Ayayayaya yaa! 135 Comments

Ethio hats

Sentimental songs that put me in the back to the days of boyhood; I was actually old enough to actually listen to these hits of the time. These songs are not oldies but sure enough are goodies.

His singing career span to almost three decades; one of the leading vocalist of the then very popular Roha Band; writer, producer, singer no an artist in all senses but his greatest asset from my perspective is his love for everything Ethiopian.

No singer of his time is as patriotic, and he is loved for it. It’s a great honor for me to listen to his hits of the boyhood days. Ladies and gents, these podcast has been long in the coming, when I asked Ethio Jazz to make sure to get a CD from Ethiopia last February.

neway debebeIt’s none other than Neway Debebe and the podcast is now here, as follows; Leyebicha, Yetikimt Abeba & Maebel. Belu tell me if you can sing along to all these, if not well you are too, as they say “whatsapoch!

Also checkout the interview on the Ethiopian Talk Show.

Leyebicha podcast is not working properly because we had to convert it from tape to CD as it was never digitally outputted,

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135 Responses to “Ayayayaya yaa!”

  1. 1 Sky

    Noli, I admire and appreciate Newy’s patriotism and his talent for writing and producing. Other than that I am not a big fan of his voice and singing style, it seems at least to me, that he talks than sing with the exception of this one song on his last CD about
    Gojam lij I forgot the title of the song it is very patriotic and I love that song.

  2. 2 lilye

    WOW NOLAWI, liben new BETAM BETAM yenekahew. Of course I am singing along. He is one of my very very favorates. You unexpectedly sent me back to those school party & afternoon home party days !!

    Leyebicha is my mommys favorite & he’s her no.1

  3. 3 lilye

    YeTikimt abeba !!! BeTam new befikir yemiwedew. yeTiqimt abeba endemehoné meTen.

  4. 4 lilye

    AYaaayaa gin bedenb ayseram.

  5. 5 Nolawi

    sky, the song is called hagere

    if I am not mistaken and has been podcated before… its done 1999

    lilye am checking on it thanks

  6. 6 Sky

    Noli, I love that song too but that is not the one I am talking about there is another one about the king of Gojam I believe that was on his latest album.
    Where is EJ when I need him?

  7. 7 kubet

    I admire him too, but he was never the lead singer of Roha Band. As a matter of fact, I don’t think he has ever performed as a lead singer in any one of the night clubs that I know of back then.

  8. 8 celebratelife

    He’s my Emaye’s favorite singer and I love him just because of that. Thanks for sharing….

  9. 9 lilye

    [quote comment="65428"]He’s my Emaye’s favorite singer and I love him just because of that. Thanks for sharing….[/quote]

    Now I know we’re realted !! He’s my mom’s favorite too.

    Nolawi, I think sky is talking about the one that says ‘Ye Gojam lij wedo’

  10. 10 pazion


    It brought back memories from my HS.

    There were two comedians, one of them used to sing

    “..yetikmet abeba, yehidar girawa… “

    – we used to think it was funny.

    The other funny guy used to quote from Neway …

    “ … Feyel Kitel Enji Atibelam Enguday ….”

    So he used to ask,

    “how does ..Feyel, Kitel, Fikr come together ?”

    Old time Lyrics … they were really interesting.

  11. 11 wudnesh

    I’d think more people like him for his good looks than his singing skills. I like hagere…and could sing along with most of his songs (uhu uhu…spared from ‘whatsapoch’)…but I ain’t a big fan….

  12. 12 Lovejones

    Great selection Nolawi. Good thing you brought this topic as I have a question to all.

    Who do you believe is the best “Performing Ethiopian Artist”? I am not talking about who the best singer or writer or lyricist is. Plain performance especially in live shows.

    I believe Aster Aweke is the best performing artist I have seen live in concert. The rest of them just stand there and sing. Neway/Teddy/Tsehaye/Tilahun/Muhamud, etc all are great artists but can’t perform.

  13. 13 Ethio Jazz

    Sky I think you’re talking about this:


  14. 14 meeraph 1

    ehrm.. a little bit off topic but, I’m loving the hats in the picture. Is it an ethio product?

  15. 15 Nolawi

    Meeraph1, i will write about these hats in the near futur, just remind me

    in the nothern omo valley there is a city called chencha.. very close to arba minch… i think, in these region there are people called dorze,… less than 50,000 dorze’s left in the country… as they all have migrated and north to shoa.. and even addis….

    anyways the dorze’s i know about them because my grandfather told me about them and i read on national geographic… they make these hats… they are not like other people of the northern omo valley, they are actually modern in comparison

    here is a photos for proof…


  16. 16 zgent

    The only Neway song I liked is the one that comes with the HIV-AIDS awareness album. I never liked his songs to buy a cassette and listen in private. I greatly admire his song writing ability and of course his love for his country most of all.
    I concur with Love Jones Aster is the best perfomer, including an incredible singing talent.

    Nolawi, yes the Dorze are cool people.

  17. 17 meeraph 1

    [quote comment="65556"]Meeraph1, i will write about these hats in the near futur, just remind me
    oh! goodie, I shall awate with anticipation. I think I might have a hat fetish insert *blushing smiely*

    thanks! indaTresa ishi!

  18. 18 bela'e injera

    I am diggin the hats and the maebel song…

    please do write about the hats; there need to be an ebay store for them.

  19. 19 Sky

    What we would I do with out you EJye. I knew you will come thru. That is my all time favorite of Neway’s song.
    Lilye you got what I was talking about too.
    Thanks both.

  20. 20 Alpha

    yeah me loving the hats too….
    good idea inju

  21. 21 bela'e injera

    Alphie, you should open the store… you have your children books and add the hats to your inventory.
    And compensate the artists fairly.

  22. 22 wudnesh

    Before reading what u wrote, I actually thought Bernos was coming with new hats for the Ethio. millennium….well, u never knowww!!!!

  23. 23 Kebebush

    My favorite song of Neway is Inetarek………it’s available at http://www.ethiopianow.com/music/neway/

  24. 24 MindWithoutC

    [quote comment="65517"]….

    Who do you believe is the best “Performing Ethiopian Artist”? I am not talking about who the best singer or writer or lyricist is. Plain performance especially in live shows.

    I believe Aster Aweke is the best performing artist I have seen live in concert. The rest of them just stand there and sing. Neway/Teddy/Tsehaye/Tilahun/Muhamud, etc all are great artists but can’t perform.[/quote]”

    I agree with your question on that end, only in one condition. i.e. If you said,
    -you had that same persepective & analysis on their stage performance, before you landed on the West’s soil and exposed to the West’s society, way of life, cultural phenomenon, artists? and so forth.

    Aster’s old songs, as you know, would no way make you perform on stage. She was a great singer. Her old songs still go on and will go on. but, performance!? Let EJ comment. :-)

    However, once Aster came to the State and after some adjustment, she has transformed herself as a great stage performer. Even, her 1st Song that she released from the state (’86 ??) was different than her previous ones. it was not all melancholy anymore. Whether, it was her individual ingenuity to transform herself on stage & lyrics or had listened well to her advisors & her fans .. whichever it is she did good.

    As for the others (her generation Tsehaye/Neway/Efrem) they may not be like her, but Tsehaye/Neway are more relaxed than Efrem even in Hibret TerIt. Efrem was/is too uptight. May be he thinks he is too good to shake/groove. :-)

    I remember also watching a OLD viedeo of the great Efrem Tamiru last year and his life concert (in Addis?) I think somewhere in the early 80′s in an open field with tons of youngsters just sitting on the ground and just enjoying him…no dancing, no waving, no nothing…

    so, why !? was it because our culture made us so reserved that music even couldn’t break up the gene within us that has held us captors both the performer & audience?

    However, if you go to Addis..these days… to a surprise, people wildly dance & the exposure of MTV & BET even corrupts the youth in the worst mode of thinking about art. Can I blame them? No! youth is a youth. and everything in art is being also transformed in a way that has no creativity. Just bootlegging and plagiarism.

    Anyways, my take is: Bad habits die hard.

    Let us remember our society’s acceptance of their shaking/grooving also matters. i tend to believe that they know their performance style and maybe they just feel that:

    their songs are not only targeting one corner -the Halves and enlightened- but also, the oppressed, the marginalized, the illitrate, the conservative, wezeterrfe…
    so, they are supposed to reach out the entire citizen corner-to-corner and a lot of work to do there. it must be very hard to drill in into millions’ soul and quench that dehydration.

    I think we (even the exposed ones) also as citizens are not empowered with that individual judgement and analysis of their art work, for lack of knowledge about arts and its field, if each of us, the exposed were to be honest. our analysis stinks ! :-)

    we get swayed by what others say. we are too dependent on eachother’s anaylsis or those who are at the limelight. that collective mind-set.

    I personally give a lot of credit and have admiration to all our artists considering the opportunity, the exposure, the resources that they have been endowed to bring their individual best out.

    sorry for the lengthy note.

    my Dinnare’. :-)

  25. 25 bela

    i think he is a good performer.but i have never consider him as a great singer.

  26. 26 bela

    by the way yetikimtabeba is my favorite song

  27. 27 Yekey Dama

    I personally like him as a performer, Neway that is…but don’t they used to say back home ‘Neway yesed nebab emiyaneb newe yemimeslew’ or something to that effect?
    I must say some of the songs these days feel like the lyrics are endwe begid yegtim bet endimetu becha yetwereweru new yemimeslut, whatever sticks will. The message of a given song is incoherent not to mention gets lost in translation with all the deliberate Amarigna megotetings and what sounds like mekolatefing of some sorts. I feel like yetebeb esubenet is lacking with each increment of yezefagne bezat. For example, I loveeeeee ye Zeritu’s dems kelase, boy is she endowed or what! But for the life of me I can not find myself to understand the carried messages in some of the song gitims… I feel as though they are just forced to collide with one another just for the aforementioned purpose, bet lememtat. Mts (hey how can I roll me betiful eyez ober here? :) )
    You can add a Western flavor; tempo, kilase or whatever with out the need to sound like the language in which you are singing with is somehow 2ndry to you lol
    I am all for meshashale, it is high time to transition from simply malazening (though I like me ma sappy songs of lesergishe teterahu, man alegne alanchi, yaregshegima meche twerto yalkale minamin :) ) to move to more up tempo and well put together songs of higher calibers such as Gigi’s, Aster’s (though she too have her missteps) wezeterfe. I feel like singers like Zeritu or Dawit Melese’s sing because they can and to me that is a disservice to the aesthetic value of that genre of art. IMO Teddy Afro, the Evangadis are among those who successfully transcend while still maintaining the integrity of the tibeb.

    If you said,
    -you had that same persepective & analysis on their stage performance, before you landed on the West’s soil and exposed to the West’s society, way of life, cultural phenomenon, artists? and so forth… was it because our culture made us so reserved that music even couldn’t break up the gene within us that has held us captors both the performer & audience?

    MWC I do see your point and the correlation you are making, however I also think it is also dependent on the artist’s temperament and gift. For example I don’t think Tilahun needed to land to the West society to meweregreg (showmanship, the ability to move crowed with the passion & jubilee) on stage in the manner he has been for years, same goes for Alemayehu Eshete or Mohamud minamin. On the flip side if you were to look at Tewodros Taddesse (who I think have simply bone melting voice/kelase), Ephrem, Aregahen, Tesgaye etc are among those who have been made fun of regarding their lack of showmanship…ande bota komew egrachew yetesefa yemesel benefas hayel wedegra wedekegne yemiwezawezu nachew yibalu neber (well I may have paraphrased and added my Oregano to it :) ) but you get my drift. These singers, despite the fact that their foot has been soiled by the West or whatever their style, for the most part, remains as we remember it, perhaps because they are among the group that are not ‘stage performers’ either because they are not gifted in that aspect of the art or for whatever reason. Some are just meant to entertain by way of singing, some are by way of their lyrics and some, even if you can’t make out how the preceding gitim can reasonably memetat with the following one and make sense, they manage to get you jump like a monkey by way of their stage performance and their ability to make you groove along with them. Telatu tefet yebel his name is not reaching my tongue but for example what is his face (Selb yelut neber from what I recall) but the one that sings “sebebu ay sebebena ay sebebena“, somthing Emeru or whatever ya him…he is not the kind who meweregregs, jumps from one end of stage to another, but he manages to get the crowed going just by his singing and Martha Ashagre manages to manekanek (and marshe maskeyring :) ) the same way Mary Armde managed to do in her time (and to date) despite the difference in their style of stage performances. Aster does her thing and gets the crowed going as Hamelmale Abate does in her own accord. This of course is reflective of the fact that each Artist and or Performer has his/her own crowed or audience who gets tickled by his/her work in a particular way… my grandma (mom) who is from the times of ene Mary Armde hates to hear Aster’s dimis even in passing, in fact she used to say “ere wediya min echi, ayet ayluwat enkurarit, degmo esuwa belo zefagne” but this is the same woman who likes the guy who sings (forgot his name) ‘yefela buna, yefela shaye’, likes Hamelmal (she calls her rega yaleche teru demsawi) and have a special liking to Bezawork (perhaps she reminds her of Mary)… as you can see my beloved is a woman of an older generation but she found appreciation for the newer because the artist was able to capture her in his/her own way with their respective performance. So I believe it is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Me thinks anyway.

  28. 28 MindWithoutC

    Yekey Damaitu,

    First endet senebetshelign WeGenitu(…’shemitu . :-)

    Now, before 1/2-agreeing with your analysis on the singers’ performance, my conditioning was directed at LoveJones him/herself anaylsis or way of rating them before coming to the West.

    So, simply, what I was asking was, at this time:

    How do, even those of us, the now exposed, informed and enlightened, analyze our artists’ level of aristry? How do we gauge it? What is our reference point to start with? Are Westren Singers and music our Ref. point to judge our own Artists artistic level or perfromance on the stage?

    However, as you mentioned, their failure in not being able to progressively transform their artistic ability to what PEOPLE (their critics) expect them to be. That is the critical-factor. Their critics those who sway public opinion. I heard people also crucified Aster too. so, it is hard to get facts if the criticsm is really based on their performance only on the stage, the way I see it! I wonder.

    Always, my question to those who criticizes is this:
    Do we those who criticize them really have what it takes to be a master of art and know its efficiencies and deficiencies? Or, is it b/c they have not still forced the musics of Tilahun/Alemayehu to our collection bin.?

    Tilahun/Alemayehu certainly never swung better than Tsehaye/Neway in their era when i saw it in Hibret TirIT, did they? Not the one I watched.

    So, how are they compared to? are our unrealstic expectation and dependent anaylsis-factor be the problem? Could that be our individual inefficiency factor in the mastery of arts field?

    As Tilahun/Alemayehu/ you are absolutely right. their song never dies out. But, those who sway people’s opinion also played a big part. don’t rule out their ethnicity, if sincerity to govern us. :-)

    Aside their performing style on stage: There is also another factor that challenges their potential and cinfidence in front of people.

    Their looks, their voice (loved by most and hated by maybe few). That is also another feedback from their audience on how they go about and tab their talent. the two must have been the best of their generation and along the positive feedback.

    Its acceptance and rejection can make a huge factor in sensitizing or De-sensitizing artists’ confidence, self-esteem and direction of their music. YET,

    Mahmud & Bezawork with great voices made it. They must have gone thru hell time (may be secretly) because people constantly talked their looks, her teeth. right? God bless America, she looks fantastic now (must have gone to Dentist here). Good for her!. So, society has insatiable un/realistic expectations from those who wants to be on the public limelight.

    Are Neway/Tsehaye/Efrem that bad? Efrem is a bit too stiff, but, Tsehaye & newaye, not so. Not for me even on their stage. They are performing with their UniQue individuality and i have always been satisfied. So, I am a satisfied fan.

    Can you believe Efrems’ songs: Especially the early 80′s one of them being “Yekey Dama”. I bet, your Cybername is after it? what a beautiful music. I am trying to get the CD from Addis. do you have it? :-) Goes like this:

    YeDinGet lidge WubAyenama
    Wubet Yetadelech YekeyDama
    BeNafaqi Teren teshelema
    Leben Nestagn hedech bene Adema

    Your Grandma is like all of us. She must have been captivated by Bezeye’s voice. I love it as well. The first thing is the voice that hit a chord in us. may be Bezawork’s not Aster’s hit the chord in Grandma.

    The way I also see it, Aster’s olddies sounded even if they were not directed at the urbanites, they sounded that they reflected at Addis Ladies/Gentle folks and their way of love & Romance, while Bezawork’s tone may touch across the board including Balegeru’s (conservatives).

    Her voice was also distinct and not so melancholy as aster’s. may be your grandma hates sentimentalism. she must have been the-Halves! i.e. if agonizing music turns her off. :-) People with agony, and pain usually love that sort of music, it drills in & speaks & soothes their pain deep inside.

    oh well, Weshimeye for now Dehena Qoyilegn!

  29. 29 YekeyDama

    Endet alehligne wushme? :) Ene endalehu alehu yanten neger eyebelahu :)
    [quote comment="66242"]…How do, even those of us, the now exposed, informed and enlightened, analyze our artists’ level of aristry? How do we gauge it? What is our reference point to start with? Are Western Singers and music our Ref. point to judge our own Artists artistic level or perfromance on the stage?[/quote]
    But the thing is those who commented, criticized or judged the performance styles of the singers, most of them, were not exposed to the ‘Western’ or do they need to be to appreciate, like or dislike the artists of their country. As far as I remember the comparisons mentioned were among each other and the reference point is one gifted stage performer/zefagne to the other. I guess it comes down to what each individual subscribe to.

    I heard people also crucified Aster too.

    I know…wasn’t she accused of being on some high or something in either her London concert or perhaps in another. I am telling you eko you can’t win’m all :) I think our society is a habitat of the most hard to please people of the world :) that is why I advice people to march to his/her own drum and hope to find his/her niche in the crowd.

    Do we those who criticize them really have what it takes to be a master of art and know its efficiencies and deficiencies?

    Just as you don’t need to be a soccer player to appreciate the sport, you don’t need to be an artist to appreciate and or formulate your opinion on its vast form.
    To me I have a great appreciation to those Artists who can transcend generation and be able to capture, affect and extract respect and appreciation even from those who didn’t grow up listening to them. Those who are able to break barriers of any kind are the kind that deserves applause.

    As Tilahun/Alemayehu/ you are absolutely right. their song never dies out. But, those who sway people’s opinion also played a big part. don’t rule out their ethnicity, if sincerity to govern us.

    That one went over me pea head :)

    Can you believe Efrems’ songs: Especially the early 80’s one of them being “Yekey Dama”. I bet, your Cybername is after it? what a beautiful music. I am trying to get the CD from Addis. do you have it?

    No my cyber nick wasn’t named after it, in fact it was based on an article (Konjit) I first participated in here @ Bernos. It tied with what I was saying so I donned YekeyDama (not to mention I am one :P ). I do know the song though as for having it am sure my husband has it among the many stashes of cassettes he have… I call him the cassette collector :) he loves his countrymen singers, doesn’t care much for others, I tease him saying that is because he can’t dance with his hulet gera eger to a tune of Englizegna zefegn :) But seriously if he already didn’t know you were my cyber wushima he probably wouldn’t have minded makateling one for you (that is if you are among the many who robs the artist of his due profit :) ). Too bad you are in his ‘black list’ :)

  30. 30 Nolawi

    he is a good performer, vocalist, writer..

    a great all around musician, we should all be lucky Ethiopians if we had another artist of his caliber….

    the cultural impact he made during his generation should not be under appreciated!

  31. 31 cece

    Tilahun vs Mohammud ? Who’s better

  32. 32 MindWithoutC

    [quote comment="66323"]Endet alehligne wushme? :) Ene endalehu alehu yanten neger eyebelahu :)
    [quote comment="66242"]…

    Oh.. aren’t you angel Benatsh!? emama Beliye yemutu ..nefs eko’nsh Benatish… :-)

    “..But the thing is those who commented, criticized or judged the performance styles of the singers, most of them, were not exposed to the ‘Western’ or do they need to be to appreciate, like or dislike the artists of their country…. As far as I …

    …i thought the harsh criticism was actually by the Diaspora. So, my comment was on us the Diasporas. I think as far as I rememeber, at least until I left Addis i didn’t hear that much harsh criticism or unrealstic expectation on Neway, Tsehaye, Efrem, Aster. of course, all of us mocked jokingly on some songs. But, that was innocent joke. Yet, It is in the West that I keep hearing this and that…people suddenly become analysts and critics. So, I am not saying we shouldn’t criticise or dis/like songs if they don’t soothe our soul, we are free to do that, but my issue is when we personalize it:

    My point is, if we have to engage on that, then we should do our homework and be objective and know what we are talking about to help our artists hear our voice so they take us to a level that we would have liked to. Then let them do their homework.

    Nevertheless, when we personalize things and engage in a foolish thing, such as: “Aster was on drugs, she is too much, she is ugly (have you seen her closer, said one female friend to me once, Neway’s song is Sede nebab..wezeterefe” …and you know this is not objective to me and it is a disservice to these artists who tirelesly work to bring a CD out. just imagine 4 years of work (if you earn on your profession 80K/yr that is $320K/4yrs. just imagine). so, my take is, let us be fair and objective.

    I know…wasn’t … that is why I advice people to march to his/her own drum and hope to find his/her niche in the crowd.

    LOL.. yes in deed ..am with you, love it! ..just like the kebele youth band. :-)

    Just as you don’t need to be a soccer player to appreciate the sport, you don’t need to be an artist to appreciate and or formulate your opinion on its vast form.

    ;;as for me, Wushemiye ..i would prefer that you really know what it feels to be a soccer player and a runner. so when you come out to cheer me on, :-) and when i gasp and lose it all so you really can feel it, instead of being pissed at me. :-)

    “..No my cyber nick wasn’t named after it, in fact it was based on an article (Konjit) I first participated in here @ Bernos. It tied with what I was saying so I donned YekeyDama (not to mention I am one :P ). I do know the song though …”

    I see ..I was wrong all this time then. :-)

    “…as for having it am sure my husband has it among the many stashes of cassettes he have… I call him the cassette collector :) he loves his countrymen singers, doesn’t care much for others, I tease him saying that is because he can’t dance with his hulet gera eger to a tune of Englizegna zefegn :) But seriously if he already didn’t know you were my cyber wushima he probably wouldn’t have minded makateling …”

    Hahaha ..for real… am in trouble beyigna. :-)

    “…one for you (that is if you are among the many who robs the artist of his due profit :) ). Too bad you are in his ‘black list’ :) [/quote]

    Anchi Guregna…you sound so angel WeGegna nesh Bakish! :-) ..am no angel but i don’t do it often! have here and there olddies :-)

    ~May u have an enjoyable week.

  33. 33 Mamitu

    It is kind of off topic but it is still about music. I was kind of asking about an Ethiopian-American musician Kenna Zemedkun a few weeks back, I found an interesting story about him and his music.


  34. 34 YekeyDama

    Liking one’s singing or performance style over the other has nothing to do with lack or under appreciation. We can’t chastise people for not having a particular preference from one performer/singer over the other. Some singers/performers capture and or awaken one’s senses better than the other. Period. Neway is among those who have mastered the charms of the stage.
    The criticisms are rather constructive than harsh, as long as they are kept in regards to the tebeb as opposed to personal attack or ridicule. I do believe the artists themselves are more receptive and accepting of the criticism than their fans :)

    as for me, Wushemiye ..i would prefer that you really know what it feels to be a soccer player and a runner. so when you come out to cheer me on, and when i gasp and lose it all so you really can feel it, instead of being pissed at me.

    No thank you sir :) Take your funky kalsi and labam bebit straight to the shower…ene min bewetagne :) I will settle for admiration and appreciation of the skill/talent from a distance without needing to partake in the ergecha :) … not a requirement as far as am concerned.

    Anchi Guregna…you sound so angel WeGegna nesh Bakish! ..am no angel but i don’t do it often! have here and there olddies

    Now, now am not responsible or your assumptions, Kedemu nesu meche alkuna aba :) sadly I too possess yetekatelu zefegnoche. I was just stating we are essentially doing that to the artists when we maketateling. An angel? No a hypocrite? U bettcha :) Don’t you hate it though, when there is probably one or two singles you love from a CD and the rest barely awaken your senses yet you have to cough up $14.99 or whatever to get to those couple ones? The likes of iTune minamin is good…am not sure if the artist feels justified with the $.99/song when considering all that goes in putting together a CD but it sure works out best for its consumer.

    Have a splendid one.

  35. 35 Niguse

    I have been singing Yetikimit abebe with a spoon in my hand since I was a Kid and you know the great thing about music is it just takes you to times and places you haven’t visited in a while. I love Neway as an artist and I think his charisma and performance add to his appeal.

    Whats up with our artists and interviews though. Is it just me do they sound a bit animated?

    Anyhoo Love the songs Nol,


  36. 36 Guest

    Speaking of music, Here’s the new Ethiopian Millennium song I found on myspace…

    Even though in the song they refer it as Millennium which is not Amarigna, but still I love the voice traditional voice and the horns. I think this song is wicked!

    What do you think?


  37. 37 ethiopioneer

    me and my bro were compiting infront of out father…singing Neways song…we were really kids..
    My bro sang it like….

    Ayayayayayayayyay…….ya..ya.. “he likes this part ”
    Leyebicha..Ayidechim, Le yegara Ayigechim..
    his favourite part is obviously …the “ayayayaya..” part…
    everywhere, in school, radio…”ayayay..” ayi Zemen..

  38. 38 Dinich

    There was this ebd in my neighborhood who used to say “waay, waay, waay, waay, waay, waay, waay”…..trying to say ayayayayayaya…..

    For some strange reason I miss all the ebd and funny people

  39. 39 micky

    i went the e-mail address of newy debebe
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