Archive for the 'History' Category

Kente 85 Comments

1958 was the year Ghana’s first president, Kwame Nkrumah first visit the the united states. He wore Kente Cloth, which I happen to have seen at a recent wedding I happened to be present at. Kente also known as nwentoma, is the traditional and ceremonial clothing of the Ashanti tribe of central Ghana. Kente is [...]

Fikres Ende Bizu! 179 Comments

If you have never been in love stop reading right now. You will never get it! Have ever felt pain? A pain caused by love! I once heard the below quote in a play: I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than [...]

What is Bernos? 85 Comments

The name Bernos comes from the Arabic word burnous/burnoose for one-pieced cloak like clothing worn my Arabs. The Arabs, who migrated to northern Africa and the Berbers take on this, was to make one of wool, a lot warmer than the Middle Eastern version. Burnous is worn throughout Northwestern Africa especially in Burkina Faso; its [...]

The Alien Ethiopian! 36 Comments

When I was asked about a week ago, how the designs for the new set of Bernos shirts are going, and I responded by saying well. We drew up concept after concept and showed them around. Most received bilateral reactions. We wanted to proceed with designs that had mass appeal from the group of people [...]

Abebe Bikila – Aylubu! 26 Comments

Abebe Bikila was born in Ethiopia on 7 August 1932, the day of the Los Angeles Olympic marathon. Twenty-eight years later, he entered the marathon at the 1960 Olympics in Rome. He and his coach, Onni Niskanen, decided that Bikila, who ran barefooted, should make his final move a little more than one kilometre from [...]