Author Archive for Ethio Jazz

"Have you been Wudassed?"* 100 Comments

  From L to R Ahsa Ahla, Dale Saunders(I think), Fasil Wuhib, Teferi Assefa and Jorga Mesfin I'm a frequent visitor at .  It was there I read of a group based in Atlanta, Georgia. Their name, "Wudasse." A quick search on the internet returned this result- Wudasse is an Ethio Jazz band.  As an enthusiast [...]

Bandochu (The Bands) From Ras to Abyssinia (1961-1991) 617 Comments

PART II (continued from Part I)    Soul Ekos Band Soul Ekos with producer Amha Eshete (late 1960′s) Left to Right-Alula Yohannes, Tesfaye “Hodo” Mekonnen, Tamrat Ferenji, Amha Eshete, Teshome Mitiku, Feqade Amdemesqel & Tewodros Mitiku. Before they named themselve “Soul Ekos”, the Soul Eko’s were first known as the Zula Band, named after the Zula [...]

Bandochu (The Bands) From Ras to Abyssinia (1961-1991)-PART I 167 Comments

Any discussion in reference to the "Golden Era" of Ethiopian Music has to include the amazing bands and musicians backing the performers. Here I'll attempt to discuss the history of these bands and where possible giving a short bio of the musicians. PART I The attempted coup in December of 1960 was the beginning of [...]

Ever heard of GB? 163 Comments

A lot is known about our famous singers. Through written biographies or TV and Radio interviews we are aware how they got started and where and when they sang a particular song. What is less known though are the stories behind the songs. The lyricists (yeGitim Derassi), the music writers (yeZema Derassi), the arrangers (aqenbabari) [...]