Obamercial 57 Comments

It’s so close eko, so very close.

Barack Obama has a real chance of becoming the leader of the free world, on January 20th 2009. We have about 6 days left before the polling stations close.

He most likely will get elected barring any major stumbling blocks. Today there is an Obama TV; ie Obamercial. Watch it!

The world will watch as Obama closes the deal, makes the final pitch, in marketing terms— it’s the end of a long sales cycle; if you are not convinced you want CHANGE yet, then this might convince you. Other wise things will stay the same.

Why Barack?

Various reasons for several of us; for me there is one reason I want change. Call me an idealist moron if you want but a black president can be a reality.

The reality is life is so inflexible for ‘Black Males’ throughout the world but especially in the west.

Black Males’ are seen with an intimidating factor added to their persona. In 2006, I read an interesting article in the New York Times — Plight Deepens for Black Men, Studies Warn.

Duh! Obviously — I have been in many arguments with my female Ethiopian friends as to the new problems Black immigrant males encounter in the US; vs. the ease in transition for immigrant females.

I feel, some of the problems are more emotional, psychological and environmental a la Freud’s theory of nurture.

Thus, an Obama presidency might reinforce the psychology of “being able to achieve what you set your mind to” in the psyche of young black males, and unborn black males.

It might also open the eyes of people who are hesitant to give the benefit of the doubt as to the capability of a black man.

Consequently, even the possibility not the actuality for this change is enough for me to hope that change is possible.

57 Responses to “Obamercial”

  1. 1 Genet

    Obama cannot help you feel good to be a black man. Only a black woman can bring a change in the black man. Obama is the man he is today because of Michelle. If you man up by throwing your ego out the door and try to humble yourself for the black woman like obama did for michelle you will see so many changes trust me. THE POWER OF THE BLACK WOMAN changes everything.

  2. 2 biskut

    Michelle might be part of the reason but not ALL of the reason as to why obama is successful .Don’t try to rub your feminism and your sexual orientation on everyone .Stop generalizing about black men .We should all see people case by case ishi .As much as there are characters that are common among us there are also differences as well .

  3. 3 curious

    Amen to that, you gotta love the obamas. I cant wait for the pic of the family in the white house.. so so very close

  4. 4 datdude

    well written Nolawi. Obama is an exceptional individual, I don’t know what kind of changes to expect but like you, i’m happy just to see a black male succeed in a competitive, public arena not called sports. It is also encouraging to see so many whites look past his color, and support him vigorously. This is proof of the power of ideas.

  5. 5 maebel

    Well Obama seems to me like an abstract drawing. Every body has his/her own reasons to love him and to even interpret his successes and his intations in whatever way he or she likes. After all, Men Can only see what they are prepared to see.The Bottom line is he seemes to win the hearts of most that I bow down to him with great respect.

  6. 6 Wurgatu

    what is it that you see in him maebel??….because he wins the hearts of so many it doesn’t mean that you must give him all your concent. you must have a reason for doing that.
    wedenefesewu linfes yemitil ayinet timeslaleh…..

  7. 7 yachilej

    i missed it :(

  8. 8 Lilye

    Well said Nolawi!!

    Gin wanaw qum negru ………..have all voted already!
    Ere ye America wondimochina ehitoch… PLEASE do your part & make it happen for ALL us, the world!

  9. 9 nyalasmoke

    Obama is indeed an exceptional dude. They threw a whole lot of shit at him but it looks very likely that he is going to make it. It is sad, really. It took a completely fucked administration and an exceedingly extraordinary dude for blacks to take the office. Having a minority in office is sure to give a psychological boost to oppressed ppl around the world. When he finally wins I can imagine a big global sigh of relief. Things might appear to change for the better but ultimately it wont last too long unless his supporters do something about it. Otherwise, by the time every one wakes up from this love affair, it will be business as usual.

    Really if you subtract out all the inspirational, racial and hopeful aspect of his candidacy, you are left with your average, middle of the road democratic party candidate. Of course he has policies that are sort of progressive but not nearly enough (his health care plan is a good example). And then he has policies that are even more hawkish than Mcain and other well known hawks (undivided Jerusalem, escalation in Afghanistan, possible invasion of Iran). His supporters tend to ignore those aspects, secretly hoping that he is saying those things just to get elected and once he is in power he will do otherwise. This guy is making quite a lot of conflicting promises and you better believe he is more likely to keep the promises he made to the powerful than to the teeming masses.

    So really he is not going to be a change president, rather he is more likely to be a compromise president. He will broker some concessions from powerful interests, like wall street but ultimately he will leave the whole corrupt power structure pretty much intact.

    If you want change, then vote for Mcain. He is more likely to change this country for the worst. And if things work out, that worse condition will lead to real systemic change.

    With that said, even though Obama is the lesser evil, I hope he wins. But more than that, I hope his supporters who are so passionate about him now don’t give him free passes once he takes office. Otherwise you will be no different from the partisan Bush mob who got us into this mess that we are in.

  10. 10 Dinich

    I watched it and it was professionaly prepared and executed. I am sure it will up some of the the poll nubmers.

    People keep talking about the bradley effect. I tend to think we will have a new type of effeect….can be called Obama effect…..I suspect a lot of republicans, most black republicans and some liberal leaning white republicans, are already in luv with Obama. They may say they r voting McCain “for party unity” in the polls but vote Obama….That is the exact opposite of the bradley effect….that would be nice for a change…

  11. 11 Spacefog

    ? What if John McCain was a former president of the Harvard Law Review.

    While Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his
    graduating class?

    ? What if McCain had only married once, while Obama was a

    What if Obama was the candidate who left his first wife after a severe
    disfiguring car accident? What if Obama had met his second wife in a
    bar and had an affair while he was still married?

    What if Michelle Obama not only became addicted to
    pain-killers but also acquired them illegally through her charitable

    What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?

    ? What if Obama had been a member of the Keating Five?

    What if McCain had served on the board of Walter Annenberg’s charitable
    organization along with college professor and former Weatherman Bill Ayers?

    ? What if McCain was a charismatic, eloquent speaker, while
    Obama had difficulty reading from a teleprompter?

    What if Obama was the one who had disciplinary problems in
    military school?

    ? What if Obama was known to display publicly, on many occasions, an anger management problem, while McCain’s demeanor was composed
    and calm?

    ? What if Michelle Obama’s family had made their money from distributing beer?

    What if Cindy McCain was from the south side of Chicago?

    Do you really believe the polls would be as close as they

    This is what racism does to you. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes positive qualities and emphasizes negative qualities of one person,
    while having the exact opposite effect with regard to another

  12. 12 Anonx

    Nyla… a reluctant BO supporter here completely agrees with you. I am not sure if diversity in background translates to diversity in political outlook in where power resides. But if not, BO election is still positive in that there is one less wedge issue. class over race. And the consensus building politics or return to it BO brings compensates for the hawkish views you mention. I think Iraq would not be if they had cared what the people think and they had been called on the lies. There’s an elephant in the room though now: trade power and deficit. Now that the rest of the world wants to discuss global trade and the power of the dollar in the forthcoming Brentton Wood II, how hawkish will the new admin be in fending off European and Asian interest to diversify global allocation of trade currencies? When they said ‘reagan proved that deficit doesn’t matter’ they are right as long as the dollar the US spends to consume import goods come right back in the form of investment. Its a debt. And global players are coming to realize that this trade relation is unsustainable.

  13. 13 Mikematic

    well said Nyala

  14. 14 helen

    Spoken like a true cynic, Nyalasmokes. There is a possibility that he might end up being just like what described above, but there is an equally good chance that he might be a transformational leader in the likes of FDR, JFK and LBJ. Personally I chose to believe he will be the latter. I believe he is someone with solid integrity that will stick to his convictions. All this time when people were advising him to go negative against McCain in response, he didn’t. He was steady. He stuck to his points and message. He wasn’t going to compromise to win an election. That says a lot about what kind of man he is and what kind of president he will be. If the democrats don’t capture enough seats to make them filibuster proof, then I think he will have a very hard time accomplishing anything because the republicans will do whatever it takes so he won’t succeed, because their party’s existence depends on him failing.
    Go out and vote if you haven’t done so already. Let us make history.

  15. 15 Mamitu

    Hey, I just got a call from my kids’ doctor who happens to be Indian (I am amazed at the varied groups of people who are interested in Obama winning this election) if I would be able to volunteer for the Obama Campaign in translating to potental Ethiopian American Voters in Virginia over the weekend. This translation pertains to equiping those who do not understand English well enough to rebut the questions of potential republican challengers at polls.

    Nolawi, if you are interested or if you know of anyone that would be interested please e-mail me and I will give you the number of the lady who is organizing this.

  16. 16 nyalasmoke

    Anonx, absolutely man, Breton Woods II ain’t gona be a cake walk. The rest of the world and particularly emerging powers like China are acutely aware America’s monstrous hunger for the finite resources of the planet. They also know that America’s unfair consumption of the world resource is also it’s weakness. Besides, there is no denying that sooner or later all that has to come to an end. It is possibly that this is the beginning of the decline of the empire and it is unfortunate the it will be a fellow negro who will be at the helms.

    He will be tasted alright. He not only has to make lots of compromises but he might be forced to give up some out right concessions.. If not then Anonx, no doubt hawks will be flying all about. And if he was only talking hawk this far then bro will have to dig deep into his soul and bring out his inner bird-of-prey and get ready for an all out global mayhem. But I hope not. In my opinion it is more likely that he will bandage a few gushing wounds, stitch up the mess and shuffle along to the next 4 or 8 yrs. And defer the apocalypse to his successor. Anyways, middle of the road, establishment political maestro or not, I don’t envy him.

  17. 17 nyalasmoke

    Helen, I am not cynical. Just realistic. Like I said, cut all the intangible fluffy abstract feel good stuff and u are left with policies that are very mainstream democratic party stuff. His policies are at best are a throw back of Clinton’s era policies and we know that Democrats have taken quite a shift to the right since the early 90′s. So yes, we might be better off with him than Bush or Mcain but there is nothing transformational about his policies – really the only tangle thing that u can measure a candidate. On the other hand if u are dealing in the realm of intangible abstractions, yes I agree, his rhetoric has certain uplifting qualities that are unmatched. But I am wondering how that is going to translate into real fundamental change. Sorry to say but I am not too hopeful about that. Esti lets hope that we will all be around 4 yrs from now to resurrect this discussion and see who was right.

    FDR, JFK and LBJ, are hardly transformational figures. FDR maybe more so than the other two but he was a big compromiser just like Obama will probably be. The 1929 crash that ended unfettered liaise fair capitalism and brought about the great depression almost brought capitalism to its knees. Guess who saved it? FDR. He did that by making great concessions but left the system intact. Sounds familiar? History is one big bad menstrual cycle. We are in the same bad situation which FDR was mandated to fix but obviously failed.

    JFk is probably one of the most overrated Presidents. He was in office for less than three years, yes there is the moon,missile crisis, glowing rhetoric etc… but remember he is the asshole who gave the go ahead to invade Cuba and failed miserably. He is even the bigger forgotten asshole who essentially started the war in Vietnam. Obama might follow in his footstep and invade Iran. We will see.

    LBJ is a racist Texan who by some curious fate of history, gets credit for signing the civil rights acts. In reality he had no choice but to sign it (google for some history lesson). But more over he is most known for his big assholish move to escalate the war in Vietnam and managed to fuck it up. He fucked it up so much that he was forced not to run for reelection. Hmmm escalation… hmm Afghanistan…. doesn’t that sounds familiar too?

  18. 18 tpeace

    i had a conversation with someone yesterday and something she said struck me — those who are craving real change are cynical because they fully realize the systematics of power, they immerse quirks and tweaks of a system, absorbing its pitfalls which curtail their enthusiasm. I think that’s so true.
    nyala, i agree with a good amount of what u said. u’re @ a dose of cynical i can stomach :P … & what u’re saying about the obama supporters keeping him accountable is completely valid.
    But, it’s also true obama has worked against all hefty odds with cynics crying out he would surly fail in this campaign. and he has collected innumerable successes. In these successes, he HAS already been an engine of change, at a ‘small scale’. He has been part of a movement that is nothing but ‘business as usual’… and that is a source of some real hope for what he could bring. It’s not just rhetoric as I see it, his candidacy is a demonstration of the ‘change’ that is possible – that is within his grasp.
    anyhow, real change will be anything but easy and there would be necessary compromises done. What I will say is, at the broad picture- fuzzy-wuzzy of reducing suffering in this world – obama would surely facilitate a lot of congeniality in this world and a better order. I guess we can choose to be jaded about the level of change, and how successful he would be…given what I’ve seen, I’d rather be optimistic…
    Anyhow…this is an interesting article on the actual mechanics that might take washington to some real change in an obama presidency: http://www.thenation.com/doc/20080324/vonhoffman

  19. 19 Sewit

    The man says he will work to bring both sides to the table. He has said it throught his campaign. Not sure if some of his supporters will like it but hope they understand that this is not going to be a party on left field. He will have to make compromises. There will be many things that people who elect him might disagree with. But isn’t that the whole point of reaching a middle ground? give and take..etc.

    I hope he wins and wish him well. If nothing he seems more sincere than mcgrumpy

  20. 20 dinich, keysir, timatim

    Obama would win. But how would his presidency go? That’s where legacies or losers made. Obama should eat Injera for me to vote for him. If he can stomach it and he doesn’t have the runs (tekmat) then he would be my guy

    fuck Obama until he proves something.

  21. 21 datdude

    Guys, what nyala and annox have stated is not cynicism, it is a portrayal of reality. Take away like nyala said the intangibles, and focus on the promises Obama has made. The fundamental systematic changes that folks like nader propose is not even on the table, Obama (like mccain) is basically more of the same. Of course he is the lesser of two evils, but if the word change still means what I think it means -transformation, alteration-then some of his major policies represent the same ol’ same ol’ (as nyala stated) not change. Now its ok to go along with this if one doesn’t think the system ain’t broke and needs no fixing. If you think otherwise though look below and you’ll see this is not change:

    for example:
    War on terror-
    started by George Bush, has led to unilateral millitary activities globally, circumvented international laws on war prisoners, no timeline, no endgame….has Obama promised a change from this monstrous policy—NO, only that he will more vigilant.

    a real change would mean these services become socialized, Obama basically offers increased health coverage, while presenting no clear, dramatic plans to making higher education affordable and tackling the increasing # of debt people have to take to go to school.

    Corporate welfare-
    as we have seen the bailout provides a clear example of how Barack like mccain will continue to cater to the oligarchy. A real change would mean enforcing prosecuting corporate crime, demanding transparency and oversight so that people don’t lose their savings, monetary controls that ensure stability so that markets don’t dictate politics and exert artificial pressure. And as Mr. Nader said ending impediments for workers to unionize, as the individual is powerless in the face of these megacorporations.

    Civil liberties-
    doesn’t address the emergence of the police state, no rollback of expanded gov’t powers, Patriot Act…I cringe whenever I hear these candidates tell the american people they will keep them safe, the terms of this arrangement involve stripping away peoples freedoms in the name of security. Mccain is worse, but this is not on the table for obama either.

    basically has given middle of the road vision for energy independence, real change would mean a complete societal mobilization to develop solar/wind power, and end subsidies to coal, petroleum, nuclear etc…

    These are some of the issues, its not cynicism to call a spade a spade, I hope this political season has shown enough people the corruption of public debate, to the point where words have lost their meanings. It is up to the individual to use his intellectual power to resist this, when Palin continues to state she has foreign policy experience, and the word experience means knowledge through direct observation/participation, then it imperative that she be held accountable for making a false claim. Our liberal attitudes about everything which allows for people to define things from purely subjective positions can’t go unchallenged, or else madness ensues.

  22. 22 bez

    Change happens through baby steps. Before anything first problems have to be identified and then dealt with in a way that brings the two opposing sides into a common ground. To say Obama is more of the same just like McCain is outright propostrous. Change doesnot have to be a complete opposite of whatever “phenomenon” is being changed. Saying Obama is more of the same like McCain is not “calling a spade a spade”. By your account only radical changes can be called changes. That is not possible as it will not be a middle ground, it is divisive and will anlienate groups that do not agree with the change. ALTHOUGH OBAMA IS NOT THE MESSIAH AND THE ANSWER OF ALL PROBLEMS, HE OFFERS COMMON GROUND AND DIRECTION IN THE RIGHT WAY..”Obama is like McCain is more of the same” IS AN ABSURD STATMENT.

    As far as the Obamercial..I didnt think they should postpone the world serious for that, he aint the president yet. Plus, It was redundent and I think Obama came off looking like a car salesman lol, Politically I guess all the pundits are going to say its a good political startegy since 20 sumtin mil people ended up watchin it.

    Anyways Obama\Biden 08 no doubt.

  23. 23 helen

    Nyalasmokes – I know my history I dont need to google.

    JFK died before he was able to institute a lot of the programs he wanted to. But he was responsible for the passing of the Welfare rights act, raising minimum wage, and federal aid to education. Granted it might have been way to evade signing the civil rights act but he helped a lot of poor blacks with the welfare act.

    LBJ – Racist he might have been but he was responsible for the great society (maybe you should google this). He was also responsible for signing the Civil rights act as you said but also -

    • Economic opportunity act
    • Medicare/Medicaid
    • Food stamps
    • Head start
    • 1965 Housing act
    • Fair housing act
    • HUD -First black cabinet post holder (Weaver)

    All this was under his administration. He did a lot for blacks, poor people. Poverty declined significantly under his administration. The Democratic Party changed under his administration form the party of southern racists to what it is today.

  24. 24 helen

    Chck out LBJ’s speach about the great society in 1964.


  25. 25 tpeace

    response to one of the things u mentioned datdude

    Obama would eliminate subsidies to private student lenders, which will save ~$6 billion dollars per year, savings to be invested in additional student aid. He would establish a new American Opportunity Tax Credit worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year. universal and refundable credit is done to ensure the first $4,000 of a college education is free.
    Consolidating programs under the Direct Loan program, instead of private bank lenders could help save $4.5 billion.

  26. 26 anonx

    I thought only our economy works on “irrational exuberance”… Our politics does too

  27. 27 Anonx

    I like the nation’s article tpeace, thanks for bring it up. No question BO takes the marketing man of the year award. He built up on a an early example of the power of the internet in getting people involved, as its called on the numerous emails ‘ownership of this campaign.’ I wait to see to what that ownership translates. One legacy he can count already is that noone can win without internet donation, its addictive when they tell you… look the other guy is beating us on the money game, you stand to loose your stakehold if you don’t double up. Double-up immediately. Its similar to a gambler who goes deep in the hole for a slice of the whole pie or a slice of it or mildly, a shareholder in a stock who continues to add money to recoup lose. The point is that they figured out a way to work in not just interest, but also pychology into the donation game.

  28. 28 Dinich


    “Things might appear to change for the better but ultimately it wont last too long unless his supporters do something about it. Otherwise, by the time every one wakes up from this love affair, it will be business as usual.”

    Agree 200%

    But I think Obama has made a big dent in the fight against racism. The fight is a long journey and takes generations and Obama has contributed more than his fair share to the cause. I think he has taught both sides of the fight a lesson or two…that is what I would say is his legacy…more along the lines of Marthin Luther etc…

    In terms of policy minamin…It is all the work of the party and the advisers around him. But I give him big credit for surrounding himself with smart ppl and having the modesty to listen to them….Smart ppl know how little they know…

    The economy? It is managed by the devil or God depending on the luck of the president. I hope luck is on his side. There is little the governmet can do about the mess. Everything he says he will do about the economy is too shallow and politically motivated…but I guess they r under the gun and they have to make these shallow promises…

    Obama’s supprot especially in the primaries came from three areas. Blacks, educated folks and the younger generation. The balcks are racially motivated. Period. The young and the educated are able to see the person beyond the color. I would say this is more of a testament to the generation than Obama. This is a liberated generation where a black guy would have a white girlfriend, a spanish roommate and a chinese teacher.

    But yaeh Obama is an extraordinarily balanced human being having the potential to be the greatest president america has ever seen…

  29. 29 Anonx

    “The economy? It is managed by the devil or God depending on the luck of the president.”

    I agree D. I see them on the newspaper everyday. Do you know a good lawyer?

  30. 30 Bogiye

    On an unrelated topic, how do you publish something? I’ve not actively used the Bernos blog, though I’ve followed the posts for a while.

  31. 31 Getu

    “Obama’s supprot especially in the primaries came from three areas. Blacks, educated folks and the younger generation. The balcks are racially motivated. Period.”
    So what type of racial motivation did blacks have when over 75% of them voted for Clinton in 96?
    Also, its interesting how the three groups are mutually exclusive. Black and educated folks belonging to two separate groups…. I guess just like the youngsters, blacks can’t be educated.
    Dinich, its only because you’re so full of urself that u make a fool of urself…

  32. 32 Dinich


    U have a good point but I dont understand the name calling part…

  33. 33 Getu

    Good call! My apologies for the name calling… As an unreasonable person, I didn’t think I’d be dealing with a reasonable person.

  34. 34 Anonx

    LOL @Getu… good call on your part as well.

    And I go ahead and retract my silly remark as well.

    However D, your econ view does sound eerily like a village agriculture economy: ezgo maharena kristos… when the rain fails. Thats not as bad as the new age gurus who say whatever you want, sent out a message to universe… in my view its still bad though because although when and how rain falls is uncontrolleable, efficiency in rain water use, preventing soil erotion, foresting and deforesting is within the villager’s control and no amount of ezgo maharena kristos is going to change it.

  35. 35 Dinich


    Thanks Getu and Anonx…..

    I am well aware that whatever we say about these big topics has at least 80% chance of being wrong…:)

  36. 36 dawitm

    vote today and make a difference

  37. 37 Justme

    +############### ++++ +++++###########+

  38. 38 anonx

    Ok folks this may not come out right but if u ever felt infior now u have no reason if u ever felt traumatized u have overcome it. This is the human race now and the symbolic most powerful man in the world is the son of a patriotic african and a humanist european. I am celebrating and I hope we all go and do great things for the people that we love and the country we love

  39. 39 anonx

    My blackberry battery died and the best of my message under the influence got lost. I try later

  40. 40 Hidaya

    Oh my God I cant believe this even as I keep saying… Obama is president of the US, wow!!!

    Good morning people of America thank you all for coming out in your millions to have your say, we can now stop stalking the news and start having a life again lol….yesterday in London people talked of nothing else even my dentist got in the act so excited he sounded at an America lead by B.O.and he is from Armenia, at least he was at his workplace whereas I decided to give mine a wide berth and instead become part of American history the remote way after the dentist visit…

    I headed for the American Embassy in London to stand around at the embassy gates and do it that way, luckily earlier in the day as I was buying a paper and muttering to myself “please Americans vote for Obama” a middle aged lady also buying a paper heard me and smiled at me, I smiled back and as she spoke I realised she had an American accent and was also heading to the embassy to vote, I was terrified she might be a McCain supporter,but not only was she a Democrat and Obama supported, but also turned out to be an immigration human rights specialist lawyer who lived in London for over 20 years she said.pfffff sigh of relief on my part by not sharing a train journey neither a Republican nor a banker lol…

    Many people had the same idea as me, I assume most were Londoner Americans a bigger community than I knew of ,but many others were British people and tourists too, gawping but actually not gawping I think most were driven by genuine curiosity and well wishing, it was amazing as I always assumed that continental European had more hardened racial attitudes than in the UK where it is a lots and lots different but no amazingly I saw Germans and Poles wishing Obama to come to power, and the French and the Italians too, I could barely believe my ears…., anyway to make a long story short I wasn’t allowed in the Embassy itself since I had no practical business to take care of, but I did wait for my new friend to come out after the vote, those who didn’t feel like aimlessly going to the American embassy even though they had no business there sat all afternoons, evening and late into the night in pubs glued to the tv and their drinks presumably….

    Than God this is over, I have never been so anxious about an election in America or even here, normally I don’t care , I vote and that is it I expect nothing much will chance ,…but years from now when people ask me where I was as Obama was being voted for, I can tell people ..I was standing right outside of the AE, must be careful to be specific and say not the entire time because some of that time I was glued to my laptop….So now it is over, and history has been made ..I am glad I was here to have lived through it, albeit remotetly ..

    In years to come this day would be poignant for many in the world, but for BO it will be bittersweet, in less than 48 hours he has experienced great sorrow for the loss of his grandmother followed by great joy by making history as the first AA president in American history….The Gods they give and they take….I cant stop chanting President Obama, President Obama….

    Sorry for the rant guys I am happy and have a bigger grin than a Cheshire cat that’s why lol….

  41. 41 spacefog

    OMG …Nolawi , where are you ? Did you jump of a building or sth out of excitment:)
    Obama Won and Bernos still says “Proposal” Minamin?
    Congrats eshi

  42. 42 Tsedey

    Just me, that’s brilliant.

    Hidaya..what a bright idea of going to the Dentist prior to witnessing history with a big grin:)

  43. 43 Hidaya

    Hi Tsedey..yep said hello to history with a proud grin literally and the other figuratively lol, you know I didnt notice the link:) you’re observant.. Congratulations people of America I am gonna keep saying that to anyone from America lol…

  44. 44 LoveJones

    Yes we can. We elected the best person to lead the nation….bar none.

  45. 45 Mestika

    Nolawi, now is the time for you to get married and have a baby so you can tell your kidsyou were born when we had the first Arican American president :-)

  46. 46 Esete

    I for one am very happy to know my kids will grow up watching a very kind, intelligent, honorable and responsible man that resembles them leading this nation. congratulations to all that voted for him and there is no doubt in my mind those who didn’t will have a change of heart in the years to come. Big step for human kind. I was proud to be part of that moment on Tuesday night. Hidaya are you married? I’d love to have you for a sister in law! i have a brother who is single:)

  47. 47 Hidaya

    Matchmaker, Matchmaker,
    Make me a match,
    Find me a find,
    catch me a catch
    Matchmaker, Matchmaker
    Look through your book,
    And make me a perfect match

    Hi Esete ,how sweet, are you Cupid or Matchmaker?:), go ahead and make me a match, I have a very short list with only two items on it: personality and character, if they match get to work, must warn you though… things go awry where I am concerned, last time I tried to make me a match, love of my life ,both matchy personality and character were there, even the soul-matey depth business was there, still went wrong though regretablly, maybe it is time to give the job to Matchmaker I don’t think am up to it….

  48. 48 ????? ?? ???

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