Author Archive for Nolawi

tempations… 26 Comments

I have a lot of temptations. Everyday, I am tempted not to get out of my bed; I want to sleep in. Maybe take a pill that will just knock me out and sleep all day, possibly another day. There was a time in 2008 where I was so busy that I opted to schedule [...]

Ho Ho Ho 14 Comments

Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemen, Obama has delivered a big present for all poor Americans. Health care for all! Well not really; but it’s a start and the bill that just passed the senate will likely become law sometime in the next 3 months. I first mentioned my unhappiness with Obama when he backpedaled on [...]

Lack of Patience 34 Comments

All good things come to he who waits” When ever my little brother sees or hears something about how someone does something really stupid and gets caught in the web, he always says ‘what an idiot!’ Who in their right mind would accept passively wait for something to happen and call it a virtue. Call [...]

the real deal 12 Comments

The annual ritual continues here at bernos! We are doing the same great deal we have done for the past three Christmas.’ Free Shipping on all bernos T-shirts between now and Dec 31st. December 18th will be the last day we can guarantee that an order received will reach our U.S. and Canada customers before [...]

Squeeeezed Dry! 53 Comments

The key principle of morality is that doing something for yourself is bad or at least not worth anything morally speaking, while doing something for others is noble and praiseworthy. People are called “selfish” when an observer perceives that the person could have taken one of numerous courses of action which might benefit other people [...]