Bernos Press Comments

Extra extra … read all about the Bernos Press will be live at 2:30 pm on January 17th!

We’ve talked about it; we’ve discussed it and now we’re gonna do it! Do it now, do it…!That is a real song!

If you don’t know, now you know….It’s coming Jan 17th!

While we were targeting a certain demographic of Ethiopians to sell our T-shirts too, we built a nice little community. What do we know? There is no real data but from the emails, customer data, blog, and website analytics we were able to gather a few details. Hey we are not anally-retentive! Not perfect but it will do!

  • We are Ethiopians!
  • We are somewhat global! (mostly N. America and Europe)
  • We are 21 through 39! (40 is over the hill)
  • We are either in school and or working! ( if you are not you are bozene)

But mostly it’s a personality thing!

  • We are inspired by our childhood memories!
  • We like to talk, think, dream and read Ethiopia!
  • We love Injera! (except Toothpick he loves dabo)
  • We are passionate!
  • We are opinionated!
  • We are fiery!
  • We are Bernos!


What is it? We really don’t know what it is yet but we know what its not! It is not a discussion forum! It’s more and it’s less! It’s simple! Its user friendly! Its user generated!

What does this mean for Bernos? We have learned that sale of T-shirts is inter-dependent with the relationship built within web community!

What does this mean for Bernos blog? This will be better for the blog because it will give contributors a little more time to develop their content that matters. This will be good for the readership, the content, and for Bernos!

Why January 17th? Because it’s just another day!

How can you help? You can help by Emailing the Bernos URL to those that have not heard about us! You can also help by coming on the 17th and participating!

What will the content be? The content will be consistent with the Bernos Theme. About us, our daily lives, any variable that you relate to! You will be the content! The content is user generated! The content is what you do, where you went, why you prefer tibs over kitfo, why Qera is better than Nefase Silk? Your special CheChebsa recipe! And why you are popular at the Concorde night club? Blah blah, if it’s not personal we don’t want to hear it? That guy from Journey to Lasta… I met him at the LA soccer tournament! I also know that girl from 13th month of sunshine.. I met her like 6 years ago way before she became an Ethiopian star.

Moderation? Oh sharrup…. Fara! Seriously stop complicating things! “George bush doesn’t care about Ethiopian People!