weyiyit — haters 116 Comments

I actually have posted a few finds over the last month, from the films of Habesha Life and music video of Munit.

As a whole it seems like the Ethiopian readers of bernos are very harsh critics of the arts they are provided for free.

It seems to me like there are disproportionately higher numbers of Ethiopian haters compared with other societies.

I have also noticed that credibility for an artist for the Ethiopian community comes only after there has been a societal consensus.

This is like the empty weyiyite cab, no one wants to use because it’s going to use a time to fill — once it gets half way people fight to get it.

I have seen it over and over and over — 5 years ago I read a review of Wayna were the author basically ripped up her talent and music for no apparent reason. I don’t remember the details but I wonder what his reply is going to be if he/she was confronted with the details of his/her words and a Grammy nomination.

In conclusion, what I am saying is that ‘most of you are talentless assembly line workers,’ think about that before you start hating what your mind is not capable of comprehending.

Supporting the arts and artist is an enlightening experience which can possibly upgrade your simple existence. Or go get married to someone like you, have a baby and move to the suburbs.

116 Responses to “weyiyit — haters”

  1. 1 jambo

    If you can’t handle the citics don’t put it out there to be judged. You can’t force people to like ur work. You sound like a two year old.

  2. 2 Strange habesa

    I hate you….. lol I know what ya mean man… there are a lot of habesha Silky Johnson, Buc Nasty, Mr. Roboto…..
    “hate hate hate..”

  3. 3 Nifas

    lol Ende !!
    I never knew that about Wiyiyits.

  4. 4 Mikematic

    True that…I like your weyiyit analogy…btw, it doesn’t take a K-9 nose to sniff out constructive criticism from plain hateration…

  5. 5 Dinich

    Kinda true….

  6. 6 baby

    It’s true that Abesha people are not as open minded to new things as some other socieities. And there is a difference in being a hater and giving a constractive critisism.

    And I’m dying to get some critisism on my work. Find it through this link.


  7. 7 Totit

    AM I suppose to like something just because it is provided for free…I had no idea…that is news for me…
    I think Nolawi u r kinda bored and u r trying to instigate something here….Do U feel like there is not enough Enkiya selmitiya going on here ayedele…:) Habesha life…as some people have said…Camera work is decent…but the story line sucks…If there is a story line that is …Just because the people involved are ur acquaintances doesn’t mean u have to stand by their side…Do u really think those episodes had any essence …and when it comes to Munit songs…I personally did not like her music…and when it comes to wayna…I never liked her voice either…But again it is a personal choice …that is why there is a wide array of music choices out there…Dont be hating on me because I dont like what u like…who is hating now…
    I agree, I am absolutely talentless…but I appreciate others talent…and when someone has none…they should be standing next to me and be supporting the god given talent of others…not try to get in the mix, and sabotage the art of singing…again my point of view…
    And so sorry my mind is so small that I am not able to appreciate some good quality music…or is it really…maybe I have too much of an appreciation for real musiKa and I am able to see through some BS…
    I would rather stick to my simple existence and not be enlightened at all than listen to some music that makes no sense to my brain, and is really painful to my ears…
    I am entitled to change my point of view ….as only fools don’t change their mind…maybe tomorrow Munit will come up with something that will be enlightening to my soul…u never know…

  8. 8 tpeace

    ahahahaha! i love it!

    thanks for venting nolawi!…i miss ur rambles abo! believe it or not :P

    I totally agree that art is sooooo under-appreciated!!

    & criticisms are just soooo ‘blah’ sometimes.

    it takes the weyiyit/bandwagon to get ppl to pay attention or to give due credit.

    what can u do, communal we be, communal we think…


  9. 9 Anonx

    LOL! Is it me, or Nolawi never being this clear. Interesting factoid I learned in my Introduction to Classical Music as an undergrad about the then denegraded, now admired Russian composer…

    “The violin is no longer played: it is tugged about, torn, beaten black and blue….
    Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto confronts us for the first time with the hideous idea that there may be musical compositions whose stink one can hear.”


  10. 10 munit

    ende.. that was Mulich yale sidib

  11. 11 Nolawi

    i never said like everything… i said criticize constructively instead of everything sucks…

  12. 12 story

    The problem is abeshas don’t know what constructive critisism is. We come from Yilugnta culture where you have to lie and say it is great! Sometimes honesty is needed. Wayna is also terrible singer! BTW nobody even knows her. Her nomination in Grammy was for some unknown catagory. If i ask any American on the street who Wayna is they would have no clue so should we be faking how great her talent is just coz she is abesha? Is kind of stupid.

  13. 13 Ya ya

    wow so we must like it the Habesha Life and music video of Munit erre tew enji :) let me say it again : I DO NOT LIKE IT !!” ende Gegem belo beged wededot neaw ende negero?? it’s a personal choice honey.. don’t take it a personal!!!
    Nolawi said :
    “It seems to me like there are disproportionately higher numbers of Ethiopian haters compared with other societies.”

    are you serious??????????????

  14. 14 Saqita


    ‘most of you are talentless assembly line workers’ + ‘go get married to someone like you, have a baby and move to the suburbs.’ = priceless.

  15. 15 Nolawi

    People in the street do not know karl rove is …

  16. 16 Ya ya

    Saqita, I know he did say that…
    what a poor minded!! Nolawi, what’s wrong with you? who gave you the right seawen lemesadeb? would you like it ante Kentera cherechare betebal? look how you think man…that’s cold..

  17. 17 Alazhar

    Ay Nolawi!
    You’re so funny! Seriously…I understand your concerns. However don’t shove hard on people to get their approvals. As far as I know, genuine artists don’t do it for the sake of being appreciated at first. They just do it! And then the respect and reputation comes by itself if perhaps they carry out a great job. On the other hand part of being an artist is to handle both the good and bad criticism. It’s even harder for an Ethiopian artist as you’ve said it, yet they would definitely succeed if perhaps they present impressive stuffs that are much related to their Ethiopian customs and backgrounds. For instance take Teddy Afro…he just knew how to do it and voila! Not like Munit (Molqaqa) wannabe ferenj. And the same with habesha life it’s just full of crap to be honest. Thanks that it’s free though. Anyways I agree with Totit and Jumbo…thanks for bernos to bring that up!

  18. 18 story

    Baby! politics and music are different. common now! If i ask anyone who is Mary J, who is beyonce, who is alicia keys, who is India aire, who is who the list goes on they will know coz they also appreciate their talents. I mean have u heard her terrible pitchy voice it sounds like the American idol rejects. Nolawi you have terrible taste in music u don’t know talent.

  19. 19 story

    I give big props to Zeritu! she has talent from abesha singer! her vocal ability is as good as any famous singer in the world. She has skills and talent also stage presence.

  20. 20 Wudnesh

    #8 tpeace, teach Nol how to talk among ‘talentless’ ppl please.
    LOL. A simple line stating that art is not appreciated enough in our community could do eko! min honehal ato Nolawi? I guess u miss our sidib..heh?

  21. 21 tsedey

    I have respect admiration for people who go out and try what ever they wanna achieve in thier lives(artistically that is) and it’s our responsibility(as spectators and potential purchasers of their works) to criticize constructively , appreciate, encourage or shut up) but calling names, dismissing and discouraging is uncalled for.

    I admire and encourage Munit because she went ahead and presented what she got. whether we like it not, she did her part. There are countless of us who are cowards to even try.

    Habesha life also has room to improve and i believe they’ll present something better. But let’s not dismiss them by calling their work “crap”.

    pple, let’s learn to appreciate their efforts and what it takes to even deliver one project and worse yet, to face haters and critics like us.

  22. 22 Ya ya

    I think the writer Knows Munit and I understand he want to support the sister..I don’t think he likes her song either. to bad she got no fake fun for her.I feel bad for her when she reads all the comments because egna abeshoch usually have yolgnta yemebal neger. I hope she got ticker skin and she can handle the criticisms.

  23. 23 masinkomelody

    “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too can become great.” ~ Mark Twain

  24. 24 Balbo

    Unfortunately it’s true our society has a problem with giving constructive criticism as well as accepting one (u to Nolawi) I also agree that some ppl tend to hate on new arts/new anything they haven’t been exposed to, till Wyytu is half full. Be it criticism or arts, how much you market and deliver it will have a huge impact of how well it will be accepted…….. but for those that just hate, one has just got to ignore them until they hate on the next Habesha new thing.

  25. 25 Balbo
  26. 26 munit.mesfin

    “men yelugnal beyie rasen eyedebeku
    semate felagoten helmane eyebedelku
    gize betameru Telo eyekenefe
    wesTane saltenefes sent edel alefe!”

    that’s why i wrote this song :) to encourage myself and others to have the courage to do what they love to do… without fear of what others will say about you…

    and the greatest part is, this song has already brought joy to thousands of ethiopians in ethiopia and the diaspora and has meant a lot to so many, as per their phone calls, emails, messages and verbal words of encouragement. strangers and friends alike! it will continue to do what it does now that it is “out there”… wesTane tenfeshalehu!

    some have said stick to the english. others have said what a breath of fresh air. some have said a wanna be. others have said how original. some have said it’s boring. others have said it’s poetry. some have said it’s empty. others have said it’s peaceful.

    win some. lose some. instantly. over time. art is a tricky thing :) and no it is not easy to make. there is definitely lots of love, sacrifices, sweat and tears that goes into the production of movies, music, books, poetry and the visual arts… but as we all know, it might take years to make, but it takes but a second or two to judge… and to judge oh so harshly or kindly, doesn’t it?

    i agree we cannot force anyone to like anything that they don’t like. that’s not the point. we also should not pretend to like something we don’t. honesty is still a good policy.

    but it IS nice to be kind with our words. (& i do dig the mark twain quote… uh huh! i do!) i do not know anyone who objects to kindness being shown to them… or even a touch of sensitivity… anyone here not like when someone is kind to them… even if it is in critiquing their work/ideas/dreams etc.?

    so the only thing i have to say is not be too mean about commenting on the work we have produced for ourselves and of course for your entertainment and in the case of “noro noro” for your encouragement/inspiration in pursuing your true calling and living your own respective truths!

    so molqaqa… sigh … hehehe. if you knew me, you wouldn’t think so. but i guess we have time to get to know each other.

    if i am blessed, i will have longevity in this “game”… and will win some of you over, lose some of you, have some of you as fans for life!

    thanks bernos & co. for sharing the music…

    nice to meet you all! :) and look forward to sharing more music and arts and ideas and things with you in the future…

    i am not deterred but would love to see the “kinder voices”!


    munit mesfin

  27. 27 tpeace

    LOL this is funny funny…

    ok can someone point out what exactly and specifically you don’t like about ‘nuro nuro’? is ur issue with the video or the song?

    is it…
    – the lyrics that talk about living without regrets, exploring yourself to do what you are passionate about in life?
    – jorge’s guitar chords?
    – jorge’s guitar improvisation/solo?
    – munit singing the lyrics?
    – munit’s vocal improvisation in-between singing the words?
    – the black & white video?
    – the gestures munit makes with her hands and expressions on her face?
    – the people in the background?
    – the dances jorge does – learning eskista minamin?
    – the little cute baby playing with the guitar?
    – the group of people in the background?
    – the young couple dancing together?
    – are u caught up on munit’s high pitched soprano voice?
    – or is it munit’s intonations when she sings Amharic which sounds similar to as if she’s speaking english?

    unless someone is specific; issuing opinion about something does nothing for the artist in trying to get some understanding about their audience — which they are OBVIOUSLY making soooo much effort to reach! right? it also does nothing in general for the art of that community or the artists within it.

    issuing 2 word opinion stamps makes u worse than Simon Cowell – cos even he gives details better than – Oh what bollocks! (most times at least…).

    you think she’s molqala?? what gives you that impression to place such a character judgment!? WTF is what comes to my mind, esp if u dont even know her. why do u feel this way about her work?

    for whoever called the work ‘crap’ i suggest you remember/imagine a time when you put in all your energy, sweat, heart and time into something and someone insulted your work…

    if u care about the role of art within our community in innovating, shaping thought, creating new ways of communicating, conveying the status of our society, inspiring, creating a medium through which we share our culture, express feelings, relate to each other, share our stories, re-examine the society, protest, do individual self-reflection etc etc etc…i say u try being specific…

    on the other hand, it’d be very predictable if someone who cares nothing for any kind of art issues 1 liner opinions — particularly if the culture is generally apathetic to the value of art…

    just my simuni santimoch :) … not tryna put on an elitist hat here…just my humble opinion

  28. 28 Sakita

    So someone gave me Jorg and Munit’s recording which has been on constant replay on my iPod. I love hearing old amarigna songs like Temar Lije, and Astawusalehu; or the re-re-re-remiiiix of Roxanne and the new songs they wrote together. It’s different and original and great for a cozy setting when you’re interacting with your audience.

    But I did not like Nuro Nuro. And it’s not because Jorg can’t play the guitar or because I hate the black and white (which I don’t) but it didn’t speak to me. Great message… not a great song. And just because you like and support someone it is not an obligation to enjoy everything they produce. You don’t always buy an album and love every single track. So for me this was not what makes me a fan and there is nothing wrong with that. Maybe I’ll keep hearing it and have a different connection to it several months down the road… or not. But the point is she will continue doing different things and some I will like and others… not so much!
    And you don’t have to write a page to explain why you do or do not like something. That is the whole point of art. Just as the artists create what he or she feels, the audience likes or dislikes the outcome based on how the piece makes them feel. So it’s sufficient to say I don’t like it (4 words) or it’s no good. All it means is that it’s not working for that person so get over it. They’re entitled to their opinions.

    Besides, what would be the challenge to an artist to grow and improve their art if everyone supported them and no one pointed out what wasn’t working?

    Tpeace– take your simuniwoch back and put it towards purchasing the new bernos tees we’ve been promised :)

  29. 29 tpeace

    sakita…hahaha…if only simuniwoch wud buy those tees! i wud have a wardrobe full!

    i think these two things u said contradict:

    1. So it’s sufficient to say I don’t like it (4 words) or it’s no good. All it means is that it’s not working for that person so get over it. They’re entitled to their opinions.

    2. Besides, what would be the challenge to an artist to grow and improve their art if everyone supported them and no one pointed out what wasn’t working?

    how can someone know what isn’t working about the work of art they’re producing if all u’re giving them is “i dont like it”. how cud it lend itself to the development of the artist. sure not everyone knows how to express why they like/dont like something — but constructive criticism is USEFUL, i can honestly say from dabbling in writing…bland statements like: ‘i like it’ or ‘dont like it’ don’t help me improve my writing as much as info about why does. and really how much effort does it take for someone to express how it makes u feel!

    also, i think ur criticism is pretty specific btw! — the message did not connect with you. now if u added in why…munit and jorge wud have some solid constructive criticism!

  30. 30 Nolawi

    sorry guys one person was writing stuff in my name -
    I hate that….

    Anyways one person made the point, saying even the author doesn’t know how to take constructive criticism.

    I do know how to take it.. just because i reply and counter your argument doesnt mean I do not know how to take it constructively

    Tpeace u have said the in the past as well.. so that is my answer..


    Wud – why don’t u as one of the people i am talking about take my criticism. :)

  31. 31 Dinich

    Gra yegebachew yanchi azefafen
    Farawochu nachew yeTint zemen
    Alesh addis neger semten yemanawqew
    le joro yemiTm ejig yamare new

    That is just for u Munit. It took me good 15 minutes to write that just to let u know how much I like ur style.

    I am likely a fan for life.

  32. 32 Alazhar

    First of…I would like to apologize Munit for my rude comment! I have no right to take it out on you…You don’t deserve that kind of behavior from an Ethiopian brother and I know better than to act that way. I was so touched by your comment and it obviously showed that you’re not only a good artist but also a cultured person as well. I listened to your music the whole night on myspace and I was stunned. I had time to appreciate your beautiful voice and I was embarrassed at myself for making hasty judgments.By the way I liked “ temare lije…wegen zemed yelegn habt yelegnim keje…” yegash Alemayehu classic zema. It was so deep and lovely!Seriously keep it up sis and I believe that you’ll achieve great things. Please let me know if you have a show in Seattle.

    “Success is best measured by how far you’ve come with the talents you’ve been given. ”
    ~ Anonymous

  33. 33 story

    Guess ya ya is right! Nolawi wants us to say we love the singing coz she is here. Well too bad. I would love to support her by buying her CD but would I admire her talents hell no! Like she said she is famous in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia they admire anything that comes from the west. When i was growing up we even admired Chachi. she also couldn’t sing but we were obssessed with her coz she came from the US. Is she still here singing no. she lacks talent like Aster Aweke. Let’s keep it real ppl.

  34. 34 Wurgatu

    LOL Dinich, kemir temechehegn!!
    I think i am the ‘fara’ one not ‘yetint zemen’
    “if i am blessed, i will have longevity in this “game”… and will win some of you over, lose some of you, have some of you as fans for life!”
    this really is sooooo beautiful!
    sorry if i were cruel in my previous statments…after all it was just an opinnion…endene endene, dont listn opinnions but always open your ear for advices…that is what it matters I THINK!
    wish u a bright future!!!

  35. 35 Anonx

    Story, this gentleman thinks you focus too much in what you don’t like. You know for change, would be healthy, to tune only to what you like. Its ok if others have a ‘substandard’–is there such a thing in art?–musical taste (people grow into or grow out out of certain taste all the time)

  36. 36 SelamT

    Munit, you have talent, you have class that comes with being cultured. keep it up! I love your music and your poetic style!

    Someone called her molkaka? Please people think before you write. I agree with Nolawi not because I like him it’s because he makes sense.

    Zeritu, I really try to like her music but it leaves me confused. But to each his own. People may like her in Ethiopia because she is cute or different etc. I saw her interview and I was more comfused “molkaka” is a word you can use. But never know she has space to improve when she decides to have her own style. I wish her the best.

  37. 37 LoveJones


    We as Ethiopians are very harsh when criticizing our own and do not have a better alternative. It’s very sad to see where we put our comparisons.


    Mary J, Alicia Keys, etc…all of these artists get main stream media support and that’s the main reason for their success; besides their talents.

    There are so many artists around the world who are extremely talented and don’t get the pub…so your argument is wack.

    Supporting our local/unknown artists is positive, we don’t necessarily have to like them.

    In the early 90s, Arseneo Hall was a medium to several unknown artists through his late night show where the nation was introduced to the mainstream artists we now appreciate; which is what these blogs, websites, chatrooms have become. Let us support Nolawi as he’s done more than most of us.

    My 2 Cents

  38. 38 Saqita

    Munityeye, sign me up for life! Whatever the outcome, I’ll always admire and respect your energy, creativity, courage ..

    Re nolawi & him not taking criticism: I doubt if anybody who can that has ever done anything with the habesha public. Habeshoch can be cruel, discouraging and very close minded people (as discussed). This guy has put up his real name and kept up w/ a blog that has a decent traffic, taking lots of crap (and giving some of it back too) and has sustained it for a long time. And you think this is done by a guy who can’t take criticism? It takes immense courage to absorb ball this stuff, take it or leave it and move on. Tell me, how many habeshoch do you know online who stamp their identity and share their thoughts? Saqita sure’s not my real name. I think it’s safe to say that with the exception of Nolawi and Munit in here, we’re all hiding behind our keyboards.

    Nolawi, I’ll hopefully never have to repeat this so STFU ;) And don’t u dare quote me back to me.

    “In Ethiopia they admire anything that comes from the west. When i was growing up we even admired Chachi. she also couldn’t sing but we were obssessed with her coz she came from the US.”

    Sigh. I like Chachi but i sure don’t fall under your ‘we’ of liking anything from the west. Back then I liked her because the sound of her music was new. She tried something that was a fusiion of Amharic with foreign sounds which nobody else had tried before in habesha music, or at least she popularized it. Is her music timeless? Perhaps not, but she’s got her place in the history of Ethiopian pop music. Clearly, if you can’t see and appreciate Chachi for that, even now, then I can understand why you don’t appreciate what Munit is trying.

    “I give big props to Zeritu! she has talent from abesha singer! her vocal ability is as good as any famous singer in the world. She has skills and talent also stage presence.”

    Right. Coz what Zeritu did is take western music and add amharic lyrics to it. You’ve something to compare her to … because, let’s be honest, besides pairing unlikely lyrics w/ an unlikely genre, she didn’t invent much. If this is your attitude (which, unfortunately is the attitude of many Ethiopians) then I can understand why you’re taken aback by something like Munit’s work … which is unlike any other, which is her point!

    I can’t say i’m inspired by Zeritu’s music (her kind of western music isn’t my thing to begin w/, and slapping Amharic in there doesn’t exactly start the fireworks), but I do love her ‘fuck-you-all-take-it-or-leave-it’ attitude towards her audience. In our culture, with people like you around, we need that attitude for artists to survive. I bought her last CD and I’ll buy her next one.

  39. 39 Ya ya

    this is for Munit:-
    you are not that great singer for me munit but I’ve heard worse. It sounds like you concentrating too much on technique and not actually hitting the notes. But honestly, without accompaniment it’s hard to hit the right notes, especially if it’s a song you made up. Since the notes aren’t really defined. Also, like a lot of beginners just trying to imitate the singers in their favorite music, they end up sounding a bit nasally and unclear. I like the lyrics tho. I write Gittem myself and I can tell you that I know you can write good. if the tht Gitem yours.
    believe me munit i know words can hurt more than physical pain but remember you are a gift from god with a special talent.
    you live your life the way you want to with your voice, not the way other people want you to live. be real to yourself and remember, fame can be fleeting. i would like an album from you in the future though so i can purchase it and play it often. thank you for being you.
    and thank you for your nice words. I am just telling you my openion I also know that I don’t have to give you one. I didn’t judge you like others who didn’t even listen to your song and appologise later. I did listen all of them…
    All I’m asking for is for people to be realistic and not get carried away on behalf of this very pleasant lady. Munit,You may not like it – but that’s the real world.
    and I wish you the best!!

  40. 40 Dinich

    Ya ya, You said:

    ” It sounds like you concentrating too much on technique and not actually hitting the notes. But honestly, without accompaniment it’s hard to hit the right notes, especially if it’s a song you made up.”

    That sounds like me trying to talk about Rocket Science. It is obvious u have no clue what a note is, what accompaniment does etc….I suggest u dont try to get technical….just say how u feel about the music.

    Trust me, Munit is more musically intelligent than most if not all Abesha zefagnoch….

  41. 41 anonx

    Newbie alert upgraded to Orange

  42. 42 Ya ya

    Dinich, yeah I have no clue what a note is..

    you are a true good friend to Munit!!

    I never said she is not intelligent ayee wedezza..

    I think u will understand this way..

    enne alefelgem wede hewala menor
    sewen kanadede ewenetoon menager
    kalen setechalew kelebe yalewn
    ayene yayewn Joroye yesmawoon
    kamenke emenebet ketelahew telaw
    yene gin hasabee kelaye yaseferkoot neaw
    neber(Tiger) amerobet wefero betayew
    Gelaw yameral belhe metchem atebelaw
    segaweoon atebela wetetoon atetetta
    mehonoon tawekaleh awere yemegoda
    so enem endeza neaw malet yefelkoot
    endegebat hasabe tergomu lemunit
    yemeslgn hulu yetenagerkoot
    semetwan endaygoda endeza neaw yesfekut ::

  43. 43 Blagojevich

    Abo zimbel/zimbey yaya…u don’t even have a quarter of his intelligence to pretend you are simon colwell…its dimwits like you who are preventing us from listening to new creative musics by constantly trying to knock down budding new artsist…
    To that person who said chachi is not good ppl listen to her just because she is from u.s blah blah blah…shut ur yapper too…I love chachis song and her song `yimechal` always graces my playlist when I’m playing at ethiopian events…
    Iin the end, I have to say for endezih yallu counter productive ethiopians, I wish I can invite you all haters for a ‘hate everything’ event and throw you all into huge cauldron and vaporise you out of existence…that way not only our arts would grow but maybe even our country might progress too

  44. 44 Ya ya

    shut the hell up Blagojevidh.. enkebaber eshi. no need to be a$$ eshi..
    on your event will bring you some cow brain that can help u to think smart

  45. 45 tsedey

    “I have to say for endezih yallu counter productive ethiopians, I wish I can invite you all haters for a ‘hate everything’ event and throw you all into huge cauldron and vaporise you out of existence…that way not only our arts would grow but maybe even our country might progress too”

    ha ha aha..luvin’ it.

  46. 46 Blagojevich

    No thanks, alemekebaberu yishalegnal. Sifetregn art yemayakebir sewe makber yadagitegnal…

  47. 47 tpeace

    LJ: “Supporting our local/unknown artists is positive, we don’t necessarily have to like them.”

    *applause* this is wisdom right here!!

  48. 48 story

    LOVe jones
    I don’t think you read my comments. Wayna is not only unknown but she lacks stills. I am saying being nominated for grammy is nothing. Even Eric Benet is nominated but does he have the same skill as Usher or R. Kelly. Yes, they get media coverage. There are many many with talent that need a chance i agree with you. We are not talking about those people here. We are talking about American Idol reject type of singers with pitchy voices. Even in American Idol many great singers don’t make it but many with pitchy voices get kicked out those are the singer we are told to love just coz they come from Ethiopia. I would support them buy their CD as country folk but would i admire the talent hell no.

  49. 49 story


    Honesty is not hate sweetheart. What type of party plays Chachi. If you play her you must be minority Ethio group. She does not compare to great Ethiopian female artists like Bizunesh or Aster. She is not a legend. There is nothing wrong that she lacks talents but i cannot be forced into faking anything and say whoooo what a great singer. I mean honestly is ok to me.

  50. 50 story

    ya ya

    Are you from Harar by any chance. All my family is from harar and dire so we just speak our mind. Harar culure people are honest they say think as they think so is kind of hard to communicate with the rest of Ethiopians. We keep it real that is how we were raised. We say what we think.

  51. 51 story

    There is a song about Dire ppl here it goes ppl

    filefit new inji were zoro mamat lemen dire that’s who we are with Dire culture.

    Bye folks.

  52. 52 toothpick

    “If I don’t like it, I don’t like it, that don’t mean that I’m hating”

    ‘Nuff said.

  53. 53 sistu

    Totit, i feel u completely on everything u said..Wayna, habesha life etc… Nolawi, its cool of u to provide the art for free. really. and its cool of us to provide the harsh criticism for free too. so thank you and you are welcome. i don’t have yetaxi analogy for it but its kinda like food stamps and the 73c/$1 profit it produces for those who gave it to you for free

    Munit: from ur post, you sound v nice.. u also seem nice on ur video (honestly). i kinda feel bad for not liking ur music. i don’t know who said u r molkaka but i think what they probably mean is u sound molkaka, which you do. your amharic has a molkaka accent.. english influence or something, i don’t know. but u definitely don’t say amharic words the way im used to them. wish you would work on it and have a more familiar amharic accent.. abt ur vid, wat ur singing and how u act don’t match for me. mitashofee timesiyalesh at wat u r saying..

    to share with you one story i heard on an interview of mohamud ahmed…he said there was a time when he was experimenting with english songs and new styles minamin and he said he started singing afun iyatameme like elvis etc. ena 1 day tilahun was in the audience and he got up and slapped moh hard across the face while moh was still singing.. and told him “amarigna mashofia adelem” or something like that.. the slapping part was probably werey matafecha from moh but whatever.. but he said that was the time when he woke up and decided to sing besirat.. hope u watch that interview. but i wish u luck and if u need any more criticism on ur videos minamin, lanchi yalhone minabatu, let us know, we r right here…

  54. 54 Blagojevich

    story, ye addis aba lij bithogne u probly would have dug chachi…giin ya temama edilish dire worweresh…nothin wrong with honesty giin if u don’t like it just stfu and let the artist grow then when they are grown and well established u can give ur not so helpful negative opinions

  55. 55 Ya ya

    Story No I am not from dire. but I love dire people tho. Blagojevich.. bettam fara lij nehe yawem kefaram ye fara metcheresha!! who give a shit about chachi.. where is she now ha? that’s your taste. you like junk.. I am not saying Munit music is a junk. yahh chachi her dream was to be a popular and she got it.. but I do like one of her song ” ere shegaw manew”


    and look this one.. the message and the style kind of the same with munit..
    Munit song is Noro Noro
    Chach song is Min neber Min Neber LOL


    the other hand

    Zertu Kebede

    I like her song yes I do…

    I like her voice

  56. 56 ya ya

    why my comment need for moderation?

  57. 57 story

    addis is my hometown but my culutre is dire. U are basically telling me to be typical abesha that always never tells the truth always what i do not mean. That is not Dire culture! we tell it like it is we never say things behind a person back if u gotta say somethin we say to ur face. that’s why the rest of Ethio ppl cannot understand us. we are total opposite.

  58. 58 ya ya

    erre taserko post madereg alatchalekom ;)
    why my comment need a moderation?

  59. 59 ya ya


  60. 60 story


    I got a question for u. Do u honestly think Chanchi is great singer? Is she a legend? In wayna a legend? Do Americans or even the world or even Ethiopians know her? LOOOOL! I am laughing so hard becasue we are the only honest people majority Ethios are shy to speak their minds. Why is that?

  61. 61 Doro Mata

    “I have often complained whenever I hear new music from Ethiopia or by Ethiopians.” – Nolawi on an earlier blog

    “Supporting the arts and artist is an enlightening experience which can possibly upgrade your simple existence. Or go get married to someone like you, have a baby and move to the suburbs.”

    I think you are ready to get married and move to the suburbs :)

    Good luck!

  62. 62 Kukulu

    Loved ur line Doro Mata.

  63. 63 munit.mesfin

    WOW! a lot’s been going on! hmm…. where to start? haha.

    le dire lejoch…

    You’ll be glad to know the song’s co-author is a very talented Harrari poet! :) so i come in peace! haha

    Again thank you all for your support, apologies, revised commentaries, critiques etc.. It’s nice when we can listen to each other in polite ways and re-think our ways! Evolution is a beautiful thing :)

    i appreciate the detailed questions and answers.

    it’s actually quite an interesting process seeing how people listen and process music so differently and how people emphasize different aspects, be it lyrics, style, diction, instrumentation etc… so it’s all a learning process.

    i still urge all of us to love culture and discuss and critique it politely and kindly… malet… it’s not how tough we appear or say our points that matters. in fact, we don’t actually HAVE to be tough to say something does or does not move us… the most important and helpful point, i think is actually discussing the work so that it can evolve to a higher plain.

    there are many points i agree/disagree with. i don’t think any of us will all collectively and unanimously love any one artist. malet, even aster and bizunesh… even *gasp* tilahun? might not suit them! that’s fine. nothing is universal.

    the definition of talent is subjective and is very linked i think with our souls which are all, to the best of my knowledge, unique (some like a high pitched voice, i mean… bizunesh was never an alto :) others want the fat, deep sounds… mahmood anyone?)

    i think to me, it’s really about all of us using what we have, whatever the skill, be it talking, drawing, dancing, writing, singing, chanting etc. and use it to communicate and connect, tell a story and essentially add to making the world a bit more colorful.

    if we look around us, or just flip through some radio dials, there are SO many styles of music, genres, lyrical deliveries, from the hard cord to the hip hop to the metal to the jazz to the neo/soul etc. etc. etc. out of all of that, some things will move us. and somethings no.

    there’s no need to apologize for not being moved. but there’s no need to step on or destroy something that does not move you. just change the channel etc. etc.

    i guess with NEW and UP and COMING artists, jill scott, janet, india irie, angelique kidjo, miriam makeba, bizunesh bekele, gigi shibabaw… ALL OF US CAME FROM SOMETHING… SOMETHING SMALL WHERE SOME MOCKED OR DOWN PLAYED AND OTHERS BELIEVED AND ENCOURAGED US…

    the more encouragement we get, and keep this in mind we ALL evolve, the better we can be at our art to the point that we WILL be a source of pride for our families, communities, countries, continents etc…

    who’s not proud of miriam makeba — or how gigi and mahmood and mulatu and aster brought ethiopian music to the forefront?

    ALL of them i’m sure were HIGHLY criticized for their innovative styles, for their diction, for their mixing of say church verses in secular music or aster’s delivery of her words or writing her own lyrics, or miriam makeba’s highly politicized nature etc. etc. etc.

    ENCOURAGEMENT, however, doesn’t kill anyone and if someone didn’t encourage or open a door or say a kind word to some of the people that are our giants and our idols etc… they might have stayed anonymous and that would be OUR loss!

    as for the diction — hmm… hehe. the thing is, i’ve been out of ethiopia since i was 10… living amongst indians, namibians and americans. i’m getting better at it but it’s not on purpose. it’s actually how i talk! haha…

    so yea… EVOLUTION!

    i believe in it :)


    PLAY NICE :)

    peace * love


  64. 64 God

    Nolawi you are stupid why are you deleting people posts,
    that’s is childish

  65. 65 Skandé Bandé
  66. 66 Skandé Bandé

    I Like spooning … just wanted to let that out there … I don’t want to be ashamed of it anymore.

  67. 67 Nolawi

    God comments that have a lot of links go to moderation.. its the spam protector.. not me

    you should apologize…

  68. 68 Wurgatu


    “That is not Dire culture! we tell it like it is we never say things behind a person back if u gotta say somethin we say to ur face. that’s why the rest of Ethio ppl cannot understand us.”

    if this TERET TERET builds your confidence and energize you to face life with courage…just good luck!….but i have seen many yedre and or harar lijoch who always failed to say what they feel right on the face of people..i have also seen those kinds who tell it “endewerede” from dire and harar too…so besime dire lij ayidelem chewatawu….it is just an attitude

    as a people, i think that we are mindful of others, and value their being. A person who heeds not others is vulgar. Thus, in zis case it is simply a question of recasting or redirecting this great quality into a constructive attribute which to the very list is to shut the hell up if a thing doesn’t ring your bell…bedire lijoch sim bohuaka afkin mekfet yelebihim(yelebishim)!!!!

    zinjero wedelayi beweta kutir melata kitun newu yemiyasayewu…in your case expectations of providence on one hand(besime harer yetesemawun tenagari lememsel) and denial of your deprivation of all sorts….SORRY!

  69. 69 ya ya

    Story No I am not from dire. but I love dire people tho. Blagojevich.. bettam fara lij nehe yawem kefaram ye fara metcheresha!! who give a shit about chachi.. where is she now ha? that’s your taste. you like junk.. I am not saying Munit music is a junk. yahh chachi her dream was to be a popular and she had it.. but I do like one of her song ” ere shegaw manew”
    one of her song the message and the style kind of the same with munit..
    Munit song is Noro Noro
    Chachi song is Min neber Min Neber LOL

  70. 70 Anonx

    Good job guys, yesterday was very entertaining day. Looking forward for more…. :)

  71. 71 Bete

    I am going to have to agree with Nolawi on this one. We have to support each other, If you don’t like it fine no body is forcing you to like it, at the same time let’s not tear each other apart. No need for any personal attack

  72. 72 Mamitu

    Ere, I think there is room for everyone in the field of Art, Music,…. Just like some like Renoir while others like Salvador Dali, but those who like Renoir shouldn’t bash Dali because he doesn’t confirm to their expression of Art.

  73. 73 Spacefog


    Stop complaining and let haters do their job:)


  74. 74 Wudnesh

    god, first of all, change ur name! degmo, atisAdeb.

  75. 75 Winta

    Is this “KUTA” or “WIYIYIT” Abo tewena endie!

  76. 76 humored

    dysfunctional society at its best:-) Why do people take everything personaly? There will be people that dig her sytle and others that wont, including myself. I on the other hand looooooooove ZERITU’s style. As the artist has mentioned herself, it is all SUBJECTIVE, so people stop trying to make it some sort of mathematics that needs theory, hypothesis and proof.

  77. 77 biskut

    I am so impressed .I like your music .You remind me of tracy chapman .

  78. 78 biskut

    On the other i don’t like your other “find”(its an habesha life) Nolawi .Not liking a form of art does not make it bad .It could be a matter of personal preference.Lord of the rings won numerous oscars but i still don’t like it .Now does that make it a bad movie???

    HOWEVER good you are there will always be critics out there .demo critisize lemareg ferenj aybisim ende (the media).you seem to conclude with an emotional generalization Nolawi.

  79. 79 Z-House

    “It is all SUBJECTIVE, so people stop trying to make it some sort of mathematics that needs theory, hypothesis and proof.” – Humored

    Put a lid on it! Done deal

  80. 80 mimishaaa

    I like Munit and Jorg very much and am a great fan of em gin guys everyone is entitled to their opinion and feeling … if ppl dont like them that much ….as one the commentees up there said its coz the whole thing didnt speak to them ,…no need to go and try to see where is the problem is it the gitar or the lyrics ……beka they didnt like what they are hearing finito ! and its possible that they can give an explanation why they hate it or didnt like it … its not a must that ppl shouldcome up with any explanation at all and this not only for munit and J its for the whole … so let em be …

  81. 81 hewe

    wow, bezu ameletegn leka…..uffaa SAK BE SAK ahun neew…get married and move to the ‘burbs?? uffaaa-Nolawi moment!!

  82. 82 Konjit

    Did anyone else think that the Noro Noro video was a copy of Sara Tavares?

  83. 83 munit.mesfin

    ahhhhhhhhh balance :) yes i DO love that video.

    it was actually a cool process. jorg had a dream about this white room video for one of our songs before noro noro was actually even written.

    when he said white room, with jorg as the only tall white awkward man in a room full of ethiopians, i said that once upon a time, about 2 years ago, i had seen this video that i kept looping for some reason – i don’t normally loop videos! and it was also a white room video.

    then when we went to the film makers, we were trying to explain white room, and they kind of but didn’t totally understand what we meant… so i showed them the balance video as a point of reference.

    both jorg and i had the same vision and love of a white room before we met each other and we both had the same sensibility about the color schemes and flow of it, populated with our family and our friends. i wanted painters and dancers cause those were some of the passions that i always say “noro noro” about, passions which i’m now working on.

    and then when i got back in the states, i actually sent sara an email (she’s a myspace friend :D ) thanking her for her inspiration and guide in making communicating about our video easier – with such a beautiful example as balance. she’s said (through her manager) that i’m very welcome and good luck to me. hehe. YAY! :)

    the similarity of course is that it’s a black and white video in a white room. this isn’t the only video like this. i’m sure there are at least 10 more! but this video did help as a point of reference for the editing and the feel… the joyous family vibe that i liked about it – the white room that jorg had dreamt about – the “cleanliness” that i dug!

    the differences are that the “noro noro” video is laid out in moving panels with overlayed images, with splashes of color here and there, painters and traditional dancers and in a different language and cultural context.

    but sara had something to do with our process, no doubt! i’m glad you saw the connection… ;)

    peace * love


  84. 84 Shewit

    Haha. Thanks for the explanation. But aren’t there Gap commercials that use the same format?

  85. 85 story

    My thing is haters/honest folks would be less and admirers in the millions if the craft as you claim? Music is a natural flow if it is great then you wouldn’t have many haters/honest folks instead would be with millions of natural flow fans. Many great singers like tilahun i think just did music out of natural flow it came natural and people take it naturally not being told it is great. if it is great let nature handle it so far it seems not as you expected. that is life! life is natural flow i think!

  86. 86 Ya ya

    Oh My God people move on bekka.. leave Munit alone!! it is very kind of her to come here and explain about every thing what we said about her. she also can tell you “dege aderkoo Gedel geboo”. yemen menzazat neaw?:(

    Munit, I really thank you for your patient and kind seriously.. I think what do you have to do now is ignore all the comments and move on. don’t waste your time I wouldn’t if I were you.

    Good luck!

  87. 87 Shewit

    Yes but I think what you are failing to see is that there are some people in the world who think Tilahun’s music sucks. It does not make him less of an artist though. Among Ethiopians, and many East Africans, his style of music resonates. This does not mean he wins fans automatically in Greenland or Japan, though. Much like most types of traditional Japanese music would not make most Ethiopians happy. Most people simply love the music they are used to listening to. Anything thats new and unfamiliar is usually cast aside as not worth paying attention to, unless you are a person who enjoys understanding the idea of ‘composition’ and ‘form’ for its sake. I think a way for the conversation to be elevated is for people who were once “haters” to be able to simply say —> “What this artist is doing is different, and I don’t like it, which is okay, because I don’t have to like it, but this doesn’t mean that the artist is a terrible person who doesn’t deserve to do what he or she does, and it doesn’t mean that what the artist does doesn’t require technical skill.” IT DOES. It’s just a different sort of technique for a different sort of music/art that not everyone has to like, but many people probably do.

    There isn’t a universally superior form of art that everyone should try to emulate. People should just move in the direction that plucks their heart strings, recognizing that what’s good for one group of people isn’t necessary the same for another group, or individual.

  88. 88 Shewit

    Sorry, my response was to Story’s comment.

  89. 89 story

    whatever form of music one is playing it is something that should come natural and then the fans naturally come to the artist seeking his/her musical talents. that is how i feel. I agree with you Ethiopians are used to our style of singing! what i think is it has to do with the language. We are used to hearing English jazz and R&B then to hear Amharic used in that will take time to adjust. I am sure if US singers start singing in Amharic song style rhythem i am sure Americans will not adjust quickly too to a new way of singing English too.
    My main point is if i was a singer i would just do my songs and hope it reaches the audience. If my craft is great then people will seek my craft i don’t have to tell them you are hater if you don’t like it.

  90. 90 Bez

    umm I think you rode in on your high horse so I suggest you get of it!! Can you be more condescending?

    Anyways, I think criticism is good if it is constructive. It can only help the artist improve his/her work. “Constructive” being a key word!!

  91. 91 endalc

    yes you are right .this .is fun i like hear 24 houres but in ethiopia .ethiopians .i doent know what to do like .meby ethiopians . they are not much like to this your stayl this is your sige jest
    like wite witeniy .stayls persolay this is my viow i like to much .because i know what about talke . but .what about thienk . you atend .do you like atracet. your .party admation . people like .come to shew .injoy .meby they are not anderstand . your tang .beby some how i love you .
    munit mesfen . i doent know your gradfather .

  92. 92 maria

    I totally agree with nolawi and the hate is even worse on female artists just who do these so called critics also known as haters think they are NEWAY? boring horrible depresssing So and so’s who wear suits and drink tea all day trashing women artists. Get a life befor eyou open your boring hatefull gob. The magnificant Gigi was insulted for speaking her mind about how the ethiopian media are harsh on women artists.

  93. 93 Krishnan P1

    Nice tees i love it!

  94. 94 Gerard Grieb

    I want Simon Cowell to still be a judge on American Idol. I respect his opinions.

  95. 95 bevil

    Wayna is a singer, not an artist

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