Author Archive for Bernos

Cross Section of Addis & Georgia 59 Comments

photo source The smell of yerga chaffe fills my nose and I am taken by the rich seductiveness of its scent. It takes me to Lake Tana, to the buna farmers, and back again to where I am now. Where am I? I am sitting in my boyfriend’s family’s house after dinner and witnessing the [...]

Loide 39 Comments

At a New York tribute for the late great Miriam Makeba, I was lucky enough to be sitting in close proximity to my personal old man crush, Mr. Harry Belafonte (he may be old but he’s still hot) when this new artist hit the stage and performed one of my favorite Makeba hits, “Soweto Blues” [...]

goin' to Chi-town 20 Comments

The 25th of the Ethiopian soccer tournament in DC was well organized and well executed. Now it is on to the windy city of Chicago, and ESFNA has been steadily improving as an organization. The vendors are becoming more noteworthy and offering better products for our niche market. The facilities have noticeably improved, since the [...]

few Clicks 307 Comments

Bernos values natural aesthetic when it comes to our shirts. Thus we use provocative photography to show the Bernos t-shirts concepts. We use American Apparel, which is known to produce the most comfortable clothing in the world. In this album you can see evocative images captured by Beshou, from the latest release of the Bernos [...]

Ethio Milli 75 Comments

100 Bernos Ethiopian Millennium Tshirts Left! In January, we decided that we wanted to produce a Bernos T-shirt commemorating the celebration of the Ethiopian Millennium. We knew we had to be unique and progressive since others will follow, eventually. We also knew we would sell out quickly seeing as when the concept was introduced there [...]