Tag Archive for 'obama'

Obama’s Soft Care 10 Comments

That is what they call it, the republican pundits that is.  Currently I am in my office working but with my headphones on. I am quietly listing to the Obama’s bipartisan health care summit. I and those around me, those of us that sacrificed money as well as time to get Obama elected are finally [...]

Ho Ho Ho 14 Comments

Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemen, Obama has delivered a big present for all poor Americans. Health care for all! Well not really; but it’s a start and the bill that just passed the senate will likely become law sometime in the next 3 months. I first mentioned my unhappiness with Obama when he backpedaled on [...]

Lack of Patience 34 Comments

All good things come to he who waits” When ever my little brother sees or hears something about how someone does something really stupid and gets caught in the web, he always says ‘what an idiot!’ Who in their right mind would accept passively wait for something to happen and call it a virtue. Call [...]

this is 2009! 77 Comments

My little brother and I were entering grocery store after a stop at the local Thai restaurant. We were straddling along by the door as two hick-like white boys were passing by when we heard one say ‘they spit a lot!’ after seeing bro spit on the ground outside. ‘Who is they?’ he asked loudly [...]

@ the Inaugration 52 Comments

They said record crowds, a moment in history and so on. So I went after a friend urged me. Although I was not looking to standing in the cold for hours, as I have done it a few times. I have seen Obama a few times, at critical moments including the night before the election [...]