Author Archive for Bernos

Not Quite… 73 Comments

It might seem like we have been quite the last four weeks or so, but it hasn’t been quite. We had the launch of the Bernos Press on January 17th. It was a huge success more so than anyone expected. We quadrupled the number of page loads per day for the Bernos domain; to about [...]

Are You Fara? 39 Comments

Yes, We've announced it, We've talked about it, and now its here? If you don’t know what we are talking about, you are fara! What is fara? You are fara! Fara people ask themselves stupid questions like why is it so special? why should I use it?minamin minamin; well, don’t use it! We don’t want [...]

Bernos New T-shirts 117 Comments

Mekonentoch and Woyzazertoch! It is with great pleasure we announce our new collection of three new T-shirts on Bernos. A lot of work went on the making; from design to production to presentation. The three new designs are Ethiopian-Alien on gold American Apparel T-shirt, I Dream In Amarigna on baby blue American Apparel T-shirt & [...]

Bernos Photo Shoot! 35 Comments

The Bernos Photo Shoot part deux is scheduled for Saturday December 9th in Washington DC. Bernos’own Beshou will be taking the photos, and she has graciously volunteered to lead coordinating the details. She has decided to make use of her creative skills by choosing to make the shoot more grunge, urban à la graffiti! Don’t [...]

Going going Pink! Comments

In support of the National Breast Cancer Awareness month, We are going Pink for October!