the shower: prt III 3,929 Comments

I have yet to figure out how to successfully navigate the grey borders between nonchalant compliance and active accountability: a weakness that has somehow worked in my favor, much to the chagrin of those that I have disappointed specifically because of it.

Note to self: Self-help books written by others do irreparable harm to the reputation of the self.

She grabs my hand and playfully tugs at me to get off the couch. I comply.

Various organs in unison: Oh shit!

Walking upstairs to the bathroom becomes an exercise in nerves. I consider halting my thoughts and shrugging it all off, but the ambiguity of her reasoning would not let me. Is she that serious about the environment? Is this a trick? Do my kidneys really need to stay en garde against a hostile intruder? Or maybe, just maybe, this whole scenario is just one elaborate charade towards casual sex.

She leads me to the bathroom and closes the door behind her, locking it with elaborate gestures. She hums a tune I cannot quite recognize, while turning on the water in the shower. I am struck by my own awkwardness. I just stand there, staring into a nondescript area between the towel rack and the door hinges.

“Hope the water’s not too hot,” she says behind me. I grope around for some modicum of appropriate behavior. Turning around slowly, I am relieved that she still has her dress on.

Brain: You have one new message from Moral Debt Collection Agency. Please keep in mind that her brother is two doors down from you this very minute, and your moral credit history might be jeopardized if you –

Beeep! Message deleted.

“Aren’t you going to take your clothes off?” She asks me this with disarming cheer.

“Err … you’re serious?” I am still expecting a ta-dah! to relieve this awkwardness – some kind of comic relief.

Penis: I’ll pretend you did not just call me that!

Brain: Feeling insecure, are we?

“OK, I’ll go first if it’s going to make you feel more comfortable.” And with incredible ease and comfort, her dress falls off, and a fully naked Ruth is stepping into the shower and disappearing into a silhouette behind the foggy curtain.  I feel like I am playing chess for the first time, without anybody showing me any of the basics.

Monkey see, monkey do. She moved a pawn; I’ll move a pawn.

I take my clothes off, and stand there, waiting for a confirming invitation to join in this inelegant, yet environmentally-mindful activity.

“Are you coming in?” her silhouette whispers. That definitely sounds like a confirmation.

Penis: Halt! Do I have vitiligo?

Brain: What?

Penis: Vitiligo, you imbecile! Do I have it?

Brain: What the fuck is vitiligo?

Penis [in aggravated monotone]: A chronic skin disease that causes loss of pigmentation, resulting in irregular pale patches of skin, commonly on extensors aspects of extremities or in skin folds. It’s also called leukoderma. Or, to peasants like you, Michael Jackson’s sorry excuse to want to be Caucasian.

Brain: You are deranged, you know that?

Penis: Shut up and check! And check again before you catapult yourself into a situation that can be morosely embarrassing!

Brain: I see nothing wrong, honestly.

I inch towards the shower and take a peek, sneaking my head in past the curtains.

“Come on in then,” she says, handing me the bar of soap. Her countenance does not seem to belie anything devious. In fact, it is her sincerity that I find disconcerting.

Brain: She glistens. Cool. Shiny, too.

I grab the bar of soap and step into the overhead torrent of lukewarm water. It beats on the back of my neck and down my back, while we stand there facing one another. The streams of water that miss the peripheries of my scrawny contour find their way towards her royal shininess.

I do not know what the next move is. Chess is clearly not for beginners. She smiles and asks me to lather her up.

Penis: Bollocks, mate! You’re behaving like an odorous pile of turd right now. Could you please maneuver your arms and do something? This is sheer unsportsmanlike conduct; the kind of behavior that would have warranted excommunication if I had my wits about me.

“Well, this is awkward,” I manage to smile, convinced that acknowledging and honoring the situation for what it is would diffuse the tension.

“Is it? I wouldn’t say so,” she counters, smiling back. Still cheerful. Still sincere.

Shit. Well, there goes that strategy.  Back to awkward again. Somehow, my hands find their way to her neck and start soaping her down. I cannot figure out how long I should work on certain areas before it becomes inappropriate. Or worse: creepy.

“That feels good.” She almost sounds helpful, the way she presents that statement.

“Thank you. I’ve been working on it.” I grin, I think. “Wax on. Wax off.” A sorry attempt at humor, especially while working her breasts.

Penis: Stiff upper lip, dear chap. Stiff upper lip!

She looks down towards her feet and giggles. Unaware that I’ve worked her breasts to squeakiness, I ask her what could possibly be funny.

“You are,” she offers, still looking down at me.

Penis: Groovy. She’s checking me out.

Brain: I really hope you don’t have that vitiligo thing you mentioned earlier.

Penis: If I do, there is no sign of detection on her part. Victory shall be mine! Quick! Move to the lower abdomen!  There isn’t enough soapy sudsy stuff there!

It just said “soapy sudsy stuff.” A clear indication of curtailed articulation. I feel her hands on me. She moves in closer and kisses me. I wonder if casually stabbing her navel with my British colleague qualifies as assault.

Brain: Moral Debt Collection Agency holding on line 1. Please pick up.

“Listen, maybe this is not such a good idea right now. Your brother is only a couple of walls away.” I manage to squeeze in those words in the midst gluing and ungluing my face to hers.

“You’re right,” she agrees. “We should just finish up and go downstairs to your room. We’re really wasting water, anyway.” How one can consistently reconcile lust with environmental concerns is beyond what my faculties are used to managing. I am impressed in the same way that I was impressed with skyscrapers upon first arrival to America: a casual sense of wonderment that gradually gives way to a casual sense of nonchalant acceptance.

*              *              *

Standing outside the Urban Outfitters in Chinatown, I am slowly finishing up my last Parliament Light, inhaling every last bit of its cancerous funk before squashing it on the sidewalk. It makes no sense that I find myself here, especially considering I have no money. I have taken the day off from my cash-paying-under-the-table-educated-illegal-immigrant-mind-prostitution job, and have spent the day wandering about Northwest DC. Chain smoking and watching people between countless cups of morning coffee.

Brain: Go on in and look around. You might find something you like that you will not be able to afford. It will be yet another reminder of your fucked up situation. Then you can go home to mope and whine about how much of a toll your illegal status is taking on your sanity.

I walk into the store, making my way upstairs to the men’s section, past apparel with hobo aesthetics and vehicular price tags. Shuffling through an array of clever novelty t-shirts, I am reduced to a cackling buffoon by what I find: a green t-shirt with a tattered icon of a water drop and silhouetted lettering:


My thoughts relapse into recollections of awkward showers, environmental concerns, Chomsky, vitiligo, Sunday afternoon rain clobbering dusty basement windows, graceless sex, and a yellow condom. Exactly what aesthetic or physical esteem is accomplished by coloring a prophylactic into a bright yellow?

The t-shirt costs an obscene $34. That is almost two 14-hour days of work at the plantation that I am avoiding today.

It’s Wednesday morning, and the world has yet to die in my sleep.

3929 Responses to “the shower: prt III”

  1. 1 Nifas

    Now i am really confused :( Nolawi and Toothpick what is this whole shower thing about?

  2. 2 Wurgatu

    aziyeh bizor ayikochegnim!!!
    what a beautiful mind you have!!!!
    thank you!

  3. 3 Hidaya

    Brilliantly written like The Shower Part I and Part II, I liked the vivid imagery in Part I even though some of it was downright scary ie the hissing rodent:) I shrieked when I read it scared the rat might jump out of the story I found it that realistic and the description of a Sunday morning squalor after a night out is also quite vivid in the imagery…In Part III the story teller emerges and I am truly engaged in it and like the humour and the dialogue, the story too…Thank you Toothpick…

    PS: So that was what that noise was with men,… the sound of internal and incessant chatter between willy and brain the whole day, highly amusing, no wonder men have names for their willies, it so happens there is a three way communication going on and names might be needed to address all parties…once again brilliant…

  4. 4 Spacefog

    That is great. I like how you connect things.

    still not a genius but its a kind of reading I enjoy.

  5. 5 Dinich


    I take my comments from part II back….and wait til part 37 to comment…..:)

  6. 6 Tsedey

    so engaging and brilliant. I wonder what kind of educated-illegal-immigrant-mind-prostitution job pays less than $2/hr.

  7. 7 Anonx

    Thank for sharing TP. Quality read. Would’ve been nice if you warned me there would be part III like you did after the first installment. Now I will assume there is part IV. Men do it all time though… reconcile lust with concerns for x,y,z.

  8. 8 Bez

    I think someone has a shower fettish lol

  9. 9 yachilej


  10. 10 Totit

    So the shower got taken together, great!!!!…It was an entertaining read…

  11. 11 Spacefog

    I think this has nothing to do with shower taking stuff.

    Had I wrote this and people made comments about taking shower , I would cry for three days or sth.

  12. 12 esl

    nice, i liked partIII i don’t know if it is the showring part that got me excited or how everything connected. Thanks for putting the time in to entertain us all

  13. 13 Totit

    SpaceFog, I know this has nothing to do with taking a shower at all…I enjoy TP’s twisted, sarcastic, cynical expressions…and I deeply appreciate his contemptuous remarks and way of writing…I also notice his knowledge of literature …but in part II I was kinda curious if a person would be so uninhibited, liberated and audacious enough to follow through with that crazy idea of taking a shower in unison under the glorious pretence of conserving water…and well they did…AND I am glad to know that there is a female counterpart out there that absolutely do not share any of my mind blockages and hindrances and does as she pleases…and not care about the consequences…Even though it might be a creative work (I doubt that)…for a second I was able to enjoy the sense of liberation from years and years of societal conditioning…

  14. 14 yebolelij

    enem aziyeh lizur ende wurgatu, sbs.
    You should think of publishing one of these days . you really are good . Literary quality .
    The article ,the way you described things reminded me of Humbert Humbert in ” Lolita ” with those detailed conversations going on in your head. But this is way funkier(and less perverse ).

  15. 15 x

    amazing. all of it. every. last. word.


  16. 16 mimi

    Hey i am really confouse what the shower i don’t understand really thanks.

  17. 17 eriwomen

    toothpick, dear,

    i really enjoyed your writing, just owsome. i haven’t read shower part I, and II, but i will, definitly.

    btw, i agree with tsedey

  18. 18 anonx

    eriWOMEN kab belki kemzi tifezo gerki b deki maHber deki anistiyo teAjibki tiKedi deleki mesilki. Ajoki anewun maArinet sile zibla alekulki tifezo… Mis buzuH Huwunetawi selamta :)

  19. 19 eriwoman

    ha! this is not about ma’erenet. i am just simply admiring the writting, not that i have to explain my self.
    “ajoki anewun maArinet sile zibla ….” in what way is
    eti maArinet? kulen deki anistyo hade aynet atehasasba alewen malet aykonen. ezi ewin tifelto yemesleni zihawey, aykonen?

  20. 20 Anonx

    aye eri, ane yiHchich, isa techaqacheq

    I was only trying to comment on the use of the plural–women

    still a tifezo

  21. 21 Totit


  22. 22 eriwoman

    anonx, lol
    i thouhgt that’s what you meant. i misspelled it. did you notice the diff.

  23. 23 Anonx

    Totit… sorry about that, I have no inclination to exclude most readers here, its just my joke made more sense in tigrina.

    The ‘Women’ part makes you look as if you brought with you your fan club, the women’s organization of Eritrea. If you need that level of support to be here, count me in as your fan since I am on your side on the issue of women’s right. :)
    yea, erit, did notice how you came in with an army of women.

  24. 24 vitiligo

    Can you provide more information on this? So far the info in your post is awesome . In the mean while I think im gonna stick around and read about 8 more of your posts. Truly yours

  25. 25 Binary Options Bullet

    Your personal take on binary options is effectively planned, Let me
    talk about this with my readers.

  26. 26 Robertmoons

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  27. 27 DerrickIcozy

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  28. 28 CarlosRonge

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  29. 29 CarlosRonge

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  30. 30 Jaredthurn

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    ??????????????? ? ?????? ?????????? ? ??????? ???? ????????????? ??????. ? ???????? ??????????? ??? ?????? ????????? ?????????.

  31. 31 DouglasRoura – ??? ????????? ??????? ??????, ??????????????? ??? ??????????? ? ???????? ??????, ??????????? ???? ? ?????? ? ?????????? ???????????????? ????????????. ?? ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ?????????? ? ?????? ?????????? ? ???? ??????? ??????????, ? ????? ???????? ?????? ? ????????????, ??? ???????????? ?????????? ? ???????????? ?????.

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  32. 32 RobertCaula

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  33. 33 Darrellbok

    ?????????.?? – ??? ????????-??????, ???????????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ?????. ???? ???????????? ????? ????????? ?????? ? ??????, ???????????? ?????? ? ?????????????? ???????????? ????????. ??? ??????? ?????????? ??? ??????????? ???????????, ??????????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????????? ??????????. ??? ???????????? ? ??????, ??? ???????????? ? ????????????, ?? ?????? ???????? ???, ??????? ?? ??????:

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    “” – ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ??????? ?????, ??? ????????, ??? ???????? ?????? ????? ???????? ? ???????? ?????? ????????????? ? ??????. ???????????????? ????? ????????? ???????????, ??????? ?????????? ????? ???????????? ??? ???????? ?????????????.

    ???????? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ? ??? ???????? ??? ??????? ?????.

  34. 34 RobertCaula

    ?? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ???????????? ????????? ?????, ??????? ????? ????????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?? ???? ????????. ?????? ?? ???????????? ????????? ??????? ?????, ????? ???????? ??? ???? ??? ??????????? ??? ??????????? ?????.

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    ??????????????? ?????? ????? ? ?????????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?????????. ??? ??????????? ?? ????, ?????????? ?? ?? ????????? ??? ???????? ??????? ????????????? ???????? ????, ??? ???? ?????????? ??? ?????? ??, ??? ??? ??????????. ????? ???? ??????? ?????????????? ? ?????? ??????????? ???????????.

  35. 35 Jamessib

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  36. 36 Allensiz

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    ?? ???????? ???????? ?? ???? ? ????????:

  37. 37 Thomasref

    ???? ???????? ??????? ???????????? ?????????????? ??????? ??????? (????) ? ???????????? ?????????. ?? ???????????? ???????? ???? ? ???????? ??????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ? ???????, ??? ???????? ???????? ? ????????????? ??????????. ???? ????????? ????????????? ????????????????? ??????????? ???? ??? ?????????? ???????, ???????? ? ?????????? ???????? ?? ????? ? ??????. ??????????????? ???????? ??????? ??????????? ???????????? ????, ? ???????? ?? ?????? ?????, ????? ?????? ? ?????? ????????, ??? ??????????? ??????? ????????????? ??????????????? ???????. ?? ????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?? ??????

  38. 38 Jamessib

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  39. 39 Marvinbluep

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  40. 40 Marvinbluep

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  41. 41 Marvinbluep

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  42. 42 Marvinbluep

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  43. 43 DonaldVow

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  44. 44 Marvinbluep

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  45. 45 DonaldVow

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  46. 46 Marvinbluep

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  47. 47 DonaldVow

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  48. 48 Marvinbluep

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  49. 49 DonaldVow

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  50. 50 DonaldVow

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  51. 51 DonaldVow

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  52. 52 Marvinbluep

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    ?? ???????? ???????? ??? ???? ? ???????? ??? ??????? ? ??????????????? ??????:

  53. 53 DonaldVow

    ????????????? ????? ??? ??????: ????????? ??????? ???? ( – ??? ????????????? ??????, ????????????? ??? ????????? ????????????. ??? ?????????? ????? ??????????? ????????????? ??????? ??? ?????????????, ????? ????????????? ?? ??????????? ? ????????????? ????????????. ???????? ?????? ???? ?????? – ???? ???? ?? ????????????? ????????????????, ? ????? ?????? ?????????? ????????????? ?????. ??? ????? ????? ??????????? ????? ????????????? ?????????? ????? ??? ????? ????????????.

    ?? ???????? ????????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????:

  54. 54 DonaldVow

    ????????????? ????? ??? ??????: ????????? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ( – ??? ??????????????? ??????, ??????????????? ??? ?????????? ? ??????? ?????????? ???. ??? ?????? ????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? ? ??????, ????? ?????????? ??????? ????????. ???????? ???? ???? ?????? – ???? ??????????? ????????? ???????????????????, ? ????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ??????. ??? ????? ???????? ????????? ????? ??????? ????????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ??? ????????????.

    ?? ???????? ???????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????:

  55. 55 RobertBex

    Thanks for the complete information. You helped me.

  56. 56 AlvinEsods
  57. 57 AlvinEsods
  58. 58 AlvinEsods

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  60. 60 AlvinEsods

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  61. 61 AlvinEsods

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  62. 62 AlvinEsods
  63. 63 AlvinEsods
  64. 64 Williamwedly

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  65. 65 Williamwedly

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  66. 66 Williamwedly

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  67. 67 Williamwedly

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  68. 68 Williamwedly

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  69. 69 Williamwedly

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  73. 73 Williamwedly

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  74. 74 Williamwedly

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  208. 208 Williamwedly

    We recommend visiting the website

    Also, don’t forget to bookmark the site:

  209. 209 Williamwedly

    We recommend visiting the website

    Also, don’t forget to bookmark the site:

  210. 210 Williamwedly

    We recommend visiting the website

    Also, don’t forget to bookmark the site:

  211. 211 Williamwedly

    We recommend visiting the website

    Also, don’t forget to bookmark the site:

  212. 212 Williamwedly

    We recommend visiting the website

    Also, don’t forget to bookmark the site:

  213. 213 Williamwedly
  214. 214 Williamwedly
  215. 215 Williamwedly
  216. 216 Williamwedly
  217. 217 Williamwedly
  218. 218 Williamwedly
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    you made blogging glance easy. The entire look of your site
    is excellent, let alone the content! You can see similar here dobry sklep

  316. 316 Williamwedly

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  407. 407 Williamwedly

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  408. 408 Williamwedly

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  409. 409 Williamwedly

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  410. 410 Williamwedly

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  411. 411 Williamwedly

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  412. 412 Williamwedly

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  413. 413 Williamwedly
  414. 414 Williamwedly
  415. 415 Williamwedly
  416. 416 Williamwedly

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  417. 417 Williamwedly

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  419. 419 Williamwedly
  420. 420 Williamwedly
  421. 421 Williamwedly
  422. 422 Williamwedly
  423. 423 Williamwedly
  424. 424 Williamwedly

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  425. 425 Williamwedly

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  426. 426 Williamwedly
  427. 427 Williamwedly
  428. 428 Williamwedly

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  437. 437 Williamwedly
  438. 438 Williamwedly
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  455. 455 Williamwedly
  456. 456 Williamwedly
  457. 457 Williamwedly
  458. 458 Williamwedly
  459. 459 Williamwedly
  460. 460 Williamwedly
  461. 461 Williamwedly
  462. 462 Williamwedly
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  1. 1 bed & breakfast insurance
  2. 2 outdoor clocks for hospitals
  3. 3 get more info here
  4. 4 tile reglazing colors
  5. 5 prefab steel buildings
  6. 6 caveman music americana festival
  7. 7 letter print and mail services
  8. 8 clock movement
  9. 9 outdoor clocks for hospitals
  10. 10 this page
  11. 11 clock dial face fit ups
  12. 12 bathroom reglazing
  13. 13 construction management experts
  14. 14 folk music festival 2023
  15. 15 Best Post Card
  16. 16 auto sync clocks
  17. 17 accessories for clocks
  18. 18 hunting lodge insurance
  19. 19 ceramic tile refinishing
  20. 20 best clock movement
  21. 21 synchronized clocks for stadiums
  22. 22 caveman weston colorado music festival
  23. 23 general contractors
  24. 24 Post Card Mailing
  25. 25 clock dial face fit ups
  26. 26 bed & breakfast insurance
  27. 27 ceramic tile refinishing near me
  28. 28 pendulum movements
  29. 29 Facility wireless clocks
  30. 30 colorado music festival 2023
  31. 31 design steel buildings
  32. 32 print and mail outsourcing
  33. 33 best clock movement
  34. 34 clocks for schools
  35. 35 hospitality insurance
  36. 36 bathtub refinishing los angeles
  37. 37 Learn More
  38. 38 monument lake resort music festival
  39. 39 clock parts manufacturing
  40. 40 her latest blog
  41. 41 project management
  42. 42 synchronized Hospital clocks
  43. 43 tub refinishing
  44. 44 clock dial face fit ups
  45. 45 americana music festival 2023
  46. 46 clock Inserts videos
  47. 47 clock synchronization software
  48. 48 postcardmailing
  49. 49 california metal buildings
  50. 50 bed and breakfast insurance companies
  51. 51 ceramic tile refinishing near me
  52. 52 best motor for clocks
  53. 53 clocks for schools
  54. 54 weston colorado live music festival
  55. 55 clock repair parts
  56. 56 Best Postcard Mailing Services
  57. 57 metal building construction
  58. 58 this page
  59. 59 bathtub repair
  60. 60 how to replace clock hands
  61. 61 printing and mailing services
  62. 62 u.s. music festivals
  63. 63 get more info here
  64. 64 hospital clock system
  65. 65 hotel liability insurance
  66. 66 large construction projects
  67. 67 great post to read
  68. 68 Learn More
  69. 69 bill printing and mailing
  70. 70 synchronized wireless clock systems
  71. 71 metal hands
  72. 72 colorado music festival
  73. 73 hospitality insurance company
  74. 74 bathtub and tile refinishing
  75. 75 California construction company
  76. 76 clocks large facilities
  77. 77 letter printing and mailing services
  78. 78 read more
  79. 79 colorado music festival
  80. 80 this page
  81. 81 bathroom tile reglazing
  82. 82 project management
  83. 83 quartz clock fit-ups
  84. 84 learn more
  85. 85 statement printing and mailing services
  86. 86 Clock kits and dials
  87. 87 find this
  88. 88 small clock inserts
  89. 89 intercoms for schools
  90. 90 countertop resurfacing
  91. 91 read more
  92. 92 printing and mailing companies
  93. 93 metal hands
  94. 94 Get More Info
  95. 95 print to mail service
  96. 96 caveman music labor day weekend music festival
  97. 97 fishing lodge insurance
  98. 98 Facility wireless clocks
  99. 99 parts for clocks
  100. 100 countertop refinishing
  101. 101 California construction company
  102. 102 print and mail outsourcing
  103. 103 clock synchronization wirelessly
  104. 104 music festival near me
  105. 105 bed and breakfast insurance
  106. 106 clock building videos
  107. 107 tile reglazing colors
  108. 108 hour hands for clocks
  109. 109 concrete construction
  110. 110 hospital clock system
  111. 111 labor day weekend music festival
  112. 112 clock parts manufacturing
  113. 113 bathroom tub and tile reglazing
  114. 114 concrete construction
  115. 115 visit website here
  116. 116 public address transmitters
  117. 117 Best Post Card
  118. 118 country music festival
  119. 119 bed & breakfast insurance
  120. 120 clock inserts movements
  121. 121 Get More Info
  122. 122 sync clocks for hospitals
  123. 123 clock repair videos
  124. 124 This Site
  125. 125 best americana music festivals
  126. 126 great post to read
  127. 127 clock movement
  128. 128 outdoor clocks for schools
  129. 129 steel building suppliers
  130. 130 Clock kits and dials
  131. 131 letter printing and mailing services
  132. 132 monument lake resort caveman music festival
  133. 133 clock manufacture
  134. 134 clocks for businesses
  135. 135 builder
  136. 136 tub and tile refinishing
  137. 137 best motor for clocks
  138. 138 print & mail services
  139. 139 Learn More
  140. 140 music festival
  141. 141 Homepage
  142. 142 steel building builder
  143. 143 bath tub refinishers
  144. 144 wireless communication systems
  145. 145 page
  146. 146 clock parts manufacturing
  147. 147 california metal buildings
  148. 148 bathtub reglazing los angeles
  149. 149 public address transmitters
  150. 150 best hands for clocks
  151. 151 best clock movement
  152. 152 colorado live music festival
  153. 153 see it here
  154. 154 steel construction builder
  155. 155 intercoms for schools
  156. 156 ceramic tile restoration
  157. 157 letter bill printing and mailing
  158. 158 parts for clocks
  159. 159 jazz music festival
  160. 160 mechanisms for clocks
  161. 161 hospitality insurance programs
  162. 162 check it out here
  163. 163 tenant improvement contractor
  164. 164 bathroom tub and tile reglazing
  165. 165 synchronized clocks for stadiums
  166. 166 pendulum movements
  167. 167 hotel insurance cost
  168. 168 concrete construction
  169. 169 bathtub refinishing los angeles
  170. 170 PA systems for schools
  171. 171 hop over to this website
  172. 172 bed and breakfast insurance rates
  173. 173 check it out here
  174. 174 church building contractors
  175. 175 music festival near me
  176. 176 check over here
  177. 177 quartz clock fit-ups
  178. 178 clock movement
  179. 179 refinish bathroom tile
  180. 180 construction consultants
  181. 181 Best Printing and Mailing
  182. 182 accessories for clocks
  183. 183 parts for clocks
  184. 184 motel insurance program
  185. 185 bathroom tile reglazing
  186. 186 visit website here
  187. 187 synchronazation communication systems
  188. 188 music festival usa
  189. 189 parts for clocks
  190. 190 scottsdale marketing
  191. 191 pressure washing companies near me
  192. 192 pressure washing business
  193. 193 mobile car detailing san jose
  194. 194 print and mailing services
  195. 195 print and mail services
  196. 196 tub reglazing
  197. 197 local seo company scottsdale
  198. 198 house washing
  199. 199 mobile home pressure washing
  200. 200 car detailing san jose
  201. 201 postcardmailingservices
  202. 202 locksmiths business
  203. 203 scottsdale online marketing
  204. 204 pressure washing company
  205. 205 power washing prices
  206. 206 check my blog
  207. 207 Towne Mailer
  208. 208 san jose car detailing
  209. 209 custom keys for house
  210. 210 bathtub reglazing near me
  211. 211 scottsdale seo consultant
  212. 212 residential pressure washing services
  213. 213 external house cleaning
  214. 214 mobile car detailing
  215. 215 house key copy near me
  216. 216 digital marketing agency scottsdale
  217. 217 power washing prices
  218. 218 commercial power washing
  219. 219 car detailing san jose
  220. 220 Best Business Mailers
  221. 221 printing and mailing services
  222. 222 power washing business
  223. 223 mobile car detailing near me
  224. 224 her latest blog
  225. 225 bathtub reglazing
  226. 226 car locksmith missoula mt
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  238. 238 house power washing near me
  239. 239 auto detailing san jose ca
  240. 240 business mailers
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  242. 242 bathroom resurfacing near me
  243. 243 This Site
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  245. 245 print & mail services
  246. 246 get redirected here
  247. 247 bill printing and mailing services
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  249. 249 car detailing near me
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  251. 251 local seo scottsdale
  252. 252 pressure washing near me
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  256. 256 statement printing and mailing
  257. 257 commercial power washing services near me
  258. 258 scottsdale seo companies
  259. 259 automotive locksmith services
  260. 260 pressure washing companies near me
  261. 261 power washing company
  262. 262 pressure washing aluminum siding
  263. 263 scottsdale marketing
  264. 264 lock smiths near me
  265. 265 interior car detailing near me
  266. 266 investigate this site
  267. 267 print and mail services
  268. 268 print and mailing services
  269. 269 car locksmith
  270. 270 power washing business
  271. 271 san jose auto detailing
  272. 272 utility bill print and mail services
  273. 273 scottsdale seo
  274. 274 read this post here
  275. 275 house washing near me
  276. 276 get redirected here
  277. 277 bathtub refinishing
  278. 278 mobile detailing san jose
  279. 279 mobile home pressure washing near me
  280. 280 Best Post Card Mailings
  281. 281 scottsdale seo agency
  282. 282 click to read more
  283. 283 exterior house washing
  284. 284 commercial locksmith
  285. 285 letter print and mail services
  286. 286 tub refinishing near me
  287. 287 auto detailing san jose ca
  288. 288 residential pressure washing services
  289. 289 click here for more info
  290. 290 letter bill printing and mailing
  291. 291 postcardmailing services
  292. 292 power washing company
  293. 293 navigate to this website
  294. 294 porcelain tub refinishing near me
  295. 295 mobile detailing san jose
  296. 296 mobile home pressure washing
  297. 297 scottsdale seo service
  298. 298 letter bill printing and mailing
  299. 299 check over here
  300. 300 pressure cleaning
  301. 301 locksmith missoula
  302. 302 imp source
  303. 303 auto detailing san jose ca
  304. 304 print and mail services
  305. 305 utility bill print and mail services
  306. 306 scottsdale seo agency
  307. 307 power washing business
  308. 308 see it here
  309. 309 residential locksmiths
  310. 310 print to mail service
  311. 311 mobile auto detailing near me
  312. 312 commercial power washing companies near me
  313. 313 print and mail services
  314. 314 digital marketing scottsdale az
  315. 315 pressure wash house
  316. 316 tile resurfacing near me
  317. 317 statement printing and mailing services
  318. 318 24 hour locksmith missoula mt
  319. 319 mobile detailing san jose
  320. 320 power washing companies near me
  321. 321 click to read more
  322. 322 siding cleaning
  323. 323 imp source
  324. 324 business locksmith
  325. 325 auto detailing san jose
  326. 326 pressure washing near me
  327. 327 utility bill printing and mailing services
  328. 328 Clicking Here
  329. 329 more helpful hints
  330. 330 mobile power washing near me
  331. 331 mobile detailing san jose
  332. 332 house key replacement near me
  333. 333 mobile power washing near me
  334. 334 Best Post Card Mailing
  335. 335 Best Post Card Mailings
  336. 336 social seo scottsdale
  337. 337 pressure wash house
  338. 338 find this
  339. 339 mobile detailing near me
  340. 340 lock smith for cars
  341. 341 bill printing and mailing services
  342. 342 pressure washing company
  343. 343 print and mail service
  344. 344 scottsdale video marketing
  345. 345 mobile pressure washing near me
  346. 346 bathtub refinishing companies near me
  347. 347 try here
  348. 348 house key replacement near me
  349. 349 auto detailing san jose ca
  350. 350 mobile home pressure washing near me
  351. 351 scottsdale video marketing
  352. 352 Post Card Mailing
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  1073. 1073 folk music festival 2023
  1074. 1074 tub reglazing near me
  1075. 1075 Homepage
  1076. 1076 check my blog
  1077. 1077 click to read more
  1078. 1078 bow hunting safari
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  1080. 1080 big game hunting regulations in namibia
  1081. 1081 leopard hunting namibia
  1082. 1082 great post to re
  1083. 1083 utility bill print and mail service
  1084. 1084 click here now
  1085. 1085 Homepage
  1086. 1086 discount hunting safari in namibia
  1087. 1087 a fantastic read
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  1089. 1089 whitefish home builders
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  1100. 1100 whitefish home builders
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  1109. 1109 country music festival
  1110. 1110 read review
  1111. 1111 have a peek here
  1112. 1112 bathtub reglazing services near me
  1113. 1113 Check This Out
  1114. 1114 venue liability insurance
  1115. 1115 read this article
  1116. 1116 this page
  1117. 1117 tub and tile reglazing near me
  1118. 1118 bed and breakfast insurance companies
  1119. 1119 caveman music labor day weekend music festival
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  1121. 1121 bill printing and mailing
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  1124. 1124 try here
  1125. 1125 hunting cape buffalo with a bow
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  1129. 1129 weblink
  1130. 1130 weston colorado labor day weekend music festival
  1131. 1131 shower refinishing near me
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  1133. 1133 print and mail outsourcing
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  1136. 1136 shower reglazing near me
  1137. 1137 insurance for b&b
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  1139. 1139 a fantastic read
  1140. 1140 home builders mt
  1141. 1141 cape buffalo hunting
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  1147. 1147 hotel motel insurance companies
  1148. 1148 check over here
  1149. 1149 Bonuses
  1150. 1150 read review
  1151. 1151 colorado music festivals
  1152. 1152 this content
  1153. 1153 namibia safari
  1154. 1154 Best Printing and Mailings
  1155. 1155 tub refinishing
  1156. 1156 great post to read
  1157. 1157 caveman live music americana festival
  1158. 1158 Check This Out
  1159. 1159 this contact form
  1160. 1160 african photo safari
  1161. 1161 music festival
  1162. 1162 tub resurfacing near me
  1163. 1163 weston colorado americana music festival
  1164. 1164 see it here
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  1171. 1171 Source
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  1173. 1173 try here
  1174. 1174 refinish bathtub near me
  1175. 1175 Homepage
  1176. 1176 imp source
  1177. 1177 wild animal hunting in africa
  1178. 1178 how to plan for an african safari vacation
  1179. 1179 caveman weston colorado americana music festival
  1180. 1180 custom home builders
  1181. 1181 statement printing and mailing services
  1182. 1182 tub refinishing near me
  1183. 1183 bed & breakfast insurance
  1184. 1184 Check This Out
  1185. 1185 namibia hunting
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  1187. 1187 tub and tile reglazing near me
  1188. 1188 bow hunting farms in south africa
  1189. 1189 venue liability insurance
  1190. 1190 african safari vacation
  1191. 1191 print and mail service
  1192. 1192 bathtub resurfacing
  1193. 1193 Homepage
  1194. 1194 Bird Hunting in Namibia
  1195. 1195 this content
  1196. 1196 lodge insurance
  1197. 1197 his comment is here
  1198. 1198 big game hunting regulations in namibia
  1199. 1199 americana music festivals
  1200. 1200 hotel insurance requirements
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  1209. 1209 african safari vacation
  1210. 1210 find more info
  1211. 1211 weston colorado music festival
  1212. 1212 fiberglass tub refinishing near me
  1213. 1213 african bow hunting safari
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  1215. 1215 Get More Info
  1216. 1216 printing and mailing services
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  1218. 1218 whitefish builders
  1219. 1219 music festival colorado
  1220. 1220 lion hunting in namibia
  1221. 1221 americana festival 2023
  1222. 1222 tile refinishing near me
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  1224. 1224 utility bill printing and mailing
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  1229. 1229 colorado music festivals
  1230. 1230 hospitality insurance companies
  1231. 1231 invoice printing and mailing
  1232. 1232 african leopard hunting
  1233. 1233 weston colorado americana music festival
  1234. 1234 colorado music festival 2023
  1235. 1235 colorado music festival 2023
  1236. 1236 Bird Hunting in Namibia
  1237. 1237 caveman americana festival
  1238. 1238 shower reglazing near me
  1239. 1239 wild animal hunting in africa
  1240. 1240 bathtub restoration
  1241. 1241 Bonuses
  1242. 1242 ceramic tile resurfacing
  1243. 1243 Bird Hunting in Namibia
  1244. 1244 insurance bed and breakfast
  1245. 1245 print and mail services for businesses
  1246. 1246 weston colorado americana festival
  1247. 1247 hunting african elephants
  1248. 1248 hospitality insurance company
  1249. 1249 page
  1250. 1250 americana music festival colorado 2023
  1251. 1251 find more info
  1252. 1252 wing shooting in namibia
  1253. 1253 venue liability insurance
  1254. 1254 african bow hunting safari
  1255. 1255 americana festival 2023
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  1270. 1270 Best Printing and Mailings
  1271. 1271 bow hunting safari
  1272. 1272 caveman live music americana festival
  1273. 1273 Homepage
  1274. 1274 caveman weston colorado americana music festival
  1275. 1275 bow hunting farms in south africa
  1276. 1276 countertop resurfacing
  1277. 1277 print & mail services
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  1283. 1283 bird hunting africa
  1284. 1284 jazz music festival
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  1287. 1287 colorado live music festival
  1288. 1288 music festival
  1289. 1289 u.s. music festivals
  1290. 1290 bathtub refinishing companies near me
  1291. 1291 colorado music festivals
  1292. 1292 insurance for event venues
  1293. 1293 letter bill printing and mailing
  1294. 1294 weston colorado americana festival
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  1296. 1296 music festival
  1297. 1297 bathtub reglazing
  1298. 1298 Bonuses
  1299. 1299 leopard hunting namibia
  1300. 1300 my company
  1301. 1301 this content
  1302. 1302 read this article
  1303. 1303 Americana music festival
  1304. 1304 bathroom refinishing
  1305. 1305 labor day weekend music festival
  1306. 1306 caveman music americana festival
  1307. 1307 music festival usa
  1308. 1308 letter printing and mailing services
  1309. 1309 Check This Out
  1310. 1310 see it here
  1311. 1311 caveman music americana festival
  1312. 1312 music festivals near me
  1313. 1313 u.s. music festivals
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  1319. 1319 hunting cape buffalo with a bow
  1320. 1320 try here
  1321. 1321 Homepage
  1322. 1322 wild animal hunting in africa
  1323. 1323 weston colorado live music festival
  1324. 1324 how to plan for an african safari vacation
  1325. 1325 click to read more
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  1346. 1346 Bonuses
  1347. 1347 hotel liability insurance
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  1349. 1349 this content
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  1371. 1371 this contact form
  1372. 1372 namibia hunting
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  1385. 1385 weblink
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  1387. 1387 bed and breakfast insurance policy
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  1390. 1390 statement printing and mailing services
  1391. 1391 Check This Out
  1392. 1392 lion hunting safari
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  1394. 1394 bathtub reglazing services near me
  1395. 1395 statement printing and mailing
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  1400. 1400 big game hunting regulations in namibia
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  1409. 1409 caveman live music festival weston colorado
  1410. 1410 find more info
  1411. 1411 african safari honeymoon
  1412. 1412 Bird Hunting in Namibia
  1413. 1413 bow hunting in africa
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