je suis d'afrique 233 Comments

dafriue tshirt

Yes, I am of Africa.

Why the français? You might ask; I belong there in every conceivable language. What a contrast! geographically, physically, mother to us all.

Made up of her brown soil, she is a continent with a gracious and epic past, that will continue to hold her allure over us.

Sure, she’s had her ups and downs but the mêlée continues with the hopes the turmoil will one day subside.

The latest bernos tee, d’afrique represents our portrait of life in Africa layered with all the rich detail of our struggle, celebration of our roots, and our hope for unity.

In the works since October, the ‘d’afrique‘ concept is sketched in white over brown using Helvetica to indicate our optimism for the future of Africa.

My culture is in my attitude as I love everything in me and until I can visit you again, I will wear you on my chest on brown American Apparel tee.

233 Responses to “je suis d'afrique”

  1. 1 lilye

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it. The color, the design everything. And of course the french touch! Amazing guys you keep on impressing us. Now how long for delivery to your neigbours up north. Can I hope for new year?

  2. 2 dawitk

    Thank you Lilye,

    If you order your t-shirt today, you will most likely receive it this coming Monday if you live on the East Coast, between Wednesday/Thursday if you live on the West Coast, and by Friday for all International shipments.

  3. 3 mamitu

    Wow great concept guys and i love the colors!!

  4. 4 S

    LOVE it. what size is the pretty model wearing?

  5. 5 Lily

    Thank you :) The model (yours truly) is wearing an extra-small.

  6. 6 S

    thanks. :)

  7. 7 Uncle B

    Instant ‘classique’ DK. Good color and theme coordination.

  8. 8 Mariamawit

    No doubt this is the best tee you guys have designed so far, I will get one today.

    lily you are looking great in the brown color. very earthy.

    the design and concept is very elegant, very nolawiesque. Nolawi, you are becoming a famous right before my eyes. Don’t forget you owe me a portrait drawing in the nude if possible. :)

  9. 9 Kebebush

    I like!

    it’s a must-have tshirt.

  10. 10 DawitK

    Thank you guys

  11. 11 Nolawi

    Thanks Marimawit, but the real thanks goes to our customers that make everything possible.

    On the second note, indeed the model is cute and a good representative of the dafrique.

    you can find her at her own shop LilyLilyShop

  12. 12 dawitm

    great tee. lily, you r not bad looking

  13. 13 Lily

    Thanks Mariamawit… Nolawi thanks dear:), in all truth the tee is so fabulous it’s hard not to look good in it!! Really great work…

  14. 14 kiki

    Très jolie! I love the brown, the design… another winner guys.

  15. 15 really

    yet, another awesome creation! The beautiful presentation is second to none.

  16. 16 Shifta

    This is def a must have, great design and great color selection… Good job Bernos, thanx for makin us look fly (lol)

  17. 17 Tsedey

    I love it! I love the colour brown and the fact that it’s French and the design is cool! good job.

  18. 18 Tsedey

    Hi Nolawi,

    I visited the Lilylilyshop website and it looks great, it’s interesting to sell diversified products at once. Does she(the model) do the paintings herself? Also, I like her taste of design,colours and choice of materials..very trendy and high fashion. I can also see the products are super quality. Kudos..

  19. 19 Lily

    Hi Tsedey – thanks very much for the kind words on my shop! :) I just launched in August 07! I have a page on Facebook with more details (under Lily Lily! Online Boutique)… The paintings are imported from Congo, I don’t paint them myself (I wear many hats but thats def not one of them:0). (I do model though which helps with buying for my shop…see Mayhem #529685). Glad you love my stuff though and please subscribe on the home page so I can update you on my next open houses and shopping events!! January (big sale) and lots of new FAB stuff for Spring!! And I also have a sample sale in Georgetown today 6-9pm if you want a preview… Sorry for the long post I get excited about my shop!!! :)

  20. 20 hmmmmm

    nice tee bernos…like the lil birdies up top.

    lily… simply beqa… loveeee ur bags!! betam fabulous!

  21. 21 tsegure

    Nice tshirt & a beautiful model. I think this is more of a promotion of LilyLilyShop then anything else but regardless great job. Btw Lily nice products but your store policy needs to be customer friendly. It is too strict and shows lack of confidence in the products. Consider 10 o/o restocking as supposed to 100 o/o no refund policy. If it changes then that will be where I’ll shop for valentines day. Good luck and wish you champagne dreams and caviar wishes…

  22. 22 Alazhar

    Wow!Nice tee-shirt!The color,the theme,the model…awesome!
    Lily est-tu une ancienne lycéene? Juste curieux? j’ai vu ton site, et les dessins sont tres joli.
    A bientôt.

  23. 23 Lily

    thank you all for the positive comments. Alazhar merci, et non je ne suis pas lyceene (si tu veux dire d’Addis). J’ai grandi en Cote d’Ivoire (une vraie francophone ;-) ).

  24. 24 Mariye

    Alazhar, es-tu un ancien Lyceen?

  25. 25 abyssinia

    Simply beautiful…great job guys!

  26. 26 metad bet

    ere francais!! on dit quoi ppl!!

  27. 27 Alazhar

    Lily-Oh! Très content de vous savoir. Mais a propos des dessins, pourquoi ne pense-tu pas a vendre des peintures Ethiopienne ? IL y a beaucoup de peintres en Ethiopie.Je voudrais bien savoir votre commentaire.
    Mariye-Oui je suis un ancient élève du Lycée(GM)Addis et vous?
    Mais je suis à peine d’oubliée la langue française car je m’exprime largement a la langue anglaise au travail.Guys sorry for the French. It’s just to refresh!

  28. 28 lemat

    Wait a minute, is Lily the designer or the Model?

  29. 29 lemat

    #27 Ewey ewey, ye Lycee molekake?

  30. 30 Lily

    Metad – LOL!! On est la!!e

  31. 31 Mariye

    Oui aussi Lyceenne d’Addis. J’ai le meme probleme avec la langue francaise… si ca se pratique pas, il y a une grande tendance pour oublier… ca fait un moment que j’ai ecrit en francais. Excusez moi pour les fautes d’orthographe….si y en a.

    Donc quel annee as-tu fini secondaire?

  32. 32 beshou

    ben, dit donc…y’a plein d’anciens lycéens sur bernos. c’a me fait plaisir de voir tout ce monde. ivoirienne ici!!! babi très fort!!!! bon, j’me casse quoi. faut pas oublier la langue française. joyeux noël et bonne année a tous!

  33. 33 Alazhar

    Énormément content de rejoindre des anciens élèves du Lycée G/M. Big up Lycéens !! Une école inoubliable et précieuse ! Ca fait un peu près huit ans que j’ai terminé le secondaire. Mais vous savez que mes souvenirs de cette école sont toujours frais et profondément joyeuses. L’école primaire, le terrain (Mr Nolawi/ Mr Tesfaye)… La permanence au secondaire (toutes les conneries), les partys, les mamités…Le stade, les bâtiments …La trouble pendant les conseils de classes au secondaire ! Les fameux élèves (précisément l’équipe de basket, les jolies fillettes), les cours d’EPS, les faites de trimestre ! Oh la la! Et avant tous les chers copains et les profs. Quelle joie, quelle liberté…des mémoires absolus…
    Bon j’ai fini pour l’instant ! Au revoir!

  34. 34 Alazhar

    Christmas Greetings:
    Merry Christmas!
    Joyeux Noël(French)
    Feliz Navidad (spanish)
    Buon Natale (italiano)

    Please continue…

  35. 35 S

    La trouble pendant les conseils de classes au secondaire !

    wow! talk about some unnerving times… lol

  36. 36 D.D

    For all EthioFrance wanna be’s! what you’re showing here is that your usual unconsiderate Ethiopian behaviour again and again. This’s what exactly what’s happening among Ethiopians when they speak their own native language and they’ve no problem at all shutting off everybody else.
    The guy chose to sell a t-shirt under the title “d’afrique” and suddenly we all became french here. Who he’s targeting as a buyer? I guess, Lycee crowd.

  37. 37 Mariye

    D.D, zembeleh ataleqaqes… you’re talking “araba ena qobo”.

    Alazhar, how about Melkam Gena (Amharic)

  38. 38 tsegure

    [quote comment="110454"]For all EthioFrance wanna be’s! what you’re showing here is that your usual unconsiderate Ethiopian behaviour again and again. This’s what exactly what’s happening among Ethiopians when they speak their own native language and they’ve no problem at all shutting off everybody else.
    The guy chose to sell a t-shirt under the title “d’afrique” and suddenly we all became french here. Who he’s targeting as a buyer? I guess, Lycee crowd.[/quote]

    I couldn’t agree with you more.

  39. 39 Nolawi

    You make it sound like there is something wrong with targeting a Market Base. When someone decides to make something to sell, then they are targeting a certain type of people.

    Lets say Armani decides to make maternity wear.. obviously they is choosing a market with pregnant people. Damn them, armani is not inclusive and they are discriminating and showing lack of consideration for those that are not pregnant… I agree betam arif argument….

    This was if we actually were targeting french speakers. we are not, roughly 40% and growing of our customer base is non-ethiopians. And from the Ethiopians that buy bernos tees, I would argue that 1/4 of them don’t speak amharic. Some a different language some only english because they have been away for a long.

    If when we did a tshirt that said Desta Keremela, are we shutting down those who don’t know what that means? by all means you decide..

  40. 40 tsegure

    [quote comment="110476"]D.D;
    You make it sound like there is something wrong with targeting a Market Base. When someone decides to make something to sell, then they are targeting a certain type of people.

    Lets say Armani decides to make maternity wear.. obviously they is choosing a market with pregnant people. Damn them, armani is not inclusive and they are discriminating and showing lack of consideration for those that are not pregnant… I agree betam arif argument….

    This was if we actually were targeting french speakers. we are not, roughly 40% and growing of our customer base is non-ethiopians. And from the Ethiopians that buy bernos tees, I would argue that 1/4 of them don’t speak amharic. Some a different language some only english because they have been away for a long.

    If when we did a tshirt that said Desta Keremela, are we shutting down those who don’t know what that means? by all means you decide..[/quote]

    You sound like a you or do you not agree with D.D’s comment? Your thought seems scattered.

  41. 41 D.D

    I’m not questioining much who you’re targeting, though. I was trying to get some sense from people who bought the tee , their shopping experiance with Bernos in the past what not and here i found out that “wanna be’s” blabbing without taking into consideration others.
    What i see here from Ethiofrance wanna be’s is a true reflection of arrogant Ethiopians where you find in the store, at the bar, restaurant, school…. When you’re around with this kind of people, believe me they don’t care who speaks what and no apology what so ever and they just ignore you and continue with their native language. For those of you who don’t speak ethiopian native language, you know what exactly i’m talking about.

  42. 42 Lily


    Lighten up, it’s Christmas!!!

    How about ignoring the French train and saying something positive about this new hot design?

    And, you really can’t blame only Ethiopians for doing that. Ever tried being around Senegalese folks? Try it! Everyone does it – maybe not an excuse, but I think you’re taking this a liiiitle too seriously…

    Joyeuses Fetes! = Happy Holidays :-)

  43. 43 Nolawi

    scattered… what do you want me to say… i think you are aleqlaqi…

    D.D no question i don’t like it when people speak a language not everyone speaks…

    I work at software company and most of the developers are indian and recently i was asked to work with a few…designing user interface with the software they wrote… even when i am around sometimes they speak in hindhi

    the hispanics do it.. even the abesha’s do it.. but really this is completely another topic… and i don’t understand why you made an issue in conjencture with bernos’s target market…

    but whatever///

  44. 44 D.D

    Thanks for your response. Oh well! i’ll leave it as it is.

  45. 45 Wossen

    Oh!Alazhar you reminded me of the old good days.
    “Quelle joie, quelle liberté…des mémoires absolus…” vraiment juste!
    Big up Lyceens!
    join the Lyceens Alumni
    Melkam Gena!

  46. 46 Musset

    Qu’importe le flacon, pourvu qu’on ait l’ivresse…
    Whatever the language, T-shirt is simply great, Helvetica is a good choice
    keep designing

  47. 47 Moi

    Loving the new design!!

  48. 48 AddisGirl

    just got my t….i love it! Another great one from Bernos…bow-down 2 you all!

  49. 49 Tsedey

    OMG! Lily,

    Thanks for your detailed response. I checked your work on I also signed up on your shop’s home page. Great work… really! We need to take our eyes off of Liya kebede now…I couldn’t see your open house in Georgetown cos I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s smart of you to use your modeling access to buy stuff for your shop.

    Bernos staff,

    I love your tees, the theme and the quality is great! However, I like to wear something feminine. It would be great if you start same theme and design in a spaghetti top or something like a little revealing. I hope u understand what I’m saying.

    Happy New year to y’all

  50. 50 Lily

    Thanks Tsedey!! So sweet of you! and I appreciate your signing up and checking out all my work. Let me know when you’re in DC! And fab idea re: spaghetti straps… Happy new year!! :)

  51. 51 DawitK


    Thank you for the great feedback as we will consider your suggestion and see what we can do in the near future.

  52. 52 Hidaya

    A thank you for the Bernos Team, beautiful t-shirts and excellent service. Thank you oads and Happy New Year for the whole year

  53. 53 dgi

    how much are your shirts in a medium,

  54. 54 Nolawi
  55. 55 Nessa

    Will this t-shirt ever be in stock again?? I’ve been waiting on this for a long time now… I really would love to have one, it represents everything I love about d’afrique:-) Please let me know…

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