Archive for 2008

the shower: prt III 2,621 Comments

I have yet to figure out how to successfully navigate the grey borders between nonchalant compliance and active accountability: a weakness that has somehow worked in my favor, much to the chagrin of those that I have disappointed specifically because of it. Note to self: Self-help books written by others do irreparable harm to the [...]

on the radio 43 Comments

Do you listen to the radio? I do, I listen to NPR and Conservative Right-Wing Talk Radio. I want to hear what they are saying about Obama now. I was really getting pissed of when they were talking about Rev. Wright. I called the Mark Levin Show — approximately 4 million listeners daily. After the [...]

the shower: prt II 25 Comments

The kitchen is only a few paces away, yet seems like it’s comfortably lounging at an infinite horizon. She must have noticed; she asks if I need some water. “Please. And there’s some Excedrin in the cabinet too, if you don’t mind.” She dutifully complies, this Ruth person. She just arrived this morning, and she’s [...]

the shower: prt I 22 Comments

Waking up on a Sunday morning is always a sensory overload. Especially here: a damp basement where mold and dust marry each other, and erupt into an unsavory odor of their own microbial consummation. Debris ejaculate smells like mildew. The air becomes an expansive womb that carries little dust-mold fetuses, bellicose zygotes that take absurd [...]

Dear P-Card Co 22 Comments

I purchase many calling cards from your company online living in Durango, Colorado. Last week or so I bought a SOLO AFRICA calling card which at some point of use promised me 18 minutes. I made a call and it didn’t go through so I redialed. The automated system said now I have 14 minutes [...]