Archive for 2009

pills pills pills 35 Comments

A baby born in the west before the 1900’s was expected to live to about age 45. In 2009 life expectancy at birth is about 80 and climbing each year. What is different is not the fact people in the west eat healthy, in fact there is evidence that suggest people eat more unhealthy stuff [...]

Oooh the TV 104 Comments

I was reading a recent blog and I love reading blogs because they are opinions. One of the most famous bloggers is the author of Zen Habits named Leo Babauta of Guam. And he is helping a lot of people and his thoughts come out so perfectly straight and opinionated. No wonder its one of [...]

Ignoration 40 Comments

Years ago a friend of mine tried to date an acquaintance. She was in a state of confusion and, as I suspect, was in love with someone else but decided to still give my friend a chance or possibly use him to get attention. I don’t know the details, but I knew they spent a [...]

Gojam Azene 3,884 Comments

I used to paint when I was in art school and a little bit after. Eventually, I stopped while I was concentrating on improving my design skills for my career as a designer. Now I just like to enjoy the fine arts. I keep up with what’s going on in the art world via the [...]

Gash Haile's Teza 32 Comments

My summer has been busy. Busy, as in I  have had no rest.  I like it like that.  It keeps me going, motivated about every project I get involved in. This project is special. It’s near and dear to me and I have been wanting to be a part of it for a while now. [...]