Archive for the 'Open' Category

Fara Things… 57 Comments

Technology changes how society interacts, people who used to call each other in the evening and on weekends just 15 years ago, now can keep in contact from anywhere and anytime. Emails help people from all over the world get to know each other and keep in touch. Dating is changed; there are not two [...]

Open Thread 11 Comments

Working hard or hardly working We are working this week, with no internet connection other than to process orders from around the world. We love you guys but we also have lives, and thus we are not going to be updating the blog this week as we are busy at the ESFNA event here in [...]

Open Thread: Gas Price! 99 Comments

Source It’s becoming ridiculous, and I think everyone in the world could relate, because even if you use public transportation; like here in DC, they are worried that the trains will be overloaded if the price increases to 5$ a gallon. I have never really thought about how much I spend for Gas, but its [...]

Open Thread II 79 Comments

Things you love! Keeping up with the keeping of up! What I love? Fresh made coffee, first thing in the morning, mmm I go through a lot of coffee. Picking up a newspaper on my way to lunch and reading the newspaper as I am eating and or waiting for it. I love cookies, I [...]

Open Thread 657 Comments

Frustrations You guys remember when we played a game; the most comments ever in history. We stopped at 372 and I thought that was a lot. Now I blog DailyKos and they average 5000 comments in one day if the topic is hot. So they have thing thing they call open thread, everyone goes crazy [...]