aman newu? 641 Comments


On any given day, there are from 600 to 800 abesha‘s that read the bernos blog; between all, they reload the bernos pages a few thousand times or so a day.

How do I know they’re abesha’s? I really don’t know but it seems like it from the comments. I am sure there is a few non-abesha’s around.

Ay, here is the rub; it’s often here on the bernos blog that we see 100 plus comments, but we have never seen 200.

So, I present to you…

The most ever comments in history, Abesha style; this one!

I would like all of you to post a comment, say hello, tell us your name, or don’t, say anything, post a link, post anything you want.

Basically, let’s make a record! We won’t break the Guiness World Book of Records but we can make an Ethiopian one. The most ever comments in history.

Disclaimer: this idea was inspired by another one started in Nov 4th 2006 and has 211 comments currently. How long will it take us to beat it?

641 Responses to “aman newu?”

  1. 1 Nolawi

    I will start

    akam jirta jirta,
    teach me some oromigna….

    the rhyming was a coincidence

  2. 2 kiki

    Yea, I am #2. Now 199+ more to go.

  3. 3 masinkomelody

    and the clock is ticking people… commentttttt

  4. 4 Aleks

    Ere min Aman new MIZAN new negeru.

  5. 5 YekeyDama

    I think this is like random thoughts… here is my contribution in keeping with the opening…

    Tigrina tezarebeha? Kurub Kurub (please don’t get offended I don’t know if I said it as it should be said)

    Kopi afan oromo? Tino, Tino.
    Akam Jirta, neguma? Feya, feya.
    Maltate? medono :)

  6. 6 celebratelife

    I’m the lucky #6 that’s not fair I wanna be number sebat.
    Sorry me speak only English and Amarenga so I can’t show off any other languages.

    Ok how about we start a story and everyone adds to it. Here goes mine

    So this young lady named Aster went to the local store to buy some dabo and there she ran into Abeba who ran away as soon as she saw Aster…….

  7. 7 celebratelife

    Ok now I’m #7

    continuing story….
    Aster yelled out “Abeba, Abeba” but Abeba kept running and Aster not knowing what happened ran after her and kept yelling “Abeba, Abeba bedehna new?” but still no reply…..

  8. 8 Gojjew

    I’ve been reading bernos blog comments for almost a year,but I never wrote any comment.I don’t really know why? But I loved this site,needless to say I bought a couple of shirts.Wearing one of the T’s at the soccer tournament in Dallas someone ask me where did I get it,and whan I tell him that person turn out to be CHELEMA I was so happy to meet him.Offcourse alot of peaple was asking me about the T’s. I was’t sure If it was the T’s or me,I was shining on that addis classic.Any way I gave them the address,hey Nolawi don’t blame me for the high volume sale after the soccer tournamment.If that did’t happen I guess I was a terrible sales person.
    that’ enough for today but I’ll try to continue.

    Hey guy’s keep up the good work. This is my favorite site.

  9. 9 yonas

    wehe tenot!

  10. 10 Chuch

    Kurt Yalegibal

  11. 11 alibaba


    may this comment be lost amongst thousands and thousands of comments….

  12. 12 Chuch

    Kurt Yategibal

  13. 13 bgFelasfit

    [quote comment="63692"]I’ve been reading bernos blog comments for almost a year,but I never wrote any comment.I don’t really know why? But I loved this site,needless to say I bought a couple of shirts.Wearing one of the T’s at the soccer tournament in Dallas someone ask me where did I get it,and whan I tell him that person turn out to be CHELEMA I was so happy to meet him.Offcourse alot of peaple was asking me about the T’s. I was’t sure If it was the T’s or me,I was shining on that addis classic.Any way I gave them the address,hey Nolawi don’t blame me for the high volume sale after the soccer tournamment.If that did’t happen I guess I was a terrible sales person.
    that’ enough for today but I’ll try to continue.

    Hey guy’s keep up the good work. This is my favorite site.[/quote]

    welcome gojjam…:)
    hope we hear from u more!

    funny how the blog has become my rehab from bp…mtssss….

  14. 14 Mamit

    I will start out saying…

    …Kemeye, Kemeye
    Tswbuk…Mearye (Tigrigna)

    Akem Bulteni, Garida…..yeeee. Rebi Si Ya Kenu (Oromigna)

    Wehmre…Feya Nachehu (Gurage)

    Alright, that is the extent of my knowledge in the Ethiopian Language.

    Keep up the good work Bernosoch…this is the first website I check when I first get to work. Keep on, Keep on!

    Celebratelife…I think Abeba is still running…….

  15. 15 ethiopioneer

    Aman newu was stolen from me and i am number 15…just b/s i was sleepy
    You got to put me number 2…
    it is not fair…
    anyway…Selam..Selam Bilenal…

  16. 16 Mamitu

    Allo from D.C.

  17. 17 DawitK

    Well I’ve been absent from the blog for the past two weeks, but I’m back now. Its 9:00 AM right now and I have over 200 unread emails on my work email accumulated in just a couple of day’s, my boss is supper energetic today, its Friday but it feels like its Monday, and I have a bad hangover.

    I think I need a double shoot of espresso!

  18. 18 Ethio Jazz

    selam selam yeBernos beteseboch…

  19. 19 Money Mek

    THis is Money, You Already Know What It IS!

  20. 20 Kebebush

    I don’t comment on the blog that much but I used to on bp a lot. How is everyone doing? I miss being part of bp. Hope all is well.

  21. 21 sebsbe

    saro ‘peace?’Nuer
    wohem neh/nesh ‘Gurage’
    digo ‘Kafa’
    mono wot’e ‘let me die for you”Shaka’


  22. 22 Alpha

    Asalamu’ Alaykum :-)

  23. 23 Bela'e injera

    ya habibi, Alekum weselam!

    [quote comment="63770"]Asalamu’ Alaykum :-) [/quote]

  24. 24 Dinich

    Nol, Here are some abiyotawi selamta:

    Sefiw Ye Ethiopia hizb hoy. (as if there is Tebab hizb..mts)… or may be…wud guadoch…the answer to that is gudguad gibana…..

    This one is feministic and abyotawi at the same time….Dirib CHiqun ihitoch You can land any abiyotegna chik if you use that in your pick up lines.

  25. 25 wudnesh

    Bubushaaaaa….my! I was just gonna say hi all, but I see Bubusha’s comment…miss you a lot…please come back to BP, u r missed.
    Since am always mAbsheqing and meterebing Nol, let me use this agATami to say something: Nolye, despite irrir deben mAdregging sometimes, we love you…u r doing a great job…..keep up the good work!

  26. 26 ya

    …. yehe alamachu wede geb endiders degafen lemegelets yehew be comment self laye wetechalehu

    (… bit of flashback from back in the dayzz … )


  27. 27 tsedu

    selamta gondrie style , i love bernos

  28. 28 munit

    what’s the point of this post again…..?

  29. 29 abyssinia

    Hello Bernosoch Ke Toronto.

    I love this community.
    I check this site few times a day from work.
    It’s been my therapy or maybe I’m addicted. Whatever!

    Keep up the good work.

  30. 30 Nolawi

    [quote comment="63692"]I’ve been reading bernos blog comments for almost a year,but I never wrote any comment.I don’t really know why? But I loved this site,needless to say I bought a couple of shirts.Wearing one of the T’s at the soccer tournament in Dallas someone ask me where did I get it,and whan I tell him that person turn out to be CHELEMA I was so happy to meet him.Offcourse alot of peaple was asking me about the T’s. I was’t sure If it was the T’s or me,I was shining on that addis classic.Any way I gave them the address,hey Nolawi don’t blame me for the high volume sale after the soccer tournamment.If that did’t happen I guess I was a terrible sales person.
    that’ enough for today but I’ll try to continue.

    Hey guy’s keep up the good work. This is my favorite site.[/quote]
    kool modi
    thanks for the support, we can only sustain this if the likes of u that like our products make a transaction….

  31. 31 Bed_ford

    Hello every one;
    Nolawi; this for you
    Delboata (mainly used in the eastern part of Ethiopian Harar); Qotiyao ….. (The rest of the region)…… meaning Ox

    Kelle …..(Anqaqu.. Arssi) … Pupa..(Showa)…Meaning egg

  32. 32 bgFelasfit

    indeeee shenkorina!!! i see u! we miss you ewnet…hope all’s well!

    i noticed i’m lucky number 13~~ lol!

  33. 33 Bole Bolale

    once we hit the 200 and then what?…just curious

  34. 34 cece

    Dear Bernos family members,

    I must admit when Nolawi started this website, I never encouraged him to pursue Bernos, but instead told him to use HIS TALENT on something else. He was working day and night creating this website and spending too much money getting the best quality T-shirts. I always told him this is too much for you…..Never thought in my wildest dreams, that Bernos would be this big….NOLAWI U proved me wrong…U are the shit and U made it happen

    For all of you ppl who don’t have friends or family who encourage U to dream and do big things, don’t listen to them and follow your passion and heart…….Learn from NOLAWI! U can make it happen.

    Finally, I would like to thank Nolawi and all the Bernos community for creating such a great community where ppl share and exchange ideas to learn a thing or two at any given time.

  35. 35 dawitm

    wazzzzzzzzzup bernos …… :)

  36. 36 celebratelife

    [quote comment="63766"]I don’t comment on the blog that much but I used to on bp a lot. How is everyone doing? I miss being part of bp. Hope all is well.[/quote]

    Kebe, and we miss you too so please sneak a peak and say hi.

  37. 37 Ted


  38. 38 Sky

    I love Bernos,its community and what it has to offer.
    Good job Nol!!
    I am so happy I am not #200 ;-) !!!!

  39. 39 tsedu

    hi nolawi ,I was just thinking ,If you want as much people to participate at bernos blog which we all want ,maybe if you invite people to share funny experiences or odd moments that they encounter as result of culture shock, when they first arrive in us.wouldn’t be hilarious ?i can tell you ,I have few of them.
    just throwing it out there .if not just ignore me.

  40. 40 dawitm


    excuse my ignorance, but what is bp ? as you can tell, am new even to this blog…, am kinda not upto speed here :)

    it appears that ya’all (most of u) know eachother from another blog or somethin :)

    anyway, i love this one blog very much, that is what matters right…? :)

  41. 41 celebratelife

    dawitm, bp is the Bernos Press. it’s fun you should check it out. Here is more info on BP Go here to apply

    Btw been loving your comments.

  42. 42 dawitm


    muchas gracias !!! i just signed up for it.

    [quote comment="63822"]Btw been loving your comments.[/quote]

    love yours too … very mcuh :)

  43. 43 kiki

    [quote comment="63766"]I don’t comment on the blog that much but I used to on bp a lot. How is everyone doing? I miss being part of bp. Hope all is well.[/quote]

    Kebe?!, that name sounds familiar. How have you been stranger? Good to see you are around.

  44. 44 Nolawi

    [quote comment="63819"]hi nolawi ,I was just thinking ,If you want as much people to participate at bernos blog which we all want ,maybe if you invite people to share funny experiences or odd moments that they encounter as result of culture shock, when they first arrive in us.wouldn’t be hilarious ?i can tell you ,I have few of them.
    just throwing it out there .if not just ignore me.[/quote]

    ok why don’t u tell us yours first

  45. 45 celebratelife

    dawitm, If you think you’re addicted to the blog wait til you check out the press lol. Bernos is just all around fun and interesting. It’s a wonderful stop from the daily hustle and bustle :)

  46. 46 Kebebush

    Wude, celeb, Kiki, bg

    Thank you for your kind words. I am doing great. I miss you guys so much.

    Dawitm, bp is very addictive. If I go back to bp, I am afraid I will lose my job. But I will see if I can get a weekend pass or something. I have to ask Nolawi for that :-) .

  47. 47 bgFelasfit

    [quote comment="63788"]what’s the point of this post again…..?[/quote]

    “i won’t let you down”….alech munit!

  48. 48 bgFelasfit

    haha… i have an idea celeb
    take all the comment numbers u have and u got a lotto number!
    how bout that? ;)

  49. 49 Money Mek

    This Money saying SUPPORT MICK VICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111

  50. 50 celebratelife

    [quote comment="63840"]haha… i have an idea celeb
    take all the comment numbers u have and u got a lotto number!
    how bout that? ;) [/quote]

    You’re crazy but great idea if I win I’ll buy you a Bernos tee, for life, or 10% of the winnings how’s that :) . Hard to decide huh?

  51. 51 Dinich


    I know Soj broke your heart when he left you behind when he moved to ET.

    You know what, though, arif bal agignchelshalehu. C’mon over to the press to see his picture.

  52. 52 Yeniye

    Selam to you all!!

  53. 53 bluecat


  54. 54 Kebebush

    Dinichiye, i know you are always looking out for me. Yes, the press isn’t the same without Soj but it’s about time to move on.
    Let me work the issues with my account first and I will be in the press to see my bal :-) .

  55. 55 tsedu

    Ok Nolawi I’ll share a story from when I first came to the States fresh from Ethiopia.

    This happened about 10 years ago, when I first came to this country, I was in this College for a few weeks before moving to off campus housing – the very first day I moved into this new apartment my phone had yet to be connected and I had such a long day of moving and was starving for any type of food. Not knowing anyone and having no car I decided to order some Chinese food and picked up the phone … it only gave me a dial tone since it was not connected and kept saying “you can only dial 911″ … I had a light bulb moment and called 911 …

    A man picked up and said something like “911 what is your emergency” … with my VERY thick accented english – I said “this is not emergency but is there any way that you can order some Chinese food for me since my phone is not connected yet – since you have the access?”

    The man .. paused … I was thinking “thank God he’s going to help me order – I can finally eat”

    He said “Mama is this prank call?” I kept telling him “No sir I’m only a student, I’m not a mom I don’t have kids, I’m only ordering for myself” and I keep thinking to myself why are they calling me “Mom…Mama … I’m not a mother”

    He insisted “if it is not an emergency please hang up” and I didn’t understand why he keep saying that – cause I was saying – “I know it is not an emergency but since you have the phone why not order the Chinese food for me” -

    Before I knew I heard a dial tone – I thought I got disconnected and I dialed 911 trying to call him back

    At the same time I heard a big banging noise at my door and I put the phone down and went to see what it was

    I asked who it was and a deep voice said this is the police – I was thinking “police?”

    I opened the door to see 2 tall cops with guns strapped to their waist – That was the first time since coming to the states that I had seen cops so close up.

    They asked “did someone call 911?” and I said “‘O’ my God how did you know (I did not know the connection at ALL)?”

    They said “s everything Ok” while they are looking behind me … I said “everything is Ok … thank you so much … it’s ok I was just going to order Chinese food and I didn’t have access with my phone”

    So I asked “Do I tell you or do you have any phone with you so I can call a Chinese place?” They were staring at me … I didn’t know why they were not saying anything… and one of the policeman said “I’m going to be checking the house.”

    While one of the guys was looking around the house the other policeman asked me where I was from and in the usual proud manner I told him that I was from Ethiopia and was new to the country … yad yad just kept talking and thinking are these people going to call for me or what?

    The other guy rejoined us and he said “Do you know that 911 is only for emergency – life threatening” and he said it in a very slow and deliberate tone so I could get it.

    Then it just hit me and I was thinking “My God so they are connected to the 911 and they are serious about this” and I was apologizing. Finally – they left and told me to not call unless my life was endangered.

    Looking back they probably where saying these dman foreigners and I was in the deep “dirty” South.

    The next day I told one of my American classmates and before I knew it she was laughing and telling the entire class. It became a huge joke.

    The longer I lived here the more I realize just how crazy that was – but back then it seemed like a perfect idea and I was actually pissed I did’nt get my dinner.

    That was just 1 of my Big Teba moments aka culture shock.
    Is it just me or are there more folks chill’n in the Teba Zone? Please share.

  56. 56 Nolawi

    Tsedu, that was hilarious, but i have to say thank god i don’t have stories like that…because i was very young when i came…

    anyways thanks for sharing

  57. 57 bgFelasfit

    lol! :) thanks for the story tsedusha…

    celebry… u know what my pick is aydel? ;) u’ll hook me up no probs

  58. 58 kiki

    hahaha tsedu, that was a hilarius. Thanks for sharing. I don’t think I have a ‘teba moment’ to top that but I will try to remember and share.

  59. 59 mamitu

    SBS that was funny Tsedu, ur lucky they were nice.

  60. 60 noel

    nolawi i think i left my headfones in ur car during the last foto shoot, u think theyre still around? holla at me

  61. 61 celebratelife

    Tsedu, that was the funniest culture shock story I’ve ever heard. The way you told it was just great. You actually made their (the cops) day. It gives them relief from the usual crime call. Nothing wrong with a little humor in the work day. But this one takes the cake.

    I was actually pissed I did’nt get my dinner.

  62. 62 Nolawi

    [quote comment="63864"]nolawi i think i left my headfones in ur car during the last foto shoot, u think theyre still around? holla at me[/quote]

    lol, i will check and email you i guess..

  63. 63 Addisgoma

    I am a big fun !!

  64. 64 Mamitu

    The other mamitu, I thought you had called yourself mamit a while back. I wonder what Bernos’ policy is on having the same nicks.

  65. 65 mister.mayhem

    just being supportive

  66. 66 dtaye

    “All the studies have found an association and it seems appropriate to warn members of the public about the possible risk” Professor GL. Hughes

  67. 67 meeraph 1

    also enjoy this blog, musta’ been waiting for such an opportunity to post my first comment. tidias press bernos!!

  68. 68 Gubelit

    Hello…I’m a long time reader of bernos but havent commented before. love the bernos community! keep doing what u r doing!

  69. 69 Leba

    Help…………….I need a wife

  70. 70 haddis

    I called my barber once and he said.. “oh tadias… aman neh wey” i replied .. no no haddis negn…

    I was not familiar with the new word.. aman.. ayee ye fara neger!!! anyway the awkward confusion after that was priceless… it was the abesha version of who’s on first.. the old abott and castello routine..

    Haddis …Loyal Reader… VA

  71. 71 Meru

    TIENA YEHABELY NE BERNOS BETSEB !!!This is my 2nd feb. sight the pic.of the posts are what draws me in!! EBYOU EBYOU EBYOU(EDEGU EDEGU EDEGU TEMENDEGU!!!)

  72. 72 justme

    hi..everyone this is JUSTME….i see how fast this blog went..well…just to let everyone know i am here and reading everyone comment…and i am #72

  73. 73 ababiru

    Leba, did someone steal your current wife?

  74. 74 Money Mek

    [quote comment="63917"]Hello…I’m a long time reader of bernos but havent commented before. love the bernos community! keep doing what u r doing![/quote]

    good job on popin ur cherry

  75. 75 sewyew

    hello bernosoch, Let’s do it then…. contributing from London….(UK)…

  76. 76 Fikirte

    200 comments? any connection to the millenium minus one zero.

    Tsedu, ur one funny set. That should be a blog piece and label it Coming to America. Did you get the police report for that night? you should sbumit ur story to a magazine like readers digest and make some money or dave letterman too.

  77. 77 tsedu

    ” Tsedu, ur one funny set. That should be a blog piece and label it Coming to America. Did you get the police report for that night? you should sbumit ur story to a magazine like readers digest and make some money or dave letterman too.”

    thanks fikirte,no I didn’t recieve any report from the police.In hindsight they probably thought domestic abuse .but once they looked around didn’t find anyone in my tiny apartment ,and maybe my nonverbal expression(the big grin in my face) didn’t indicite any foul play occuring ,also my fixation to keep ordering chinese food .yeah

    I never thought ,me ye adiss arda lege………..

  78. 78 Liyat

    Wots goin on peoplezzz, this is all the way from the land down under…Aussie. Nice t-shirts, nice site, nice pics!!!

  79. 79 Emfraz

    emfraz here *giTiT*

  80. 80 kiki

    80 and still going… Celeb, just wondering if Abeba is still running and if Aster is still running after her?

  81. 81 celebratelife

    [quote comment="64085"]80 and still going… Celeb, just wondering if Abeba is still running and if Aster is still running after her?[/quote]

    Actually they stopped to catch their breath and ran into another friend named kiki who’s also joined them in the running. I think they’re training for the next marathon.

    Was 81 a good year for wine?

  82. 82 Lydia

    I was here…

  83. 83 Money Mek

    I guess I grew up here, but is it just me or does that story not exhibit culture shock at all? It shows stupidity, they have cops in Ethiopia, and they have phones in Ethiopia, IS IT JUST ME? But for it to be CULTURE SHOCK, doesn’t that have to be acceptable in Ethiopia, if u call the cops in ethiopia, and ask them to order injera for you and they do, and they don’t do that here and you didn’t know, THATS CULTURE SHOCK! but what TSEDU did was a funny story, but it only exhibited STupiDITy!

  84. 84 tito

    Hey guys! I have been reading yur blog for a while. My favourite, “Ethio jazz”! even if I don’t have any kind of memory to refresh from those days as most of you may think of, the old good days were good by any comparison to the present time, specially if we’re talking about music, fikir, family etc.. thank you ethio jazz. aman hunu!!

  85. 85 sidetegaw..

    Dil La’besha… enen le’anchi
    Dil La’besha….anchin lene :)
    does anybody know who singz this song?

  86. 86 sidetegaw..

    Culture shock? lemme tell u guyz what mah white boy buddy did nd told me the other day… he was chillin wiz these gurls nd this young gurl was (who came with a friend)feelin him nd he is like,
    how old r u..
    she said…16
    he said….yo u too young gurl, i aint goin jail fo dat shit
    she is like…no no itz cool now, it aint against the law no mo
    he is like…fo real? hold up ima call the cops nd ask them…
    so he calls 911..
    mah buddy…got a question officer, is it not illigal to have sex with 16 years old girl?
    officer…no it is not
    mah buddy…thank you officer
    so mah buddy told me he spent the night with this 16 years old girl..
    Only in North America y’all lool

  87. 87 tsedu

    “I guess I grew up here, but is it just me or does that story not exhibit culture shock at all? It shows stupidity, they have cops in Ethiopia, and they have phones in Ethiopia, IS IT JUST ME? But for it to be CULTURE SHOCK, doesn’t that have to be acceptable in Ethiopia, if u call the cops in ethiopia, and ask them to order injera for you and they do, and they don’t do that here and you didn’t know, THATS CULTURE SHOCK! but what TSEDU did was a funny story, but it only exhibited STupiDITy!”

    Wow Money Mek– I’ve never been called Stupid before … I doubt I could have made it through med school being Stupid but since you seem to be perplexed by this simple story that I shared let me explain. Since you mentioned not living in Ethiopia I think you miss some of the subtleties that differentiate both societies.

    There is a similarity that Ethiopia has cops and they are in pairs – your right – but the minute difference is 99% of Ethiopian cops are walking on foot, if you’re lucky you’ll get the odd cop on a Doqe Doqe Qe (motorbike) around Piazza but he’s usually busy stopping cars and getting his salary (Gubo). If you want the walking cops you better get on Mapquest to locate them and good luck by the time they stroll over the nice rugged Koroconech sefer.

    So to think that Ethiopia has a police infrastructure that operates on a household level where you can actually CALL is something that people back home would crack on. If your endanger – you go to your local Kebelle and get the Abeyot Tebake (Revolutionary Guard – what a title) it is a first come first serve IN PERSON service only. For emergency purposes thou you have to actually get 1 of your big brothers, Zemed or nothing like a half drunk Zebuleka with a big stick. Now, these are memories from back in the days of the Derge and I’m not sure if it has changed that much.

    As for the phone I didn’t say Ethiopians don’t have phones but rather I said we do not have a phone hot-line dedicated to call cops that actually show up at your home before you even hang up.

    Brother man – I hope this clarification soothes your sizzling tongue.

  88. 88 Money Mek

    ITS WHEN YOU ARE “IN DANGER” NOT “ENDAGER”. AND WHO SAYS ALL DOCTORS ARE SMART, SCHOOL IS A MATTER OF METICULOUS WORK AND PUTTING IN THE TIME. THATS WHY THE SMARTEST STUDENTS DON’T GET THE BEST GRADES, THE STUDENTS WHO APPLY THEMSELVES DO. Anyways i dont think it clarifies the situation, and I don’t see the correlation between walking cops in ethiopia and phone lines, to asking the police to order food for you. ALSO i dont mean to be as rude as I sound now and earlier, so I apologize, however i had to reply.

  89. 89 tsedu

    Money mek, you don’t need to apologize, I have seen your previous comments towards others (i.e. idiot) – what can I say – certain people feel good about themselves by trying to belittle others.

    Thanks for the proof reading you certainly are not getting me.

  90. 90 Money Mek


  91. 91 bgFelasfit

    i wonder what other peaks and dips we’ll take during the trip to 200

  92. 92 meeraph 1

    [quote comment="64157"]…………………………………………….

    Brother man – I hope this clarification soothes your sizzling tongue.[/quote]

    YemaneSh dEs yemiTye! That was a fab funny story, don’t see where it requires explaining. Money Mek seem to be having hhis own culture gap moment.

  93. 93 bela

    i guess i am #92

  94. 94 masinkomelody

    bgisha, this is the dip before the peak:

    Lomi bewerewu aha aha haha
    Deretun metahut aha aha haha
    Awey kulalitun aha aha haha
    Lebun bagenyehut aha aha haha

    Please #95, follow with a peak!

  95. 95 Fikirte

    Please #95, follow with a peak!

    Peak, peak, Peeeeaaaak! ;)

  96. 96 YekeyDama

    tsedu that was hillarious!!! I swear if I were them cops I would have brought you at least some sticky rice or pork dumplings, just for the laugh you gave to an otherwise dull and rather dangerous workday :)
    Now here is my peak and it is in referrence to the man who forgot to laugh ;)

    Lomi sewerewu aha aha haha
    Lebun agenehut aha aha haha
    Minew esu kertobign aha aha haha
    Trisun bagenehut aha aha haha
    Seko layskebet aha aha haha
    Afreshe betalkut aha aha haha

  97. 97 Gojjew

    AnchyE Gojjamn Yalachihu
    Wuredu Enyachihuu

    Eyeyew DemamE..

  98. 98 celebratelife

    ’98 was a good year but when is 100 coming?

  99. 99 tsedu

    yekey dama ,oh you crack me up with your amarigna getem,so original always entertaining ,thanks.

  100. 100 kiki

    Yeaaaa, I am 100. Just 100 more to go.
    Come on peoples, let’s go…

  101. 101 celebratelife

    Hey Kiki I was waiting to be 100 cause I wanted to sing 100 bottles of beer on the wall. I think we’ll hit 200 by midnight on Monday PST.

  102. 102 Abraham

    Hey Bernos! I have been reading your blog for a while. My favourite, “Ethio sight”….thank you Bernos keep up the good job. aman hunu!!

  103. 103 Dagmawi


    I’ve been blogging for about a year but never posted any comments. Don’t know why? but, promise to get involved more.

    I don’t think I’m exagurating if I say it’s one of the best Ethiopian blogs around.

    Wish you all the best!


  104. 104 bgFelasfit

    [quote comment="64271"]
    Now here is my peak and it is in referrence to the man who forgot to laugh ;)

    Lomi sewerewu aha aha haha
    Lebun agenehut aha aha haha
    Minew esu kertobign aha aha haha
    Trisun bagenehut aha aha haha
    Seko layskebet aha aha haha
    Afreshe betalkut aha aha haha
    :) [/quote]

    ahahahaha!!! hilarious! abo join bpress bakish keyramit!

  105. 105 Nolawi

    Dagmawi, are you the dagmawi i met at the fundraiser this Saturday?
    ps thanks… we will be around

  106. 106 Dinku

    Yeah I agree.. Bernos is one of the best Ethiopian Blog sites. keep up the good work and wish you all the best.

  107. 107 temari

    Been away for a while, but back here again to make history!. Just 93 more to go now!

  108. 108 Shanti

    Hello people… broke a promise and I’m here on the blog again. Anything for crazy NolAwi, I suppose!

    Plus, I have been enjoying reading YekeyDama’s comments on the Blog and am hoping she will join us in BP land? Here is that special invitation for you Damisha :) We have the red carpet rolled out and ready to welcome you with open arms. Hopefully you are not already a member and hiding behind the BP curtain?

  109. 109 yosef

    salutation from switzerland.

  110. 110 zgent

    Soon we will get there!

  111. 111 Money Mek

    WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT HABESHA COMICS? WOuld you guys pay to see an Habesha comic, who predominantly has all people jokes, but not all ethiopian jokes?

  112. 112 ababiru

    celeb – are you getting ready to start singing?

  113. 113 Nolawi

    [quote comment="64478"]Hello people… broke a promise and I’m here on the blog again. Anything for crazy NolAwi, I suppose![/quote]

    oh sharrup!

  114. 114 Abraham

    [quote comment="64401"]Hey Bernos! I have been reading your blog for a while. My favourite, “Ethio blog”….thank you Bernos keep up the good job. aman hunu!![/quote]

  115. 115 lilye

    HI HI all of you and the Family. GREAT job Nolawi, more than a blog or a press Bernos is a community. I HAVE a REAL and serious attachment to ‘it’ and to my BPers.

  116. 116 celebratelife

    [quote comment="64551"]celeb – are you getting ready to start singing?[/quote]

    Where have you been? I’ve been screeching out the tune. I’m almost ready to cut a cd hope you’ll buy the first copy ;)

  117. 117 AddisLij

    I am #117:-) Happy to be part of Bernos! Great job guys…it truly is a community of the new ethiopian-americans. It is a blessing for Emama Ethio to know that there are hundreds of positive, intelligent, professional and fun sewoch living abroad bonding throughout the nation through a blog. Go BERNOS!

  118. 118 lilye

    Ende,Ethiopian-canadians too! ;)

  119. 119 dawitm

    lilye :)

  120. 120 dawitm

    it is me again #120… 80 more to go. does the one who hit #200 win anything :) …..?

  121. 121 lilye

    Hi Dawitm, ethio-canadian ?

  122. 122 lilye

    [quote comment="64602"]it is me again #120… 80 more to go. does the one who hit #200 win anything :) …..?[/quote]

    That’s actualy a great idea.

  123. 123 dawitm

    [quote comment="64607"]Hi Dawitm, ethio-canadian ?[/quote]
    liliye nop…. am just messin with you :) but i love canada…. but not as much as US of A hahaaaa :)

  124. 124 BESSO

    A Guragay guy went out with his friends to have some drinks.And after a couple of shots he starts to ask the beautiful girls at the bar how much they charge for a night. One of the girls told him its only $30 a night or $20 for short. and he said to her,,,30 bota MEDIBELIGN alat yebalal. lol

  125. 125 kiki

    #125….We are getting to the last strech. We should be getting our second wind.

  126. 126 celebratelife

    75 bottles of beer on the wall, 75 bottles of beer take one down and pass it around, 74 bottles of beer on the wall….this is for Abi. CD coming out in August :)

  127. 127 lilye

    [quote comment="64611"][quote comment="64607"]Hi Dawitm, ethio-canadian ?[/quote]
    liliye nop…. am just messin with you :) but i love canada…. but not as much as US of A hahaaaa :) [/quote]

    DINKÉM !!!


  128. 128 lilye

    Isn’t it amazing that the Iraqui team won the Asia soccer cup !! Soccer is really the best game in the world. The opium of the masses ( Be englizgna endemibal alawkim). They actually had the local games & tournaments going !

    A true testimony for the game !!
    I just love that game the spirit around it.

  129. 129 careyekon

    Shout out from Montreal,Canada! Yes, Bernos’s T-shirts r loved here too!

  130. 130 tsedu

    celebeye ,i didn’t know you sing. i am impressed ,I am sure your singing{lyrics}would as positive and inspiring as your writings, i can’t wait.hopefully you guys aren’t joking.

  131. 131 celebratelife

    Tsedu no it’s all a joke if I started singing not only would I get a class action suit for damaging peoples ear but I would be paying higher taxes to abolish noise pollution. I sing only to show that I can’t sing. But thank you sweetie for the positive comment and support :) Abi (aka Ababiru) just picks on me cause he knows I can’t sing. I’m like his side kick and he’s really, really funny. You should join us on Bpress

  132. 132 tsedu

    celeb,that is funny ,you got me though.thanks for the bpress offer ,so sweet .i will check it out ,thanks again

  133. 133 Mena

    We’re getting there..Keep posting.

  134. 134 kilomamo


  135. 135 toothpick

    blah blah blahsphemy.

  136. 136 celebratelife

    [quote comment="64708"]blah blah blahsphemy.[/quote]
    said the preacher at first union baptist church at the corner of e 135th and broadway on his way to picking up sandwiches for sunday school after he had his daily dose of caffeine when he ran into sister phyllis who told him about the change in plans for that sunday when the new methods baptist church requests his presence to take over for reverend johnson who will be away to kenya on vacation at which time he decided to return the sandwiches and exchange them for donuts when the cashier threw him out and called him a sinner and he yelled blah blah blasphemy.

  137. 137 dawitm

    [quote comment="64627"][quote comment="64611"][quote comment="64607"]

    DINKÉM !!!
    ;) [/quote]
    lol….. yuuup, US rocks :) i know canada wants & pretends to be like US…. but it is not even close :)

  138. 138 ababiru

    Thanks for the song celebye -

    I’ve dispatched the sanitation department to collect all the birds that’ve fallen off the trees and sky-


  139. 139 nuhamin

    soooo…i just want to day i love the afrocentricness [is that a word?] of your brand. it breaks boundaries and that’s what we need.

  140. 140 lilye

    [quote comment="64800"][quote comment="64627"][quote comment="64611"][quote comment="64607"]

    DINKÉM !!!
    ;) [/quote]
    lol….. yuuup, US rocks :)

    i know canada wants & pretends to be like US…. but it is not even close :) [/quote]

    AYYYIIIIIIII, wondimé aynih beTam tegardual. We feel very special being very very different from the US. And we try to point it out at all times. ;)
    Beka I am extending to you an invitation to the great white north à la francaise. Then you will think different.

  141. 141 mamitu

    Is it Friday yet?

  142. 142 dawitm

    [quote comment="64812"][quote comment="64800"][quote comment="64627"][quote comment="64611"][quote comment="64607"]

    DINKÉM !!!
    ;) [/quote]
    lol….. yuuup, US rocks :)

    i know canada wants & pretends to be like US…. but it is not even close :) [/quote]

    AYYYIIIIIIII, wondimé aynih beTam tegardual. We feel very special being very very different from the US. And we try to point it out at all times. ;)
    Beka I am extending to you an invitation to the great white north à la francaise. Then you will think different.[/quote]

    hahaaaa yeah right :) may be montreal or the other parts look different. but toronto is a pretender :)

    if you are from quebec or somewhere way up north or west, sure i will take your invitaion. but if you are in toronto i have been there several times, so i see no point :)

  143. 143 Francais

    Aparament Lilye tu parles fracais… j’avais bien deviner avec tes accents egu et grave que tu as utulises (je n’est pas les accent sur mon ordinateur) forgive me…
    Bisous!! Vive Montreal.. haha… just kidding.

  144. 144 bela'e injera

    I predict that Romance Ethio Style will hit the 200 milestone first, and I know this comment does not support my prediction. But if need be, I can make some outrageous and outlandish comment under RES and get few people to endlessly spit fire.

  145. 145 lilye

    [quote comment="64824"]Aparament Lilye tu parles fracais… j’avais bien deviner avec tes accents egu et grave que tu as utulises (je n’est pas les accent sur mon ordinateur) forgive me…
    Bisous!! Vive Montreal.. haha… just kidding.[/quote]

    Oui oui monsieur. Et toi d’ou t’as appris ton francais. Ou es-tu, surement pas dans un pays francophone…. si tu n’as pas un clavier francais ?

    DINKÉM !!!

    if you are from quebec or somewhere way up north or west, sure i will take your invitaion. but if you are in toronto i have been there several times, so i see no point :) [/quote]

    How about that Dawitm for an introduction. Of course beautiful Québec it is !!!

  146. 146 lilye

    [quote comment="64829"]I predict that Romance Ethio Style will hit the 200 milestone first, and I know this comment does not support my prediction. But if need be, I can make some outrageous and outlandish comment under RES and get few people to endlessly spit fire.[/quote]

    No you should try to get the readers attention (those who have not commented yet) & have them come out in the good spirit that is Bernos. Fire, quTa minamin caca new.

  147. 147 celebratelife

    [quote comment="64801"]Thanks for the song celebye -

    I’ve dispatched the sanitation department to collect all the birds that’ve fallen off the trees and sky-


    Abi, there are still a few dead birds on my street send the clean up crew out west. The birds don’t always fly south ;)

    [quote comment="64814"]Is it Friday yet?[/quote]
    Mamitu, it’s Friday after next :)

  148. 148 dawitm

    [quote comment="64841"][quote comment="64824"]How about that Dawitm for an introduction. Of course beautiful Québec it is !!![/quote]

    ouuuuu lala liliye, this is soooooo tempting. me in montreal …and sayin oui oui mon cheri minamin :) hey i will give you my e-mail and we will talk.

    i bet they have nice snow mountains up there. am trying to take some skiing lessons too. i have all the ski gear, but don’t know how to ski yet :)

  149. 149 Mamit

    Do I smell a love connection b/n Dawitm and Lily.

    Yes, please give her your e-mail and you guys should talk. Have fun in Canada…..I was just there last weekend and had a great time.

  150. 150 Gubelit

    i’m 150! yee! and i am tired. where is my bed

  151. 151 tsedu911

    I guess the french did it for dawitm ,berrrrry niceeeeee

  152. 152 bgFelasfit

    *female spotted spitting fire… @ 1300 in the vicinity of a large autobUs mekina driven by an aregawi*

    hmmmm??? *yawn* are we there yet?

  153. 153 bela'e injera

    Bg: aregawi with the dragon breath…

  154. 154 Kebebush

    Nolawi, what happened to my visa application to bpville? yes/no

  155. 155 danayt

    i will like to say it is hard to find a good web, whose 96% fun, 97% talented, 98% loving,99% sweet, and 100%?:-)
    Keep up the good work.

  156. 156 ababiru

    kebebush, there’s already a kebebush in BP- You might wanna change your nick and try again -

    BTW – good luck on hearing from Nolawi today- hehe

  157. 157 wudnesh

    Abi, what do u mean? it’s her eko….she prob. was suspended for being away for too long….it’s her, our Bubusha…no?

  158. 158 Kebebush

    i guess i am not forgotten in bpland. Yes, it’s the same old Kebe and I’ve applied for temporary visa to visit bp. I am waiting to hear from Nolawi.

    Ababiru, why did you say that? Is Nolawi out on vacation or something?

  159. 159 celebratelife

    [quote comment="64895"]i guess i am not forgotten in bpland. Yes, it’s the same old Kebe and I’ve applied for temporary visa to visit bp. I am waiting to hear from Nolawi.

    Ababiru, why did you say that? Is Nolawi out on vacation or something?[/quote]

    Ditto to Abi’s comment ;) You should ask one of the other admins…..

  160. 160 Kebebush

    who are the admins nowdays?

  161. 161 celebratelife

    I think DK is in today.

  162. 162 Kebebush

    thanks Celebrate……you are the best. I wish you were an admin?

  163. 163 mamitu

    SBS Ababiru and Celeb..
    hmm i wonder if my comments here can be added to BP?

  164. 164 celebratelife

    [quote comment="64901"]thanks Celebrate……you are the best. I wish you were an admin?[/quote]

    You’re welcome sweetness. Thanks but I like my freedom as a presssserrrr.

  165. 165 ababiru

    Wey, Kebesha nech ende – anchi yihe yeLab sira/timhert endet beeyzish new – we miss you in BP -

  166. 166 lilye

    ouuuuu lala liliye, this is soooooo tempting. me in montreal …and sayin oui oui mon cheri minamin :) hey i will give you my e-mail and we will talk.

    i bet they have nice snow mountains up there. am trying to take some skiing lessons too. i have all the ski gear, but don’t know how to ski yet :) [/quote]

    Dawitm you see you’re already tempted !! Thank god no snow now, we do have unending forests & lakes + a bit of beautiful olf France, AND of course Montréal a real party city. Oui oui mon cher

  167. 167 lilye

    Did I mention that I went to The Police concert, last week they rocked. We showed them sooooo much love that they are ending their tour here rather than Toronto as previously planned.

  168. 168 celebratelife

    33 bottles of beer on the wall, 33 bottles of beer take one down and pass it around, 32 bottles of beer on the wall….

    Where is Tsedu911? We need Tsedu911 up in this place….come out, come out wherever you are….

    Hi everyone how is it for you on this beautiful first day of August 2007 (if you’re in the west) or 2nd day of August 2007 (if you’re in the east). All others oh well….we still love you.

  169. 169 kiki

    Gena alderesnim ende? I guess we still have a few to go. Keep ‘em comin’ folks.

  170. 170 celebratelife

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear ?? happy birthday to you! Whose birthday is it today? :)

  171. 171 bgFelasfit

    Goood Morrrniiiiiingggg America!

  172. 172 bgFelasfit

    [quote comment="64874"]Bg: aregawi with the dragon breath…[/quote]

    lol!! got a few decades to go before i earn that title bela… tho thanks for vouching for a sista lol

  173. 173 lilye

    Bonjour people !!!

  174. 174 lilye

    Do we have any francophones reading this blog apart from francais ? Ere talk bakachu

  175. 175 celebratelife

    [quote comment="65284"]Goood Morrrniiiiiingggg America![/quote]

    Good morning to you too Africa! :) Sebenteee Dree and counting (lilye took my spot) so it’s Sebenteee five and counting

    For the religious….From Sister Act (the movie)….Oh Happy Day

    “Oh happy day (oh happy day)
    Oh happy day (oh happy day)
    When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)
    When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)
    Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)
    Washed my sins away (oh happy day)
    Oh happy day (oh happy day)

    (La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la)
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
    (La, la, la, la, la)
    La, la, la, la, la”

  176. 176 dawitm

    [quote comment="65116"]ouuuuu lala liliye, this is soooooo tempting. me in montreal …and sayin oui oui mon cheri minamin :) hey i will give you my e-mail and we will talk.

    i bet they have nice snow mountains up there. am trying to take some skiing lessons too. i have all the ski gear, but don’t know how to ski yet :) [/quote]

    Dawitm you see you’re already tempted !! Thank god no snow now, we do have unending forests & lakes + a bit of beautiful olf France, AND of course Montréal a real party city. Oui oui mon cher[/quote]

    lilye, i am all for a party and party city :) so i have to check that out. i will leave my e-mail to the admins (i think it is nolawi and DawitK..right?)

    celebratelife… you in good mood, that is soooo cool

  177. 177 kiki

    Lilye, comment ça va?
    I am not a francophone, but will that do?

  178. 178 Alpha

    just came in to see how far we got… many stories to read through…but guess i should’ve posted more…. 21 more to go!

  179. 179 Nolawi

    gudu noone is is crying… this is just a game … relax have fun be positive…. and don’t take it too seriously…

  180. 180 DawitK

    Gudu….the only one i see crying on this blog is you

  181. 181 dawitm

    Gudu, i think you are s[quote comment="65340"]Gudu….the only one i see crying on this blog is you[/quote]
    DawitK, kick his azz out of this blog for good bro :)

  182. 182 dawitm

    [quote comment="65352"][quote comment="65343"]
    watch your mouth old man[/quote]

    lol, yeah right :) gudu, are you talking about your self …? may be your an old man acting like a kid :)
    i think your same dude who uses nick Mindwithout.. minamin :)
    i swear you suk big time and your boring as hell :)

  183. 183 celebratelife

    [quote comment="65343"]Gudu, i think you are s[quote comment="65340"]Gudu….the only one i see crying on this blog is you[/quote]
    DawitK, kick his azz out of this blog for good bro :) [/quote]

    hahaha why aren’t you on BP you now Lilye is on there. You should join us and start a thread dedicated to her how’s that?

    Come on people we can do the last stretch. Come on march forward!

    At 90 it’ll be like the millennium count down. This is way too exciting. I wonder who’ll be 200….I bet Kiki will beat me to it. Damn!

  184. 184 abyssinia

    14 more comments to go!

  185. 185 Alpha

    aiche….this is it for me…..

  186. 186 lilye

    [quote comment="65326"]Lilye, comment ça va?
    I am not a francophone, but will that do?[/quote]

    Trés bien Kiki !! I think you mentioned taking classes. If that’s so ….. still very good. Keep practicing cause yiressal. I’m loosing my Italian/Spanish soo fast.

  187. 187 lilye

    [quote comment="65343"]Gudu, i think you are s[quote comment="65340"]Gudu….the only one i see crying on this blog is you[/quote]
    DawitK, kick his azz out of this blog for good bro :) [/quote]

    Dawitm, aman neh zaré?

  188. 188 lilye

    [quote comment="65354"]negro stop deleting my comments[/quote]

    Ato Gudu,
    kaltedessetu yiwTu
    alezia ayissadebu
    mindinew chiguru
    sewoch biznanu
    ke blogu, be Blogu

    Alqezequiz kalu
    2 Red Bull yiTeTu !! HUHUHUUUU

    Wawa weee I should try this thing more. I think a baby geTami is being born !! Youhuuuu

  189. 189 Gubelit

    lilye where did u learn all those languages. u shd teach me some of them….then i will be yr mize at yr’s and Dawitm’s wedding:)

  190. 190 Mamit

    I love this…please keep it comin’

  191. 191 Mamit

    Seee….. it’s not only me that is feeling the connection b/n Dawitk and Lilye…..what a bliss :) :) ;)

  192. 192 DawitK

    It seems like some people just don’t understand how to communicate respectfully…and as mentioned in other post we at bernos reserve the right to delete any comment that is deemed inappropriate.

    No explanation for such action is required

  193. 193 kiki

    We are almost there.
    Lilye I will keep practcing my French. I have all my curse words down, the rest should be easy. Btw, I know a few Spanish/Italian balege words if you need some help ;)

  194. 194 celebratelife

    6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Stay away from 200 it’s mine and I’ll fight for it. Tooth and nail I’m fighting for it :)

  195. 195 lilye

    [quote comment="65377"]lilye where did u learn all those languages. u shd teach me some of them….then i will be yr mize at yr’s and Dawitm’s wedding:)[/quote]

    Enew yegziher Tsega hono quanqua yikenagnal;). It’s just from classes, electives.[quote comment="65386"]We are almost there.

    Lilye I will keep practcing my French. I have all my curse words down, the rest should be easy. Btw, I know a few Spanish/Italian balege words if you need some help ;) [/quote]

    Kikisha somehow the bad words are never forgotten & I thik they the ones you need most ( biliTch silibish andandé, traffic lay minamin….. you want to make sure that Italian,Indian or arab even chinese CLEARLY understood what you wanted to say, no gestures needed then). Egziher yiqir yibelegn lendezih aynet mikir.

  196. 196 dawitm

    [quote comment="65387"]6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Stay away from 200 it’s mine and I’ll fight for it. Tooth and nail I’m fighting for it :) [/quote]

    kiki & celebratelife … :)
    i think am going hit it first :)

    hey lilye wassup girl… me miss ya :)

  197. 197 abyssinia

    Ere BeLew
    Ehim NeW
    HuLet Metto LiDers NeW

  198. 198 Mamit

    Are we there yet…..may be I am the 199th

  199. 199 Mamit

    Zeraf Yagere Lege I am not the 199th….alright Celebe take the 200th. Have fun PPL…….We made it Weeeehooooooooo :) :) :)

  200. 200 Gubelit

    shooting for 200 and hoping to claim my prize!

  201. 201 celebratelife

    Yeah Happy New Year! Am I 200? Damn didn’t make it let’s shoot for 225.

  202. 202 Mamit

    Ohhh Celeb I left the 200th spot just for you. Ahhhhhhhhh :(

  203. 203 Gubelit

    OH my!!!! I am 200!! sorry Celeb and Kiki. i’m just lucky like that. but i will share my award. promise!

  204. 204 celebratelife

    I’m gonna sue Gubelit for mental distress

  205. 205 kiki

    Gubelit got it…. Darn, I was too late.
    Now we can go for most comments ever. Noles said 211 was the old record.

  206. 206 lilye

    Wa wa weeee !! For hitting 200 + and *for Daviem* :)

  207. 207 dawitm

    take your bow :) congra

  208. 208 lilye

    Hi dawitM.

  209. 209 Gubelit

    agh…now i almost feel bad for getting 200. didn’t know u guys were wanting to hit it with so much passion… I won’t even try hitting 125. its all yrs!

    go ahead with the lawsuit Celeb. at least that way i won’t feel bad anymore… maybe we can settle out of the courts by sharing my prize. (hint hint Nolawi, where is my prize :)

  210. 210 lilye

    We said there should be a prize or smtg from the start. OH we = enena Dawitm ;)

  211. 211 celebratelife

    [quote comment="65411"]agh…now i almost feel bad for getting 200. didn’t know u guys were wanting to hit it with so much passion… I won’t even try hitting 125. its all yrs!

    go ahead with the lawsuit Celeb. at least that way i won’t feel bad anymore… maybe we can settle out of the courts by sharing my prize. (hint hint Nolawi, where is my prize :) [/quote]

    Your prize? You pushed me out of the way and everyone saw it lol. Get ready for the law suits (plural) my lawyers are like sharks that haven’t been fed for months. Arghhhhhh woof they bark too :)

  212. 212 kiki

    Yeah I have the record…I am 212.

  213. 213 celebratelife

    Yeah we beat the other site’s record! Happy Easter everyone! 225 is mine all mine i tell you.

  214. 214 Gubelit

    Your prize? You pushed me out of the way and everyone saw it lol. Get ready for the law suits (plural) my lawyers are like sharks that haven’t been fed for months. Arghhhhhh woof they bark too :) [/quote]

    sbs…at least i have bigger muscles then! if i pushed everyone out of the way, that is :) Good luck to me with the unfed sharks. if i am still getting sued anyway i might as well shoot for 225 too! :)

  215. 215 Gubelit

    sorry celeb… i meant to quote ya!

  216. 216 celebratelife

    Gubelit, don’t even try it with the 225 this is a full on war! I’m ready to fight for that spot…no one is gonna take it from me no one I tell you :)

    Btw you can edit your comments up to 30 minutes after it’s posted.

  217. 217 kiki

    Celeb, you have to beat me for the 225 as well. We will see who is quick with her fingers…..

  218. 218 pazion

    this will be the two-hundred -and …


    that indeed was hillarious, a friend actually told me that she called 911 because her baby was not eating food … it was just ‘back then’

  219. 219 celebratelife

    [quote comment="65432"]Celeb, you have to beat me for the 225 as well. We will see who is quick with her fingers…..[/quote]

    Don’t forget I represent the Bay Area nation you’re just in the gloomy town of Seattle. By the time you find your way thru the heavy rain and clouds I’ll be on 225, 226, 227 and so on ;)

  220. 220 kiki

    [quote comment="65439"][quote comment="65432"]

    Don’t forget I represent the Bay Area nation you’re just in the gloomy town of Seattle. By the time you find your way thru the heavy rain and clouds I’ll be on 125, 126, 127 and so on ;) [/quote]

    Everybody knows there is no place as beautiful as Seattle in the summer (maybe Vancouver, BC)… why would we put up with all the rain if it wasn’t for the amazing summers.

  221. 221 pazion

    Good defense …. shout out to all Seattleites ….

    Celeb, you should visit the ‘emerald city’ you might change your mind.

  222. 222 celebratelife

    Kikiye, my sweet bernosisan/bper hate to break it to you but being in denial is usually a sign you’re working on admitting the truth so good job Kiki. Pazion you should hop on the train of denial too so you can see the light (you know the light is what happens when the sun shines) :)

    Ehem, ehem Bay Area gets summer 365 so what’s your defense now :P

  223. 223 kiki

    [quote comment="65452"]Kikiye, my sweet bernosisan/bper hate to break it to you but being in denial is usually a sign you’re working on admitting the truth so good job Kiki. Pazion you should hop on the train of denial too so you can see the light (you know the light is what happens when the sun shines) :)

    Ehem, ehem Bay Area gets summer 365 so what’s your defense now :P [/quote]

    That is probably why Seattle is filled with Californians . Let me let you in on a secret, it doesn’t rain as much as you think in Seattle. It is just our way to keeping Californians out. oops…I dont think I was supposed to reveal that.

  224. 224 pazion

    Hmm…Celeb, chilling in an 75-80 degrish weather .. surrounded by the glamorous view of Mt. Rainier and others… You can’t top that….!

    And the rain, hmm… we call that variety, like beautiful embroidery … this breaks the monotonous weather of

    125, 126, 127 and so on.

  225. 225 celebratelife

    Yes I’m 225 and denial all up in this place. Someone call 911 and rescue these folks before they drown themselves in the “it doesn’t rain in Seattle” song and dance. If I didn’t know anyone in Seattle I still wouldn’t believe you. :P

  226. 226 kiki

    [quote comment="65464"]Yes I’m 225[/quote]

    I went to the bathroom and I lost…Darn!!! :(

  227. 227 celebratelife

    [quote comment="65465"][quote comment="65464"]Yes I’m 225[/quote]

    I went to the bathroom and I lost…Darn!!! :( [/quote]

    It’s all the rain messing with your bladder….lol

  228. 228 pazion

    oh my… I barely missed it… I was hoping kiki would get it.
    [quote comment="65464"]Yes I’m 225 and denial all up in this place. Someone call 911 and rescue these folks before they drown themselves in the “it doesn’t rain in Seattle” song and dance. If I didn’t know anyone in Seattle I still wouldn’t believe you. :P [/quote]

    But, seriously though, it is an believable beautiful outside of my office window … I can’t wait to go to the water. ;-)

  229. 229 kiki

    It is ok pazion. I am glad she doesn’t beleive us, the better to keep “them” out.

  230. 230 Kokeb

    Hello my people,

    Just leaving my prints…hope everyone is doin well.


  231. 231 ababiru

    what are you guys drinking? I see a lot of bathroom runs -

    Congrats to Gubelit – Ms 200 (1st place) and, and to the second place winner – the one and only Celeb – Ms 225 (2nd place)

    unfortunately, celebye, this is America, and second sucks! and you know it – hehe

  232. 232 lilye

    TGIF !!

  233. 233 celebratelife

    [quote comment="65626"]what are you guys drinking? I see a lot of bathroom runs -

    Congrats to Gubelit – Ms 200 (1st place) and, and to the second place winner – the one and only Celeb – Ms 225 (2nd place)

    unfortunately, celebye, this is America, and second sucks! and you know it – hehe[/quote]
    Hey, hey who’s side are you on 2nd yesterday is 1st today ;) Btw I’m still on Africa time so technically I’m in the 1st place :P

  234. 234 Gubelit

    Thanks ababiru. It does feel good to be 1st place! As they say you don’t win second place, you lose the first place :)

  235. 235 celebratelife

    [quote comment="65728"]Thanks ababiru. It does feel good to be 1st place! As they say you don’t win second place, you lose the first place :) [/quote]
    :P and :P and :P

  236. 236 Yekey Dama

    Ewiiiiii! :) Mechem lefukeker selun adegna nengne :) Anchi Celeb (selabi lebeleshe yehone? :) ) bota kegonishe begemashe meKomechashe yezeshe enkuwa alkoyeshegnim leraseshe setafodefuji :P …Fandiya endaleleshe kelbe yewedshale :)
    Am glad you guys didn’t disappoint and this thread by far is the most relaxed and goofy I have come across in this blog so it definitely was a breath of fresh air to marshe mekeyering.
    Well, you can’t go anywhere but up so here is my delayed third? contribution with a proposal to double the initial goal and (since I believe in fair exchange) this time there should definitely be a prize to be won…this way it will be a win-win for all involved… Bernos will have the desired traffic and the winner (not Oscar Meyer) will get a little somtin, somtin along the way. Perhaps one yetekatele CD which includes collections of some of the songs podcasted here courtesy of Nolawi/Bernos or may be a date with Nolawi (I can almost feel the twinkles in many girlize eyez up in here lol) and if that can’t be arranged I guess one would settle for his meat balls(easy now peeps I am talking about tiru arege adbelebelalehu yalewin in another thread). These are some of my suggestions on what I deem a fair transaction. Raise your right hand for ‘Yea’ and keep your left hand to yourself for ‘Nay’ :P What say you ladiz and gentmicen? :)

    BgFelasfit & Shanti: thank you, thank you… Please understand that twededku beye am not frontin, welahi bilahi tulahi :) towards the neyligne yegna tafache lemilew tiri (lol abo tewugne zemenu rasen berase kalankolepapeskut newe ) but… seriously megderder doesn’t course through my veins. However, the reason for my reluctance towards joining BP is that I have been part of the addictive side of the cyber world, from the jest of it BP land sounds like a chat room version of Bernos (perhaps in this case a special spot reserved for the cream de le cream of the bunch, a VIP of sorts :) ) and at this point in my life (being a new mom) I can not afford such distractions. See it is one thing to burn the dinner (while immersed in yetofe chit chat) but it is behig yemiyasketa offense to let your baby stew in his wee-wee pad :) so my dearests I will continue to eseta geba with ya all here @ the blog during the self indulgent hours of my ‘me-time’. Sankiw berrry moche :)

  237. 237 bgFelasfit

    argg….don’t u hate it when what u typed gets deleted?

    kedamitwa…my message was for thee
    in short…much respect….des tiyales….
    plzzzz consider writing ur own blog! (or i nominate u to write a post/article on bernos…nolawi?)

    inaaa…lol…i slept through all the ^ ruckus *sighhh*….how come nobody woke me up?

  238. 238 Nolawi

    [quote comment="65779"] Bernos will have the desired traffic and the winner (not Oscar Meyer) will get a little somtin, somtin along the way. Perhaps one yetekatele CD which includes collections of some of the songs podcasted here courtesy of Nolawi/Bernos or may be a date with Nolawi (I can almost feel the twinkles in many girlize eyez up in here lol) and if that can’t be arranged I guess one would settle for his meat balls(easy now peeps I am talking about tiru arege adbelebelalehu yalewin in another thread). [/quote]
    besaQ motku…

  239. 239 YekeyDama

    hey where is ebery body? I thought I proposed to double up? woys prizu albeka ale? :) Fersam hulu nu wetu let’s march endebefitu beyalehu :)

  240. 240 lilye

    [quote comment="66980"]hey where is ebery body? I thought I proposed to double up? woys prizu albeka ale? :) Fersam hulu nu wetu let’s march endebefitu beyalehu :) [/quote]

    Ewnetim sewu hulu yet geba…… I mean where is Dawitm?

  241. 241 kiki

    [quote comment="66980"]hey where is ebery body? I thought I proposed to double up? woys prizu albeka ale? :) Fersam hulu nu wetu let’s march endebefitu beyalehu :) [/quote]
    Keywa, you are right. The prize albekam meselegn. Esti let’s shoot for 300.

  242. 242 celebratelife

    300 it is and I’m getting that spot for sure. I’m just all around greedy. Who got my back? :)

  243. 243 celebratelife

    [quote comment="66980"]hey where is ebery body? I thought I proposed to double up? woys prizu albeka ale? :) Fersam hulu nu wetu let’s march endebefitu beyalehu :) [/quote]

    Here’s one more for the road. YD I just loves your humor. I know I keep repeating that but just can’t say it enough. Reading your comments makes my crazy days crazy funny.

  244. 244 kiki

    [quote comment="67081"]300 it is and I’m getting that spot for sure. I’m just all around greedy. Who got my back? :) [/quote]
    Bring it on Girlie!!! It won’t be easy this time around.

  245. 245 celebratelife

    Bring it on Girlie!!! It won’t be easy this time around.

    I see you ain’t got me back. Can you at least remove the knives you been stabbing me with from me spine :P

    If you so far as try to take my 300 spot it’s you and me on a serious match. I’ll kick your bootay anytime of the day. I AM GETTIN the 300 spot. Everyone go home and log out at 299.

    Who got my back up in this place????

    Where the Bay Bpers at? Help a sista out we got attitude Seattle tryin to mess with your girl. Let’s unite!

    So everyone what’s new, what’s happening in your side of town?

  246. 246 YekeyDama

    Celeb haven’t you heard ‘Sleepless in Seattle’? Baby girl
    will die of insomnia before she let you take the cake for the 2nd time around! (well you did the 225 or somet’n so
    bug off will ya! :) )it’s Hammer time! well me time :) I see me dibulbul siga(well caramelized with the neche shinkurt and baydanos of course)roasting on the metbesha and am retiring my ‘slim fast’ in anticipation of the emmmmmm uaahhhhs :) Bug off i say, bug off! Out, out Damn spot! :P

  247. 247 bgFelasfit

    how goes it

  248. 248 dawitm

    hey my people, how are you doing? i thought the race is ova :)

    so it is all about west coast huh ? where are all my east coast bandits @ :) …?

  249. 249 tsedu

    holla ….from eastcoast..

  250. 250 celebratelife

    [quote comment="67120"]Celeb haven’t you heard ‘Sleepless in Seattle’? Baby girl
    will die of insomnia before she let you take the cake for the 2nd time around! (well you did the 225 or somet’n so bug off will ya! :) )it’s Hammer time! well me time :) I see me dibulbul siga(well caramelized with the neche shinkurt and baydanos of course)roasting on the metbesha and am retiring my ‘slim fast’ in anticipation of the emmmmmm uaahhhhs :) Bug off i say, bug off! Out, out Damn spot! :P [/quote]

    hahahaha I’m from the one and only Bay Area and we don’t die we multiply lol. :P I don’t give up til the west has won again and again. YD you know I loves you but move get out the way, get out the way move…..

    Dawitm and tsedu mts you’re from the east? I’m sorry so sorry. I heard you’re gettin fried with the heat. Mts and we’re just out here chillen in 70 something weather. :) Cheers to my Bay folks. I raise my glass to you. Let’s do this 300 is ours. ;) Seattle go drown in your rain :P and east mts, mts, mts yeah would you like some ice on the rocks? :P Hahahaha love y’all though

  251. 251 pazion

    [quote comment="67218"][quote comment="67120"]Celeb
    Seattle go drown in your rain :P and east mts, mts, mts yeah would you like some ice on the rocks? :P Hahahaha love y’all though[/quote]

    you kept tickling us the “Seattleites“, see! our moto is not just to ht 300, but to exceed 300 in variety ways. Once being in this thread. And another … hmmm I guess you need to wait for that :-)

  252. 252 YekeyDama

    Masinkowin amtu, Keberom yemeta
    Lileye newe zare yegobez chelota
    Kafuwa kedem bela setel ta-ta-ta-ta
    Geftereyat lehed newe Celebin bemata

    Ya you keep chuckin and I will eat the cake way past the nights hehe you just keep building it for me :) Degmo stop provoking Seattleites…wa space needlu lay newe wesdew emisekushe :) just look @ pazion simu rasu poision yemeslale…oooooooooooo shekary berry shekary :)

  253. 253 pazion

    [quote comment="67226"]Masinkowin amtu, Keberom yemeta
    Lileye newe zare yegobez chelota
    Kafuwa kedem bela setel ta-ta-ta-ta
    Geftereyat lehed newe Celebin bemata

    Degmo stop provoking Seattleites…wa space needlu lay newe wesdew emisekushe :) just look @ pazion simu rasu poision yemeslale…oooooooooooo shekary berry shekary :) [/quote]

    Lol YekeyDama,

    but about,

    Ya you keep chuckin and I will eat the cake way past the nights hehe you just keep building it for me :)

    not too fast, we are watching … yes from the top of space needle or the top of Mt. Rainier… hmmm

  254. 254 kiki

    [quote comment="67226"]Masinkowin amtu, Keberom yemeta
    Lileye newe zare yegobez chelota
    Kafuwa kedem bela setel ta-ta-ta-ta
    Geftereyat lehed newe Celebin bemata

    Ya you keep chuckin and I will eat the cake way past the nights hehe you just keep building it for me :) Degmo stop provoking Seattleites…wa space needlu lay newe wesdew emisekushe :) just look @ pazion simu rasu poision yemeslale…oooooooooooo shekary berry shekary :) [/quote]

    hahahaha Keywa,
    I’m glad you recognize our skills. Those Bay’ers are all talk. We will see who gets there first.

  255. 255 YekeyDama

    Pazion komeh mekreteh newe :) I’ll be damned if I
    let you push me out of the way :) Ene ye Zergaw leji ankerebabeche newe emetl…shesh! :)

  256. 256 dawitm

    [quote comment="67215"]holla ….from eastcoast..[/quote]

    hola mamcita :)

    “Dawitm and tsedu mts you’re from the east? I’m sorry so sorry. I heard you’re gettin fried with the heat. Mts and we’re just out here chillen in 70 something weather. Cheers to my Bay folks. I raise my glass to you. Let’s do this 300 is ours. Seattle go drown in your rain and east mts, mts, mts yeah would you like some ice on the rocks? Hahahaha love y’all though”

    yuuuup we are from east ….. and we love da heat and cold too :) hey celeb, we will see your boy beckham tonight going aganst the mighty dc united :
    dude is being payed all this $$$$$$$$$ and does not play and just sits there :) …what’s up with that…?

  257. 257 YekeyDama

    Kikisha I used to live 2hrs away from Seattle… I guess am trying to be loyal to ma old alkasha nebors :)
    Yep da bituful B.C. Ankober :)

  258. 258 kiki

    [quote comment="67232"]Kikisha I used to live 2hrs away from Seattle… I guess am trying to be loyal to ma old alkasha nebors :)
    Yep da bituful B.C. Ankober :) [/quote]
    Yeah, I know Ankober well… our younger, prettier (even that is debatable), but not smarter sister. East, West, South, where about are you now?

  259. 259 pazion

    [quote comment="67230"]Pazion komeh mekreteh newe :) I’ll be damned if I
    let you push me out of the way :) Ene ye Zergaw leji ankerebabeche newe emetl…shesh! :) [/quote]

    Noles, I think we need a blog about “shelela” “fukera” you know to express some wone?

    I know Yekey will be second to none!

  260. 260 celebratelife

    Oh so much denial all up in this place.
    The east denying the blah weather and claiming it as beautiful.
    Seattleites trying to pass for Bay Areans with their bogus threats.
    YD claiming to be a former Seattleite. The word here is “former”.
    Dawitm trying to distract moi with the Beckham bit.
    Kiki, we’re all talk huh? Well as they say live and learn
    So to all you wanna be BA’s I say :P and :P and :P

    Oh what people will do when intimidated. Any more cries you wanna declare. Btw bring your own tissues or go out and cry in the rain :P

    Hit number 260 and what you got to say about that?

  261. 261 YekeyDama

    Kikisha, bakish geographyw kezorebign bizu keremotoche alefu… suffice to say I am right by Celeb and the gal dares to compete against moi…ere tewu sewoche keAmeriha temaru… UNITED WE STAND… right or wrong (seems the mantra of late) but still UNITED THEY STAND… so anchi woyzerit ney wedih tega beye tene :) At least let’s work together for now and then I be sure to push you off Coit Tower, better yet the GG, when we get down to crunch time lol

  262. 262 YekeyDama

    [quote comment="67235"][quote comment="67230"]…I know Yekey will be second to none![/quote]
    2nd??? Dinkem! Q Q Q (am actually making the kim kim sound lol ) this is sad lol

  263. 263 celebratelife

    Ahhhhh so YD is a Bay Arean too so see folks we work together. We only breed the best :P

    YDye I got your back girl and you can push me off of any tower or bridge you wish to cause Bay Arean’s love each other like that.

    Now let met get the 300 and call it even. You make sure to secure the 298 and 299 and lock up 300 until I make my mark and win again :)

  264. 264 YekeyDama

    LOL Lamatish negeriyat :) I wouldn’t let you near
    the preceding fives let alone ber chenkere letebkishe :P
    YeCeleb fikir bafincha wetit!
    Ye 300 bota wedefit, wedefit!

    march, march, march
    follow da leada leada,
    follow da leada leada, :) :)

  265. 265 celebratelife

    Bring it on sista. I’ll bring out my radar to find out what part of the Bay all this humor is coming from and still hit 300 :P

    be, be, be, be, beep (that’s my radar) I think I’m getting close Scotty

    “Follow da leada, leada” my bootay you follow the leada hahahaha

  266. 266 YekeyDama

    Beep Beep Beeeeeep hehe will be seeing you at the finish line sometime tommowwwwwwwwooooooooo :P me gots to take me funky arse out now and let you warm the spot for me till I claim me prize…. degmo yelechem beleshe teruwaruwachibet alushe degmo :) selam koyiligne shegit.

  267. 267 celebratelife

    I’m getting scared of you and my radar has lost your footsteps. I think you’re in hiding to jump out anytime and take over from 290 on. Can you at least post on 300 as “I’m doing this for Celebrate” :) my goodness you’re a tough cookie.

    How old is your baby btw? boy or girl?

  268. 268 YekeyDama

    How old is your baby btw? boy or girl?

    What you are trying to narrow your radar field or somthing? :) na…ma delightful duriye demet is none other than balekachel. Oh dear he is so adorable, he has learn this new trick of squinting his eyes and making yeweshet malekakes memokering whenever sekotaw, I swear he is leba. Luckly it don’t work on his ganchurtam mama lol
    You know it is funny you ask how old he is because I was marveling @ how fast time is flying… I mean shiat! Ewnet yehe zemen acidam newe, sulfuric :)
    It feels like he was in me womb just yesterday but am having to accept that not only is he 8month now but he is attempting to walk, which just about every parent is scaring me about ‘koyi you think you have it tough now, wait till he starts to walk’…jeez people thank you for the delightful anticipation :)
    Celbiye, who knows sebayeshin kasamershe may be I will send my precious’s pic sometime in the long future :) Yep you gots to get in line :P

  269. 269 bgFelasfit

    how about….

  270. 270 bgFelasfit


    omg omg i won!! heheheh…woooops…just kidding!
    mts…270 is the year St. Valentine was executed, so much for love!

  271. 271 Nolawi

    lol felasfa lol!

  272. 272 bela'e injera

    … wonder when the hell YD sleeps, or if she does at all. or when her man gets to experience some mud slide. 3:46AM?!

  273. 273 kiki

    We are still going strong.

    [quote comment="67386"]… wonder when the hell YD sleeps, or if she does at all. or when her man gets to experience some mud slide. 3:46AM?![/quote]

    the baby probably woke her up or she was just scared she would lose and couldn’t sleep. About the mud slide ….. maybe that is the other reason she was up so late ;) .

  274. 274 celebratelife

    [quote comment="67386"]… wonder when the hell YD sleeps, or if she does at all. or when her man gets to experience some mud slide. 3:46AM?![/quote]
    She’s a new mom and sleep is a thing of the past. Also she’s in the west coast so her time is actually 12:46am.

    YDye, Ohhh he just sounds so adorable aren’t they the cutest though at that age? :)

    Yeah you have the walk and talk phase to look forward to. If he took after you then this world has another wonderful person to keep us smiling and in good spirits.

    My sister almost sued me cause I couldn’t stop kissing her baby when he used to just do a dance, every afternoon, like clockwork of throwing his hands and feet up in the air. That was 8 years ago and I’m still kissing that boy to death. :) He now says, “aunty stop it you’re finishing up my cheeks” and I tell him “god gave you those cheeks for me” then kiss him some more.

    Ahhhhh babies are a reason to smile everyday. I will masamer my tsebaye for the pic ohhh he just sounds too cute. Ok you can have the 300….I know that’s what you wanna hear….you black mailer you. :P

  275. 275 YekeyDama

    Yelelit Wof Negne ene LOL ow ow ow gugut ewwwww back home they have bad canotation…ere min bewetagne.
    Celeb is right…enkelf is a luxury you indulge in whenever the opportunity presents itself, when you really need it you cann’t sleep and when you have the opportunity to sleep enkelf teft! Ayne fetit, tirs gitit because the body feels insulted for ignoring its call per its demand so it pays you back by giving into your convenience lol
    I have declared the late evenings ‘me time’ which includes the extracurricular activity of mudslidin, aquatic acrobatics, palates, jumping jacks lol I see bela’e ingera rasing her/his brow lol

    Celeb lol see I’ve already mastered the manipulation of using my son to get my way :)
    I love him Celebiye, you think I am the one who should be doing the teaching but the little bugger is teaching me… to be better… I pray I would live up to the promise I’ve made well before his arrival into my world. You know I learned having a baby makes you kil, really I mean when we are out and about and people would be commenting how cute he is minamin and I swear I may not even be near him but I will rush to his side to let them know he is mine tejajeyeleshalehu lol
    I want him to be everybody’s baby not just mine…I want him to bring, even the slightest of joy he brings into my life, to others as well. I want every one to love him as I do (I know it may sound silly for those of you who don’t have a baby) but I do want people to love him damn it! :) Lord help the one who dares say anything bad about my lij, usually my bark is louder than my bite but in this instant I’ll mezentel the fool :) Beye will be seeing you sometime over the weekend so keep me spot warm, now that I anjet meblat you I can relax that you won’t let no one sit on me throne :)

  276. 276 Nolawi


    why not start another buchela site

  277. 277 celebratelife

    Owwww YDye that made me cry oh how beautiful the bond the two of you have. He is lucky to have you as much as you are lucky and blessed to have him.

    Wait til he gets old enough to talk and start saying “I love you” then there will be no hope for you. :) You’ll just be melting all over the place with the ahhhh’s and ohhhh’s. :)

    He’s just adorable and I wanna make him the Bernos baby. I’m already loving your little boy.

    I’m protecting the 300 spot for YDye’s baby so anyone want a challenge bring it on. You think I’m joking then bring it on, on the double!

  278. 278 kiki

    [quote comment="67431"]
    I’m protecting the 300 spot for YDye’s baby so anyone want a challenge bring it on. You think I’m joking then bring it on, on the double![/quote]

    That is not fair now. How am I supposed to compete with Keywa’s adorable baby (I am sure he is even if I haven’t seen any Pics ;) ) I say uncle. I give up. I yield to the boy…

  279. 279 YekeyDama

    Dat’s ma boy! Not only does he have the power over us but
    look what he can do :) Thank you guys, you are kind. I will let him type when we get to 300 hehehe yene leji hod west beslo newe yewetaw so yep don’t be surprised if he learns to blog by 8month lol

    Nolawi, thank you for the link…what a beautiful tribute!
    I love me Buchela! and I thought no one can beat my mesafint in the adorable department :) The kid is just beautiful and his mother as well…I hope he grows to appreciate the love behind each snap she took and story she told for the love of him.
    As for mine, a domain was registered in his honor long before he came wailing into this world and his dad has been at it ever since, the picture selection, stories behind and uploading kept being procrastinated due to many variables. If I have a nickel for each time I heard “tonight I will launch his page”… lesergu kemedrsu befit tolo enelalen :)

    p.s. kikisha yenew tehogne endie? :) I see some winky dinky :)

  280. 280 celebratelife

    Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Anyone know are we there yet? For some reason can’t see the comment numbers but I’m guessing we’re on #280. Did I guess right or did I get the 300? :P

  281. 281 kiki

    I thought we would have been there by now, but we are almost there. I was expecting some words of wisdom from baby YD :-) . Maybe is waiting for 300 to grace us with his presence. I am waiting with anticipation.

  282. 282 bgFelasfit

    you: aman new?
    me: i’m doing a lil crazy…and your fine self this nice sunday?
    you:…. *thinks: eh? duhooo, raises eyebrows, confused*

    a friend of mine and i used to use the greeting “wisTish selam new?” as in to say…hello but differently to break the routine rehearsed “how u doin? dehna dehna…anchis dehna nesh? dehna dehnaaaaa dehna dehna…hulum selam? dehna dehna dehna etc!!” :D ….
    so speaking of “is ur innerself/insides peaceful?” I think this breakthrough article about ur inner-self/personalities is a must read! :
    Just a little Crazy: Am I normal?

    happy sundiiieee!

  283. 283 celebratelife

    is ur innerself/insides peaceful?”

    happy sundiiieee!

    You sound like a Colonix consultant lol. My inside is always peaceful and balanced. I’m almost always at peace with my thoughts and at the times I’m not I take a walk and come back to cuss someone out :) (of course the walk part is a joke I just go straight to the cussin part) lol.

    I love Sunday’s too it’s the first day of the week and just all around relaxing.

    Today I’m in the mood for some chechebsa, buna, ena etan

  284. 284 bgFelasfit

    :D lolol celebry…wish i was there chilling and relaxing alongside u

  285. 285 dawitm

    [quote comment="67664"]Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Anyone know are we there yet? For some reason can’t see the comment numbers but I’m guessing we’re on #280. Did I guess right or did I get the 300? :P [/quote]

    when is this thing going 2 stop anyway …..?

  286. 286 YekeyDama

    No we are not there yet slow pokes :) but surely we will get there eventually, stay put because I’ve plans to make our trip worth the while, I was beat to one of the treat by Meron already but I’ll be sure to make the race interesting.

    Today I’m in the mood for some chechebsa, buna, ena etan

    Sounds Heavenly Celebisha, I had me the etan this senbet minus the chechebsa and buna. Am like dat, some say zare alebish because I be matesing etan for no particular reason lol
    It just makes me feel somehow holly :) I think it reminds me of the Holiness and sense of purity you get when you are in the church and the senasil bulke bulkes that heavenly scent… it could also be the memory of my childhood when abol, jeba sebal betachin… I burnt me some lubanja this time mainly because I couldn’t stand the smell of the Easy Off my husband used to clean the damn oven, it gives me tension headache but he doesn’t seem to care, he looked at me mystified and asked ‘tadiya kichin min letargi metashe stay in the other room!” he always has that irritated rxn whenever I moan and groan saying why he cleans when am around…jeez thank you for the compassion I should have dropped a spoonful in his coffee lol

  287. 287 tsedu

    yekeydama nefesua ,did you just say you husband cleans the oven ,girl did you have to train him or he came that way ,tadeleshale .

  288. 288 celebratelife

    YDye, What’s the surprise? what’s the surprise? What’s the surprise? What? What? I’m so eager for the surprise.

    I also got to have my etan almost every week. Let anyone call it what they want. I also like sendel too. It gives me peace, like you said almost like I’m in a church feeling.

    I had such a good Sunday it kicked off my week just right.

    Dawitm, easy there bonanza we’re tryin to take this to 500 :P but YDye’s baby gotta win 300 first :)

  289. 289 pazion

    [quote comment="68095"]
    I also got to have my etan almost every week. Let anyone call it what they want. I also like sendel too. It gives me peace, like you said almost like I’m in a church feeling.[/quote]
    and Yekey,

    [quote comment="68090"]
    Sounds Heavenly Celebisha, I had me the etan this senbet minus the chechebsa and buna. Am like dat, some say zare alebish because I be matesing etan for no particular reason lol
    It just makes me feel somehow holly :) I think it reminds me of the Holiness and sense of purity you get when you are in the church and the senasil bulke bulkes that heavenly scent… it could also be the memory of my childhood when abol, jeba sebal betachin… I burnt me some lubanja [/quote]

    very interesting… I can only imagine… you two surrounded by etan, sendel, abol jeba, lubanja… andegna huletgna … asregna buna ? and bping or bloggin on bernos over a high speed internet, checking out you tube, chatting on skype, ….

    What a mix, a mix of culture and technology and … interesting …. My grandma never imagined… :p :-)

  290. 290 celebratelife

    very interesting… I can only imagine… you two surrounded by etan, sendel, abol jeba, lubanja… andegna huletgna … asregna buna ? and bping or bloggin on bernos over a high speed internet, checking out you tube, chatting on skype, ….

    What a mix, a mix of culture and technology and … interesting …. My grandma never imagined… :p :-)

    Heck I never imagined it just a few years ago and I wouldn’t have it any other way. :)

  291. 291 YekeyDama

    Easy, easy Celeb :) am not buying you no flower so settle down :) On the real…
    I thought while we are racing to the coveted spot why not make the journey worth our time by sharing information that are worth noting? So here goes something…
    More than likely most of you have heard about the devastating child birth injuries of obstetric fistula our Ethiopian sisters’ face back home. Fistula Foundation and the Hamlin Fistula Hospitals in Ethiopia have dedicated time, money & man power to treating women with fistula and helping restore their dignity and bringing normalcy to their day-to-day lives. I thought for those of us who have heard about it and know about it the reminder is of importance so that it doesn’t get swept away under the rugs the many things in our lives and for those of us who are first timers on the matter then creating the awareness by way of sharing this information is a moral obligation if anything.

    You know we take the many blessings in our lives for granted because we may not get assaulted by the despair, challenge and tragedies of what other people face on a day-to-day life. Our frame of reference is within the luxurious immediate circle so what we find ourselves complaining about is surrounding that sand box. When you hear the stories of these women and how they live with their injuries, your qualms with the little pouch in your midriff becomes a butterfly kiss. Your outrageous expenses on Lui, Guess, Parada etc feels like such a waste of money because you learn somebody else’s life would have been drastically be changed by half of that.

    The challenges these women face and the courage in which they face them day to day despite the pain and the despair their condition brought them is inspiring. I am talking about Fistual and our Ethiopian sisters who suffers from it. My intention to share or reinforce our knowledge of the matter is for us to be inspired by it and for those of us who can and are willing, to raise our hand in support of those who have already paved the way. Help comes in many forms and is not limited to the depth of your wallet so help wherever you can and whenever you can. Tesfa Enestachew.
    “Hope has two beautiful daughters – their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are.” Saint Augustine
    Be a Beckon of Hope; get angry at the various root causes that contributes to fistula and show courage by raising a helping hand to see these women transform from despair to dignity.
    You don’t need to be a woman to empathize with this plight. Set Yehonen, Keset Yetweledin, Yeweledin, Yemineweld… it is a tragedy that knows no boundary.

    The Fistula Foundation:
    A Walk to Beautiful (trailer of Documentary about the plight of fistula sufferers):

  292. 292 YekeyDama

    [quote comment="68093"]yekeydama nefesua ,did you just say you husband cleans the oven ,girl did you have to train him or he came that way ,tadeleshale .[/quote]
    tesdu Ere the lovely man needs no training, he trains me lol You know there are many who upholds the two-way street eko
    Gin I just can’t stand the chemical smells, kenchirate lay yewetal :)

    pazion aye sementenaw shi yasegnale aydel? :) come sit by our side and gunchehin beChat kozereh tefelasebin, you strike me like the kind of man who turns Enestine with the little help of mirkana :) :P

    Celeb, anchi borcham shererit ney shayun muyilet le pazion:)

  293. 293 FISUM


  294. 294 celebratelife

    YDye, I have heard about the fistula foundation and I must say I really didn’t look into it that much at that time but will definitely do so. Thank you for sharing. There should be more of this here on the blog so that we can encourage one another to get involved beyond just discussing it. So again thank you for bringing it up.

    Celeb, anchi borcham shererit ney shayun muyilet le pazion:)

    With that comment you better thank your stars you have an adorable child :P

  295. 295 pazion


    Celeb, anchi borcham shererit ney shayun muyilet le pazion:)

    With that comment you better thank your stars you have an adorable child :P [/quote]

    lol, your metaphor’s are so funny… I hope kiki will bounce soon…! getting closer …

  296. 296 celebratelife

    Pazion, what color umbrella do you own?

  297. 297 pazion

    [quote comment="68313"]Pazion, what color umbrella do you own?[/quote] :p

    celeb, once I attempt to carry an umbrella a beautiful embroider like those beautiful hats ?… I’m telling you I look good …

  298. 298 Kurenchet

    Hello Bernosochè,

    I have been your regular reader for quite sometime and I just want to say keep-up the good work………I have much appreciation for your creativity.



  299. 299 pazion

    [quote comment="67076"][quote comment="66980"]hey where is ebery body? I thought I proposed to double up? woys prizu albeka ale? :) Fersam hulu nu wetu let’s march endebefitu beyalehu :) [/quote]
    Keywa, you are right. The prize albekam meselegn. Esti let’s shoot for 300.[/quote]

    yes kiki … this was the biggest ever commented blog entry

    hulu neger indeed aman new…

  300. 300 pazion

    with 82 degree weather smiling for hitting 300 I welcome our popular commentor kurenchet

    [quote comment="68326"]Hello Bernosochè,

    I have been your regular reader for quite sometime and I just want to say keep-up the good work………I have much appreciation for your creativity.



  301. 301 For YDye's baby

    On behalf of YDye’s baby I hope I got the 300

  302. 302 For YDye's baby

    [quote comment="68324"][quote comment="68313"]Pazion, what color umbrella do you own?[/quote] :p

    celeb, once I attempt to carry an umbrella a beautiful embroider like those beautiful hats ?… I’m telling you I look good …[/quote]
    You’re crazy hahaha and I’m made you got the 300. You beat me to it errrrrr woof!

  303. 303 celebratelife

    Well that was me on 301 and 302 trying to win Bay Area style but Noooooo a Seattleite invaded the space :P

  304. 304 kiki

    Pazion, way to represent!!!! I wasn’t here to see you get to the finishing line, I was out enjoying the beautiful Seattle summer day!
    Keywa, I am still waiting for some words of wisdom from baby key. :-)

  305. 305 YekeyDama

    That is what my baby typed&it translates…BACKSTABBERS!
    lol well don’t look @ me I told you beslo newe yewetaw that is the wisdom he wanted to share… couldn’t wait for me could ya! shame on you ante zhion (well pzion that is the closest i could come up with lol) if only you saw the hurt in my cub’s eyes :(
    well I shall aim for 305! and claim it now :)

  306. 306 celebratelife

    [quote comment="68403"]zleioue;aqp-[ru9ur093ur'[38r5-0830-558-=293094853-98\
    That is what my baby typed&it translates...BACKSTABBERS!
    lol well don't look @ me I told you beslo newe yewetaw that is the wisdom he wanted to share... couldn't wait for me could ya! shame on you ante zhion (well pzion that is the closest i could come up with lol) if only you saw the hurt in my cub's eyes :(
    well I shall aim for 305! and claim it now :) [/quote]

    I tried, god knows I tried so you make sure to put in a good for me. Tell him “Pazion bad, bad….Celebrate good, good” :)

    I think we’re all worn out by now and it’s still raining in Seattle :P

  307. 307 pazion

    [quote comment="68403"]zleioue;aqp-[ru9ur093ur'[38r5-0830-558-=293094853-98\
    That is what my baby typed&it translates...BACKSTABBERS!
    lol well don't look @ me I told you beslo newe yewetaw that is the wisdom he wanted to share... couldn't wait for me could ya! shame on you ante zhion (well pzion that is the closest i could come up with lol) if only you saw the hurt in my cub's eyes :(
    well I shall aim for 305! and claim it now :) [/quote]
    I really really felt sad.. that .. your baby needs “his smily moma” hence, i failed to put a smile on your face. but, i will try hard next time… by the way some caffeine might help, uhm uhm … can I suggest some Starbucks misto? ( Ohh Celeb… remember every time you stepped in to one of the Starbucks you are stepping on seattle) well… hope you have your umbrella… :p :-)

    speaking of starbucks, hope you all are familiar with the great farmer’s defender. just a thought

  308. 308 celebratelife

    ( Ohh Celeb… remember every time you stepped in to one of the Starbucks you are stepping on seattle) well… hope you have your umbrella… :p :-)

    Wrong answer for 1,000 Alex :P I don’t do Starbucks that’s for rookies I only do Peet’s (aka jet fuel) :)

  309. 309 Lemat

    Kemelau, Mare & Schekore

    I found blog very Entertaining site. Keep up all the good work!

  310. 310 meazi

    we have sent some questions to you days before.but you did not respond yet.we want your response soon, please.

  311. 311 Nolawi

    You will get a response,
    its just we reply to dozens of emails a day. and only one person to do it.

    We generally respond to customers first and then to general inquires.

  312. 312 Nolawi

    i guess we are done at 312
    but still this is great we are a 100 over where I thought we would be!

    good job folks!

  313. 313 Liyat

    can we keep goin just for the sake of it??

  314. 314 desus


  315. 315 maereg

    I had to drop a line….. and it is that to all people out there to not give up on your dreams…..God loves you……you have a purpose in life

  316. 316 celebratelife

    Where is everyone? :o YekeyDama, Tsedu, Pazion, Kiki, Lilye, Dawitm, etc…..
    I suggest we try for one more challenge of 330……I want to win Godnabit. If no one else participates then I’ll win anyways :) Where there’s a will, there’s a way. :P

  317. 317 kiki


    [quote comment="78813"]……I want to win Godnabit. :P [/quote]

    If it means that much to you I will play along, but I am am playing to win. :P
    So what are we playing for? Just to make it make it more interesting….

  318. 318 ababiru

    celebye, how are you?

    I think you are safe for 330 -

    Not -

  319. 319 celebratelife

    Kiki, Say what? This ain’t about you winning it’s about me so can you please support a sista for once to win this darn thing. I have issues with losing this one to you :P Not to say I’ll lose so don’t be gettin no ideas now.

    So what are we playing for? Just to make it make it more interesting….

    Uhhhhh like to make sure I win and rub it in your face for the rest of 2007 or the rest of 2000 :P

    Abiyeyeyeyeye is here….I’m doing fine and how is you? Miss you lots but, but, but you best get my back to win this one or else I’m gonna (don’t know yet but I’m gonna something) :)

    Where are all the other Bpers? Why don’t they come out to cheer one of us along (like me) :P cause I’m winning this baby.

  320. 320 konche

    mechem beze millineum ferenje yagegnew yeabesha set bezat. ere setochachenen cheresewachew andebelu

  321. 321 maebel

    It is today that i saw this post…as always, interesting one from Nolawi. I haven’t yet finished reading the comments but I just felt the need to say something before i logged out…so why not pass my heart felt appriciation for all the beautiful minds that have made Bernos possible and who let me pass my quality time of the entire day here. the great book says..”For others to see your good work and to glorify your father let your good work shine on earth.”

  322. 322 kiki

    [quote comment="79234"]Kiki, Say what? This ain’t about you winning it’s about me so can you please support a sista for once to win this darn thing. [/quote]
    Ok I will support my sista. GO CELEB GO!!!! YOU’RE NUMBER ONE!!! YOU’RE NUMBER ONE!!! YOU’RE NUMBER ONE!!!

  323. 323 winta

    okey Enrique ,We got it !

    let me see who has a good sense of humour and got that one .I pomise a rewared.

  324. 324 K

    Selam :)

    can anyone tell me how to say hello in Haderigna?

  325. 325 Moi

    I just had a very random thought…Shouldn’t the name of this website be barnos instead of bernos? I have always pronouced it AAAA not EEHHH

  326. 326 Nolawi

    I see, well the none ethiopian version is pronouced burnoose, but barnos is close to that as well…

    i think though barnos spelling is too misleading as its not bernos nor baernos.

    in amharic i have seen it written be re no se also ba re nu se etc…

  327. 327 Senaserate

    This is a good place to discuss issues among our community, Bravo bernos Yemachachu!

  328. 328 celebratelife

    Ok I will support my sista. GO CELEB GO!!!! YOU’RE NUMBER ONE!!! YOU’RE NUMBER ONE!!! YOU’RE NUMBER ONE!!!

    You know what I don’t trust you….for some reason that bit of cheer doesn’t seem genuine so I’m watching my back and making sure I get this :P while you’re not looking :)

    Did I win yet?

  329. 329 celebratelife

    [quote comment="80022"]okey Enrique ,We got it !

    let me see who has a good sense of humour and got that one .I pomise a rewared.[/quote]

    Is Enrique related to Gustavo, Juan, Maria, Elena, Elisa, Hector, or Jose? I wanna know the joke. I need some humor on this Monday :)

    Is the Bernos name changing :o

    [quote comment="80109"]Selam :)

    can anyone tell me how to say hello in Haderigna?[/quote]

    Okayyyy here it goes relax and slowing form your lips to say “Hello in Haderigna” see that was easy huh? LOL :)

  330. 330 celebratelife

    I WON!

    Eat your heart out KIKI and all the rest who DIDN’T win. I WON! :) I WON! :P I WON! :)

  331. 331 winta

    Okey, Enrique is Iglesias

    I will give you one more chance

  332. 332 ababiru

    Congrats celebye – you’ve done it! If anyone deserved this honor, it’s you!

    lol – Gustavo, Juan -

  333. 333 kiki

    [quote comment="80700"]Congrats celebye – you’ve done it! If anyone deserved this honor, it’s you!

    Minew Aba, I let her win and she rubs my nose in it and you congratulate her? I am deeply hurt.
    Just know I let you win.

  334. 334 celebratelife

    Congrats celebye – you’ve done it! If anyone deserved this honor, it’s you!

    lol – Gustavo, Juan -

    Abiye, Aba, Abina, Abisha, *emua* for being so sweet

    Minew Aba, I let her win and she rubs my nose in it and you congratulate her? I am deeply hurt.
    Just know I let you win.

    Mts….sore loser (whiner waaaaa waaaaa waaaaa) :P It’s ok one day you will get a chance to win and when you do I will cheer you on in the same way you cheered me on (pretend then cry because you won). Mts, mts, mts. I’m very shocked :o Kiki that you would take LOSING so hard and so personal. Sawy I WON :P fair and square :)

    Did I say it already….I WON!

  335. 335 masinkomelody

    [quote comment="80109"]Selam :)

    can anyone tell me how to say hello in Haderigna?[/quote]

    ‘Amantehi’ for men; ‘Amanteshi’ for women — as i’ve heard it…

  336. 336 lilye

    Hello everyone & HAPPY NEW YEAR !

    Nice to see you BPers, ende kemir eko nafeqatchihugn!!! Beza lay I had such a great Bernos encounter!!!! I couldn’t wait for BP’s rebirth to tell you.

    Ye agaTami neger malet….. for a split second I go out at the terrasse of a Bistro( where I hang out a lot for the past couple of years…..) I saw at the corner of my eyes the yellow of ‘ET alien’ and was not sure if what I saw was the alien, when i looked at the girl who passed, she looked ET, so I had to say ” hey Bernos T shirt new” she turned & said ya how do you know about Bernos, not many know a bout it….. I had to hold my self from going ”Q ! Q! Q! Dinqém…Bernos yené, ené yebernos …. endeteeeee?” Bitcha she mentioned that she’s not a BPer but her sis is Bla Bla… guess who’s sister she is ??????? RAHWA’S!!

    Yemigermew she has been living in the area for at least 2 years and had it not been for the Bernos T we would have never talked. I sent a message to Rahwa from a BPer in Quebec…….. AYGERMIM !!!

    We’ll be having a drink together sometime soon.

  337. 337 celebratelife

    That’s cute Lilye and I thought you ran into dawitm and had a whirlwind romance story to tell us ;)

    Okey, Enrique is Iglesias

    I will give you one more chance

    I swear I tried to figure it out but nothing. I even googled the phrase and the name looking for something/anything but nada, zilch, menem, beeeeep, dead end……I’m not a big fan of Enrique but his daddy that man is sexy as hell. So does this have anything to do with the daddy?

    Just count it as I’ve won and tell me the joke please and send me the prize :)

  338. 338 celebratelife

    Someone, anyone, please, please give us a joke. I’m having a moment of wanting to hear a really funny joke. Where are all the Bernos Comedians?

  339. 339 winta

    For real, I would have sent you a T-shirt from my side of weird world .And we have some nice ones too .

    So here is the thing .

    Kiki wrote saying ”You are number one ,number one ….”

    Iglesias ,the Son, has a song that has a chorus ”You’re my number one ”.He repeates it so much ,he gets on ur nervous .So the joke is ” Okey ,We got it ,Enrique ”

    You will enjoy it, If you are my kind of person .

  340. 340 Tizita

    Selam Lehulachihum

  341. 341 celebratelife

    LOL Winta and when I googled his name his songs came up but I didn’t connect 2+2=the lyrics :) I just heard it and it is a nice song but if you do another one I WILL win guaranteed :P

    Btw, this is for everyone if you’re looking for a good movie recommendation I have a few:

    -The Contract
    -Maria Full of Grace
    -The Family Stone
    -In Her Shoes
    -Rabbit-Proof Fence (take out the tissue for this one)

    Really, really good movies.

  342. 342 winta

    Okey let me tell you this one .It is one of the few politically correct jokes I know.

    An old man was passing by when he saw a young boy trying to reach up to push a door bell .He approched the boy and asked ”Do you need help my son ?”.The little boy replied ”yeah ,can you push that button for me ?”.Proudly the old man pushed the bell button and asked the boy ”Now, what ?”

    Guess wht the Boy said ?

    He replied ”I don’t know about you ,But I am gonna run ”

  343. 343 adey

    apologies to nolawi for not keeping my words
    the inflation rate form my promise has gone up through the roof
    worse than the 7000% zim inflation

  344. 344 celebratelife

    Winta, lol good one. Give us one more please…..

    Adeyeye, so glad to see your nick. Where have you been girly?

  345. 345 lilye

    I miss my BP family!!!! Though I have been performing & interacting soooo much at work.

  346. 346 winta

    Speaking of BP let me tell you sth funny that happned to some ppl who are studying in College.You know wht PB means right ?

    So these group of stundents (men) used to watch PB in groups ( I know its disguting but they were just being men ) .So one day one of them found a CD with PB written on it .They gathered to watch and put the film on .Guess what ?…Came on the screen was the Prison Break Series .

  347. 347 masinkomelody

    They done gone and silenced their own voice.

    RIP Lucky Dube!!!!

  348. 348 Nolawi

    ^ exactly what are u refering about

  349. 349 masinkomelody

    [quote comment="87604"]^ exactly what are u refering about[/quote]

    They killed him for a stupid car!

  350. 350 Nolawi

    Aha it makes sense now… betam arif!

  351. 351 JUSTME

    [quote comment="87599"]They done gone and silenced their own voice.

    RIP Lucky Dube!!!![/quote]

  352. 352 winta

    Why do all the great black men have to die in the hands of other black men ?

    My heart goes out for him

    RIP Lucky

  353. 353 Mimi

    Bernosoch, I love your website!!! I must say you got me hooked…..

    Keep up the good work.

  354. 354 Melat

    I love reading your blogs, I am new readers but I am already hooked with you all. Keep up your good work.
    I want classic Addis Ababa T-shirt…it coming back soon or sold out permanent?

  355. 355 kiki

    [quote comment="87599"]They done gone and silenced their own voice.

    RIP Lucky Dube!!!![/quote]

    Oh how sad, he was one of my favorites. Rest in peace Lucky and I hope his family finds some peace as well.

  356. 356 spacefog
  357. 357 winta

    And eskista ..really cool

  358. 358 winta

    check this out
    I think its fair .We have it for centuries and we didn’t know how to market it ..right?

  359. 359 Guadegna

    Beyonce doing eskista….. she going to bring it here and it will be the new dance…..BSB….. I see Bernos is still on….right

    Now where is BP???!!!

  360. 360 Konjiye

    Couldn’t read most of the comments but had to be part of the Tsebel Tsedik. Numero 360!! I like!

  361. 361 hewe

    OMG- reading EVERY comment on Bernos starting 7 am is sad but i realized how i missed this…..NICE job one more time….and selam lekulu-kumu (i heared it on kedase)

  362. 362 masinkomelody
  363. 363 lilye

    Masinko how do you know they are Abesha ? I was really happy they won tho!!

  364. 364 It's me

    So what is an Ethiopian girl supposed to do when she is bored ???

  365. 365 masinkomelody

    Eleni Gabre-Madhin on the ECEX

  366. 366 kiki

    Happy thanksgiving everybody!

  367. 367 Kokeb Zemed

    [quote comment="63665"]I will start

    akam jirta jirta,
    teach me some oromigna….

    the rhyming was a coincidence[/quote]

    Ani feya da.” I am fine.”
    Ati feya da? ”Are you okay?”

    Hay are there many Nolawis in this world or could this be my cousin? I know very little oromigna, but I have a feeling this is your message Noli. It has been ages since I have gone to internet for other things than work but today I just opened this link by chance. This is Kokeb from Nairobi. Kokeb Zemed, …

  368. 368 Kokeb Zemed

    Dear Noli,
    This is the first time I get to see this site. I know only one Nolawi, my cousin. Are you my cousin Noli?
    This is Kokeb from Nairobi.
    You know your terrible cousin who never keeps in touch. Who lived in Hyderabad…
    How are you= akam girta?
    I am fine=ani feya da.
    My oromigna is very limited.

  369. 369 Nolawi

    I am not the nolawi you know.. I am another one…

  370. 370 Hanna

    Let’s make this an even number.If i may.

  371. 371 tsegure

    Let’s make this an even number.If i may.

    You may in May but ODD is in this month ;P

  372. 372 Mariye

    Afro… balesh negade newe
    Afro… negedo yablash
    Afro… le saQ le Chewata
    Afro… ene alehulesh
    Afro… ya kururu balesh
    Afro… sikora simeka
    Afro… QeTQetew gedelut
    Afro… ke Berbere tera….. goes on

  373. 373 Zahra

    Ete yeleshibet agere Aman New weye Ager aman new wey?

    Yale Amen Yelem Eman

  374. 374 Selamawit

    omi sewerewu aha aha haha
    Lebun agenehut aha aha haha
    Minew esu kertobign aha aha haha
    Trisun bagenehut aha aha haha
    Seko layskebet aha aha haha
    Afreshe betalkut aha aha haha

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    los mejores sitios para hacer este trofeo son: el nivel tres-diez y el minijuego de Bobsleigh.

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