Author Archive for Rahel


SURRENDER:  BY. RAHEL W Woken by a soul…. that unknown. Just a glimpse, a glance, a shadow.. was shown. Who….Why….… Where..? ……..I wonder’. I quiver’, I shiver’, I feebled… a sinner. Tiled back ma head, With my eyes closed. Lay down ma hand, ..and let the vision unfold’. “hash….relax…. and beloved…” A murmur, I [...]

YOU WERE…. Comments

(In memory of Gashie Tsegaye GebreMedhin)   Creative expression, Deeply hidden emotion, Reflection, manifestation, Self-realization, Words of confession. Words…….. Words of attribution! You were… a poet, a legend, an idol, A hero, in words of the battle. A man who had his ways with letters, An intellect, wise and fearless. A mind, an icon, a voice [...]

For U I live:: 25 Comments

I feel, I breathe, for all I'm, I live for you, for you I'm. All in one term' in alliance, My being my soul my existence. 'am I really in delusion? In my mind I entertain, Would it be.. Could it be… A fantasy, I daydream, False impression, I envision? Would it be.. Could it [...]