Fara Things… 57 Comments

Technology changes how society interacts, people who used to call each other in the evening and on weekends just 15 years ago, now can keep in contact from anywhere and anytime.

Emails help people from all over the world get to know each other and keep in touch.

Dating is changed; there are not two steps before getting the digits which leads to the phone call. It might be too soon to call, thus you email and then chat and then get the phone number. But don’t call! Text first!

You don’t have to hang out with his/or her friends to get to know them, you can just check out his Facebook photos to find out what they do when they are together.

With that there are lame things people do and I consider really Fara. Enclosed short list of things that really annoy me:

Group Posed Shots

Photos are meant to capture a moment in time, not create a fake moment. If you are out with friends, by all means take some photos but don’t make people stand up, move, scrunch together and force a smile. Just take photos as things are — not everyone is facing that way or is smiling. I would want to see how things were when everyone was not posing. Don’t ruin the moment for a godamn picture.

I noticed the prevalence of group posed photos in the Abesha more so than non-Abesha’s. Don’t get me wrong, posing for a photo is fine if you are documenting your presence in a landmark or showing your affection to a significant other by having a walker-paster to take a quick shot of youtooos.

Long Text Messages

Texting is so very cool, I have personally avoided it because I talk too much and I can’t seem to crunch what I have to say to 160 words or less. But I opted in when a girl I liked said she prefers text instead of emails. We texted!

Its good to make plans, give updates but you can’t have a full conversation; to do so is lame. If you need to talk call godamit! You are with a phone by the phone and apparently so is the other person.

If your reason for texting is to avoid calling then email, you can write long or short email and the other person can reply in their own time.

There is a phone, there is email, there is chat and there is a letter. Use appropriately, if you write a letter to say “just saying hello;” then that is a waste of a stamp and paper, you text for that.

Repeated Messages

Once in a while I get messages via email and then followed by a phone call. Or a phone call followed by a text messages. Or they would see me online on try to chat ask me if I have seen their email.

And the mother is guilty by this; she would call and call and call again till I picked up. Obviously I am not avoiding her that much I am just busy, in the shower or peeing or in a meeting.

Hey, one message is enough, I will return in time. Don’t email me and then call me to ask if I received your email… Of course I did, and I will return in time; right after I finish swallowing my food.

No Cash Ever

I go out to dinner or for drinks a lot, sometimes it in groups. The bill comes and no one has cash, they all take out a credit card to pay for their portion. You have to give the server five cards to charge, and that’s stupid! If you are going out to dinner with more than one other person stop by the ATM, cash is cool.

If you are in a bar, and you are only going to buy one drink for the night, it ain’t cool to hold up the line by paying with a card. I am sure the bartender doesn’t appreciate it either.

57 Responses to “Fara Things…”

  1. 1 Kita Firfir

    “really fara?”. I would hardly consider the above points fara things.

    stupid entry.

  2. 2 Kita Firfir

    “I noticed the prevalence of group posed photos in the Abesha more so than non-Abesha’s.”

    i love how you love to generalize

  3. 3 wudnesh

    I understand how being asked to pose this or that way minamin can look fake, but I don’t see anything wrong with group pictures. That right there is a moment to capture too…the state they are in, the face some make, come on, how else would you have everyone who was there on it?don’t tell me take a few pics from different angles…. we may call u fara too.
    yea, cash is cool…u can say that again! My best friend had a friend who never carried cash and always had the others cover her portion. 1, 2…ok, even 3 times is ok. How can you forget to bring cash at every outing? My best friend and her other friends got wiser and one day called to remind her to go to the ATM before their meeting…it worked! That one was tinish gebgaba, she never even offered to use her credit card…she just said she forgot to get cash….
    BTW, I know people who don’t email personal stuff coz they hate anything that can be stored…think of that?

  4. 4 Nolawi

    “really fara?”. I would hardly consider the above points fara things.

    stupid entry.

    that is probably because u do these things and u are pissed i called u out on it

  5. 5 hewe

    I love text messages, i guess i’m fara….I love emails even more, that means i can do two things at once, work and have a life…i’m fara…..oh and I love group pictures too especially looking at them…i’m fara fara fara……but the repeated messages, back to back phone calls, textin’ someone to ask them out is all tacky……lol and thanks on callin out the stingy girl Wud, its sooo annoying.

  6. 6 saronm3

    “Its good to make plans, give updates but you can’t have a full conversation; to do so is lame. If you need to talk call godamit! You are with a phone by the phone and apparently so is the other person.”

    i agree with you nol,
    I don’t like long texts , I’d rather talk on the phone, and no, i am not talkative. i do love texting when i am in a meeting or work. but when i text no more than six words, more than that i find it rather annoying.

  7. 7 Anonx

    I blog here on my phone, not this one, but quite a few.
    Get a smart phone saron, then I’ll scratch of the fara list :)

  8. 8 Nolawi

    loving text messages is not bad-
    as long as it doesn’t replace emails — just make sure its not too long…

  9. 9 ep

    I sometimes get text from people in 4 or 5 part truncated just because the text was tooooo long..

    it is also “fara” not to use text i guess because people call me “fara” for that..I am so slow texting back,… i hate SMS..

  10. 10 tpeace

    some would say – who writes emails these days when there’s facebook anyhow?

  11. 11 Nolawi

    that is stupid to send facebook messages when u can email-

    dont be lame bakish

  12. 12 biskut

    ende what is wrong with posing for a picture? that is not fara at all .does that mean posing for a professional picture is fara too ? dressing up for a photo or smiling does not mean you are not capturing the moment or does not make it fake .

    i agree with you on the long texting thing .i am guilty of not carrying cash with me often .yes cash is cool .

  13. 13 anonx

    Nol on cash,guilty as charged… I feel u cuz I like to make the process easier on the server too, but most people use credit cards partly to earn reward points–its fair

  14. 14 Kita Firfir

    I just don’t understand why you consider these things fara rather than just simple annoyances. I would never say:

    “that guy always carries plastic, man he’s such a fara” or

    “those girls are always posing for pics, man they’re acting fara”

  15. 15 saronm3

    you know what i really hate, when people are trying to have a conversation through text. like literally back and forth. i try to be nice and text back a couple of times, aaaahhhhh….. i get so irritated , and i end up calling them my self. whats funny is their responces” well i didn’t know if you were at work or asleep.” am like i texted you back right?

    and anonx, are you flirting with me

  16. 16 Nolawi

    Kita simple annoyances- got it
    so your problem is not with what I had to say rather how I titled it…

    aha why didnt u say that instead of mesadeb…

  17. 17 Anonx

    Saron, I am working my fit, recovering from being outwhitted the last time…implicitly you called me tebelatsi, and I am still hurting from that :) be easy on me next time, i beg u.

  18. 18 tpeace

    i dont know anyone who emails long emails unless u’re overseas or somethin’ and u’re sending around updates — even then ppl r startin to use blogs neger…i think…

    maybe it’s a generational thing…or maybe it’s just the ppl i know *shrug*

    talk to some other crowd and they’ll tell u they keep in touch over twitter…

    fara rara…whatever nolawi…:P

  19. 19 saronm3

    anonx, wey guudd!
    i don’t know how many sarons we have in this blog, but as you may already know i am a newbie, and thanks for welcoming me by the way. however, if i did say tebelatsi, what can i say fikri habesha bitserfi, fikri indian kea biderfi sile zikone ‘yu.

  20. 20 hizi

    Ahhhh…. This was good. I absolutely loved it because it’s all the things I want to say and I just bite my tongue. The no cash gets me each time… great

  21. 21 datdude


    “fikri habesha bitserfi, fikri indian kea biderfi sile zikone ‘yu.” loooooooool i didn’t know my tigrina was this good, i actually got it

    btw if this is true, i should probably move to india, since apparently my michael bolton moves come off as spineless :)

    annox what do you say, I have a tambourine with your name on it, lets raid the indian sub continent, biderfi. loool

  22. 22 datdude


    i totally agree about this posing for a picture thing, most of the time people will interrupt me while i’m making a very important point to snap a picture. Of course, they also have the gall to tell me to smile, i’m sorry but a picture is no reason to go around flashing a million dollar smile hehehehe… i disagree on the cash thing though, bars like it when you open a tab cos you can overspend that way, vs cash when you already have a ceiling.

  23. 23 Dinich


    lolol @ fikri habesha bderfi fikri hindi bderfi….a good laugh for the day…

  24. 24 Anonx

    saron and dadude, i can’t get back to you two while i am still on the floor rolling. later when i search for the Punjabi MC for some rhymes to play on that tambourine… and a sari for Saron cuz we will need a back-up dancer–start practicing an egyptian walk.

    but saron, ya you, only one saron here, with 3 as your favoret number.. I can imagine the 3, but you may not like it. Let me just make it to home first so I can get one youtube clip… drum roll for now, the tserfi will resume soon :)

  25. 25 helen

    Fara be damned… I have been trying to get a hold of this guy for a while (not romantic reasons). I really need something from him. I have emailed twice, called and left a message, once I havn’t texted, and he still haven’t gotten back to me yet, that f***er. But normally I agree with you..
    The cash thing I agree…
    Dont like texting and I try not to do it
    But I like group photos… especially after everybody is good and drunk

    lol Saron, found a new favorite saying…

  26. 26 Bez

    I am usually not guilty of any of those things. BUT I dont know if I would call these things “fara” as it would made it sound condescending..more of annoyances or pet peeves. Plus I disagree with the email thing, I dont know anyone who actually emails somebody to chat when they have their phone number, unless they at work bored or something.

    Like they say “To each his/her own”

  27. 27 Anonx
  28. 28 Kunie

    hahahaaa I kinda agree with the group pictures,I like group pictures sometimes….but other times I just like taking unexpected pictures of ppl (but i found out most do not appreciate those, I end up getting yelled at)

    P.S. Just reading through the comments, I realized I kinda miss this place (bernos)…the bickering, generalizations, accusations….it’s like coming back home for Thanksgiving lol.

  29. 29 saronm3

    anonx, i saw the clip, with no sound ofcourse, cuz i am at work. i will be sure to see it later when i get home. and i will let you know.
    btw, this is not the saron you know. and 3 is not my fav. number. if you must know i don’t think i have any.

    datdude and dinich, yes its funny…..yet so true.

  30. 30 anonx

    Saron… I was saying I don’t know any other saron besides the one who blogs here. I was curious y u attached m3 to your name. Don’t say, its better I keep my imagination (qolo’leni kab gize nab gize)

  31. 31 Anonx

    Hidaya, there are worst things you could be right now in London.

    Not this dung collector PHD student


    And not this old milkman who celebrates earth day everyday


  32. 32 saronm3

    annox, how have you been brother. the seasonal flu was romancing me over the weekend with all that good stuff, and i was told by my friends that i was spreading it through the phone as one’d succumb to it, so i realized not to touch the key board as to not to inflict any body else. lol, but am good now, and i am back to work.aleka mish, teshakilka qon’ka keytikewin ele eye, why i stated the above reaon.

    now we have to settle this “saron” dilemma. for me it does not really matter , but you seem to be confused. again i am new to this blog, and the attached m3 is actually how old my niece is. saron who is 3 months old.
    btw, biza’ba qoloka, etan aytresea asmera mis kedka. they say thats the remedy.

  33. 33 anonx

    Saron–you had a flu over the weekend… Yack! I did not have a good reason to worry about you then since you didn’t get back to me on that youtube clip. I can rest easy now knowing I didnt offend you and your entire family with that clip. That’s the romance that would get me in trouble and my intentions questioned and leave me scared for life and me turn arround repeat the same on my kids lol the flu romance you had… my only question is: fefew diya abilatiki wesi fefew iyu abiluki? Heheheh becareful now flu has a gender in Tig.

    Saron is your niece…you are a niece lover like me then. Its a beautyful name, what does it mean? You’d think I would or should know but I don’t. If you don’t get a fav number, you should get one every year, just ask Saron how old she is or ask her to pick a number.babies are better decision makers I tell you. :) I was gonna run with my imagination on 3, thanks for stopping me

    Way way aTanit leybley

  34. 34 Anonx

    Its strange on the name confusion thingy, I think you were confused and you think I was confused, but one of us was confused. That agreed on. Since I am the card dealer here though, me think you were confused habtina. Its all settled now, I think, unless you think its ur turn to deal cards. :)

  35. 35 Hidaya

    Anonx hi:) how are you and how is life? here dont ask… between the wretched elements and more wretched earth elements February,not too friendly…….

    thanks for the links, all that work erh dung, how is the PHD student going to replace it? lol…72 year old milkman was also dealing in weed on his milk rounds, typical lol, Anonx let me explain …

    here the elderly have a habit of getting themselves nabbed for weed dealing…there was this one lady of sixty years old in the news one time,…uhmm, she smoked, growed, and dealt weed a court convicted of …not so much for profit these are not geriatric crims lol, mostly she smoked with her mates because of their aches and pains& stuff she said, then started growing it and cut out the dealer, aye infact she became the dealer, the court were merciful because she was ancient and also wasnt in it for the money, just the high apparently lol and she was told to stop growing it….


    Now look at what pepsi is saying about Pepsi the product, it is comlete lunacy maybe not intentionally lol…leaked document it is supposed to be but maybe it is deliberate marketing

  36. 36 Anonx

    Hidaya, how are you doing mate? Me, not bad, could be better, recovering from this flu I dont know from where it comes from. Took deserved sick day off yesterday, but amazinging, I didn’t feel sick as soon as I informed the relevant authorities and I had a good friend keep me company: I slept, played kick ball, lunch outing…but today I am sick again and in the office, pray I make it to the end.

    Haven’t seen your Pepsi link yet, I’ll see what I think after I do, but in advace I agree with you, only can be a marketing gimick….on the elderly, I think its crazy they are not allowed to consume things that they enjoy the most in their last living days. Here in the wild state of California, medicinal usage is legal with a prescription, I have a feeling its not hard to obtain one as well. They have shops even automated vending machines that dispense, you know, but the federal authorities can show up whenever to close down shops, arrest and eventually prosecute, but the state authorities do nothing because its a legal product as far as they are concerned. When I get old, and I find myself in pain most likely, I know where to I am moving because first I will be on legal drugs anyhow which believe it or not contains same or similar ingriedents, but not as fun :) If I don’t move, none better tell me what to do and not do during my last miserable years on earth…

  37. 37 datdude


    annox nothing like a lil flu to bring morbid thoughts to the fore aye? :) Personally, I’ve really taken to living along the one day at a time perspective, it took a while but now I just confine my worries to the now. Of course I make some plans, just in case I make it into the next decade, but I’ve managed to confine my soul to the here and now. Hakuna matata, hope you feel better.

    your friend,

    btw… I enjoyed the videos you posted, its nice to see young artists with a sense of humour, I must say i’ve never thought of picking up a date on a donkey drawn carriage. The prospects of impressing the parents in such a vehicle don’t seem promising lol

  38. 38 Hidaya

    Hi Anonx matey …Happy Belated V- day:)loved the songs thank you…

    Sorry to hear about your flu, I hope you’re getting better,here too flu is rampant, we’re still under dark clouds and snow, everyone’s got the sniffles as well as broken limbs due to the icy spells on the roads and cars and roofs…I have been fortunate twice but got stricken with stuff other than malady… like you I had a good friend who’s made the ordeal less ordeal-y…

    *When I get old, and I find myself in pain most likely, I know where to I am moving because first I will be on legal drugs anyhow which believe it or not contains same or similar ingriedents, but not as fun If I don’t move, none better tell me what to do and not do during my last miserable years on earth*…

    Aye Anonx hawuna Holland too lol, they do all that stuff legally there, that is why there is never any stories about the elderly Dutch getting caught with an illegal bong stoned out of their wits or worse still, eldery stoners turned dealers…those ones are all here, quite a few of them too, who knows they might start their own movement and call it The Geriatric Stoners for something lol….ciao mate, and a lovely sunday to you…

  39. 39 datdude

    geriatric stoners looooool, why isn’t there a band with that name?

  40. 40 anonx


    Aye you just had to mention the word SOUL because I don’t know what it is. I know the Socratic soul, the undieing, forever living soul, forever reincarnating one. I also know the Christian soul, out of thin air at birth assumes a host and lives for eternity belonging only to the host which it occupied at inception–well, inception is my assumption since not much of it is talked about but so much about its ending or rather its eternity.I kind of lean towards the Socratic soul since it reminds me of what I hear a lot been said in Tig about that non there is that has not been done only that which has not been told because that is one soul that takes on one host after another and never needs to learn anything new, only need to recall what it knows and has always known. In theory I think I know two souls and given a choice I know which I would take, not the Christian soul. That is only in theory but in practice I know or understand not a soul, but I dig the here and now and that is all the human made suffering, inequality and distant memories I live with everyday. I want to forget it all, be in the here and now, to no avail because it all comes back to haunt me in the unconscience in the form of a bad dream. Today I have a fear of sleep because its gonna be war and if I survive my dream I will escape from death.

    Hidaya, keep being the beautyful person that you are, you too Dadude, soul or no soul and pray for this atheist and sometimes agnostic. Heheheh :) I need no saving but I want to save

  41. 41 saronm3

    anonx, first haha……, i don’t mean to lough,but hey, karma is a bitch. remember what you said to me when i said i was sick with the flu. ohhhh..u forgat, not to worry i will remind u, “Saron–you had a flu over the weekend… Yack! I did not have a good reason to worry about you then since you didn’t get back to me on that youtube clip.” so you were more worried in what i had to say on some vidio clip than the state of my being. how inconsiderate of you.

    nonetheless, i hope you are feeling better today.

  42. 42 Hidaya

    “geriatric stoners looooool, why isn’t there a band with that name?”

    Oh no datdude dont give them ideas,they are unruly enough what with the getting stoned and dealing and growing stuff in ther advanced years when they should be thinkng of the tomb that awaits and the after life:)… , can you imagine the commotion they would create if they formed a band then fell off the stage and break a hip when attempting to perform lol..then there is the lyrics and music notes, they might forget the whole lot what with being stoned and geriatric might make the task of remembering all the more difficult..this might lead to total meltdown at some point, probably on stage…what manager would want to risk the notoriety? he might get the blame of sending senior citizens off the rails and setting bad examples to other SC…not sure there s enough money in the world for that…

    Anonx thank you mate:)…about the souls i dont think I have one…I have essence of who I am, not sure what a soul really is… on a different note this below is the result of reearch of the most obvious things…normally we refer to things like that as research of the bleeding obvious, …here is a big list of them…selamat…


  43. 43 Anonx

    Saron, thanks for waiting ’till I got better to rub the karma on me. I am learning to be considerate now, thanks to you with an apology… :)

  44. 44 datdude

    a lot of people missing a soul in bernos :) maybe a little (geriatric) stoning will do the trick?

  45. 45 Anonx

    Now White.P. are fara with there monkey business and Obama. I haven’t seen the cartoon depicting a dearly departed monkey, the airwaves yesterday carried only that… everybody knows how the noun is used as an epithet, not only that I also thought of it suggestive of what should be done to B. President. Yesterday was eventful, personal and non… today will be better.

    (Sorry no link Hidaya, I have a feeling Nolawi will blog the monkey business though)

  46. 46 endalc

    . you ll be came to very .translate man
    because .you.write. fara thing . wayderful . i thing . no same one .unnelowdge people

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