Wondata that is 99 Comments


Selam Hizboch- I am back, Michael Jordan style to bask in the glory that is Wondinet Haile and the inner workings. It’s been 10 months since my last article, and I am doing better than ever. I am wiser and more handsome.

I was recently in DC; we decided to check out the most popular Ethiopian spots. Hang out with hizboche and check out the chickochune. The boys got together and went to Dukem Restaurant on a Friday night.

Ethiopian Beer, Honey Wine, leb leb Kitfo, and Goden Tibse was served over the Yarada lijoch jokes. Over the night I promoted myself and the boys to something harder, Black label that is.

What a night and the view wasn’t bad either, we were sitting right next to the stage so we could see, as they say in DC the FOB’s shaking their ass Shakira style.

I could see her on the other side of the room, carefully gazing at me when ever it seemed like I wasn’t paying attention. The face looked familiar and thought I should go say hello.

Selam, Do you remember me?
‘Yentina cousin aydelehe endE, we sat together at the so and so wedding.’

The banter continued for a few minutes and then I asked her for her number as she lives in the same city as I do, New York that is. Except she didn’t tell me her name and that too had slipped my mind as she had. I asked her to input her number in my Razor. I was hoping she would fill in the blank, her name that is.

I got her name and number, and went back to my seat, and it was taken by a Chauvinist ass whole wannabe that is.

He moved over and the chewata continued. Later than night he told me he knew the girl, he implied that he had something with her in the past and then he mentioned what it was he had with her that is.

I fingered her in the bathroom of the club!”

I thought what a piece of shit this guy is, he had to brag his conquest that I couldn’t pursue a conquest of mine own. I was disappointed as any guy would have.

Obviously nobody is innocent, as all of us have our own misgivings. She shouldn’t be shunned just because she had a little fun in the bathroom of a club. I decided I would of course pursue her regardless of what the jerk said. And a jerk he is.

But it got me thinking, the guy is obviously very smooth with the ladies, and probably has a dozen or so stories like the encounter in the bathroom. I do blame him for his ungentlemanly ness; what happened in that bathroom should stay in the bathroom between the participants. No need to go splash the content of the encounter in the tabloid pages, especially since Ethiopian communty is so small, and the werEa spreads like awaze on Tire Sigga.

On the other hand, this is not anything new; Ethiopian ladies do not trust Ethiopian males just because of things like this. There are those of us who talk way too much and thus reinforce the lack of trust in the males. I blame that on the ass wholes.

At least, if the Ethio ladies participant in freaky misgivings with non Ethio-males then it will most likely not became gossip. Might I also say a little freakyness is perfectly healthy and we should all have a few of those, as I do!

Yet the fact remains, these behaviors of sharing things is not limited to the Ethiopian comunity but to all community; the problem is that ours is a very small community. So although I do not agree with the guy for sharing this thing, I also blame the girl for doing this with an ass whole like that.

You see, the ladies choose to do these things with the wrong guys. The few alpha males get all the attention from the ladies and then rest are completely ignored. The nice guy, who is not as handsome or as smooth or as funny or as stylish, which is generally 80% of the Ethiopian Males population, is completely ignored while the 20% is hounded by the ladies.

In New York where I live, I have two of my friends are hounded by half a dozen ladies while the rest are completely shunned. And those who get so much attention are most likely not to appreciate it as much. I suggest that the ladies not reinforce such behavior by going after these types of guys. Nice guys although not as attractive, or as smooth or as rich or as funny are more likely to be more considerate that the opposite counterparts.

99 Responses to “Wondata that is”

  1. 1 abyssinia

    Wondata, you don’t know this guy and he just came up to you and tell you this…what a jerk! He may be trying to get back at her for turning him down. I suggest you ignore this looser and just do your thing.

    my 2 cents

  2. 2 Nolawi

    I am under the impression its also the girls fault for getting involved with the ajerk… next time i suggest the girl gives the nice guy next door a chance… nice to have you back wondata…

  3. 3 ÜberMan

    Don’t know about the “Jerk” or the Saitoch vs Wondoch mantra… Seems to be a recurring theme that will persist ’till the end of time but damn bro that was a nice read. So I just wanted to give props when & where it’s deserved.

    Ethiopian Beer, Honey Wine, leb leb Kitfo, and Goden Tibse was served over the Yarada lijoch jokes.

    Now that is a sweet line. Sweeter than a honeycomb… Paints the whole scene (Don’t it?). For a sec I thought I was sitting @ that table too… Hope to read more. Keep it coming!

    Nice Guys Finish Last – The 5 Reasons Why

  4. 4 Aisha

    It seems to me that you guys are always trying to lecture females how to behave which guys to pick bla bla bla. She might have felt a bit tipsy and freaky that night and just did something silly what was the harm in it?

  5. 5 tsegure

    He fingered her and she did what for him in return? Why do you care so much about what he gave her? Women (especially Abesha women) gossip more than you know. Try putting a recorder under a table of women and you will think you were reading a Penthouse style magazine. Abesha women only appear innocent but win an oscar for being the nastiest creatures on earth. So go out with her with sex on your mind because I’m sure that’s all she can guarantee. You can thank me later for the advice. Next time an Abesha woman stares at you know that she wants you for you third leg and nothing more.

  6. 6 Balbo

    Tsegure, A-Y-G-Gma “So go out with her with sex on your mind because I’m sure that’s all she can guarantee. You can thank me later for the advice. Next time an Abesha woman stares at you know that she wants you for you third leg and nothing more.”

    I can only blame your arrogance and generalization of women on Damness

    Wondata, how u blame girls for giving the 20% more love…..

  7. 7 addis life

    i have to agree aboutwhat u said about ‘innoccent looking abesha women who r in turn the opposite in character when u get to see truth of who they are at the end of the day,i dont mean to generalize,but i guess women do need some freak action,its understandable, in my oppinion,sex or any intimate physical thing she only be between ppl who r in a realtionship, i mean if a women shares this kind nusty things with a guy whom she only knew 30 minutes in a club,i guess there is sth wrong with her,..i dont know maybe there are some of u who oppose my idea, what do you say about one night stand?,in my view all this thing is for ppl who r shallow,pervert,and self seeking ppl,… and i can blame if two ppl who r the same in nature this kinda things,it takes two to tango,so both are to blame..

  8. 8 Hidaya

    She is guilty of bad judgement as well as poor taste, her actions show her in a bad light but ultimatetly hurt no other person but herself, he is guilty of being indiscreet which is in bad taste, but his indiscretion may affect someone else adversely, which is the greater wrong?…..

    Apart from that like meets likes and sometimes are totally deserving each other, she who goes into strange toilets with strange men is perhaps destined to meet an indiscreet sleazy cad singing about what happened in the toilet to the crowd louder than a canary ….

  9. 9 lilye

    VVVVERY nice to see you back Wondata ! You were really missed!

  10. 10 emebet

    i’m in agreement with abyssinia. dude is probably lying through his teeth. i’ve found that men who talk about “i’ve been with her, i did this, she screamed like this…etc” are compensating for their, how should i put it….shortcomings. you know, where the “third leg” is in actuality the size of a pinky.

  11. 11 dawitm

    lol @ “ass wholes”

    emebet, that is hilarious :) :)
    [quote comment="108720"]i’m in agreement with abyssinia. dude is probably lying through his teeth. i’ve found that men who talk about “i’ve been with her, i did this, she screamed like this…etc” are compensating for their, how should i put it….shortcomings. you know, where the “third leg” is in actuality the size of a pinky.[/quote]

    i also think dude is probably jelouse cuz you got her attention. may be he wanted to spread lies about her to turn you off. i know dudes like that.

  12. 12 Debtera


    Try to avoid a repetitive sentence structure when writing a long story, makes it crappy, your story that is :)


  13. 13 meron

    i agree…if he has to brag about what he did its probably cause he aint done shit!!!!

    clearly the man has selfesteem issues. a confident man doesnt need to annouce he conquests…

  14. 14 ÜberMan


    Was that truly a “long story”??? Nice read I thought. Oh well.. to each his own…

  15. 15 dawitm


    i think you are a hater…. what is wrong with you man? i see no problem with the way story is written. besides, writing style is personal, and he is entitled to have his own. this aint a classroom…so, stop complaining and enjoy the blog.

  16. 16 Chala

    Wondata the hypocrite! you yourself might have done much worse things than touching a female pp. or are you looking for virgin Mary. so whatever you wrote here as a so called concern shows your immaturity and double standard worse than the guy who bragged to you about his conquest.how old are you 19?

  17. 17 kay

    chala, he didn’t condemn what the guy did with the girl but the fact that the guy braged about the deed. see the difference?

    werEa spreads like awaze on Tire Sigga.

    my fav. line :) it was a nice read wendata

  18. 18 Nolawi

    Aisha, No harm in a little bit of fun, but she picked the wrong guy, she should have picked the nerdy borcham nice guy :)

    Tsegure lol lol lol

    Hidiya i agree completely.. she has bad taste…

    Emebet, I doubt the guy is lying.. this kinda things happen all the time.. so lets not act like woman and men don’t do these kinda things.. why assume its a lie just because a guy told it… I agree the guy is stupid for talking about it

    Debtera, you are a hater.. you are just jeoulous because you can’t write as well as him.. PS next time send us a link to your blog as well.. so we can compare and learn how to write better…. like you

    lol meron.. touche touche…

    chala, what did wondata do but write his experience?

    nice read i thought as well

  19. 19 winta

    Personally I see nothing wrong in her having sex with a guy as far as it is consentual .
    If you let that stop you ..then…….

  20. 20 Grand Ma

    Ummm..”Ethiopian Beer, Honey Wine, leb leb Kitfo, and Goden Tibse was served over the Yarada lijoch jokes”. Yammy! Thanks for sharing with us.
    Speaking of Dukem, it used to be a good spot and somehow it changed. I won’t be surprised running into that type of goofy guy or girl up there.

    p.s Ladies, please don’t give out your # to a stranger who just have an eye contact with you. Take his # and then you’ll be in control.

  21. 21 metad bet

    i see that SEX is still a taboo in our community.
    oh, and also our affinity to gossip is not helping it all.

    ladies, if you want to get down and dirty…do your on the low even if u are the promiscuous type.
    gentlemen, if you see the need to gossip about how many women you’ve slept with or have gotten frisky with…i’m sorry to say, that you are still stuck in puberty. grow up.

    ain’t nuttin wrong with a lil freak once in a while and let’s be real, we’ve all made bad judgment calls sober or inebriated.

  22. 22 ÜberMan


    Then what? The suspense is killing me? ha ha.. :) J/K I do agree w/ the girl ha the right to some shif’dina w/o that tired ‘ol habesha stigma.

    BTW next time I’m in DC I’m parking my habesha arse right in front of the sa’itoch bathroom @ Dukem. I’m getting a manicure just in case. oooooohhh…


    Calling him “hypocrite” “immature” make you a what what now? Ever tried making a positive comment on Bernos for a change? I guess that is too far fetched of an expectation huh? How about criticizing w/o childish name-calling? I have to say all your posts seem to be just another excuse for belittling others. Is a modicum of restraint from your natural tendencies too much to ask? Your style is so common & proves nothing – maybe perhaps your own lack of creativity & civility. Even your alias is so telling – Chala! Reminds me of ye’ ke’ra duriye….

  23. 23 winta

    Uber man I am just goign to say -Great sense of Humour!!!…But Why dukem pick some place else :)

  24. 24 ÜberMan


    Well, tickle me happy girl… uh… wait a minute isn’t that what the supposed “jerk” did to the Dukem “slut“? Be’y eshi let us both keep the fingers (manicured or not) on the keyboards lest these “traditionalist” habeshoch think us fornicators ;) But ty still…

    So where do you suggest I go for easy pickings like this?

  25. 25 walid

    Wondata,I am not a bit impressed by your article.Not at all!If it makes a “nice read” ,as some congratualte you, it would be on a cheap and sleazy tabloid than on a respectd blog like this one.

    And worse some sounded indignant and righteous over what that “jerk” had to say about your girl.Please dont give me that crap,guys.Dont pretend this was the first time you hear such a thing or never done anything close.

    As far as I am concerned life would have been boring with out the people who do the outrageous.We might even have to wait longer to hear from Wondata if this incident hadnt occured in the first place.So suspend your judjment and enjoy the moment while it lasts!

  26. 26 winta

    Uberman …Ante Balege :( Still funny though .

    no list of easy pick ups for you yet .Keep manicuring and keep them on the key board ;)

  27. 27 ÜberMan


    Sex sells man. Wake up & smell the Java…


    New York Times about 1 million vs National Enquirer roughly 1.3 million
    Time Magazine about 3.1 million vs People Magazine about 3.8 million

    I think that about sums up what makes a “nice read” for the majority… But you are entitled not to like the article though, just as I’ve the right to LOVE it.

    PS I believe Wondata’s point was, the Ladies should give nice guys a chance & not perpetuate the cycle of bad behavior à la the “jerk” by feeding it w/ bad choices in Men. Hardly a controversial proposition. Why the uproar from everyone? What makes this sleazy & cheap etc etc… beats me? Maybe I’m dense so please enlighten me!

    PPS Have you actually read the whole article? Just curious…

  28. 28 ÜberMan


    Yet” huh? At least that gives me hope. Keep Hope Alive! Jesse in da house…

    “Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always To be Blest.” – Poe

    As for the my meddlesome fingers, they are firmly planted on the keyboards stroking away on the alphabets – the abesha wit (creative juices) flowing like the Nile. But don’t worry they will stay put, smooth edge & all, until further notice. HOPEfully the notice will come w/ a list of pickup places. ;)

    Enough w/ the veiled innuendos… man I better stop… Eshi be’ka… Sorry for the bil’gina & hope I don’t get lambasted on this. Just couldn’t control those pesky fingers. Gotta be all those chemicals that Vietnamese manicurist soaked them in.

  29. 29 Hidaya

    Wondata,I am not a bit impressed by your article.Not at all!If it makes a “nice read” ,as some congratualte you, it would be on a cheap and sleazy tabloid than on a respectd blog like this one.


    Cheap and sleazy is also part of life,alonside the un-sleazy If it wasnt the tabloids wouldnt have any sleaze to report or to write about.

    Is it the article you find sleazy or the behaviour of the people in it?….

    I dont find Wondata’s article sleazy per se, it is a topic like any other open to discussion, and it does have some important point as it brought up the issues of, discretion, judgement, trust, even the most important as in “what not to do in strange clubs toilet’s with strange men or women” ,to the fore…, and all because it was brought it out in the open and discussed it. Is that bad?

    Besides he wrote about something that happens but isnt talked about, some would call it a *taboo subject” rather than a sleazy one, and of course what we view as sleazy is also a subjective view from person to person, one man/woman idea of what is sleazy might be another’s idea of say adventure?..to each their own, is my view…

  30. 30 Hidaya

    Ladies, please don’t give out your # to a stranger who just have an eye contact with you. Take his # and then you’ll be in control.


    You are funny, good advice too, but what does the latter part of your advice mean?…I got the first bit about the not giving of the girls after few minutes eye contact, only what is the & to be taken who will put the girls in control?..is it the heart? the mind? the mind’s eye whatever that may be?..other body parts? ones they cant do without maybe? lol…


    Yes, she has bad taste, and so does he, twice over I would say, once more than her because he is also a gossip, both have ishoos I think…

  31. 31 Lily

    My first time writing here and so funny reading all the posts :) I don’t think we should judge what the girl did in the bathroom or elsewhere… that’s on her. Besides, if everyone knew of everyone else’s skeletons…… well! But I agree with folks that the guy most likely made it up….(btw how old is he?? that might have something to do with it).

  32. 32 Chala

    Walid and Lily exactly my point. The issue isn’t about the girl being wild or the other guy bragging; I don’t even see the big deal in it. The issue is that a grown ass man will actually take the time to spread a gossip about another gossip he heard in a bar by writing a page long tabloid on a blog pretending to be offended about he girl’s deed. Negro Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee We all have had a lapse in judgment at some point in our lives and done things that we aren’t proud of.
    By the way Walid, about everyone congratulating him for a good read. I call it the “mob” or “group” mentality of Ethiopians (so highschoolish). That is why the Diaspora politics is in shambles right now. Giving constructive criticism or individualistic opinion is such a big No, no especially if the person is the popular type. Hence you keep congratulating each other till destruction.

  33. 33 Nolawi

    Chala man you definitely have issues; I think wonadata rose a perfectly legitimate topic. We do need to talk about real issues in our community thus we are talking about it.

    I disagree.

    on the other hand I would like to hear five topics Wondata could have written about and you would have read without complaining about excluding politics? esti show us your creativity homeboy?

  34. 34 ÜberMan


    Giving constructive criticism or individualistic opinion is such a big No…

    Negga Please!!!

    Here is your “constructive criticism or individualistic opinion”:

    Wondata the hypocrite! … so whatever you wrote here as a so called concern shows your immaturity and double standard… how old are you 19?

    This is an insult to our intelligence & sensibility. Why is he a hypocrite? Where is the double standard here?

    Having said that, don’t mistake this as me bashing your right to protest, just your style & lack of substance.

    Now as for the girl I guess everyone is on her side why not she is so charitable ;) so I say:

    Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, flow sista
    Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, go sista

    And to the poor “Jerk” (no idea if the label is warranted): Finger away bro… Just don’t stoke & tell.

  35. 35 winta

    Uber Man

    hope I don’t get lambasted on this

    Belive me you gonna get it from one of those Chala types. Just a matter of time -until they read it.

    BTW ,I couldn’t stop laughing about the vietnamese Manicure …ha ha ha

    Are you sure you are talking about the same read ?

  36. 36 Chala

    LOL It is your opinion that I have got issues, you are entitled to it. My response….. Whatever

  37. 37 ÜberMan


    Fingers are sober now so I can defend myself… :)

    Now please explain the admin access on Bernos? My mistakes are plastered on Bernos for everyone to see & deride but it seems yours are wiped clean instantaneously. Brotha just wants the hook-up… Pls do tell?

  38. 38 emebet

    somebody was not hugged enough as a child

  39. 39 Nolawi

    [quote comment="109078"]Nolawi
    LOL It is your opinion that I have got issues, you are entitled to it. My response….. Whatever[/quote]
    exactly what I thought… anyone can try to degrade anything… I call you hillary and the article wondata… baseless attacks are just that baseless.

    Wondata, it seems to me that the fact that you have so many haters.. is because your articles are so popular. you are on your way to become the next Chelema.

  40. 40 cece

    Chala…please don’t spread your hate and negativity in berons. I suggest you go seek help !

  41. 41 munit

    The nice guy, who is not as handsome or as smooth or as funny or as stylish, which is generally 80% of the Ethiopian Males population, is completely ignored while the 20% is hounded by the ladies.

    sad statistics,

  42. 42 cece

    Tell me about it Munit…very sad Statistics…lol

  43. 43 Moi

    The moral of the story is “ladies, if you are going to willingly engage in any random consensual sexual encounter, make sure it is with a nice guy. At least the nice guy won’t block your next possible bathroom undertaking”…Very Classy!!

  44. 44 Lily

    This is getting all too visual for me…!

  45. 45 Nolawi

    [quote comment="109133"]The moral of the story is “ladies, if you are going to willingly engage in any random consensual sexual encounter, make sure it is with a nice guy. At least the nice guy won’t block your next possible bathroom undertaking”…Very Classy!![/quote]

    Exactly.. what is wrong with that?

  46. 46 mister.mayhem

    [quote comment="109101"]

    The nice guy, who is not as handsome or as smooth or as funny or as stylish, which is generally 80% of the Ethiopian Males population, is completely ignored while the 20% is hounded by the ladies.

    sad statistics,


    touchet !!!!

  47. 47 Lily

    So 80% of Ethiopian guys are “nice”?? Seems a bit exaggerated…

  48. 48 tsegure

    This topic went from a man bragging about his conquest to everyone whining LOL. Can you podcast “Sexual healing” I think it’s appropriate

    A question for the author, did you ever get a chance with the finger licking chica?

  49. 49 ÜberMan

    I second that motion! But when was the finger licked? Who? :) I guess I missed that one…

  50. 50 Grand Ma

    Ques Chala,
    FYI:- this’s not “Gebregeb Class”. You’re so typical. You’re reminding me “Kebele Zebegna”. You need to lossen up, boy. Have you read Wandat’s entire article? Wandata was sharing his night out reflection and spicing it up with a little advice/opinion. Please, read it again. What’s wrong with that?. Are you blogging from North Korea? (if so, i’ll forgive you). Stay positive, okay!!

  51. 51 winta

    Uber man

    Ppl are improvising about Finger licking :)

    Grand Ma
    My GOOOOOOOOOOOD ….North Korea …that is the funniest …

  52. 52 Sara

    This is my first time commenting on Bernos and I must say Good job Nolawi. I enjoy most of the issues/advice/stories that you guys post.

    Chala, i must say u have issues or u like to disagree with the majority just for the heck of it. I’m not saying that because u disagreed but because of the way you are arguing/supporting your disagreement…no need to be harsh really.

    I thought it was a good read and reaaaaly enjoyed it Wondata…
    As for the guy, he’s probably lying and lacks confidence, otherwise he would not have felt the need to brag about it…
    It’s soooo sad that the Ethipoian community is so small and everyone’s business is out there…makes it hard to date an Ethipian especially in DC…

  53. 53 tsegure

    ÜberMan: “Finger licking” coz he fingered her and I’m sure she licked him in return. Lily is that visual enough for you? Can someone tell us if Wonde got with the Chica? Wonder if she gave it up so quick to him too, maybe his fingers were not appealing to her ‘Tis the season so I say ho, ho…….HO. LOL

  54. 54 Moi

    [quote comment="109155"][quote comment="109133"]The moral of the story is “ladies, if you are going to willingly engage in any random consensual sexual encounter, make sure it is with a nice guy. At least the nice guy won’t block your next possible bathroom undertaking”…Very Classy!![/quote]

    Exactly.. what is wrong with that?[/quote]

    Nothing at all. I was just trying to refocus the discussion to the author’s point, as I understood it.

  55. 55 Grand Ma

    After i read your comment, i felt dropping you a few line here.
    “It’s soooo sad that the Ethipoian COMMUNITY IS SO SMALL and everyone’s business is out there…makes it hard to date an Ethipian especially in DC…”. Obivously, CA, Atlanta, NY states are magnets for Ethiopians, however, do you think “Kilel 15″ has small community? Oh! Child! unless you move back to mother Ethiopia, your luck for finding a large community would be nada. I’m not trying to pick on you (I apologize).I just never heard such a comment from anyone that refering D.C as a small community for Ethiopian.

  56. 56 dukem

    I prohibit any fingering, fingerlicking, any type of licking in my bathrooms okay. fingering is only allowed when eating my food, and licking of the finger is allowed because you were satisfied with food. oh yes chala we will gladly welcome you for north korea okay.

  57. 57 tsegure

    So that’s what happens in DC bathrooms? Everyone is doing the nasty. How desperate or horny are you people? Can’t wait to get home huh? Maybe she lives with Emama & Ababa ayeeee…What happens if he has Berbere on his fingers will she cry for mercy or is that abuse? I have to check out the scene when I’m there for work. Any volunteer’s ha ha ha Wonde why not post the chica’s digits and I’ll report back with details

  58. 58 ÜberMan


    One girl + one man + one story = EVERYONE??? Come on now…

    BTW the holiday jingle – nice; the berbere finger – a bit corny.

  59. 59 dawitm

    lol… you people r killing me. what’s up with ‘fingering’ anyway. that is so lame and retarded. if you have to do it in the bathroom, why not go all da way to 4th base…. hahaaaaa :)

  60. 60 sconvince

    How do you know for sure the guy was not lying about the whole “fingering” thing, abesha guys are some of the biggest liars, he might have just said that just to put Qarya in your game.

  61. 61 sewyew

    Ay Wondata…… lijituan wesdeh WONDATA litilat sitasib someone put some crazy image in your head huh??? Hey no need to be pissed about the guy…..maybe he did it, maybe he didn’t. I feel that as much as there are shokakoch talkin’ shit….. there are sefsafoch listening to them. Why did you give his comment so much attention and place to the extent of bringing it here. If you were so touched, you should have told him then and there.

    he implied that he had something with her in the past and then he mentioned what it was he had with her that is.

    I fingered her in the bathroom of the club!”

    I thought what a piece of shit this guy is, he had to brag his conquest that I couldn’t pursue a conquest of mine own. I was disappointed as any guy would have.”

    I think you are as bad as him. When you have a problem with what someone says or does……tell them. Dont wake up the next morning and write something about it. You had the chance to educate a brother…. you chose to talk about it…….

    Not so much difference for me.

  62. 62 Chala

    sewyew you are so NEGATIVE!!!!! I joke man:-)
    Glad to see a level-headed person who can see the irony. :-)

    Labeling is the easiest and simplest attempt to discredit someone’s idea. He must be angry; he must have issues hence he disagrees. I have been called and named everything under the sun but I was the one labeled uncivil and negative…………mind you I never acknowledged the attention starved neighborhood bull dog a single time that has been screaming my name…………I lost count how many times…………..just love the humor.

  63. 63 ÜberMan


    I hope you are not referring to me? I re’d you twice (this makes the 3rd). All I can say is you started by labeling Wondata instead of criticizing his article & I never label you. So if you are gonna post something be prepared to defend your entry. I know it’s hard when confronted w/ the truth & someone w/ better vocab. At any rate, I’ll end it at that. No need to respond as I don’t expect anything of substance from you. Peace!

  64. 64 Grand Ma

    Chala-la-la-la chala-la-la cha-la-la! You see…I came right back at you, after all you’re not the weakest link. The world had moved on, my brother. Have a nice Holidays!

  65. 65 walid

    “Wondata, it seems to me that the fact that you have so many haters.. is because your articles are so popular. you are on your way to become the next Chelema.”

    …Nolawi you cant be more wrong.I dont think anybody hates Wondata-not by a long shot.And he is not “hated” because his articles are “polpular”.As postive comments (on his articles) wouldnt amount to love for wondata, negative ones wouldnt automatically translate to hate for the “next chelama”.The last time I checked this blog is more about ideas than anything personal.So why personalize now?

    A more accurate asessment would be his article generated so many responses because it touches a more controversial subject.And controversial is not necessairly popular.If you noticed more than half of the entries are responses to other entries than to the article perse.May be his articles, if not popular themselves, would help to popularize the blog.And we all want that,dont we?

    Nolawi, if I overacted it is only because I feel that anything you said on this blog has much more weight than anything any of us would say.Yes, we all hold you to a higher standard since it is you who managed to keep the blog civil, dynamic and pleasant.Keep up the good work!

  66. 66 Sara

    Grand Ma: Point well taken.

  67. 67 Nolawi

    pe pe pe pe metahegn eko metahegn.. walid…

    good point, i just didn’t like the assertion that the topic is stupid.. its a good one.

  68. 68 Wondering

    1. how many of you guys give the nice girl next door a chance, flirt with her or ask her out?????????? im sure not any more than the girls do with the nice guys.
    2. we dont know the whole story so dont be quick to judge her for being sluty or having a bad taste.
    (sorry if im repeating what has already been said, didnt go thru it all)

  69. 69 emebet

    Sewyew - you sound (or should i say read?) VERY familiar. do i not know you from Milk House on Bole? Were you the guy who defended my honor when some weshela (excuse my francais) said he had slept with me?

  70. 70 sewyew

    Emebet:I think you have the wrong Sewye. But that is what I was talking about, I think that is what Wondata should have done. Ok, it is an issue to talk about, but the fact that he let him ‘brag’ about it and didnt say nothin’ doesnt make sense. If he was so moved by the issue to write about it, he should have done something about it wedyawinu.
    But as for the guy who defended your honor, Thumbs up!!

  71. 71 Chala

    Grand ma, No you had the wrong impression about me, I might come across harsh or aggressive…….but I always make that sure I am speaking within the context of the topic. No need to take it further and make it personal. We are all here to exchange ideas from our perspective, right or wrong.

    Yes, it is another day and we have moved on.

    Happy Holidays!

  72. 72 Guadegna

    Small world…… hehehehehe

  73. 73 Debtera

    @15 and @18, Minew tenchachachuh? Why can’t we habeshas take criticism as we would a praise? The fact that I did not like the guys’ style, and commented on it does not automatically make me a hater. I do not have to show you ‘my blog’ or anything to prove am better, coz am not saying I am… I WAS JUST SAYING I PERSONALLY did not like his writing and found it hard to follow the story. @14 Uberman, you’re right… to each his own. So chill everybody!!

  74. 74 Nolawi

    good point debtera

    i was wrong…to say you were hating.. but i completely disagree

  75. 75 Mamitu

    The moral of the story is, as it has been discussed above Habesha men tend to talk about their conquest whether imagined or real. So if a girl wants to date or have friends of the opposite gender, she is better of with a non-habesha guy who will not say things about her good or bad and to top it all he might even be more fun. And if she plans to marry an Habesha man she has to put up a good act of being like the Virgin Mary.

  76. 76 ÜberMan


    Wow… No need for a brush – do please dump the bucket on us ALL. Pitiful! This is precisely the kinda haste to generalize/disparage that leads to such ignorant remarks. Just one Q: Was your Mom pretending? Putting up a good act? Was your Father such a man? After all that was a broad stroke you swung. Think then pause & for you take another few extra moments before you type!!!

    I sure hope not too many ehi’tochahin share your sentiments…

  77. 77 Biskut

    no substance uffff

  78. 78 Rahwina

    Biskut, there is a social substance here …dont’you think? For example, we talked about how SOME men (this one is for you Uberman ;) tend to brag about stuff that should be private. Second lesson, some women tend to gravitate towards the “ladies man” but get less appreciation than they would have if they had given the “nice guy” a chance. how is that for anthropology/psychology substance for you?

    Hey Wondata, wecome back man! nice read indeed…I’m cosigning on how SWEEEEEET your line was:

    Ethiopian Beer, Honey Wine, leb leb Kitfo, and Goden Tibse was served over the Yarada lijoch jokes.

  79. 79 winta


    I think all men like to brag abou their experiances regardless of their origions.
    I agree with the virgin pretence. Women are considered as passive and innocent in our culture. Most of the time they accept and try to live with the expectations.There are also others who pretend.

    On the other hand, marrying a non-ethiopian doesn’t always mean happyness. The trouble starts when he says ” I think we need some space ”:) or sth like that .

  80. 80 Rahwina

    here is a Q for you….and anyone with a similar thought.
    Seeing that we have a lot of Abesha families and friends, all born and raised out of Ethiopia/Eritrea, why is the line “I think we need some space…” associated with non-abesha ppl?I happen to be one who LOVES my space and thinks space sorta helps regroup in relationship issues. AND I suspect, I’m not the only abesha who does. Personally, I think communication solves this problem. If I woke up tomorrow and got married to an abesha born and raised in rural Sidamo where they speak Oromigna and maynot be as influenced by the Amhara and Western culture as Addis is…we will have cultural issues with occasional language issues because I’m not from there,I don’t speak Oromigna and I am not exposed to much of any Oromo culture…then what? Marrying an Ethiopian/Eritrean doesn’t solve anything if the communication isn’t there.

  81. 81 ÜberMan


    Was I suppose to re you on this? The post was so long ago I dont even remember the thread & dont care to rehash… Most likely forgot what I bragged about (if I bragged at all). Sorry I couldn’t accommodate…


  82. 82 winta


    That line was used just as an expression.If you have noticed it’s a reason usually given by the ferenjis (not all non-habeshas)when they want to break up with you for whatever reasons they sum it up with an ”I think we need some space” line.

    Otherwise …I agree there are cultural diffrences. I don’t have anything against racial or inter cultural dating or marriage.

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