Look Shoes fashionista 56 Comments

Dawit is organizing a brochure of sorts. He calls it the “Bernos Look Book.”

I don’t know why but now, even models are calling their portfolio a ‘look book’ these days. Even Lily is calling her slideshow gallery a Look Book!

I am not a fashionista per say, I used to be. I like fashion though; I appreciate all forms of expression.

I am a scruffy looking guy that is casually dressed; in the summer its t-shirts of course; in the winter its regular pants or jeans with a sweater.  It doesn’t help with the ladies, I assume. Clean cut is in.

I rarely shave, my hair is long and my clothes are more cavalier than dressy. The older I get the more casual I have gotten. It helps I am usually sole creative guy at work in the middle of a lot of business people.

So for creative inspiration I look at “Look Book,” because I love looking. It’s a sort of Sartorialist with a social and random aspect to it.

As far as shoes are concerned, it’s important! Apparently it’s a major social statement for women as well. Both in a Carrie Bradshaw sense, and how it’s used as an indicator of his social status and sense of style a man.

Most people lack a sense of taste, I believe. If you don’t have good taste, no amount of money can fix your major fashion issues. Yes, you can shop at Armani Exchange all you want but … beqaaA!

Again I am not saying I am a fashionista! Yet I have worn some really nice shoes and some really expensive shoes.

I am now wearing nice shoes, but not really ‘a really nice shoes.’ I have now as in the past two years been wearing decent comfortable penny loafers almost everyday.

I wear the same one almost everyday for weeks and even months. I get one that goes with everything but is not perfect for everything thing.

I love how I don’t have to think about which shoes I am wearing today! Sometimes I get compliments. It gets really old, the colors fade, the shoes changes shapes molding my feet.

I get my shoes shined, if I get a chance, at the airport or at the mall. Sometime I have to drop it off at the shoe repair shop. My shoes, although nice have a the worked look- or yetashe

I get it back and I keep wearing it, till it dies. And then I bury it. Sometime I miss it.

Just because my shoes are almost always an old dark brown penny loafer, doesn’t mean I fit your profile of someone who lacks style. It’s just I value the labor of working my shoes in.

56 Responses to “Look Shoes fashionista”

  1. 1 biskut

    uuufffeyyyy i love this post
    I use to wear nice ,fashionable shoes before ,but now i am more into comfort than the looks .If i am not at work you most certainly will see me with my addidas on and my crocks when i am at home .
    by the way shoes makes or breaks a man’s style.ena demo most habesha men sneaker yastelabachewal .i don’t know why aregagetachew yihun or the way they sometimes tuck it in their suri fara style ….

  2. 2 Tayitu

    Why do I think this is more about Lily’s “look book” than about your Yetashe chama

  3. 3 Nolawi

    aye enate setoch-

    you guys have been betam betam hard on me for some reason…

    why and how is this post about lily? are you saying i am promoting lily? or are you saying i have some kind of feeling for her since i used a link?

    if you have nothing to say about the shoes then sharrup Tayitu?

  4. 4 Nolawi

    biskut – if you wear sneakers everyday on the weekend then that is fara… seriously

    if my wifey is in a tuta and sneakers at home all day – i will divorce her..

    the last thing i want to see everyday is a woman that is more into her comfort than her looks…

    as soon as u get out of bed.. take the pajama and shash off and then put on day time cloth and comb you hair..

    dont depress me

  5. 5 biskut

    nolawi don’t flatter yourself ishi
    i did not ask you to marry me lol

  6. 6 Oreo

    Ayeee Nolawi, you think wearing sneakers for 2 days of the week is far but you wear the same shoes everyday till it gets old?

  7. 7 spacefog

    I love good comfortable shoes. Infact, when I meet someone interesting the first thing I look at is their shoes. it says a lot about the style and by implication the person. I am more into Shera, open hill shoes ,flip flops and sneakers.
    BTW, habesha guys in DC, sharp tip leather shoes and cherk pants are total turn off:)

  8. 8 saronm3

    all my life i hated tennis shoes. i’d never bye them, except couple of running shoes. but now i have a bunch of them in different colors. cuz, my job requires it. eventhough i don’t wear my high hills as much as i used to , i do wear them any chance i get.

    spacefog, i completly agree with you.

  9. 9 helen

    I always notice shoes on a man. I like men who wear good quality stylish shoes and watches. Those two seem to go together for me. I don’t think it says much about their personality just their taste. I hate white dress shoes, especially on men (exept when worn with abesha lebs). Style and comfort don’t have to be mutually exclusive. So nolawi be adventerous again and invest in a second pair of shoes so you dont have to wear the same “yetashe” brown loafers all the time. These are some nice shoes.


  10. 10 Nolawi

    Are you a nurse endE?

    demo you ladies just because i wear the same shoes everyday doesnt mean i dont have a lot of shoes…

    i have shoes I just like the one that is yetashe most of the time.

  11. 11 tpeace

    …i like the look book site…tres cool

  12. 12 saronm3

    nol, though i am in the medical field,i am not a nurse.

  13. 13 Nolawi

    God Saronm3 answer the q?

    what exactly do you do?

    life is in the details…..

  14. 14 dawitm

    so saronm3, you are a doc then right?

  15. 15 saronm3

    OMG, why is it so important what i do guys. if you must know, right now i am a nuclear medicine technologiest.
    and nols, if you want you can visit snm.org for more info

  16. 16 dawitm

    lol … cuz we are nosy

  17. 17 Totit

    I have a random question here…Should what we do define who we r?
    If u ask me I am, then I have a profession…I have noticed that the most arrogant person at work, is devoid of personality once u take them out of their natural environment…SO what do u all say?

  18. 18 Sarah

    What’s with pointy toe…..most the guys in dc area wear em they look played out cowboys seriously….

  19. 19 Sarah

    Nolawi same shoes every day…………dude wouldn’t want to be around you when you take your shoe off ekkk

  20. 20 Sarah

    you do change ur socks tho right?

  21. 21 Totit

    pointy toe has come back…Look

  22. 22 EWNET

    you need to work on your spelling and grammer.In this day and age I can’t stand this kind of carelessness.

  23. 23 Totit

    U meant “grammar” EWENET
    Maybe u wanna work on urs if it bothers u so much …

  24. 24 Tsedey

    “if my wifey is in a tuta and sneakers at home all day – i will divorce her..

    the last thing i want to see everyday is a woman that is more into her comfort than her looks…

    as soon as u get out of bed.. take the pajama and shash off and then put on day time cloth and comb you hair..

    dont depress me”

    I love love love this statement. Nolawi you made my day today- I laughed so hard cos i share your sentiments.tuta, shash and sneaker is such a turn off.
    On men, as the ladies above mentioned.. cherk suri with pointy shoes and leather jacket is my all time TURN OFF. That’s so gejja!

  25. 25 dawitm

    Totit, good call. EWNET, don’t pick on someone if you can’t clean up on your own weak spelling & “grammar”. not to gang up on you… but that is hypocritical.

  26. 26 Nolawi

    22 Ewent, if there are spelling errors here I am sorry…

    on the grammar though, I think the run-on sentences and over use of semi colons are intentional -

    once in a while I miss a word here and there.. i write in one sitting at 20 minute increments… i do not have an editor nor do the time… I do my best. with what I have and I think i do a damn good job off it….


    yes work on your grammar and spelling… demo its better if you can point out parts that are bothering you.. grammatically… speaking..

  27. 27 ToTheHaters

    Last week I went running with this guy who I’ve now known for a few years. He’s a much better runner than I and I was struggling through it while he was almost walking. In the end I was feeling pretty beat, prolly looking it too, but we went for brunch anyway. While we were talking out of the blue he said, ‘look at you, you just went for X miles and your hair looks done, you look ready to go out.’ Maybe he didn’t mean it, maybe his vision’s got issues but he didn’t have to say it, we weren’t even on the topic of looks. He usually sees me when we go out and he has complimented my looks exactly once, years ago … as far as i can recall. I don’t care much for compliments (makes me wonder how many times those guys have said that to other girls that day) but last week’s was very charming, I thought.

    So to all you tuta-girl haters, like Nolawi … women aren’t ashangulitoch. lay off a bit, will ya? And Nolawi, you’re an artist aren’t you? Shouldn’t you be looking for beauty in different forms? I suggest you look harder :) )

  28. 28 ToTheHaters

    Talking of ashagulitoch, one of my female friends said in the non-meanest possible sense about another female friend, “I want to adopt her! she’s always made up … like a cute ashangulit neger. des atilim?”

    I just cracked up.

  29. 29 Nolawi

    ToTheHaters- if you used a real nick I would know what to call you instead of “TotheHater”

    Second I have no problem with you not being made up everyday.. its just i want you to look cleaned up sometimes.

    even if its starbucks… or the grocery store… u dont have to look like you are going the Grammys eko – put on a jeans and take the tuta out… wash your face and take the little ayn are out…

  30. 30 helen

    Nol, you must be in a good mood today you are killing me “take the ayn are out”…. that is funny

  31. 31 Nolawi

    Sarah- my shoes do not stink. Stinky shoes is caused by mostly bacteria and fungus…I dont have neither…

    yes i wear different socks everday.. my feet are almost dry all the time…

    i dont wear sneakers and or payless shoes..

    I wear Salvatore Ferragamo’s Kenneeth Coles, Maroalo’s

    good quality leather shoes with the right type of insulation will never stink – if you dont have fungus problem..

  32. 32 selam


  33. 33 ToTheHaters

    Stop hating ToTheHaters, you ToTheHaters-hater! How does that make a lesser nickname than ‘helen’,'selam’ or ‘Torinet’?

    ” … put on a jeans and take the tuta out …” imbi!

    ” … ake the little ayn are out … ” hahaha … i’ve not hear that term in a while but … fiyel wedia, qizimzim wedih … tuta’na ayn ar min agenagnachew?

  34. 34 Guadegna

    I love girly shoes sling backs, peeptoe, sandals, heels and with age comes comfort I now perfer to wear shoes with no heels most the time.

    My sister however don’t leave home without 4″ stilettos. she swears by them SBS!!

  35. 35 biskut

    why do some of you here associate wearing sneaker with being unkempt or looking shabby and dirty ?
    who says you have to wear sneaker with tuta and shash ?
    you guys are confusing personal hygeine with comfortable style .
    ayn are yemibal neger kayehum kesemahum its been a while .

  36. 36 wudnesh

    oof, Nol indezAre asiqogn ayaqim….what are u on, bro? the ayn are, the shash…SBS. Ere benatih don’t be sorry for spelling/grammar error…she can ask u to correct it, or let it go…gud eko neww!

    But don’t you abesha men think you have to do your share too? The lady has no probs looking sexy for her man (well, I want to look good for myself first, benegerachin lai), but I don’t understand why he doesn’t make the effort to look good for her too? Every abesha event you go to, the ladies look GOOD while the men come (maybe not all…)looking like they are going to the supermarket.

    And another turn off….nech kalsi biQ sill (oof, hate it…unless with a pair of sneakers )

  37. 37 selam


    I like clogs on the weekends.

  38. 38 story

    me to im casual. i never go shopping for cloth in my life. My sister shops for cloths and whenever she buys new ones she forgets the old so i go to her closet and wear whatever i find. I just put it on and if it is comfortable i will take it. thank god she is also casual. she only buys jeans and t-shirt. If she was girly girl omg i will be forced to shop coz i can’t stand girly outfits. But shoes hell no i have to buy sneakers coz she hates sneakers so im forced to shop for sneakers even if i hate shopping so to make it quick i go inside sneaker shop quickly grab one shoe and leave. that’s how much i hate shopping

  39. 39 datdude

    has anyone else been getting unusual amounts of compliments on their feet lately ?

  40. 40 LoveJones


    You’re killing the ladies with the Tuta flavor. I like good ‘leather’ shoes. Can’t stand ALDO and Nunn Bush….love me some Kenneth Cole, Alfani, and Halogen.

    Since I work from home, the comfort look of running shoes with Jeans or Tuta is my style throughout the week. I am addicted to Nike air soles…the best comfort and feel.

  41. 41 EWNET

    apologi acsepted

    I don’t have to mind my grammer because I don’t have a blog/website like Nolawi .In additione it irritates me when I reed it only .Not when I write.

  42. 42 Nolawi

    Grammar not grammer

    addition not additione

    read not reed

    bicha- its you that has issues….

  43. 43 justme

    I dont like sneaker..sorry. I wish i do.

  44. 44 Alazhar

    Ewnet you need to go back to ESL class again! Bewnet lol…! The thread b/n you and Nolawi was so funny!

  45. 45 story

    English is no big deal. It’s the easiest language in the whole world. Amharic is way harder than English. In Ethiopia i always had 90s in grammer class easily but my Amharic class i struggled to pass.

  46. 46 EWNET

    obviously you missed the joke…. fara
    alazhar too lol

  47. 47 EWNET

    I went back and read your post again .Forget the other deliberate mistakes ,Do you really think I would spell read as reed ?Good God ! qeld be glucose kalhone aygebahim ende? Now really .. ..Who is the fara one ?

    Thankyou yene konjo .

  48. 48 EWNET

    you forgot to correct me on to other ones . “apologi”
    and “acsepted”

  49. 49 Wurgatu

    Ewunent, your tactical retreat is not that smart…
    i don’t know about others but u are still the fara one for me….

  50. 50 EWNET

    le nolawi atashqabt weregna

  51. 51 Dinich

    lol @ qeld be glucose…good one

  52. 52 Hilbet

    Nolawi Nolawi Nolawi,

    Why is it ok for you to be “scruffy” who rarely shaves and wears a pair of shoe for weeks or even months but you would divorce a woman for being comfy at home? You admitted on opting for casual as you get older. What if the girl/woman wants to just wear her tuta and shash on the weekends? Some woman can make anything look good and sexy eko. As someone above said, don’t confuse personal hygiene with comfort. Drop the double standard and get a hair cut, shave and change those damn shoes!

    Btw, I hear you on wearing the same pair of shoe over and over. I stumbled on a pair of flats at the end of August and I have been rocking them ever since. I now need to find replacement. Darn those were/are so comfy and could wear with anything!

  53. 53 Anonx

    Nol, I would not be surprised if u have better hair than some who won’t forgive you for your hair. Start giving hair tips…

  54. 54 mek


  55. 55 endalc

    miss nolawi. i think do you like more took with freqent. pan friends . about by freqent . opject . some trime peole tooke a jok .some times al so you get real thing .maken deisces. with you . sher to dood aidea .countinu. more . excheng . later it is a good aidea . but .i was get several pleoples . worte . you ues amhric word .it is not build to your acsent .and activity. tray . imputit. anly english .dear.ny friand .please all way doent took to me by humanism .sprit . al ways im hear that your sound . so imddentlly .im to do pray because im blive . he noes al my problem so please doent . more

  56. 56 Topher

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