VIVA GB!!! 264 Comments

Back in February of this year, I decided to take a ten day trip to Addis in May. When I told my family and close friends about my planned trip the immediate question I got was, “why ten days, is everything ok?” Well everything was ok but I did not divulge the honest truth. I told everyone I was going to help my mom prepare with her trip to the US. Well, that was partially true. But, the honest truth was, I was making the trip to attend the Seventh Annual Ethiopian Music Festival. This year the festival was dedicated to the one and only Girma Beyene.

Girma Beyene, was extremely influential in carving out what is now termed the Ethiopian Golden Era. His influence in the vinyl years as an arranger, composer, pianist, vocalist and band leader far exceeds other heavyweights of the era.

His compositions and arrangements are now being performed and recorded by bands such as Either Orchestra, Antibalas, Le Tigre des Platanes, The Ex, & Badoum Band.

The festival organized in part my Alliance Ethio-Francaise spearheaded by Francis Falceto, Hiruy Arefe-Aine and Marsema Tariku, was an extreme success in tickets sold and maltitude of talent.

Though I didn’t attend all of the shows, I was fortunate to attend the most memorable shows. For a full schedule of the festival please browse through its booklet here.

Here’s are the highlights of the shows I attended:

Addis Acoustic Renaissance

This was held on May 9, 2008 at the Hager Fikir Theatre.

This was by far the most suprising group I had the pleasure of seeing. The group selected and directed by the ever talented guitarisit Girum Mezmur also included Henock Temesgen (double bass), Dawit Frew (clarinet), Mesale Legesse (kebero-Ethiopian drum), Natnael Tessema (drums). Also present were the veterans Ayele Mamo (mandolin) and Shaleka Melaku Tegegn (accordion). It should be noted that Dawit Frew is the son of the veteran singer Frew Hailu, who peformed at the Hager Fikir Theatre. Also, Ayele Mamo, was a songwriter at the Bodyguard Orchestra and penned many of Tilahun Gessesse’s songs.

The band picked songs from the 50′s, 60′s and 70′s and played their hearts out. Selected songs included Ambassel, Almaz YeHarerwa, the opening theme the Haile Selassie I Theatre Orchestra played, and Yene Hasab. The highlights of the evening were when Ayele Mamo on mandolin performed vocally and when Dawit Frew played “Esheruru” twice to a standing ovation. Dawit Frew showmanship was incredibly infectious and i’m sure his dad would be proud of him as all of the audience was.

An important fact relayed by Girum Mezmur during the concert was the fact that the accordion used by Shaleka Melaku Tegegn came from Girum’s house where it had remained for 38 years without it being used and how proud he was at it being used at the event.

I bumped into Girum a few days later and I told him how proud I was of him and the band and he told me that he had every intention to take the entire band into a recording studio soon. I wish him luck in that endevour.

Charles Sutton & Guests

Performed on May 12, 2008 at Alliance Ethio-Francaise.

There were two parts to this show. The first part was Charles Sutton along with Getamesai Abebe (masinko) and Yohannes Afework (washint/Ethiopian flute). Unfortunately, Melaku Gelaw (krar) couldn’t be there because he was recupirating from an eye surgery performed a few days prior.

Charles Sutton Sutton was born in New York City in 1942 and grew up in Columbus, Ohio. He attended Harvard University but took a two-year-leave of absence to study music in Washington D.C. and at the Berkeley College of Music in Boston. In 1964, he returned to Harvard and finished his education with a degree in English. In 1966 as a member of the Peace Corps he was selected to teach English at the University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Soon after he joined Orchestra Ethiopia while learning Amharic and masinko. His masinko teacher was one of the greatest masinko players and teachers, Getamesai Abebe.

So, on this night the former band members of Orchestra Ethiopia, Yohannes and Getamesai did some favorite old traditional standards and later were joined by Charles who played the masinko and performed vocally “Shegitu” and “Yezare Samint.” The audience was in awe as this incredible man sang in Amharic and played the masinko beautifully.

The second set had Charles Sutton on the grand piano (lent for this occasion by the Nalbandian Family), Henock Temesgen (double bass), Girum Mezmur (guitar) and Natnael Tessema (drums). This was straight up jazz. Some jazz standards with music from Ethiopia added to the mix. Notable track was Girma Beyene’s “Set Alamenem.”

The Sax Summit

There were two shows for this performance. The first a practice of sort, on May 14, 2008 at the Sheraton Addis’ Gaslight. The second show was held on the last day of the festival, May 17, 2008 at Alliance Ethio-Francaise. The sax summit consisted of legendary saxphonists Theodrose Mitiku (Soul Ekos Band & Ibex Band), Tilaye Gebre (Dahlak Band & Walias Band) and Moges Habte (Walias Band) from the United States as well as Feleke Hailu, Dawit Frew Hailu, and Olaf Boelsen from Ethiopia. Also to lend a hand were Fasil Wuhib on bass, Girum Mezmur on guitar, Natnael Tessema on drums and—-on keyboards. This was an incredible collaboration. There isn’t anything I can say that would express the true feeling I felt experiencing these two shows. In addition to performing songs either composed or arranged by Girma Beyene, the legendary saxphonist’s also performed pieces from their instrumental CDs (Theodrose Mitiku- Shemonmonaye, Tilaye Gebre-Fitsame YaTa Helm and Moges Habte-Musiqawi Silt). It was at this last show that the director of Alliance Ethio-Francaise presented Girma Beyene to the audience and thanked him for his contribution. The ever humble and shy Girma Beyene thanked everyone profusely and left the stage.

In closing I want to thank the organizers and sponsors for making this event happen. Viva GB!

264 Responses to “VIVA GB!!!”

  1. 1 Tsedey

    EJ, yet another juicy piece.Fortunate of you to attend this special event. Am also a fan of the Ethiopian Golden Era. Can’t get enough of it.

    Who are the musicians on the second picture from the left? thx

  2. 2 spacefog

    Great post. I like the extra length you are willing to go for the things you love.

  3. 3 Nolawi

    Wow EJ-

    I will make my comments two parts since – i can’t put thoughts together on the different part of the article

    - I am so glad you went to this because – so many of us couldn’t be there…

    Thanks for the little history lesson on charles sutton – that was amazing… its kinda funny when white people talk in amharic – i can understand – singing and playing an instrument can be extraordinary..

    - my question is did charles become a full time musician or did he stay in the english field -

    - what is his relationship with Ethiopian musicians?

  4. 4 SelamT

    Very NICE! Thanks a million for sharing Ethiojazz!

  5. 5 Mengedegna

    Thank you for the entry, EJ! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

  6. 6 wudnesh

    Jazzi, interesting article! Yea, u lied to me too…but am glad ur mum came ;)

  7. 7 Wurgatu

    wow girma beyene….what a man!!!! sooooo gifted and creative….i looooooooove him very very very much!!!!
    EJ many thanks for sharing this!

  8. 8 embrt

    seriously, you know EVERYTHING.
    or atleat it seems like it to someone who barely knows anything like your’s truly….

  9. 9 engida

    i couldn’t be make it to the main events but the band continued to perform in addis and i’m hooked. thanks to this post, now i know how it came to be.

  10. 10 soj

    Great post…I am sad to say I missed it….Ej…do you know BoBo…?…

  11. 11 Ethio Jazz

    Thanks for the comments. Really appreciate it.

    Nolawi: I’m not a 100% sure but, I think once Charles Sutton joined Orchestra Ethiopia he gave up teaching. I’ll have to check on this one though.

    Charles Sutton has a very close relationship with the surviving members of Orchestra Ethiopia. He was instrumental in getting Getamessai medical attention in India. In addition, Charles Sutton makes frequent visits to Wahington DC to visit Tesfaye Lemma, Orchestra Ethiopia’s last director, who has been living in the DC area since 1986. For the last number of years Tesfaye Lemma has been in a nursing home suffering from kidney failure. Charles is one of few friends that are constantly by his side.

    Wude–sorry for the fib :)

    embert: I don’t know everything–I wish I did ;)

    Soj, Mengedegna: Long time no hear. Great to hear from both of you. Soj, sorry you missed it man. I also heard you were at the Soccer tournament. Man, it would have been wonderful to meet you. Sorry, don’t know BoBo–maybe I do, but it doesn’t ring a bell.

  12. 12 Debteraw

    Ethio Jazz,

    Thank you very much for your remarkable piece. I’m continuously hunting for albums from the Golden Era. Thank God for the Ethiopiques series… am really glad to find out that this great era in our music history is not dead and that the young are picking it up (at least the ones that did not get sucked into the Synthesizer regurgitated crap that people sadly call “Ethiopian Music” these days.

    Thanks for your reporting… here’s to hoping more of these videos will pop up on YouTube soon…

  13. 13 Oreo

    Wow Ethio we were at the same events 3 times gin didn’t see each other!! Plus u know BoBo? what a small world! Next time email before u come this way :)
    Wude selam newe?

  14. 14 soj

    ..Yup I was there EJ,and would have loved to have met you. BTW, remember that old guy who sells vinyls in Addis, Ato Semu?….I met him and bought a couple of old records as well as a player….and we actually meet every so often …thanks again.

  15. 15 Abiy

    Loved the post, betam betam betam ye miyareka neew, degageme anbebkut… betam talak misgana selakafeleken! – thanks for sharing!

  16. 16 Nolawi

    Hmm – That was a good performance by Moges Hapte- enken yelelebesh – this is the second version I have heard of this.. this one is much softer than the one we heard here over a year i think Getachew Degefu- was the vocalist

    If both Moges and Tilaye are alive and well in the US- maybe there should be a reunion of Walias band.. minamin neger

    Nice performances- did anyone do Set ALamenem or Qurtune negerign… my favorites?

  17. 17 Dinich

    Set alamnim …ur favorite…hmmmmm

  18. 18 Ethio Jazz

    Debteraw, I couldn’t agree with you more. The current state music state in Ethiopia and the diasapora has been very dissapointing to say the least. Musicians either don’t care or are unaware of the popularity of Ethiopian music from the Golden Era. I don’t want them to replicate what was done, but use the same techniques to for them to come up with sound palatable to the ear. Thanks for your comment.

    Oreo: so great to hear from you. I’m so sorry we missed each other. I’ll make sure that I do email before I get there :)
    Oreo’ye I do not know BoBo. Who is he? Soj was supposed to describe him to me.

    Soj: Who is Bobo? Also, I do remember Ato Semu, I’m glad you hooked up with to get some old gems.

    Abiy: anytime! Thanks for your comment.

    Nolawi: Getachew Degefu wrote “Enken Yelelebesh” but Girma Beyene perormed it first. There is also another version of the song by Lasta Sound titled, “Ethiopiawit Konjo”

    As for a Walias reunion, you never know. That is definitely possible.

    At the sax summit at the Alliance show, Dawit “Messay” Mellesse did a wonderful take of ” Set Alamnem” Unfortunately no on did “Qurtun Negerign”

  19. 19 soj

    Ej Bobo is the guy wearing a chekered cardigan..?……in the picture with GB and Charles Sutton in it…..he is an architect and a radio talkshow kinda Addis.

  20. 20 embrt

    this is kinda off topic, but i think EJ would be willing to humor me.
    *crosses fingers*

    see, i was looking for any album by Bahiru Kegne and to no avail until i came upon this link that had his Best Of- Vol 1 up for download. and very eagerly, i linked on dwnld and it took me to this other site to sign up, membership, etc. i did it ’cause Bahiru is worth it. but i got duped cuz they dont have his album. MTs, so now i’m $25 poorer and no Bahiru Kegne albums in sight.

    could ur kind soul please please please, with a cherry on top, please up some Bahiru. i promise Karma will be kind to you.

  21. 21 adey

    Ejay- Thanks for the review.

  22. 22 Dinich

    EJ or whoever from DC area,

    I am desperately looking to hire a sound engineer for a sept 6 concert in DC for this Christian band.

    Looking for someone with experience doing sound for large concerts….over a thousand ppl expected on the concert……

    Any help is greatly appreciated

  23. 23 soj

    Dinich that is Dagim right..?…we were in the same classes 9th and 10th I think…didn’t know he was a christian…..what a surprise….I have not actually seen him since then….whew..

  24. 24 Dinich


    Yes he is…..Lives in Addis but he is touring in North America right now…expecting a second baby soon….

  25. 25 AddisTunes

    Ethio Jazz….my kindred spirit…..I too love the creativity of Girma Beyene!!! I’ve been collecting vinyl for about 25 years now myself… Here’s one of my favorite tracks by GB:

    View Girma Beyene at – The Home for Ethiopian Music and Downloads

    You should give me a shout sometime!

  26. 26 AddisTunes

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  27. 27 AddisTunes


    Have the band contact me. We are planning on offering downloads of Ethiopian spiritual music too. Have them send me an e-mail, then I will send out all the necessary info. that explains how works.


  28. 28 manawatoa

    Dear Ethio Jazz,

    I’m an Ethiopian Music lover from Berlin, at the moment working mainly on a research project about the Golden Era aka Swinging Addis times. Its a heart driven project and I would love to get in direct contact with you. It would be nice to hear your perspectives. Maybe we can share a passion? If you get the chance to email me back, I’d be very greatful.

    Warmest regards from Berlin!

    PS: IF ANYBODY ELSE FEELS LIKE SHARING THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM ABOUT ETHIOPIAN MUSIC WITH ME, PLEASE DONT HASITATE AND WRITE ME. (…here in Berlin, there is not much possibility to dive into this beautiful time deeply)

  29. 29 roxanne

    See what video I have found on YouTube!

  30. 30 Jake

    Henock Temesgen was a real work of art. I remember him from Addis Ababa his father owns a Leather Products shop near Addis Ababa soccer stadium. Temesgen Leather products won the kerembola matches everytime thanks to Henock A.K.A. BICHA.Those were good times.

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