingo I get you. I wonder if the C in your nick stands for ‘Compass’…suffice to say yeEnen compass astefahegin ena kinberbren awetahew :) But I think in the end it appears that you and I are indeed in sync, it is just a matter of semantics & personal touches. I will however clarify certain aspects…

    First things are first, I don’t think at any point were we (at least from my stand point) ‘faulting’ anyone. We were merely discussing what tickles our fancy i.e. what our preferences are in regards to how to tackle the mazes of relationships and all that it entails. Secondly, I got a tiny, winy problem with the frame of reference “DOGS”… I for one don’t equate men with Dogs & vise versa (I don’t know who would be insulted/honored [depending on how you look at it], the dog or the man :-) ) but I simply don’t swap one for the other. Since I don’t see you barking… :-P So now that we got the ‘dog’ out of the way :) let me address some of your remarks.

    After all, we are talking about your dignity, a dignity that society has etched it into your mind that yours is something special and is valued differently.

    Come on now Mindye, we are way past that time where the hymen is the ‘no man land’ :-)
    On the real, you darn right my “dignity” is something special as yours is, alezama we are just talking about holes and poles (varying in sizes, width and girth). That will be way too objectifying now would it not??? And for the record my “dignity” is not exclusively governed by the standards of the society but that of my own self love, respect, need and the expectation I place on my self and my counter part. What set yeEnen Dabo apart from the next gaping hole is Me, the proud owner, as a whole entity. And I, as a whole entity, don’t like the arrangement of ‘friends with benefit’ because I like to have my cake and eat it too (not to mention the territory issue mentioned earlier :) ). This btw reminded me of a Friend’s episode where Joey was set up for a blind date with a beauty so they go out to dine… they order their respective choices…food arrives and the gal dares to reach into Joey’s fries hole and nibble on few and he was betam bothered to the point he didn’t even want to contemplate a second date but he decides otherwise and comes up with a plan so the next time they go out he orders a big ole fries for her as well…this time the gal still dips into his food to taste what he ordered. That was it! He tells his friends no more dating her and when they asked him why he screams in frustration “I don’t like to share my fries!”. I guess I am like Joey, but much more busty & leggy ;) not to mention rather chunky (to my dismay :(

    So if you (as a man) are among the “dogs” who treats me as a mere gaping hole, then my darling I wouldn’t let your pole dig a well in my bayou :-) Let us not make it as though abesha women are treating their “dignity” as Yebirkye Arawit just because they don’t mechercher it beSemuni like yegulit dinich. Each person, this goes both for men & women, approaches sex, relationships and life as a whole, independently and to their own liking. Just because Titi doesn’t subscribe to ‘no strings attached’ booty calls as Mimi does, it doesn’t make Titi prude or conceited or besexualitiwa wedefit yalzemeteche. It just means Titi might prefer more meat on her bone, metaphorically speaking. By the same token it doesn’t make Mimi aGaSes just because she doesn’t want to restrict her protein sources:-) The only thing I would add in regards to the later choice is that one must keep in mind to handle the meat per FDA’s approval, dat is all :-D

    So, I, as a DOG…will do anything in my power, will play any card in my hand, will throw in any dart in my thumb, to first
    -knock that door so I find that mutual fountain that a lady carries
    -Gently, Gradually, open the door if i hear no sound or objection, .. ere sew ale ..
    -then the next step …wide open …

    Yene alem, I sincerely hope that your one and only quest is not to merely mechenker that wide open… :) there are plenty of joy rides and roller coasters you would miss out from the journey. If your dart is aimed at the bull’s eye only, you would be like a horse with a blinder on…whose obscured visual field limits his interaction & experience with the world around him. I for one don’t see the fun in that.

    My take on sex is this… Sex is a joy ride, a journey…it is an electric, beautiful combustion that out to be experienced with two consenting adults who are MINDFUL of the experience that they are about to embark on. When we simplify sex as a mere friction between a hole and a pole then we miss a great deal of point of contact, both literally and figuratively :-) When we merely focus on the final destination, we miss out on the scenic of the country sides. I don’t enjoy mindless sex, I like conscious sex. It is much more alive and interactive that way :) Don’t get me wrong, I am not with out the knowledge of the raw, animalistic, urgent side of sex that is impatient of any poetry…this too is as much real for women as it is for men and is just as much enjoyable. So I hope you don’t think I am telling you to make a chore out of your sexual/sensual/erotic experience by over analyzing the fuck (the humor!) out of it. The balance hangs in finding a happy medium. I will be lying if I say I have found that happy medium every time I mount or get mounted on…but I take solace in knowing I have unlimited ride pass to enjoy the slippery slops and I discovered there is as much joy in the downward spiral as there is in upward…because the ride in it self allows you to be a repeat offender with no imprisonment in sight :-) All in all sex to me is a total package, so who I have it with is as just important as the act it self, perhaps the reason why I like the strings attached to it as opposed to the leta. It is much more erotic to me when I complicate the fuck out of ‘fuck’ :-D Sue me.

    BTW, FYI, Ladies, we, men, have dignity as well…Just like you women, there are DOGS who seek what you seek and even beyond. So, throw your compass where it clicks.

    I know you do sweety! I know so for I got me one with ‘dignity’ and one who sways & marches to similar tunes as I do. I am however entitled to ‘whine’ and complain when we are not quite megteming like kidan to its dist because I believe you can better anything and take it to levels well beyond your own comprehension if you communicate effectively & purposefully. I think that is the major malfunction in marriage hence the contributing factor to straying because the person believes that the next hole/pole have much more to give than his/her own…sadly, failing to realize that he/she can scrub, dust and shine the existing one to his/her liking.

  37. 37 Eyob


    Sex is a joy ride, a journey…it is an electric, beautiful combustion that out to be experienced with two consenting adults who are MINDFUL of the experience that they are about to embark on.

    This is a killer conclusion, very nicely put.

    Nolawit. If you do decide to write a book on this is subject I recommend, you read -Letum Aynegalign- by S Gebregiziabher.

  38. 38 abyssinia

    MWC, no one is at fault. As you said, we are wired the way we are!

    YekeyDama, you are H I L A R I O U S!

  39. 39 MindWithoutC

    Celeb: Thanks! you right on. The way i used it here gave a different angle that i had actually intended to. my thoughts meant to completely give a different angle than the one it is to being read from AN angle, as i see it happening from Yeke dama’s comment.

    even when i read at my own comment, i realize that it in deed provides a different picture than what i had in mind. i take that as a lesson-to-learn. YiQerta..all !!

    Yeke Dama: thanks for the response. you got my “C” wrong though! :-)
    Had I had in mind that my comment would have been seen, the way you have, i would have definitely avoided the word “DOG” to make sure that it doesn’t mislead readers. But, I failed the inevitable coming on that, and i take ownership of it.

    but i enjoyed the flowness of your Amharic along with humor. that is entertaining. and of course admires your territorial dignity. Good for you & your man! :-)

    to wrap it up, my intention was to give you and the readers (those who complained about Abesha men in particular), the similarity between us (men) & dogs in natural characteristics & traits (in both good and bad way). as you saw, i added the good, the bad, the dignified, the undignified all in one to make the point.

    However, i feel, the depth of it was overlooked. it was not about me or how i do it as an individual (but i put myself as an example), in contrast to your interpretation of it, mine was a generality of us (men), classifying us into those pool of various characteristics & nature of “dogs”. Again, good and bad.

    i made my comment, definitely, semena-WerQ and it gave readers only the obvious one as it is clear from your comment. even re-reading my comment …raised the flag in me… and understand that i left it for wild interpretation. Gave myself an F+. :-)

    I’d've definitely taken you on debating on your response, nevertheless, for fear of boring readers and adding salt to injury to those offended readers, i decided to fullstop here! hope you don’t mind. :-) If you are not satisfied and demand, that I debate you and elaborate or challenge your drift, then let me know. :-)


  40. 40 Nolawit

    [quote comment="59323"]
    Nolawit. If you do decide to write a book on this is subject I recommend, you read -Letum Aynegalign- by S Gebregiziabher.[/quote]

    thanks … I will. But first I have to pen my own creation before I get tainted by someone else’s writing.

    [quote comment="59285"] So I am not sure I want to “butt heads” with you and get into publishing altercation :) I am sure the men would enjoy two boobs slappin but my triple Ds are overworked at the moment :-)

    so you mean to tell me you do not see anything tangible in what I have brought forth to this discussion forum? tey inji, jalit. lets stop for a second and start thinking with our real heads. No, not the triple D’s. Once you get over the high from the overworked action, you may see that I have brought something real to the table.

    [quote]My take on sex is this… Sex is a joy ride, a journey…it is an electric, beautiful combustion that out to be experienced with two consenting adults who are MINDFUL of the experience that they are about to embark on. [/quote]

    im sorry darling but in this day and age, I am all for regulating sex. And I am so in love with your FDA analogy. There should be some sort of regulatory commission that would see the outcome and outlook of sex. Sex education would be something more than pictures of what a vagina and a penis would look like. We would start teaching out young ones on how to approach women or men; when to start having sex; when to call it quits. And you might say that this will take the excitement out of having sex, that it may be a friction of a pole and a hole. Well, that may be true but dig this, once you are past the initial excruciating stages and embark in a healthy sexual relationship with someone, things will look better.

    [quote] I don’t enjoy mindless sex, I like conscious sex.
    sweety, this is the right time for conscious sex but not the kind of conscious sex you are talking about. Yours is more of a subconscious sex.

    [quote comment="59231"]

    Nolawit, you are further complicating relationships you can’t be handling the situation as if you’re doing a countdown? You are funny though and I know you’re serious. Btw are you an accountant? Also so women apply the rules on men then, if I may ask, what rules apply to women? Does she at least get the other 15 days to play a little her way? ;) Please share some more of your rules.[/quote]

    what may seem as complications for you at this moment would be something smooth once you get the hang of it. don’t u feel there needs to be order in this day and age that we live in when the abesha immigrants are falling like leaves in the fall due to HIV-AIDS? would this little complication be considered that mind-boggling if it saved a life in the process? Think about it sister. The countdown part came from a dire need to structure ourselves … if something is leaning way to the right … take it all the way to the left and when you let it go, it sits right dead in the center. thats where i am heading at. And yes, its a two way street. both parties get their chance to dilly dally for two weeks and then they have to decide on which side of the fence they wanna stand on.
    and no i am not an accountant. i am a bartender at a small gentlemans club and i am basing all this from the little talks i have had with my abesha customers.

    you all have a nice weekend.

  41. 41 celebratelife

    Between YekeyDama and Nolawit I feel like screaming…..I am woman hear me roar. You make me proud to be a woman. You stand behind your comments and words and you are confident beyond belief. You guys are amazing and individually unique.

    Wow Nolawit, I totally understand where you’re coming from the reality of AIDS is not as evident if you don’t personally know someone who has been or is affected by this dreadful disease. So that I don’t digress I believe in talking about it….sex, the relationship, your feelings, expectations….it is so important. Why even think about having a relationship if you have a lot of unanswered questions leaving you to constantly question your partner’s actions or lack of?

    Someone near and dear to me, a relative, has been living with HIV/AIDS for the past 7 years. Thank God he is still alive and healthy but it made it all real to me….no one is immune to it….no one, not me, not you, not him, not her. Take care of business before it takes care of you and the condom is not a way to avoid having the talk.

    I myself am conscious when it comes to men and dating ever since his unfortunate situation and the countless people dying in Ethiopia and abroad as we write and discuss this issue. Not to mean I was the “loose Lucy” type prior but it always seemed like it would never happen to anyone I know. It may seem immature to think that way but I also know I’m not the only one.

    So yes I am totally with you and YekeyDama with being mindful and conservative in who you have laying up next to you. Sex is more than the 5 seconds of small death we experience. You two are pretty much saying the same thing but in your own style. Two thumbs up to my sistas.

    If you like him then you both get tested it’s simple he don’t want the test then he gots to find him some other simpleton who’ll fall for the “trust me I’m clean” speech.

    Anyway, talk about it. I’m telling you I drive anyone I date crazy cause I talk and clear these things up so that I can enjoy my time with him.

    We need you guys on the press so you can share some more of your ideas and Nolawit, since you’re a bartender I’m gonna have to ask you for a martini recipe or two, pretty please.

    MWC please explain don’t stop cause you think we’ve misunderstood your point we didn’t and we enjoy your comments.

  42. 42 Sewyew

    You know what….. you gotta do it coz you have to. the Libido will somehow surface one way or another. As a sexually mature adult, you should do it. What I dont get is why we dont talk about where the whole relationship stands and that we stop assuming what is out there. Girls- when you go out on a date with a guy, belive me if you offer him some Punani, he will take it.
    Guys- Girls know this. (they have always known)
    So when you have it offered on the first date… should know you are the man. No one is holding a gun to her head. You have made an impression that she cant resist.
    Girls- if he calls you up and tells you he wants to see you, within a couple of days, you assume ‘it is not just for the sex. He just had some. He wont be desperate.’

    Then one date after another and another….. it goes on. If you havent talked about it, dont expect him to come up with a ring. Or with his apt. keys. Well done if he does, but if he is shocked when you discuss about this, dont be surprised. Just dont hit your head against the wall.

    Coz girls, that is what you do too. If a guy doesnt come up with all the talk and tell you that he loves you… you keep him in the ‘friend’ zone. You know that he is attracted to you….. you know… you know.. (i know you all went like ‘how’) lets at least be honest to ourselves. It just shows. He wants to be with you – he takes you out for a meal – he has an argument with someone in his family and you are the first one he talks to – but never compliments a girl around you, or tell you about the girl in his office who is super fly.
    It just shows. And you know he is intrested in you. Cant list all the things guys do when they are intrested….. And what do you do? Zim about the whole thing. Untill some energy from outer space takes him over and explodes.

    So girls dont be angry when your ‘man’ doesnt think of you as seriously as you think of the r/ship no matter how much sex you have. Coz What Goes Around Comes around.
    Just talk about the whole thing from the begining and all shall work out. No assumptions, no wishes, just some adult discussions about where it all stands. Simple.

  43. 43 Yekey Dama

    MWC: Yene Konjo it seems that you think you have offended me, nothing can be more further from the truth. I was merely stressing that I dont personally prefer to refer men in such manner because the correlation is often used in more of a negative connotation; hence I like to distance myself from that bias…that was all. Also I was addressing you as a representative of the men you were exemplifying (notice the parenthesis in my original reply) and of course as the owner of the thoughts conveyed in your comment. I think you and I are rather in agreement when it comes to the core of your point…i.e. what you are saying (as I understood it) is that it is up each woman to carefully identify the Player from the Renaissance man and relate to him wisely. Having done so she is ultimately accountable for the choices she makes and ought to take ownership of the consequences that inevitably follows making any kind of choice. I am in complete agreement with you there. So we good bud, we good :-) But let us also not take out the man completely from the equation by putting the burden all on the woman. As they say it does take two to tango and it would help tremendously if he doesnt menshafef by default :)


    so you mean to tell me you do not see anything tangible in what I have brought forth to this discussion forum? tey inji, jalit. lets stop for a second and start thinking with our real heads. No, not the triple D?s. Once you get over the high from the overworked action, you may see that I have brought something real to the table.

    One cant help but detect a level of hostility in your posts, I will however take that edge as a tone coming from someone who is passionate about the topic and the point they are attempting to make. I happen to have experienced similar misunderstandings with people who mistake my passion for aggression so I will try to keep that in mind (hope that is whats up) as I read your post so that I dont take your ergecha personally ;)
    With that said I never implied there was nothing real or tangible to what you brought to the table. If the humor in my reply missed its mark or rubbed you the wrong way, I am afraid no apology will be issued here :( The humor was not to be condescending or be little your crusade. It was meant to loosen the thick air I felt in the exchanges. I find people are more receptive to ideas, advices, point of views etc when it is not shoved down their throat forcefully. Per human nature, people will close off when they feel they are being attacked or being scolded or being told how to think and do. A person would become resistant to anything you have to say (even if they were in agreement with you and/or when they think you have their best interest at heart) they will tune you out if you are dry. Sense of humor helps to take the edge off and makes for easier digestion. It shouldnt and does not take from the gravity of the message, it just makes for a pleasant exchange. That is why you often find humor in me, not to mention I am just that kind of funny gal ;)

    In any case, the issue of AIDS does hit near home than you might think, so I completely understand your passion to the topic at hand. I have lost a close relative to one and I have an elderly family member who is diagnosed with Hep C (as grave as HIV). In neither of the case was the contraction of the virus due to sexual promiscuity or from being with a person who had one. As unfortunate as it was it was from getting the bad end stick of the needle. Now I am not saying sexual encourter is not at the heart of the problem, I am pointing out the other incidents that seem to fall between cracks. With that in mind, I am down for sex and relationship tmihrt, both pre and post marriage and anywhere in between, that can help pave the way for better understanding and a healthier relationship with our sexual self. But I am not sure if I quite understand what you mean by sex regulation. Prey tell, by way of what? It is one thing to educate, inform, advice, warn etc people of the dangers of promiscuousness, polygamy, adultery wezeterfe, however, it is entirely different to ‘regulate’ each individual’s bed room habits. In my humble opinion the consequences of their actions would regulate their lives. That’s the best one can hope for. It is of course more than unfortunate for those who may fall prey to the unknown despite their hard effort to avoid the unfathomable. But life is that much unpredictable and that is a reality. See you can give a man/women a condom, but you cant force either to apply it?better yet you cant force them to engage in a mindful/ meaningful/monogamous sexual experience by way of law. If it was that easy to govern the many aspects of individual lives by way of law enforcement, the very far winged conservative Republicans would have already fenced many in. So I am interested to hear your proposal of ?regulating sex?.

    sweety, this is the right time for conscious sex but not the kind of conscious sex you are talking about. Yours is more of a subconscious sex.

    Werage ale :-) I am talking about what sex means to me and how that shapes how I experience sex and with whom I experience it/am experiencing it. I declare it is conscious in more ways than one. After all I know more about my experience than you, wouldn?t you agree? ;) Keras belay yemiyak buda newe yelalu abatochachin?buda neshe? :)
    Kezih beterefe I have only one request that I hope you will honor? smileee you are on candid camera :)

  44. 44 MindWithoutC

    Celeb: thanks. i think finally, at last you, Nolawit, Yekey Dama touched the thoughts that I had in mind, so i fell now better. my use of the term “dog” was based on my interpretation at the time i was wriiting was different than what it is being perceived here in the West. but, i assumed people to see instead of using “men’s natural characteristics” ..anyways ..enough said.

    Abysinna: Thanks, Got it!

    YekeyDama: so, where shall i begin? at your candid camera …:-) i am glad there is someonelse who writes loooong as i do so some don’t complain about mine. i have now a backup…thanks God :-)

    well ..your posts are enlightening..they teach, they elucidate, they express, they are implicit and even too explicit ..yeke Dama TM (trade mark)!?.. should i say….let me respond quick as short as i can if i can. But, 1st thing 1st: your killer pill… i.e. your =Xplicitness!= :=)

    …endew menale…your NOT being soooo…eXplicit on the “Dabo” thing…endet kifu nesh benatish!? :-) ….it is sweeping away my imaginative mind from the shore of its soundness and be forced to being carried on your sinusoidal wave…of virtual seduction.. and forcing me to keep virtually surfing the endless ocean of your virtual wholesome and surfing and surfing..eski yetuGa… ezih’Ga.!? . BeGira..BeQegnu ..

    so …eski please hold up your virtual gun..stop mixing up..yanin feminine power..with the intellectual dart…you already have an empowered GelaCH, teCHawatch intellect that is suffice to seduce another subtle mind…so why bring in another x-factor to make things more complex for us men know we men can handle onething at a time :-) they say women the “multi-taskers” ..Gudko new…one of my friend said to me, humorously, after discovering her newly found individual freedom, “multi-tasking” methodology in the West, ..hey budd… egna Setoch’ko …. we can have sex while Dantle EyeTelefen …. wey gud.. ..just laughed and said …i had so many Guregna setoch Guadegna in Addis… and their Gura was just so captivative and harmless… but…i am having loving the Gura in the West. is that me? :-)

    finally, (you said it all so i don’t want to bore readers with repetition) But, this ONE, I can Not miss this opportunity from saying, spitting out my thoughts. ..entif entif ..yehewlish…you said:
    “Yene alem, I sincerely hope that your one and only quest is not to merely mechenker that wide open… :) there are plenty of joy rides and roller “

    Yene alemitua… if it had been that way, i would have NOT wasted a splito-secondo of my time sitting here stroking the keys left-&-right to correspond with your thought-analysis and learn from you, and see if i have to offer one-or-two, ..etc..wezeterefe…We all have varied visions and pursue different things that really matter & fulfill our life. Life’s own natural cycle bring some of us interesect & even unionise our vision to grow in oneness as couples, friends, family and so forth. Our needs are endless. But we willingly or unwillingly settle for what we are able to clinch, at least most of us.

    Those extraordinary ones, restlessly, live & leave without realizing their dream, because it is huge that affects not their individual dream & their circle but, a society’s dream (justice, equality, individual freedom, etc….).

    When we, as individuals, clinch onething, we crave another thing, especially if we lead our life like the grass by a lake. Our crave is endless & impractical, unrealistic, tasteless. The grass’s livelihood depends on that Lake’s Hiliwena or lifespan.

    So, in a essence, our life is governed, on what we aspire to possess and how we execute to get it. if I were, as you said I was just into mechenker, then, it is for sure that i end up pursuing some corners that only b/c there is always a lady who is governed by that..and so i buy (no love/romance) me the mechenker with what i accumulate… :-)

    But, if I am an individual seeking for my mechneker needs along with my other xyz branches: intellectual needs, my spiritual needs, my romance needs, my material needs, my physical strength needs, my share & obligation contribution needs in society then the “mechenker” won’t get me no where. it won’t even make a dent in my life. Tegbaban wegenye!? :=)

    to wrap it up Gobenitua… if your man ever lower your almazenet, EnQunet & u become a S’etelaTe…call 1-800-yeTekleyew Gobena … i surely pickup that hotline. :-)

    you throw a lot of sweet Amharic, i feel, you are as crazy as i am in the lingua…. yetalena TafaCH QuanQa ende Amarigna… duro fara eyalehu yesew Quanquaw .. maweQu BireQ neber lehulachin .. agree? :-) ..we come full circle. life is a cycle ..doesn’t it?

    BTW, profanity is not my DinG! you may have read me b4.:-) I hate baleGe Qalat even when i was 13. i mean in that private momento is exciting ..but…on the cyber/paper that intends to provide readers one’s thought-analysis … it spoils readers taste (readers are in abundance, feel free) …but as for me, it disrupts the good fluid getting into my skull. i like the good & junk getting in there in their own separate roads :-) that is me!

    ~MelKam Qen~

  45. 45 MindWithoutC

    sorry ..I meant… i missed a word in there.

    but?i am having trouble loving the Gura in the West. is that me?

  46. 46 tsedu

    mindwithoutc and yekey dama’s chemistry is obviously combustible ,you too should hookup ,hot hot …..

  47. 47 dawitm

    [quote comment="59810"]mindwithoutc and yekey dama’s chemistry is obviously combustible ,you too should hookup ,hot hot …..[/quote]

    tsedu, i beg to differ. yekey dama is way too coooool for the dude :) may be i am biased towards her, but i can’t help but admire her wits and her depth in intellect as well.

  48. 48 celebratelife


    I beg to differ to your I beg to differ.

    I think they’re both cool. Have you personally met MWC or YD? If no then don’t pass judgment.

    I say they should have “a talk” but maybe not “the talk” so soon whatcha think?

  49. 49 tsedu


  50. 50 MindWithoutC

    Celeb, tsedu:
    you Ladies killing me! …you jumped in sooo late to the game. :-) YD & I already met. our pencils, the virtual-pencils have done it already. now, by you spotlighting those pencils, you caused them to be Shishig out-of-blushness…. so, now YD is hidden in her hole. ..tsedu … you initiated this …and you finish this… endejemersh anchiw Cherishat…. ene yelehubetem. :-)

    … deed gentle thanks for the frequent support you ladies provide…. as a man, it is a special privilege to be supported, and encouraged, by Abesha Ladies. who can beat that!? cherishing y’all … let us keep sharing, challenging our thought-process.

    ~till then.

  51. 51 tsedu

    ” you caused them to be Shishig out-of-blushness…. so, now YD is hidden in her hole. ..tsedu … you initiated this …and you finish this… endejemersh anchiw Cherishat…. ene yelehubetem.”


  52. 52 dawitm


    i still beg to differ to your counter ‘i beg to differ’ to my original statement to tsedu’s claim :)

    i don’t have to personally meet them to choose who’s cooler or not. i don’t see why you have problem if i like YD better than the dude :) i did not say he is NOT cool, i just said she is way coooooler. and i think that is my prerogative ok.

  53. 53 MindWithoutC

    [quote comment="59970"]”

    Haha..I love this persistence… it is not about the “SHY” thing. i don’t know which direction u’d like me to lead to. :-) ..but, to help my skull avoiding a misinterpretation of your angel goal… i rather challenge YD’s (or anyone’s) anaylsis on a remote dummy terminal so her dignified man doesn’t resort in pulling the gun out… didn’t you see how proudly she talks about him? didn’t u?… :-) u know!

    so..if you still love to read what i share then better keep me in a safe distance…as a homey. :-) aymeseleshim ?

    Let the pencils’ fight it out ..benatish eski… freeze ..ayhunubet eski menew.. :-)

  54. 54 tsedu

    Okay..okay I will stop ,i didn’t realize yd had “dignified man” good for you girl .

  55. 55 celebratelife

    [quote comment="59973"]celebratelife,

    i still beg to differ to your counter ‘i beg to differ’ to my original statement to tsedu’s claim :)

    i don’t have to personally meet them to choose who’s cooler or not. i don’t see why you have problem if i like YD better than the dude :) i did not say he is NOT cool, i just said she is way coooooler. and i think that is my prerogative ok.[/quote]

    We’re gonna beg to differ til kingdom come. I like YD too she’s cool people. :)

  56. 56 dawitm

    whatever c :)

  57. 57 YekeyDama

    Who is down for placing some orders for custom made tees to Bernos? You know like one of them ‘team Brangelina’ and ‘team Bennifer’ kind?:-) Hey ova here, can you see me pouty lips?:-)

    Now I know why I was suffering from too much sirketa yesterday…semen ende Wudase Mariam degagmachu seteru newe leka. You fellas flatter me way too much that I have officially taken a vacation from Erasen MankolePapes :) My wise mom has a saying that I love “Chekulo mekab/mamesgen huwala lemamat yaschegeraltilalecheEndew eza lay seklachehugin tolo, awey abesaye dub yalku leta :) I do however, thank all of you for the generous compliments, please go crazy :)

    MWC: Based on the comment in your last paragraph I think I finally figured out what the C in your nick stands for… Clutter, MindWithoutClutter. I will not give you the satisfaction of asking you since you obviously are being elusive about it, otherwise the first time I got it wrong you would have said what it stood for, so embi ene legit alteyek! :P

    But, 1st thing 1st: your killer pill… i.e. your =Xplicitness!= :=)…endew menale…your NOT being soooo…eXplicit on the “Dabo” thing…endet kifu nesh benatish!? :-) ….it is sweeping away my imaginative mind from the shore of its soundness …

    See the thing is when you are talking about sex you do run the risk of being explicit. It just comes with the territory. However I do believe I tried to be as tasteful as I can. If I had said vagina, penis minamin, despite the fact these are the given identifying names for our private parts, it would still not appeal to certain people…so I thought perhaps if I use something less “bold” such as a food group (which people could relate to & find appealing), I thought it would be less threatening and less “offensive” to people with such delicate nature such as yourself :) :P Hence my Dabo analogy. Now if I manage to whip your imaginative hoarse to sprint and if I manage to entice you…boy oh boy am I gonna use that to my advantage or what?!:) Yep the Devil indeed wears Parada, not to mention has an undeniable twinkle in her eyes ;)

    …eski please hold up your virtual gun..stop mixing up..yanin feminine power…

    I am not so sure if I am ready to cease fire at this early stage of the game, look all the attention we are getting! :) Not to mention when I just got done wrapping you around my pinky :P Our matchmakers (a.k.a Celeb, dawitm & tesedu), who are now the executives of my PR management, are in full authority on that one :)

    Tegbaban wegenye!? :=)

    Aye, aye sir!:) No seriously I hear you loud and clear and I am glad to learn more of you cuz for a moment there (based on what I read from that particular paragraph you are refuting to) it seemed as though you were implying that the ultimate destination at the end of all manly efforts was that particular aspect. I stand corrected Ato Gobena.

    … if your man ever lower your almazenet, EnQunet & u become a S’etelaTe…call 1-800-yeTekleyew Gobena … i surely pickup that hotline.

    I have planned to duke it out with him to the bittersweet end but hey if you are offering a torrid affair then becheretaw alegededim :) so bring with you a fine wine, chocolate, song of ‘Secret lovers’ or perhaps Marvin’s ‘ Sexual Healing’ and may be a movie of “Gone with the wind” & I will wait for you with dinner by the fire and candle lit all over ;) Ha Ha I saw your Adam’s Apple disappear mirakhin setwit :) *Spoiler Alert* Did I forgot to mention there will be a kid in the crib crying for his mommy in the background??? :) BTW people hold your horses, this is all fun in the name of playfulness, by no means am I encouraging outside marital affairs. There is enough of that going around without adding one in the mix so take this for what it is, a joke.

    … duro fara eyalehu yesew Quanquaw .. maweQu BireQ neber lehulachin .. agree? ..we come full circle. life is a cycle ..doesn’t it?

    Indeed it does. I must say this though, lately I am noticing that my English enunciation & my grammar are going down hill as I speak & relate more in Amharic. I am noticing that there is more ergecha to Zis and Zat of my spoken words:) Where I was before there were not many habesha people so I related more in English, even at home I declared to my family I would be speaking with them in English since I wanted to better the language that would help me in my education and career (not to mention I already have a good rein on my mother tongue). So my Englacion was impeccable & I was often complemented on my accent. Oh well.

    BTW, profanity is not my DinG! you may have read me b4.:-) I hate baleGe Qalat even when i was 13…

    O ootye, Gud eko newe jal, gena buna saygeza kalatochen censor lemareg limoker eko newe :) Wedet, wedet sehfafit alu Aba :) am tellin you if we are to have that torrid affair looming over us then it is going to be all or not’n. Because I have a self diagnosed Tret in that I cuss like a sailor when am spitting mad. Now mind you, I know I am not making the woman who raised with better manners than that proud nor I myself is proud of it. I am, however, making a conscious effort to rein in my emotions and find a better outlet than the juvenile screaming and cussing, particularly now that I am a mother I have an added burden to be a better version of the person I am to set the right tone to my angel. With that in mind, you are just going to have to sit through my occasional vulgar seizure; I am after all only human :) Out of curiosity though, what from what I said did you find ‘baleGe Qalat’?

    Thank you all for putting a smile on my face :)

  58. 58 KNIGHT

    …i think we are all giving the power of “the talk” a little to much credit…talk or no talk, when the girl next door, (you know the one who is always wearing some tight shorts with half her ass hangin’ out)comes over to borrow “some salt” a guy is not going to think about “the talk” he had with his girl to go exclusive. in fact, he is not going to be doing any thinking, period. cause all the blood from his brain is gonna rush down south…i guess what i’m trying to say is, just because you had “the talk” its not going to stop either party from screwing up. just remember, people in a long lasting relationship went thru the same crap as those who gave up a little too soon, the only difference is those who are still going strong don’t let the silly stuff like misunderstandings or moving a little too fast get in the way of the beautiful ride.( by no means is “the ride” meant to be dirty)

  59. 59 Mimi

    I agree with all the people that believe in communication. I believe the key for everything is a good communications but one thing I learned is our ethiopian man are not open enough to tell a girl if he wants to have a one night stand, relationship, or casual dating whatever they want. That is the thing I don’t understand. We live in western world but still we are not open and as far as I came across to know or heard our man don’t know what they want. They bull shit till they get u and start playing games even if they say don’t like to play games and they claim wanting a relationship at first that they don’t keep at last. One word i want to spread around is let us all follow our heart and believe in open and honest communication. We have to practice what we preach. Being nice is for ourselves not for anybody. At the end of a day a nice person won’t have any regrets.

    Thanks for this open blog to discuss about. Open communication in relationship is a big problem in our society.


  60. 60 Nolawi

    whomp whomp I like what mimi said…

  61. 61 MindWithoutC

    YekeyDama: Perhaps …way overdue to respond. ;-( oh well….

    [quote comment="60017"]
    MWC: Based on the comment in your last paragraph I think I finally figured out what the C in your nick stands for… Clutter, MindWithoutClutter. I will not give you the satisfaction of asking you embi ene legit alteyek! :P

    ..Enteyayalen engidiyaw… ;-)

    See the thing is when you are talking about sex you do run the risk of being explicit. It just comes with the territory. However I do believe I tried to be as tasteful as I can. If I had said vagina, penis minamin, despite the fact these are the given identifying names for our private parts, it would still not appeal to certain people………ye ‘Dabo” sigermegn….Yahunu yebas aregshiw e’ko ..yager sew… you must have a taste for nastiness. :-) forgive for sounding abrasive but killed the curious cat with your bat….

    I am not so sure if I am ready to cease fire at this early stage of the game, look all the attention we are getting! :) Not to mention when I just got done wrapping you around my pinky :P

    but your actions did already!…see..the beauty of your Initial writings’ beautification…suddenly earned you fans, including this dead cat you killed…. …A enlightening writer as you are, instead of keeping your readers at bay…all of a sudden you personalized it and revealed a bit too soon and spilt the beans over …Gud serash Gobenitua… Ottelo mote BeQa Gena keEncheChu … :-)

    … I have planned to duke it out with him to the bittersweet end but hey if you are offering a torrid affair then becheretaw alegededim :) so bring with you a fine wine, chocolate, song of ‘Secret lovers’ or perhaps Marvin’s ‘ Sexual Healing’ and may be a movie of “Gone with the wind” & I will wait for you with dinner by the fire and candle lit all over ;) Ha Ha I saw your Adam’s Apple disappear mirakhin setwit :) *Spoiler Alert*

    …a torrid affair” !? you mean as in Wushuma …Darn..i am in deed choked beGeza meraQe../. iGzer sifeTirish regmo newen? ..entif entif …44tun tabot Terich Lenazeziw enji… ye’wedaj yaleh.

    Did I forgot to mention there will be a kid in the crib crying for his mommy in the background??? :)

    Darn..didn’t you bring your mom from Ethiopia!? …endet yale neger new esu!?

    … BTW people hold your horses, this is all fun in the name of playfulness, by no means am I encouraging outside marital affairs. There is enough of that going around without adding one in the mix so take this for what it is, a joke.

    ere bakish!? yemanesh!…WesTun LeQes Alu … wedet new sew kesema, keferede, Kibre ketewarede behuwala, sheshet sheshet…neger Qeld new… UUte …Qeteiy YulQunu… :-)

    O ootye, Gud eko newe jal, gena buna saygeza kalatochen censor lemareg limoker eko newe :) Wedet, wedet sehfafit alu Aba :) am tellin you if we are to have that torrid affair looming over us then it is going to be all or not’

    it is all out war ..Enteyayalen… ZeGeju negn Jalit.

    … ..Out of curiosity though, what from what I said did you find ‘baleGe Qalat’?[/quote]

    Endew min Qeresh Benatish !.. Anbebaish yefereduta… :-)

    …Since u sound loving Amharic lingua…

    …tetaleku bezich YekeyDama
    …BeAddisAbaba Ketema
    …affair wedaj Esuwama
    …Metachelign Deretuan ATatima
    …Qmes Qmes betelignima
    …MeTiT yanen CHOma
    …LeTif Dertuma
    …endet yeLeQeQ esuma
    …deben alekut ene GeGema !


    ~till we meet on another challenge~

  62. 62 Dinich


    This article confirms why I think you make a good wife.

  63. 63 really

    YekeyDama, I am familiar with your style of writing. It has always been a treat to read you. Would you write a book, pretty please? I will buy it. Ofcourse, sans the above correspondence. “Degim, ayeDel.” Don’t chew me out now:)

  64. 64 celebratelife

    [quote comment="60641"]Celeb,

    This article confirms why I think you make a good wife.[/quote]

    Ayeee Dinich you’re so sweet eko but I’ll take a “good girlfriend” instead :) If I ever change my mind and get married you’ll be the first one I’ll invite.

  65. 65 Dinich

    That is what I mean….a wife is just a life time girlfriend…

    [quote comment="60677"] Ayeee Dinich you’re so sweet eko but I’ll take a “good girlfriend” instead :) If I ever change my mind and get married you’ll be the first one I’ll invite.[/quote]

  66. 66 YekeyDama

    Mindye you are killing me. LOL War it is then, miNisher?Na GoradeHin anSa Gobez?
    Kenubishe :) Leka negeru wedih newe, ahunma tawekebih you felt threatened by my sudden adanakiwoche since you were the favored author of Bernos so far, now you are trying to minimize my credibility :P Lamatih negerat ene lejit endehu I stand by my expression through and through :) Gena ande kal tenagershe beleh abesayen yemitabelagne yelemkinayt meche honena :P That?s why you are rushing me to the ?people?s court? lemasfered minamin :)
    You reminded me of Sally Field?s infamous acceptance speech ?they love me, they really, really love me? You make it sound like we are running for Mayor of Bernos town simply by the virtue of what we say/write here :) Trust me trying to keep up with people?s perception of you is a cumbersome task, not only that, it is limiting of your essence because you are trying to please or win everybody. So just be who you are, say what you think and mean what you say, have fun doing so and let that be enough. I am not worried about losing ?fans? so why should you be yene konjo? :) Who ever find some value in what I say will take what they may and vice versa. Yeliks enen Yekenekenegne the affair that never was, what am I to do now?:(

    …you killed the curious cat with your bat?

    Miyawwwwwwwww! :) Dirom Yene Ena Yedmet Kokob Getmo Ayawkim :) And there I was thinking I heard you ?wof wof?, endew dead on arrival neberin belegna! :) Endew ewnet gin, yebelagne lezache set abrah lemtetegnawa, metenfesim yemtchele aymeslenim so as to not disturb your delicate nature and oh so virgin ears :)

    ere bakish!? yemanesh!?WesTun LeQes Alu ? wedet new sew kesema, keferede, Kibre ketewarede behuwala, sheshet sheshet?neger Qeld new? UUte ?Qeteiy YulQunu?

    LOL Asfogerkegn :) See now you are ?ethiofused? brotha make up your mind! Le 44tu tabot egzio setel alnber endie,so what’s with ‘Qeteiy YulQunu?:) Mts.

    Degmo I am explicit? Gud eko newe at least I was talking about my own theory regarding sex and that of course has a provocative nature. Some of your verses however are R rated but you won?t see me saying ?cry me a river? like some people :P Shesh :)

    Darn..didn?t you bring your mom from Ethiopia!? ?endet yale neger new esu!?

    Aha! Now something kumneger. Glad you brought it up because I got me some problem with that notion. I find it more than unfair to expect our parents to raise our kids for us bemetoriya gizeyachew. I mean they paid their dues and it is each parent?s responsibility to pay theirs. Now don?t get me wrong, I know most grandmothers see it as a privilege and not a chore to lend a helping hand to raise their grand children. But here in the Western it is a different life. See back home there is the maid and their gorebts minamin and they still can maintain their social life (beteKsiya mehedu, ederu yehun, tezkaru, yebetzemed digsu minaminu) while being grandparents but here you bring them and you give them remote control as guwadegna and the diaper and the tuto as their daily task & off you go to your work. I just don?t think it is fair. It might be a different story in DC in the sense that there is a larger Ethiopian community in that they may to some degree still feel like agerachew endalu, but?
    Any mother wants her mom around when she birth, wouldn?t have it any other way, but I have a problem keeping them committed to ?mogziting? my child for extended periods of time at the expense of their lives. It is my turn to metor. That is my take, am certain this won?t sit well with some.

    Now to end on a fun note, I will match your wit with mine, so here is your mels mit?

    Teju saytal Tinses Sayeblala
    Mindnew Chuhetu Yih Hulu Fulela,
    Kal Kasdenegeteh InDih WedHuwla
    Min tihonew Yehon Semetuh BeDula? :)

    Yelk Leziche Hiwot BeEfigne Lematmola
    Behulu Mechenek Aydelem Telala :)

    Ewnet Elehalehu…
    biLhima Bithon Yehonk Telala
    TyeZw neBer Amelen Bemla

  67. 67 YekeyDama

    [quote comment="60658"]YekeyDama, I am familiar with your style of writing. It has always been a treat to read you. Would you write a book, pretty please? I will buy it. Ofcourse, sans the above correspondence. “Degim, ayeDel.” Don’t chew me out now:)[/quote]
    Ahun pretty please beleshe/beleh endet beye agne agne larg :) Beka anchin/anten des yebeleshe/h etefewalehu min abatu :)

  68. 68 dabesha

    cosign with Mimi comment on #59
    I think good communication ( open & honest) is a mother of harmony… beqa!

  69. 69 MindWithoutC

    [quote comment="60692"]Mindye you are killing me. LOL War it is then, miNisher?Na GoradeHin anSa Gobez?
    Kenubishe :) Leka negeru wedih newe, ahunma tawekebih you felt threatened by my sudden adanakiwoche since you were the favored author of Bernos so far, ….”

    Endeta BeQeNat BeGin alekuta :-) Not so fast, sista. maybe i have 3 or 4, whose train-of-thoughts on the track that mine run. other than that… yet Biyew yehegerew Wubit!

    [quote comment="60692"]now you are trying to minimize my credibility :P Lamatih negerat ene lejit endehu I stand by my expression through and through :) Gena ande kal tenagershe beleh abesayen yemitabelagne yelemkinayt meche honenaYeliks enen Yekenekenegne the affair that never was, what am I to do now?:(

    menew ferash … !? ende Arif Jemersh’Ena ..endeGena yazu leQeQugn ..aynen Ginbar yargew …alWeTaignm…minamin…Gud Gud … yeGulit sew enkua semtot Gudechin…

    …you killed the curious cat with your bat?

    Miyawwwwwwwww! :) Dirom Yene Ena Yedmet Kokob Getmo Ayawkim :) so as to not disturb your delicate nature and oh so virgin ears :)

    Hahaha… not about delicacy at all… it is about decency to the sensors…the five sensors, i.e…. as for me… when it comes to sexuality…my most personal code gifted by the creator, i exercise it in the way i feel is so absorbing and fulfilling to me and my partner. everyone is different. so, i picked mine in the way that captivates my innersoul….

    i like my Abesha Lady to whisper it to my ears in just a so privacy way instead of Eyulign semulign… maybe this is b/c that is how my teenage years were molded back in Addis…and my ears had felt that completeness & absortion. that is all…interestingly, it ain’t bother me when I hear it from Abesha Lady in Amharic. I am biased but the English ears…and disrupts my soul … :-) Also, in the West, as time exponentially goes to infinity, and as I progressively mature & grow (in the mind, in the body) I consciously made choices to dielectric those values that don’t quench the thirst of my innersoul. see!

    On a serious note: Besides, we are sharing our thoughts with others, and our audiences vary in age, gender, and taste of words. don’t you think, as a writer, you flush your Dunbulo, thoughts in a way that captivate a reader. isn’t the intention of a writer: sharing & learning always thinking about taking it to the next level? I know I see it that way and I expect me (at least when i am not aroused by emotions and lose my control knob :-) ) to share my thoughts in a way that is readable and respectful to the eyes & ears of my readers with those who see things the way i see.

    Some of your verses however are R rated but you won?t see me saying ?cry me a river? like some people :P Shesh :)

    mine? ..first of, am only echoing yours. secondly, could be learning your mode-of-operandi. :-)

    Darn..didn?t you bring your mom from Ethiopia!? ?endet yale neger new esu!?..
    Aha! Now something kumneger. Glad you brought it up because I got me some problem with that notion. I find it more than unfair to expect our parents to raise our kids for us bemetoriya gizeyachew. I mean they paid their dues and it is each parent?s responsibility

    ..mine was all joke to reflect the creature in the crib, honestly. so, don’t let that arouse your emotions now. :-) I neither support nor condone people’s idea of bringing parents, since everyone has his/her structure of family roots and way of handling life. But, i am with you…i know first hand what it feels to swing in a state of emptiness, as a result, i don’t do it.

    …Now to end on a fun note, I will match your wit with mine, so here is your mels mit?

    Teju saytal Tinses Sayeblala
    Mindnew Chuhetu Yih Hulu Fulela,
    Kal Kasdenegeteh InDih WedHuwla
    Min tihonew Yehon Semetuh BeDula? :)

    Yelk Leziche Hiwot BeEfigne Lematmola
    Behulu Mechenek Aydelem Telala :)

    Ewnet Elehalehu…
    biLhima Bithon Yehonk Telala
    TyeZw neBer Amelen Bemla
    :) [/quote]

    …oh made my day ..on z last part.

    BeLihis Belih negn emiye Welela
    mukeke’ nesh’ko ere yeneGela
    AnGole’ teshTo beza beDelala
    LiBe bicha Qerto EyaTahugn mela
    amelesh Tefabign weyolign Goblala
    Qebewen Qebabtesh ere yanchin Gela
    Massebia Lakilgn tinish EneGara.

  70. 70 tsedu

    you two are so funny ,by the way mwc needs to stop criticizing the way yekey dama writes , i mean it really .she not only funny but creative and original. keep it coming girl don’t stop .mwc you are great as well ,but yekey dama got the book deal .

  71. 71 MindWithoutC

    [quote comment="60737"]you two are so funny ,by the way mwc needs to stop criticizing the way yekey…. .mwc you are great as well ,but yekey dama got the book deal .[/quote]”


    Gud new Gude new
    Setoch Aberu menew
    ..Deer Biyabir Anbessa yassir’ko new…
    tadiya wedet wedet new
    Addis FiQir AmenaQrew
    Yekey’n book deal argew
    Enenu Tal zemed yelew
    Wonde mehon esuw new
    Dabo Yelewem belew
    Wondochem Zim Gud’ko new
    Mot Ayeferaw Sete Yelakew
    yet tewesheQe yewonde sew.


    …tsedu saw it that way…but am in no way criticizing or asking her to stop can I..but am just expressing my taste… that is all. a different taste :-) of the hook so you all have a very ..yeteWeDesse ..yetadese weekend yuhunew!

  72. 72 tsedu

    mwc, this has nothing to do with being setoch or wondoch,don’t even go there the girl[yekeydama] is talented admit it ,i am not supporting her because she is a female but she is open and artistic.don’t use the gender issue and rationalize ,if it makes you better go ahead . i still love you all.

  73. 73 YekeyDama

    Moze mozaze:) Eri Bekentu hone eko yante chuhet :)

    menew ferash … !? ende Arif Jemersh’Ena ..endeGena yazu leQeQugn ..aynen Ginbar yargew …alWeTaignm…minamin…Gud Gud … yeGulit sew enkua semtot Gudechin…

    Betam ferahu, I didn’t want to lose the “noble” prize piece of the year :) Yemin Yalkuten shefef shefef newe, I stand by what I said, the expression, the words through and through. Now this leaves no room for error now does it? Aydelem yeGulit sew lemin Pop the 3rdu aysemum, Seraye Yawtagne :)

    Hahaha… not about delicacy at all… it is about decency to the sensors…

    There is plenty of decency yemdren wogeb yemizor so let us call spades, spades ;) I initially thought your qualm with my remarks was with the choice of words. As I understand it now, I think it’s with the whole idea that I shared my view on sex. How dare I as an ‘Abesha Lady’ share the inner sanctuary of my thoughts on sex, that would be like “Eyulign Semulign” not to mention tilk newur. Alkerebinim! Would this not qualify as EthioSexism? :)

    …interestingly, it ain’t bother me when I hear it from Abesha Lady in Amharic.

    Yetim Fichew duketun amechew aleche Etaba :) BeAmerigna Awriw Ateleginm Tadiya? lol

    On a serious note: Besides, we are sharing our thoughts with others, and our audiences vary in age, gender, and taste of words. don’t you think, as a writer, you flush your Dunbulo, thoughts in a way that captivate a reader. isn’t the intention of a writer: sharing & learning always thinking about taking it to the next level? I know I see it that way and I expect me (at least when i am not aroused by emotions and lose my control knob :-) ) to share my thoughts in a way that is readable and respectful to the eyes & ears of my readers with those who see things the way i see.

    On a very serious note: As an author of my thoughts I expect me to be truthful, purposeful, and meaningful as I dispense my thoughts out to those who care to listen and/or exchange. For me keeping a sense of humor brings everything in balance. In the process of our thought exchanges, I would hope we each take something away from one another, be it insight, new perspective, different way of seeing things, humor, laughter, advise, support, whatever grabs our fancy. That said, I don’t sit in agony worrying how to ‘captivate’ any reader because I believe those who are in similar frequency as I am will all but be attracted like Moth to a flame. For that reason and more I want to take out all pretenses and just be. I will not walk on an eggshell so that not to disturb those who don’t see things the way I see, or for fear of their perception of me. I expect each individual to exercise their rights in choosing what they let their eyes see and ears hear. That to me is respecting the audience. No insult or abusive language was directed to no one. You are the only one who is crying foul; if there are some whose soul is as just “disturbed” as you claim yours to be, then they apparently have chosen to not comment on my comment or partake in the dialogue because it didn’t suit them. Now that I applaud. They just took it upon themselves to filter what I said out. So my brother kindly spare me the morality and decency lecture and use your filter to flush out what you want to take in, if any, from what I have to offer and dump the rest in the trash bin of your mind or inner soul. Am not trying to mold you into my way of being, thinking, talking or doing so don’t attempt to mold me into your own making, enjoy me as I am, cuz I know you do ;) You won’t convince me of any wrong doing so why memuwazezing? am one of your guilty pleasue so enjoy :)

    m…first of, am only echoing yours. secondly, could be learning your mode of-operandi.

    Why learn or adapt something that, as you said, “disturbs [your] inner soul”? If it is all about “taking it to the next level” to you so why lower your royal self to something you view beneath you? You can’t have it both ways that is the problem with double standards. So stick to your gun and I will stick to mine. I don’t want you to switch your mode of-operandi (on my behalf) and lose your sanity :) :)

    …mine was all joke to reflect the creature in the crib, honestly. so, don’t let that arouse your emotions now.

    Ayiii, why must you walk on an egg shell dear? No seriously? You have not aroused an emotion but you provoked a thought and allowed me to say my dinbulo on a subject I am passionate about. Lelaw Chek Eyale neber ;) so it was nice to switch that gear. So my dear don’t feel you have to defend everything you say nor worry about the emotions or the thoughts you provoke. Trust the audiences are intelligent & mature enough to decipher. I like you, I really really do :)

    Now true to my nature I will give you a dazzling smile and bet ena kincherat yemimeta gitim :) kahun behuwala emuwazezalehu kalk yemiyadamethin felg lol so best if we meet again with different agenda to bicker over or agree upon. Here goes…

    Lib min yadergal angole kelelebet
    Hono ykeral enji mesert yata bet.
    Enes Alkewim Gelayen wede ante gara
    Menbewetaw Ydrek Kendant yale Fara
    :) now go cry in the corner :P

  74. 74 YekeyDama

    Afe kurt yebeleleshe :) Your book will be the first I will sign then really’s, MWC would have to come on all fours :)

  75. 75 MindWithoutC

    YekeyDama‘ye , tsedu’ye … darn i was virtually gone. about to be in a few. see!? how much hooked i am to Bernos & its bloggers.

    First thing first. I think you GentleLadies are really really missing out the humorism of it & my at face value thought. I swear by God’s name that i neither have hidden sensitivity nor being defensiveness at all. it looks like we have a misinterpretation.

    tsedu: I don’t know why you can’t see my humor. it is all humor. no sensitivity, no delicacy, no bruised ego/pride, no fear of challenges, no nothing but humor. just PLAIN humor! I neither try nor ask YekeyDama to change her writing style, NEVER! I love various styles. But, you read me wrong. Please WYSWYG (what u c is what u get) in me. No Semena-WerQ. I love her as I have loved those Legehere Strong-will girls. ok, now is that good? :-)

    .was on a Teleconference yesterday while reading/writing back so what does that tell you? i enjoy you all & your writings. and also we men can do “multi-tasking’ as well. it is not a woman Ding. :-)

    but..gotta respond to this…and get the hell outta.

    YekeyDama’ye: I am enjoying you to the core of my soul. So, let us not get a silly idea of -threaten, sensitivity, etc..- otherwise our free-thoughts would lose its momentum…of writing free thoughts. After all, a mutual respect needs to be our threhshold if we were to listen to eachothers thoughts, isn’t it? So, I challenge you and others with respect, and so do you. That was why the “nasty” words came to the spotlight. I was merely asking in a respectful way, at least in my mind.

    based on your humorism, I was only humorizing it as well from the VERY beginning. Should i say, it is not actually me, on the sensitive side here. :-) because the only thing that i “whined’ is the nasty English words.
    ..I just hate those F#@$, WTF, and those explicit of yours English words… :-) …”is it a crime” says SADE the great. is it a crime my saying that?

    I just choose my Amharic on that privacy momento…is it a crime? nothing wrong on your end or my end.. i just told you it was a taste of my sensors… so i thought, at least, since I am enjoying the correspondence, as your other-half of the other end you might accomodate me if you could if not fine…Neber Haseb Gena KeEnCHeCHu …from its bud…that was my intention of mentioning it in the 1st place :-) …I WAS NOT dictating…Did I say STOP using them?).

    Not liking the English nasty words SHOULD NOT be equated to sensitivity or Delicacy :-)

    Also, when I said …”emotions” minamin…it simply is a friendly highlight of my thoughts not implying you’ll be in that state. why is that I am getting the impression…that you are the one that pull the trigger & spit the bullet. :-) I may dust of the gun and pull out but ..but …anyways…sounds you took it hard. my apology on that.

    i don’t know if you read my comments on other topics before, but, In case if you have not read my previous notes. I wanna make onething clear since you keep saying (don’t know if that is the impression or just playfulness or empowering yourself :-) ) “Delicacy, threatens, wezeterfe…”. To say it PLAIN simple, I am not attached to cultural conservative norms especially those things that oppress anyone. and a bit more…

    I said it before, I still value those fine areas of H/Abesha culture that enrichs my soul, keep me innerly-strong to still maintain my fighting spirit as sharp as a blade and also help me shelter/mend the BIG void in my inner-soul that Sedet has eventually drilled in.

    I am against collective mind-set and ultra-nationalism and those who use anything to exploit or manipulate [(including yes "DABO" :-) ] other human fellows. So, I am AGINST any fashion of DICTATES. please READ me right! I was not dictating or asking you or anyone and underestimating anyone’s intellect or judgement. PLEASE.
    I felt you negately analyze my words and spoiling my following you around and spill my beans. i think you are making me now feel uncomfortable of saying things.

    Because, if we don’t positively, humorly challenge eachother then it will eventually be a bang. I am a person who believes A-spade-with-A-Spade. A-cake-with-A-cake. I don’t believe in giving the left chick when slapped the right chick. :-) those days of mine were thrown away & reality rudely-awakened me.

    our collective mind-set culture is actually exploited to exploit the majority portion of our citizens while the few enjoy the resource of that land. so i’m outta that mode. So, i strongly believe in mutual respect whether with my lady, myself, my friends, my relatives. That is how, imho, love can flow like a fountain. ONLY God, the creator, deserves an Utmost one-side respect.

    I am not a religious person, warning. :-) I still love our way of BeteKirstian.. 44..tun tabot :-) in fact, in the West, no church can enrich my soul so i have given up and do prayers on my own to reach out the ULTIMATE source of my being! you see, we can do multiple things at a time. ..brought in by the generation ahead of us into this messy world bogged down by sins in a world that is full of cruelty and sins. we are the ultimate sinners, no question about it. we are a born, nurtured sinners. so, i pray, to at least, my life has a purpose.

    what a life when we, as individuals live and leave with no purpose. you konw, One of the fulfilling purpose in my life was the “meserete Timhirt” 4 months zemecha that i spent in the country side of Harar in the mid’80s. OH!Thanks to mengistu for that awesome experience with our people in the countrside. I’d have done it in a heartbeat again, had things been so condusive.

    anyways ..see!? am drfited off..sorry.

    to change your writing style? it didn’t even cross my mind, whether you believe me or NOT. It was as i said it was, asked in a very positive way. Others might think of my saying it somethingelse, but anything is open for interpretATION. THAT is why Semena-WerQ is came to be known in Sewasew, isn’t it?

    I said it b4, my 1st phase of childhood was at LegeHare sefer and grew up so closely with those Strong-will (both in the mind & physiQue)girls at the Legehare’s YMCA(club). we, their sefer, kids played/glued to them and followed them everywhere and cheered them on when palying Handball, soccer. There you have it Ladies. I am pro people who are not obessessed with cultural norms
    so, I don’t beleive in dictation, or controllism, and i feel you read my tiny fraction QUALM wrong! I really enjoy corresponding with you but, it never corss my mind, that, I or you (or anyone) would either be threatened by anyone’s intelligence or the feminine or masculine-equipped nature. It IS JUST NOT me. I just read others thoughts, and without ever thinking the (ego, gotcha, attention, or whatever JUNK we possess) I just write my thoughts, analysis. That is all.

    I can NOT stop what others think of anyone’s writing. But, I respond in the way I see it, not intending to the likes of others. If I do that, thatmeans I will lose my individuality, my individual free thoughts. I don’t write to be liked by anyone and I surely don’t mind if people say hey i like it(you) and i think of the same. That is flattering and that is how friendship, networking, romance opens its door. But, others can oppose and agree-to-disagree in a respectful and grown up fashion instead of character-assasination. That is all I am for.

    If you felt, I charachter-assasisned you then I take ownership of it. and i owe an apology if you feel that way. Nevertheless, I was respoonding in a way that challenges to your writings with a different taste.

    … smile on your own candid camera :-)

    ~Now have a good weeknd!

  76. 76 dawitm


    i can bluntly tell you there is no humor in your writing. you are pretty boring too (you may not realize it, but you are :) so my original assessement and comparison between you and YD still stands :)

    I hope it does not sound corny, but YD, is way, way coooooler, funnier and better writer than you are :)

  77. 77 Fikirte

    Dawitm, No one is here for a popularity contest so no one needs your vote save it for the elections. You are something else!

    MWC and YD, keep doing your thing of having “the talk”

  78. 78 MindWithoutC


    Did you hear what Fikerte (Thank You Fikerteye, BTW) said? Celeb and tsedu told you so as well. i tried to ignore you but you keep coming at me. I sense a problem here. stick to the comments. well, read on my bro, if you feel like my response then.

    Now, should I stooge to your level of hatred and cornism?

    I never write with the intention of making readers satisfied or offend or seeking for attention. I just write to share and analyze in the angle that I see it.

    One man’s treasure is another man’s trash they say. so,
    I can Not possibly quench the thirst of your skull. If,
    YD is doing the work for you then that is suffice, stick with reading hers. who twisted your arm to read mine? Are my writings holding you captive? if they are, then, it is your conscious that you have to ask, not me.

    If it is attention Deficit & even jealousy that is stirring in you then say so, and ask bluntly YekeyDama to give you an ATTENZION. I have nothing to do with it. She, as a individual, and a captain of her life’s ship, she holds the wheel.

    She decides as to who to debate with. at least she has done with me, so far. :-) .. at least I got her attention so far? is that what is fuming you?

    why character-assassination homeboy? i have gotta nothing to do with your problem. stick to learning, and sharing if you can. I am here for that. I have no other business with you. If you can’t write then don’t come at me. Otherwise I take it persnoal.

    I never said, I am cool or this and that. have I?

    Yekeydama is absolutely a great and stylish writer. There are also many. so, we all are sharing.

    But, what have I to do with you coming at me, again and again.? Write your admiration to YD and address it to her. you don’t like mine then don’t read it!

    Me and YD are debating as Adults. what are you? TeleiQ Biye Zenbe !? at least, I am writing that speaks a volume of very few people’s
    trian-of-thoughts. and there is some encouragement. it is nice of them.

    How about you bro? are you flushing your skull? You should instead of demeaning me, If you can’t or don’t want to write your thoughts then don’t blame. blame yourself for your skull’s deficit?

    write, take the medium. Feresum, mediawm yantew new. Galbebet…!ma yezoHal! ..ejeih men ChebeTuawal.

    as a man, If you are irritated by my presence, and if you have a power to convince Bernos to get rid of me, then, lobby on that, if they ask me to leave their medium, I will. they own it I respect that. i am not into any wo/man’s territory violation and so will you. Never dare to cross mine.

    If your problem is a personal problem, deal with me that way. I am here as a grown ass learning & sharing from other citizens.

  79. 79 dawitm

    [quote comment="60954"]Dawitm, No one is here for a popularity contest so no one needs your vote save it for the elections. You are something else!

    hey Fikirte , what if there is … so what? why you care so much of what i write anyway?

    one more thing, don’t be so sure speaking for everyone. no one wants you to boss me around either, so you just do your thing and i do mine … aight missy :)

    peace & one love

  80. 80 dawitm


    dude, now you getting so silly. i did not “character assassinated” you. may be you don’t know what that means :)

    i am not going to dignify your insult and your stupid remarks about “skull deficit” minamin (maybe you have that problem). don’t even go there negro. i am not bragging but, i know you would not say that if you know my high iq (am ot kidding). just ’cause you write endlessly here does not mean you are intelligent.

    anyhow, chill man. you should continue to communicate with YD, and stay focused on that. don’t blame me if you fail to continue with the dialogue you have with her. i wont distract you anymore, if you feel am doing that :)


  81. 81 tsedu

    i kinda agree with dawitm ,mwc, may be it is not intentional but some of your comments come across as a bit arrogant .you guys are fighting over a girl while she is laughing and loving it, plus who says she is for you to have?

    Maybe the solution is for mwc and dawitm to hook up! You guys have such an intense…lol…lol

  82. 82 Fikirte

    hey Fikirte , what if there is … so what? why you care so much of what i write anyway?

    There you go now practice what you preach.

    tsedu, Lol at the hookup!

    MWC, I’m here to read your thoughts so know that you have a fan in me. :)

    YekeyDama I do enjoy your writing and the dialogue between you and MWC is keeping my work day fun and interesting. :) Now I do have a favor to ask of you, please say hi to Dawitm he seems to feel left out since he’s giving you love and you’re not returning it. Thanks.

    OMG I forgot today is Friday the 13th is it also full moon? Please everyone put away your claws and let’s enjoy more of MWC and YD. Come on please I’m begging.

  83. 83 celebratelife

    I read all this back and forth and I have the urge to say “Baby, can we talk?” to all of you. LOL

    Tsedu you’re funny. I see you’re a part time matchmaker.

    I love Bernos cause there’s never a dull moment.

  84. 84 tsedu

    thanks celeb ,your genius article started all this , give us more please, i love bernos .

  85. 85 YekeyDama

    Oh boy, oh boy! Ere baba jalew, tewu eko endih aydlem negeru :) First order of business, group hug (hey! Who’s pinching my tushe? Ante dawitm I said hug as in ketekesha belay get your hands of me arse :) ) Ya, now that’s better, see smiling uses many muscles in our body and it relaxes any tension felt, that is why a comic relief should be a must have dietary supplement of our lives. Now back to you Larry :)

    Hear me out yene konjo… character assassination, at the very least, would require one to know the other a little more and beyond the limited corners of this blog, I don’t know you from Adam’s and you of me, so if for a moment I coined you to be among the few who like to grow character judgments in a Petri Dish of their own making, I would not have dignified you as humorously, respectfully and to the extent that I did. I don’t tolerate such ignorance that has no ground to stand on. So, no you need not to apologize on that end. However, I will tell you what irked me…a scent of self righteousness (perhaps unbeknownst to you) that accompanied your remarks. Follow me, pretty please :)

    Shegaw, it was all kosher and frankly thoroughly enjoyable until you went on a tangent and brought some serious notes on aspects of decency, respect, values, accountability minamin. There was a hint of self-righteousness in what you said and the way you said them that turned me off. I don’t think I am alone in seeing it this way but you more than implied that I was being ‘indecent’ & disrespectful to the participants of the blog readers by the mere usage of the “nasty” word. As far as I am concerned fuck never killed anyone, don’t pardon the pun :) In my opinion, out of all that I said, too much value should not have been granted to a mere word and choice of expression that I quite frankly believe is darn funny :) Now I can respect the fact that you are not laughing with me, also I can appreciate and understand your aversion to the word but I wasn’t willing to let what I felt was being subtly insinuated slide by amidst the humor. When words of grave value (such as decency & respect ) gets thrown around in the most inopportune time and bota then I, as a reader of your thoughts, don’t know what to make of the intent behind them. The message you are trying to convey gets lost in translation for there is a carried insinuation that is hanging in the balance that is not quite clear to its recipient. You know what I mean?
    I must admit, there are some conflicting & contradicting aspects to your remarks. I will, however, take your explanation at a face value and call it a draw :) No foul, no crime.

    so i thought, at least, … you might accomodate me if you could if not fine…

    Gena kafe ‘fffff’ sil eko newe yazugne lekekugn yalkew enji enema meche frequent yehone profanity seizure alebign bleh :) so I think we will be ok but when I do exercise that guilty pleasure of say the word of your aversion, how about I accommodate you by flagging you to duck or cover your eyes? See Emaye timut I am generous eko :)

    i think you are making me now feel uncomfortable of saying things.

    Come on now MWC, you are better than that! Now that is silly, why would you surrender your free will & thoughts on behalf of someone else, least of all me? This is what I have been trying to tell you, to not worry so much and to just be and grant others the latitude to be whatever they will. At any rate, I believe the difference between bileh and mogne is that bileh knows when to call it quit. Since you and I are two bileh individuals let us mutually agree to drop ‘the talk’ (on this particular aspect) and meet again on another angel to exchange, provoke, evoke and most of all laugh while doing so. I am offering this because I am laughing (perhaps few others too), I am just not quite sure if you are laughing with me/us and I don’t want my entertainment to be at the expense of someone who might take it a little more seriously than I. Chewata, wezgeb and comedy, in its at most effective form, is supposed to be enjoyable, never hurtful. So let us just kiss and make out :) Be comfortable, be you and do you.

  86. 86 YekeyDama

    Dawitm: ante leba, ante esatun ef ef eyalk eyaragebk budwisehin yezeh letemok newe aydel siketatel…mogehen felg :) Far be it from me from telling you to refrain from expressing your opinions, that said though there is no popularity contest and no prize to win (darn it :) ). I am flattered if my tirs megorgoriya tickles you and I am glad someone is laughing with me.

    Fikirte: Your wish is my command :) I’ve said more than Hi, I told him to take off his hand from my tushe :) Now I am glad we are making your day endurable. See that is what it is all about. Doesn’t matter how long or short your piece is, everybody in their own way brings something to the table for someone to grab a hold on to. Now that is empowering! To know that not only do you live in your self but you are also living by extension because someone else is taking something from you to enrich his/her life in whatever shape way or form. Hopefully paying it forward.

    In reading MWC, his analysis and ways of thinking can bring a challenge to new ways of thinking and being.

    In reading Meron, someone may derive courage from her experience and have ‘the talk’ with their parents and that (hopefully) will nurture the relationship with better understanding and enrich their lives with love, care and respect.

    In reading Celeb, someone might be inspired by her sassiness and confidence and that might bring out the silenced tiger (feminism) to the surface allowing her to carry herself with pride and dignity. Not to mention, be encourage to have ‘the talk’ with her significant other/boyfriend/partner/companion.

    In reading Nolawi: some can be taken back (be it via his podcast, tee design, article etc) to a place and time they’ve left behind and bring back good memories that can comfort the lonely & sidetegna soul.

    In reading Chelema, his stories can give some people the distraction they need to focus on something else other than their problem.

    In reading toothpickfactory: however limited edition it is, his tirsmegorgoriya will no doubt give some the belly laugh or in the least a smile because the cat is darn hilarious and oh so original. This can bring to someone a much needed comic relief to smooth out the wrinkles created by our day-to-day life.

    In reading DawitK: some can learn the diplomacy, grace and professional ways of relating with consumers in order to establish and maintain a successful and thriving business.

    Now while I can not list everyone’s contribution (these are jus the few examples) by no means my omission of the many participants of this blog is to imply that they bring nothing to the table. On the contrary, what I am trying to highlight is that everyone, regardless of how vast or small their reservoir of experience in life may be, each person brings something for someone. That is what I like and appreciate about places like Bernos,, Seleda etc because it brings people from all walks of life (with an experience, thought and opinion of their own) and gives us the platform to share; give and take, whatever as we see fit to our lives. That is how we can grow and better ourselves both as individuals and as a collective community under the umbrella of the big universe. I believe in order for a revolution to be effective and fruitful, it must start from within. Am sure Rosa Parks never anticipated her own revolution, as one ordinary woman who refused to no longer be told where her place in life is, would lay the ground works for what took place in black history. With that said, the gateways sites like this opened will hopefully bring a revolution of our own within our community as we continue to exchange our opinions, appreciate & guard close the values that is dear to us, challenge the ones that are desperately in need of revision, challenge the norm, the taboo, and as we continue to think outside of the box and reach for the “unreachable”. Melkam Senbet Wegen, I have reached my weekly quota:)

  87. 87 celebratelife

    YekeyDama, AMEN to that, preach it sista! I love your positive attitude. You make your point spiced with your amazing humor.

    I thank any road work/construction that might have caused you to make the wrong turn onto Avenue. You are a joy to read and please continue your dialogue with MWC, the two of you are a hoot. How he corrects you and you spank him with a “how dare you” speech. Woooo you guys are a match made on Bernos I tell you. Dawitm is the main spectator followed by the rest of us as he will not share the orchestra seating. I’d spend a pretty penny on a ticket if I can watch the two of you battle it out live.

    Now two of my favorite bloggers have met and fallen in cyber love what more can a Bernosian ask for! Elelelelele

  88. 88 ELIM-rx

    Exclusivity is not something to be examined through a vacuum. In other words, there is nothing static about it. It requires constant updates to keep it fresh and innovative. But more often than not, someone in the relationship is going to find exclusivity being very elusive.

    Exclusivity is a committed choice by two of like mind, who are adequately convinced that they can build a life together.

    Exclusivity is free of all emotional duress, indecisiveness,and begging.

    If exclusivity is based around sex; it will never last.
    If its based on true friendship and understanding, even these elements still will not ensure exclusivity.

    Exclusivity is only as important as the two individuals feel it is. And even then, there are various facets to exclusivity.

    We live in a very vibrant tri-state area where your every dream can come true if you are so inclined.
    Marriage is even viewed differently. There are temptations on every hand. On any given weekend, you may witness committed couples taking leave of each other in order to indulge themselves in those very pleasures, which scorn and laugh in the very face of exclusivity. So what can be said of it…?

    Afterall, anti-exclusivity is a life-style too, just like any other.

    I have my concerns of course. But watching this ‘circus’(as the whole relationship game can be at times) with detachment seems to provide some sense of perspicacity.

    Everything in life has its common denominater. Exclusity is always ideal, but human nature can be intractable.

    Exclusivity is a mature, conscious decision. If a certain maturity and consciousness is lacking on any part between the two, exclusivity cannot exist.

    Thanks again for an insightful article.

  89. 89 dawitm

    i can smell and feel the love :) i am happy the way things turned out.

    I don’t want to start again, but i have to say that fikerte is a bit hypocritical by claiming that you are a fan of MWC(mind you, there is nothing wrong with it, but be consistent :) . if you rememeber, it all started cuz i said i was a fan. by saying that, i was not in anyway undermining anyone’s contribution to this thread. MWC sounds like a decent guy, but for my taste he aint YD :) (tsedu, that was funny …. but,no thanks, i dont play that :)
    also, don’t make it sound like i was dying to get YD’s attention. i was just bieng brutally honest about how i felt when i read her arguements and her eloquent responses. if that rubs some of you the wrong way, then it is not intentional, i apologize.

    love you all

  90. 90 tsedu

    dawitm ,all i got to say is you are so adorable .

  91. 91 melata

    since everybody commenting about mindwithoutc guy ,if may say something .I think his comments aren’t boring ,i think he is just reserved person ,it can also be the age group he is in ,really would you guys expect your father or uncle ….to write in ”balege” . from his writing he sounds like respectable older gentleman , lets respect our elders people and their opinion regardless of thier age group .thank you

  92. 92 dawitm

    [quote comment="61632"]dawitm ,all i got to say is you are so adorable .[/quote]

    tsedu, thanks! …(you are too:)

    melata, i think you are a bit exaggerating. as far as i can see, there is no ‘balege’ person nor there is/ was ‘balege’ stuff written here. then again, it may all be a matter of interpretation, and probably in your head :) anyway, try to see on the bright side :)

  93. 93 MindWithoutC


    I actually gave a second thought about you after reading your conciliatory tone Post #89.

    That, I call it wisdom, my homeboy.

    Whether I am “decent” or not, for you to say that, after our harsh back-n-forth is in deed nothing but azuro yemayet chilota. –For this attribute, you earn my utmost respect!–

    That is the way it should be and grown-ups do.

    Spending our precious time here doesn’t give the impression that our time is Expendable. Why allow ourselves to let someone waste our time, RENT our minds. we own it.

    If a writing is not debatable or worth reading, then we just leave it where it is and move on.

    So, hopefully, in the future, our debate would be amicable and educational no matter how intense it might turn out to be, which it ought to.

    Appreciate your sensible mind. Keep it up.

    I would also appreciate, If I may ask earnestly that you please not touch my loyal and consistent, fan Fikirte. :-) She is one of the few of my protective angels here.
    They come out like our Hamle (July) season sun when I am attacked. :-) … there, is no hypocrisy there. so, let us all chill out.:-)

    Tsedu: what a disappointment you wrote Girl! There is no girl to fight over, unless you breed us some imaginative one. on your other comment, i just let it enlighten me.

    Don’t you follow? Unless, you have been absent-minded, the water was clear, the wavelength was sinusoidal,
    the beach was quiet, the sand was warm. Can you not see Actual vs. Virtual? Can you NOT?

    Any ways, kinda disappointed in the way you perceived and analyzed on the topic u commented. In my mind, you failed you. you were out of the game line.

    Please let us focus on the writings, on the thought-processes instead. Can we?

  94. 94 MindWithoutC


    All I said, for your comment of post#91, was, Yes Sir! work and life has pinned me down so i have not had a chance to respond, but here is bro. Follow me, Larry, as YekeyDama says.

    For me, the biggest trouble is: when Ignorance is knelt down to incapacity.

    You see, we all were and are ignorants to the dynamic of tomorrow as tomorrow breeds new events for us. we have to catch up, using our dynamic capacity. We ought to, in order to survive, we must utilize our individual capacity to overcome our ignorance.

    Now, if Incapacity is what governs our mind, instead of ignorance then we are in BIG trouble. I see this similarity in your comment, bro.

    And, Yet, somehow, my instincts, also tell me that you are not who you said you are. I just have that feeling. I sense some grudge, so I decided to enlighten a bit.

    A meadow with dry grass would in deed use some wetness from a morning dew. Wouldn’t it? It would.

    The child in me, typical of its fighting characteristic and inquisition, inquires this (remember it is ONLY asking you not saying those words to you).

    So, Melata, in your mind-set, if a person says, “F$#% you, you mother f$#@% melata, you son-of-a bitch, negro!”

    Does that mean, this above expression puts that person in the age category of 1x(x=0 – 9) ; 2y(y=0-9)Or whatever classification you use for “balege” group?
    Does s/he? I leave the answer to you.

    To add some salt to it: the great but foul-mouth Ethiopian singer Mary (may she RIP) would not be
    classified in the age group that you think is acceptable to say “balege” words in her music that has resonated a couple of generation, would she?

    Realistically, as the creator plans it to happen, life forces us to age on its natural track. Elderly is grace and inevitably arrives to anyone being’s door on its own time and term, including you and I. I, for one, will accept it with grace when it arrives to my door. i am prepping for it. Not a new phenomenon. all people, whether they like it or not, understand and bitterly accept that natural phenomenon so, why walk with an incapaciated understanding of it.

    So, not wise, to disregard, nature’s A,B,C matter-of-facts.

    ignorance has two faces. One that overcomes its idiosyncrasy, foiblety over time, one that statically remains as is. so, we, as individuals, have a choice.

    Even children perform the process of differentiating and integrating perceptual concretes in order to grasp the understanding of judgement.

    Let us judge with capacity and REASON!


  95. 95 MindWithoutC


    Where are u? … yet nesh benatish… :-) …I am coming to you as well. :-) I hope you have not listened to Celebratelife and her thought-process. She is evil on that advice. :-) she knows, she can’t get away with that ..only a 50mi radius separate us.

    will respond tomorrow. until then Be’Selam Qoyi eski..Guregnawa.. Bezuuu’ko ettttt alesh benatish.. :-)
    Have you not read my post#75 ? ..anyho ..give me time…eski..

    ~tii then.

  96. 96 celebratelife

    [quote comment="63055"]YekeyDamaitu,

    Where are u? … yet nesh benatish… :-) …I am coming to you as well. :-) I hope you have not listened to Celebratelife and her thought-process. She is evil on that advice. :-) she knows, she can’t get away with that ..only a 50mi radius separate us.[/quote]

    Ante, you’re holding me responsible because you upset her and she went into hiding LOL. She don’t listen to no one trying to come between the two of you. She vowed it’s MWC and YD for life (or something like that) :)

  97. 97 YekeyDama

    Be still my heart, be still :-) He is back, yupi dupi! :)
    MWC welcome wushemye see Abuye heard my selot, just yesterday I lit tuwaf, got down on ma knees and asked the good Lord please bring back my mind ;) Good to see you shegaw.

    Celeb awo beEne ena beMinde yemigeba yelem except his own milas ;) Degmo I have been right here esu newe enji tedebeko siyalekis yeneber :P (I know am gonna get a paragraph just for saying he hid :) ). BTW if this should ever turn out to be in one kick arse serg you will be my sir mize :)

  98. 98 MindWithoutC

    [quote comment="63154"]Be still my heart, be still :-) He is back, yupi dupi! :)
    MWC welcome wushemye see Abuye heard my selot, just yesterday I lit tuwaf, got down on ma knees and asked the good Lord please bring back my mind ;) Good to see you shegaw.

    Celeb awo beEne ena beMinde yemigeba yelem except his own milas ;) Degmo I have been right here esu newe enji tedebeko siyalekis yeneber :P (I know am gonna get a paragraph just for saying he hid :) ). BTW if this should ever turn out to be in one kick arse serg you will be my sir mize :) [/quote]

    ……. ……. …………

    Endew..endew ..endew ..Menabate LaderGat befeTerachu!?
    …..uffff…ye’Zendron keremt MewTatem enjalign…
    beqa Her mind, her wits, her humor, her Zelefa…her QoTa..QoTa..her again..eshiruru -the all yours in one shot-..scan me Gedaw nature… Ohffff!

    Just as my Ethiopian Grandma used her seductive tongue to whip my Eritrean Grandpa’s tiny heart in her creamy…steamy heart…this one is luring me with more danger with both heart + mind…Gude’ new… wushemenet is in my Gene…and don’t know if i win on this either.

    just to be sure if her words had substance…i needed some snooping around skill, so i went to Tekleye Beteksian and temaledku Tekleyen for detective work…Tekleye being him and recognizing his kids…put me on his shoulder ..and just flew like a wind….She was under the radar until detected at Estifnos Betekirstian.

    It appears, Tekleye said, she came down from UraEl…and her next destination is!? I asked. Ssst…QoTa belew!
    ..don’t disrupt, can’t you see she is seloting in finding you, you damn ass. I quietly inquired me, do angels curse!? and I remembered what my Eritrean Grandma told me..Once upon a time Angels used to be humans…. and that sync with my Q?

    She was in deed deep into it. She can’t see me, i am within Tekleye’s invisible power. I scaned, gazed at her attentively BeMeDeneQ… she draped that NeTela gracefully, no exposure appropriate attire for her memaled…typical of our Abeshitoch sisters..respecting the code of the creator’s campus and his presence. This is what I like about my Abeshitoch, I said.

    Then…b4 i know it she got up and Def..Def…wedefit.. walking up the BeteMenGist’s hill, leaving African Union Bldg. onto her right. I followed…and I said…Tekleye FeTen yebelu enji.. Tefi teseTegn…. darn..WaT arkuwat.

    With her speed, she arrived at Gabriel and she did her memaled. then she headed on to Arat kilo…passed Parlam..and..there Selassie….and next…to my surprise, she curved and entered AA University. i was excited… i said please go to the library…and she did..she is no disappointment…i think WeDeDkuwat…she read some literature in there. No wonder her Amharic..Amarigna..Amarigna… now I understand, why so sharp in Amharic…I said, this is my Girl,who the freaking F#$% is messing with her… she wanted me to exercise cursing as well so i am re-learning what i had mastered and left behind..again…just for her… that is what they call it ..Sete Ye’Lakew Mot Ayefera…. wey Gude’

    In a few, she headed to the cafeteria…to eat lentils with three pieces of meat, called THEREFORE as fondly named by students.:-) (Those of you who’ve been there remember it, don’t U ?.)

    and within minutes..she headed towards 5-kilo..and turn left on Qidist mariam …more memaled in there…and..
    headed to GiorGis thru Afencho Bere…man she is atheletic too..that 70 DereJa…fut fut …fast fast.. Teklye with his one leg was having a problem keeping up… i heared him gasping and ..QoTa QoTa … boy …yante Yaleh… Ufff… GiorGis more memaled…

    Then she took the hill down to her next destination and thru Atkilt tera, crossing Somlia Tera..headed towards Tekleye.. there… Teklye smiled…in big..there my little GirL! there your Girl…there she is now all in one…my job is done says Teklye and pushed me off his back…making me visible to her bare eyes …she staring at me in a stunned and surprised way, her eyes widely opened eyes. BELTET….

    How in the world, he popped up here!? well, again, she said..abuye in deed … leka Joro aleh…she looked up and murmured… :-)

    YekeyDamaitu… SheGitu.. yeBeQal Lazerw… :-) .. i still owe you to the other one. … with time it will come.

    and don’t empower Celeb. She is already causing fire. :-)

  99. 99 Fikirte


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