Ego Daycare 24 Comments


Dear Members;
It has come to our attention that some individuals have become an impediment rather than a driving force for the goals we have set out to achieve as part of Operation Team Work. We have had several complaints from fellow members that some people have refused to leave their egos at home when attending our weekly meetings and as a result have been distracted from maintaining a clear focus on the purpose of this operation.

It is most unfortunate that the quality of our project should be hampered by a few insolent and narcissistic individuals who have resorted to diverting the objectives of the project to satisfy their petty hunger for power and control.

Our repeated efforts to deal with such silliness in a compassionate manner have become futile, and as a result we have been forced to enact a few regulations that will prohibit digression from the goals set out in our terms of agreement. Effective next month, access to the project planning meetings will be denied to those members who refuse to part with their egos at the entrance. We understand that such a separation does not come naturally or easily for some and thus true to the value of compassion that we espouse, we are proud to announce the establishment of our on location Ego minding facility.

The daycare will be open for the duration of our meeting time and is equipped with state of the art ego pumping equipment. In addition, we are also pleased to let you know that professional care takers will be available onsite to ensure that your ego is stroked and tickled senseless with the finest awra doro laba. We take pride in our experienced staff and their diverse background, which range from amwaqiwoch, achebchabiwoch, and outright fogariwoch. We realize how important your ego is to you and rest assured that your valuable possession will be in good hands as will be evident by the size of your head after you reunite with your inflated ego.

As Operation Team Work is an important project to us and many others, we hope this brief separation with your prized possession will give you the opportunity to engage your sensibility with matters that actually MATTER!


The Astedader

24 Responses to “Ego Daycare”

  1. 1 Wurgatu

    masinkoye… THE ASTEDADER?!?ha ha ha…
    ketsafu ayiker endih newu!!!!

  2. 2 endalc

    hi how is life .waw im admair you .it is fun .i chose . to for that .past time albem .

  3. 3 anonx


    I’d say pump in the ego room lethal gas. let the bustards die, no more mr. nice guy. :) what do you say? thats if all the type A personalities don’t preempt the plan

  4. 4 Dinich

    We all have more ego than we realize. Without ego, life is boring.

  5. 5 tsedey

    nice piece. do men have more ego issues than women?

  6. 6 Dinich

    Tsedey….battle of the sexes…lol

    I kind of agree, though. Men seem to have more ego issues than women, generally speaking. That is why we dont like to ask for directions even when we r lost.

  7. 7 tsedey

    thanks for (kinda)admitting Dinich. am convinced we need to clone you :)

  8. 8 Jkhan

    Nothing wrong with a huge ego, as long as you can back it up.

  9. 9 tpeace

    Jkhan wrote:

    Nothing wrong with a huge ego, as long as you can back it up.

    …u know i’m really happy for you and imma lechu finish but…didn’t beyonce and kanye west sing that song? lol

    “The way to a man’s heart is through his ego.”

    alu demgo…

    i seriously need to find a good book on the male ego – it’s a fascinating thing in human nature…i mean i don’t even get why a man has to constantly prove that he is a man – which is tied to his ego – i never feel like proving to someone that i am a woman…

  10. 10 Nolawi

    @ tpeace:
    ha hahaha haha haha hahah besaq motku..

    but if this is about relationship … when a man is with a good woman .. he tends to feel more confident…

    she doesn’t necessarily need to stroke his ego.. but also she needs not to belittle him..

    just as a woman needs security a man needs a confidence boost..

  11. 11 tsedey

    endew mindnew confidence boost beGeta? like oh yes hunny you are a man eshi?eshi? is that it?

  12. 12 Kok

    Research shows men are most likely to cheat when they do not feel their ego is attended to at home…and unfortunately there are too many women ready to step in and stroke the bruised ego :-/

  13. 13 Wurgatu

    tsedey wrote:

    endew mindnew confidence boost beGeta? like oh yes hunny you are a man eshi?eshi? is that it?

    Tsedey esti bene mot ahun yihe teftosh newu?? yihe confidence megdel enji boost mareg ayidelem…looool

  14. 14 Tk

    Setoch setibalu. You Criticize here behind the monitor, but most likely go after the guy with the biggest ego.

  15. 15 Tsedey

    lol@ wurgatu… perhaps i need a lesson on babysitting a man’s ego. i’m one of those gals who’ll tell u to grow a back bone if u don’t have one. :)

  16. 16 Rocky

    This is so awsome…cant wait to bookmark this post, and I think I should feed your blog….have a good day,man.

  17. 17 Andrew

    I’ve got some eye problems too!I don’t know how to get rid of them

  18. 18 annonmous

    this is my first time visiting this site, wondred off as a result of google search. I have heard of your brand and am confused as to what let you to post such entry. For some one who has no idea of what is going, no matter how valid or justified your response, It tarnishes your brand.

    In short. don’t air your dirtly loundy in public, you don’t know who is watching.

  19. 19 maebel

    I repent not commenting on this enlightening piece. At least,I should have said how much I liked the article and that it is among the best articles I ever read on 2010. What a pen!!

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  24. 24 Lynette_E

    I like this blog it’s a master piece! Glad I noticed this ohttps://69v.topn google.Raise range

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