Archive for the 'Social' Category

On A Day Like This… 31 Comments

As a music lover, I’ve always been open to different genres and musicians. I always want to hear the next best thing.  Over the last few years,  I’ve been privy to a lot of new and good music. Meklit and I have never met. We have mutual friends and have heard about each other. It [...]

Qualified for WorldCup 35 Comments

Now that we finally know which countries are going to the world cup in South Africa this summer, wiki published a map and it’s really intriguing. Looking at the map, the green for qualified; {see Large version here}nearly all of Asia except the two Koreas and Japan; as a matter of fact, even though this [...]

Summit of all Summits 27 Comments

I remember when I attended my first ESAi summit. I remember the trouble I went through to get there and I’m pretty sure those around me then can vouch for it too. It was one of the most invigorating and unforgettable experiences of my college years. It was the 3rd annual Summit in Berkeley, CA. [...]

Springing 19 Comments

Spring is in the air. It is breezy and sunny. It has the feel of an Ethiopian morning . Be it windows, garage, driveways or basement, cleaning is underway.  It is like people are waking up from a lengthy sleep. Finally it is time to break away the last layer of the winter cocoon. Yes…the [...]

Forenji Olivia Wyatt 39 Comments

Ethiopia from olivia wyatt on Vimeo. Filmmaker Olivia Wyatt went to Ethiopia to document the music of 13 different tribes for her a film on tribal Music on Ethiopia. Along with the film, she took some Polaroid’s of her experiences with the locals. The shots somehow found my inbox via two sources. See more on [...]