Archive Page 4

Find me Consensus 13 Comments

I was just browsing the web, reading the reviews of customers who bought a certain products on Amazon; scanning to see if a book is popular or lame.

I found that half the people think that the author is a pretentious bastard who can’t write for shit and then other half either thought the book was a page turner interesting even if the author’s writing style was amateurish or that the book is funny and well written in a straight unpretentious manner.

Interestingly enough I started write posts for bernos in one sitting or in two.  Sometimes I start and save the file and come back to it another time, in most cases the next day or 2 days after.

In this case however, as you may have realized I have disappeared for a while. A while enough that I wrote the first two paragraphs of this post over a month ago; beginning of August or so. Since then I have not only finished the book I was review the reviews of, but also finished reading or listening to audio book of two additional books. Continue reading ‘Find me Consensus’

Deeeebo Band! 34 Comments

I got an email from the PR person for Debo Band, for a plug on bernos. Generally I look at what they are promoting since I get those emails all the time. If its music, I have to like it.

I was familiar with the name, meaning I have heard of Debo Band but I haven’t listed to their music. And well I went to their website and got an earful.

The songs are all of which I love and it sounds like it’s performed by a full orchestra like they are meant to be played. Continue reading ‘Deeeebo Band!’

bernosâ„¢ has a new home 249 Comments

Yes we know its been a while but we are still here!

Summer of 2010 is almost over but it was very good. We went to San Jose for ESFNA in July. It was exciting to meet some of our west coast bernosâ„¢ fans. While in San Jose, we introduced our new bernosâ„¢ shirts.

If you were there, then consider yourself lucky since you received a preview of what was to come. It seems as though we’ve been quiet and maybe not doing too much. Au contraire, Nolawi has been putting man hours in revamping the site and making it more easy for you to shop and navigate. Many new features, including but not limited to moving our site from to although both urls will direct you to the main site.

bernosâ„¢ kids tee

Our customers have been bombarding us with request for a kids version of the bernos™ tees. We’re happy to announce our new bernos™ kids tees; we are starting with two concepts — ET alien & Baby Afro.

bernosâ„¢ kids ET Alien is available now in 3 different sizes on Orange American Apparel tee.

Baby Afro

The Afro — is the natural hairstyle for people of African descent, although there is variation of the Afro Hairstyle each represent genuine beauty of African people. Continue reading ‘bernosâ„¢ has a new home’

Yesterday’s AA 31 Comments

Yes, we are developing our new site and I have been working on it on and off for about 3 months. It’s one of those things I have started working on a few times but somehow things fall apart as with any large web development project with a very small budget and time (mostly the bernos team’s). The new bernos™ site  is near a real e-commerce application on par with the large retailers and not just an open source content management system that is hastily installed.

Yesterday, as I was working on the product page and with all the things that we are going to leverage with the launch of the new site, including new bernos™ tees, bernos™ kids and as well as the many features of our application, I was thinking we should definitely educate people on the quality of the American Apparel tees.  I was thinking maybe some kind of logo badge….proudly printed on American Apparel t-shirts.

Everything about American Apparel has inspired me in many ways. The way they market their products unapologetically or their political stances on immigration like in the Legalize LA campaign (wiki), as well as their socially conscious position on manufacturing. They have the highest earning workers in the apparel industry, all the while the competition way is paying 50 cents an hour they were paying 24 times that at 12$ an hour. Continue reading ‘Yesterday’s AA’

Flashing Lights 364 Comments

I’m standing at the bar sipping my drink and chatting up with a couple of people.  My peripheral vision is disturbed and my curiosity takes over as I turn my head to focus on the disturbance.

Flashing light!

My first thought is ‘what da #$@$!’.  As I realize what just had happened, my confusion changes to irritation and then anger.

I threw my drink down my throat and started to follow.  He moves elegantly and professionally through the crowd.  He is completely inconspicuous and acts like part of the façade, the reprinted art hanging on the wall, the cheesy wall paper…  He is part of the ambiance and this is the reason of his success- un-noticeable but effective, in his natural realm and hard at work.  A fregging predator!

He pauses to shoot once more.  I reach him as he aims.  I wait until he has made the shot.

Flashing light!

I gently grab his elbows.  Firmly!  He turns smiling and expecting a familiar face.  His smile is still, although he realizes that the face is unfamiliar.  He is a professional. Continue reading ‘Flashing Lights’