Linked 67 Comments


So I guess it was around early 2007 when I first stumbled upon bernos. I remember I found the link on a random post in the ESAi forum, someone saying it was a cool site. So, I went ahead and clicked. And suddenly, without prelude or agenda I found myself swimming in the depths of the Ethiopian blogosphere or whatever else people call it. I am sure many connected Ethiopians have had this kind of experience because there are so many sites out there and so many people in different corners of the world.

It seems some use these online spaces (webzines, networking sites, forums…) to keep up with information, social events, for entertainment, to socialize or online dating platforms. For some it’s a way to seek connection with the ‘community’, or get a window for virtual connections with people that have similar interests and perspectives. Its is also an experience going for a leisurely trip around the pool and meeting people with similar cultural backgrounds through sites like bernos, esai and others. Given, meeting them in person is a whole different paradigm to meeting online.

For me, the most surprising and completely unhinging part of joining discussions on bernos was that I became hooked… or should I say Pressed? Absurdly enough, a whole bunch of others regularly joked about how addicted we were, about the 12 steps of rehab etc. And all we were doing was reading, posting, dialoguing and maybe gaining a little weight as we were stuck to our chairs a lot…! We were communicating with people we did not have a second clue how they sounded or looked, well most of the time, anyway…

Part of what kept me hooked were provocative topics and caricature-sque characters each person took up that were spin-offs of our personalities. Oh! And there were also those entertaining virtu-ality soap operas and controversies that would inspire tirades from different people. At times it even seemed like a spontaneous stew of entertainment executed to perfection: controversy, sex and rock & roll! :) Mostly though, it really was the haphazard authenticity of funny, personal, strange and thoughtful posts that kept me linked…a sense of community and connection. And somewhere between the mash-up of threads and blog articles I seem to have ‘met’ some quality people and met some other quality people through the people I ‘met’. And because of that unpredictable transition where words on the screen become living, breathing humans with body language, voices and eyes…it is a little strange meeting online personalities in person. But you know, it’s all quite fascinating because I see myself leaping right into the depths of the age of information and online interactions…

I’m curious about others’ experiences, on bernos, and other virtual spaces where people are yapping away some bunna shaii weRe…. :P

thanks bernos crew for creating this venue for us to meet some great people!

67 Responses to “Linked”

  1. 1 Uncle B

    BG Felasfawit,

    Good to know you’re still around. No doubt it has been a great ride with Bernos and still has. Do we know if there’s a time table for the launching of Bernos Press once again?

  2. 2 Dinich

    Hi Bg,

    Good to hear from u again….

    Along the lines of ur point I see the internet as a xerox copy of the physical world…whatever u find in the real world….shops, education, work, friends, dating etc…. u name it and it is found online…

    Internet is not a supplement to the world anymore….Internet is the world….everybody and everything is on it. If am looking for real abesha community, Bernos is definitely THE place. My Bernos Press experience is real….just to give u an example I once mentioned that I am looking for Masinqo on BP…..soon EJ hooked me up with this guy who makes Masinqo in DC….The following week Wud asked me for my address and to my surprise within a week the masinqo was at my doorsteps sent by wud

    Never met EJ or Wud. They are jut my online bernos friends who are real friends….hope to meet them one day….

    So ya….Bernos rocks….it is real

  3. 3 Nani

    Hey bg,
    guess who’s back eh? I agree, bernos has been quite unique in many ways, it’s even made me actually reply to the posts, used to be a quiet observer, read and laugh or read and metazeb… but really getting involved and actually influencing the thoughts of the people involved is whole idea isn’t it unless u actually interact (weird word since you really know everyone only thru what they write) but unless you do that then how can you expect and “metazeb” the people … it’s the openness of the interactions, and the constant back and forth bickering that never fails to annoy and make you laugh, that makes you want to check on the site almost as often as you check your email (oh no, i think i’m the new addict :O)
    … wut can i say … it’s awesome!

  4. 4 DawitK

    Thanks for the great post bg,

    First of all…a hearty thank you to all the bloggers who have kept the forum alive, who’ve provided us encouragement, ideas/articles, and allowed us to talk candidly about topics we (and you) cared about! As I’ve said it in the past, when we started of with the blog & BP we never thought we could write anything interesting enough that would draw an audience beyond our friends and family.

    As a result I have meet people from all over – each with unique stories and personalities who I now call my friends.

  5. 5 Rahwina

    Bgye! so you’re alive after all huh…good to know my dear. I personally don’t even remember how I got to bernos, might have been the Nazareth Bashing article but then there came BP and I agree that I’ve met some QUALITY ppl there and got to keep intouch with some I already knew. I also wanna say that the Bernos Crew are really Great ppl too. All very different, but equally interesting and so talented.Who here has seen Beshou’s picture… Good job, you guys! I’m yet to see a more interesting habesha site.BP created a community and I wish it would be reinstated.
    Diniye, you’d so LOVE EJ and Wud when you meet them, they are really great!

  6. 6 Sara

    I’m a new comer to the Bernos website and I love it. I find myself checking Bernos right after I check my email. I love reading the different point of views expressed, most of the time I learn a thing or two just by reading what people wrote.
    It’s a gret way to exchange ideas/opinions

    SO keep it up Bernos people!

  7. 7 curious

    Great post bg… i have an image of how everyone on Bernos looks like.. I have a crush on Nylasmoke that’s all I am saying.

  8. 8 justme

    Ej is the famous guy here in bernos…
    we did miss bp….
    it is good to have you here.


  9. 9 Mengedegna

    That’s a good piece, bgF! Tarikei batchiru
    I am not quite certain how I found my way here, but I think I was doing one of those regular random walks on my lazy Sunday afternoons. Interesting enough, what I had come across was an oasis of interesting, sophisticated, knowledgeable and very witty people. I got so imPressed by what I had encountered that I gave up my usual random walks and started frequenting Bernos, BP in particular (nefsuan yimarat, btw). The good thing was I ended up being a proud addict and was sent to DRC (Dinich’s Rehabilitation Centre).
    I miss all the great Pressers though, and would love to see BP resurrected and its community flourished again.

  10. 10 Doro Mata

    bernos has been the cleanest and most interesting Ethiopian website I’ve come across.

    it is indeed beautiful meeting you all :)

  11. 11 Selam2

    Yes,Bernos Rocks!!

    [quote comment="132968"]bernos has been the cleanest and most interesting Ethiopian website I’ve come across.

    it is indeed beautiful meeting you all :) [/quote]

  12. 12 lemat

    I really loved this website. It is my lunch time entertainment. Most of the posts are makes me laugh, wonder and believe. In spirits I feel like I know some of you by reading your daily posts. Keep up all the good work!!!

  13. 13 Bed_ford

    Wonderful article bg; it is good to see the familiar names here. I hope BP will be resurrected, too. I met couple of them in person and it is very interesting to meet some one you have been interacting online; it feels like meeting a person you have not seen for a while; not for the first time.

  14. 14 bgFelasfit

    ohh! its so nice to see everyone is still around!

    uncleB, that would be a question for the bernos crew…

    indeed D, bernos is definitely real, with some great people! – I’ve even exchanged bday gifts with one bper, though we’ve yet to meet …btw, how’s it going making tunes with ur masinko?

    Nani - i hear u on the openness of interactions on bernos…people are openminded and just so ready for dialogue any day! – i get surprised still, even after seeing it again and again for this long. an article goes up, and people are so up for conversation, sharing ideas etc. i think that’s really a testament to the quality & variety of fresh articles dawitk’s referring to…

    rahwi, yep am still breathing! :)

    [quote comment="132935"]Great post bg… i have an image of how everyone on Bernos looks like.. I have a crush on Nylasmoke that’s all I am saying.[/quote]
    curious, how much u offering for a pic? lol!

    dengego menged, imPressed you say? yea, our community is indeed missed and you know what’s curious? I happenchanced on some time back and I felt nostalgic for bernos press…somehow it seemed similar but with a lot less personalization! any agataMis to share from there?

    bed_ford, i know exactly what you mean about a sense familiarity with those you meet in person.

  15. 15 Anon

    The graphics on Bernos is off the hook!

  16. 16 masinkomelody

    Great post bgisha!

    I once mentioned that I am looking for Masinqo on BP

    Dini, are you still looking for me? alehu eko :)

    Nice to see familiar names around here…gin minew ye BP wore sinesa Nol dimstun atefa? ;-)

  17. 17 wudnesh

    eweeeee, miss BPers! I can say online friendship is almost the same as any other. We talked, laughed, quarreled, had ‘shimagles’ to mAstareq us (the BP family), it felt as if we’ve known each other for years.
    …I still get to talk to some BPers regularly…especially the ones around DC. They call whenever they come to NY area…..and I do the same when I go to DC….and never had a dull moment ;) Thank you Bernos! I met many nice ppl at BP.
    Diniye, MTS biyehalehu for not keeping ur word.
    Curious, Ye-Smoki’n neger beNe teyiw…it’d just cost you a few hundreds :P
    oooof, it’s so nice to see all of u here….Miss you all! Does anyone talk to Shantiqua?
    P.S. I am more productive now BP is down (emf, emff)…but still miss BP. I hear the Bernos crew is coming up with Presser Patch and anti-addiction pills for BP before the Grand Opening :P

  18. 18 Aklile

    bg Felasfawit,

    To answer your question, “I’m curious about others’ experiences, on bernos, …. “
    After giving my appreciation to the creator of Bernos and this blog in my first meeting with them over the weekend, your article described it precisely and eloquently what I was trying to tell them in person. Thank you!!

    Doro Mata #10 concludes it, what I feel about bernos.

  19. 19 Maebel

    It was yesterday that I requested some explanations concerning BP from Bernos Crew. And I was extremly amazed to look at this Beautiful article today. Are we becoming telephatic or what? Any way, it was so nice to see some of the beautiful nick names again. you all used to make my day beautiful. I am really indebted and gratefull for all beautiful minds behind the scene and who made Bernos a reality. Let your Good Work Shine

  20. 20 Guadegna

    … like everyone said good to see the familiar nick here…. Agree Nolawi disappeared when BP is mentioned. So does the 2 months break turned to lost count of how long it has been. Hey admins how about letting us know the progress of BP is it not coming back at all? Wonder if I will get an answer to that :)

    keep on keepin on!!!

  21. 21 bgFelasfit

    Internet is not a supplement to the world anymore….Internet is the world….everybody and everything is on it.

    funny thought about this…us being social beings and all. Are our ways of social interaction – values & needs are changing because of the virtual world??

    Aren’t we increasingly becoming virtual people with rectangular electronic chips hooking us to our world…i mean, imagine, in the next 20 years a baby pops out and the first gift she gets is her own little ipod plugging her right into her little virtual universe…a world of fellow babies and mommies and daddies where they’ll be getting socialized! …imagine a universe where people are increasingly dependent on the internet for social/intellectual/mental/emotional needs….

    But really, how much of our ‘real-world’ norms and values are at stake here?

  22. 22 Dinich

    Bg, true some norms might be at stake but there are a lot of benefits too….granted online interaction is never like a face to face meeting but it can enhance things.

    I play guitar in a small band and the biggest challenge is always to find a suitable time that all six of us can get together to practice….Then, the other day somoene suggested using this jamming software where literally each person would play from home and u can hear the whole band on ur speakers…..Now I wouldn’t want to use that as a replacement for a real get together but i am really excited about the possibility given the challenges that we have…..

    Think about it…without Bernos chances are I would never have known u at all……

  23. 23 yonas

    hey bgye :) nice article … deep as always

    you’re right, the online world is a threat to some of our social norms in the offline world. we are adopting new online norms, and given time they will influence our behaviour offline and replace the old world norms.

    some of our new online social norms are more observable in social networking sites like facebook, where real world break-ups are announced to friends not via one-to-one exchanges that set context, but now broadcast instantly to all friends with a tacky “heart break” symbol and no context: “mr X and miss Y are no longer in a relationship”.

  24. 24 mister_mayhem

    I saw a lot of familiar names in the comments section and I just wanted to say hello to all my fellow BPers.

    since the sites gone down my productivity at work has gone up exponentially and i’ve gotten a promotion. sadly I would give it all back for the opportunity to trade thoughts with you folks.

    miss you

  25. 25 bgFelasfit

    D, I hear what you’re saying that online interactions ‘enhance’ real world situations. Indeed, there are benefits such as finding an abesha community when you’re in the middle of nowhere…My question is, are we becoming so dependent on it that its overstepping the line? and where is the line @ anyways? I mean yonas gave a great example…

    [quote comment="134000"]
    real world break-ups are announced to friends not via one-to-one exchanges that set context, but now broadcast instantly to all friends with a tacky “heart break” symbol and no context: “mr X and miss Y are no longer in a relationship”.[/quote]

    i remember watching a show, i think it was cashmere mafia and in it, a very powerful VP of a financial corporation who spends insane amount of time in the office was being teased by her girlfriends about having an ‘office husband’…i mean this is a guy whom she interacts with only through emails, phone calls, and video conferences yet she spends more virtual time with him than she does real time with her husband! …in the episode she was getting all giddy and nervous about meeting the office husband for the first time…and later, being completely attracted to the idea of visiting him in his hotel room (they were on a business trip together)…

    yknow, its interesting now that the internet is offering a lot more than simply information… I mean we’re talking about virtual connections and communities…
    and in our capacity as ‘social animals’… i think something like virtual socio/psychology is gonna be some new hip new field of study in the next 20 years or so!!

  26. 26 bgFelasfit

    D, I hear what you’re saying that online interactions ‘enhance’ real world situations. Indeed, there are benefits such as finding an abesha community when you’re in the middle of nowhere…My question is, are we becoming so dependent on it that its overstepping the line? and where is the line @ anyways? I mean yonas gave a great example…

    [quote comment="134000"]
    real world break-ups are announced to friends not via one-to-one exchanges that set context, but now broadcast instantly to all friends with a tacky “heart break” symbol and no context: “mr X and miss Y are no longer in a relationship”.[/quote]

    i remember watching a show, i think it was cashmere mafia and in it, a very powerful VP of a financial corporation who spends insane amount of time in the office was being teased by her girlfriends about having an ‘office husband’…i mean this is a guy whom she interacts with only through emails, phone calls, and video conferences yet she spends more virtual time with him than she does real time with her husband! …in the episode she was getting all giddy and nervous about meeting the office husband for the first time…and later, being completely attracted to the idea of visiting him in his hotel room (they were on a business trip together)…

    yknow, its interesting now that the internet is offering a lot more than simply information… I mean we’re talking about virtual connections and communities…
    and in our capacity as ‘social animals’… i think something like virtual socio/psychology is gonna be some new hip new field of study in the next 20 years or so!!
    I mean already there are these new crazy social terms…like forum/email addiction…’flaming’ a term referring to drama on a discussion forum or a ‘troll’, someone who makes controversial comments just for the heck of being devil’s adovocate… etc… then theres online crime!! lol …stalking and identity theft

  27. 27 Wudnesh

    Since I see a couple of BP admins here (uhu uhu), how about we start

  28. 28 Dinich

    Let’s do it…..

  29. 29 Maebel

    I really expect to see celebratelife commenting on this issue. But I am afraid that it seems so far fetched. Where the hell is she? I missed her so much. I really Do.

    BTW, why not we signed a petition saying….we, whose names listed below are desperately anxious to know the latest progresses of BP and are dying counting down the days for the family’s reunion…
    1. Maebel

  30. 30 LoveJones

    Great site, clean and fun. Keep it up, but still missing BP bigtime.

    @ Santim.

  31. 31 yekolotemari

    like u said, i stumbled into bernos, trough other ethiopian website, about a year ago, and since them i been hooked, i check it every chance i get. I love the blogs, reading ppls point of view. I been to lots of ethiopian forums, cites, but bernos is my favorite soo far. The reason is the people here sound educated, and always have something interseting and desent to say…wat i hate bout he others,,,is the people seem to be rude and balegee, sumtimes, its hard to believe habeshas would right those things,,, anywhoooo…keep up the good work,, i gatta get bk to class

  32. 32 soj

    …hello everyone, seems like the presser syndrome is kicking back in…

  33. 33 Dinich

    Hey Soj,

    Good to hear from ya man….long time….Azmarinet endet new?

  34. 34 Wudnesh

    hi Soj,…ow my! r u back in the states?

  35. 35 Sky

    Great piece BigFelasfit.
    Thank you so much for bringing most BPrs back from where ever we have been hiding!! I got so excited to see all the familiar nics on this post and it felt like a family reunion except missing a few more memebers.
    I definitely am more productive at work since BP is down but I missed the family so much.
    Please bring it back to life!!

  36. 36 Totit

    Hey folks…this is my first post, but I have been an avid reader of all ur posts for like a month now.I don’t think there is a single post I did not read…or right about. I feel like I know each and every one of u, personally …I enjoy some peoples wittiness….and I find myself cracking up for one reason or the other.But the question was how did I stumble on Bernos…Well this guy that I was talking to on the phone (a person I met on Ethiopian Personal…an Ethiopian dating site…anybody familiar?) told me that he wrote a blog here and I was so curious to read what he wrote….and since then I have been hooked…I find it to be very entertaining…and at the same time I enjoy thee cleanliness of the lingo…I enjoy the maturity level of the people that has so unconditionally shared their two cents…as they so eloquently put it….BUT BUT BUT now I am in trouble…I am in med school and exams are approaching fast…and some how I find myself drifting to Bernos …sometimes I don’t even know how I got there….Any advice on how to curb my appetite for the site?
    And Nolawi can u pleeeeeaaaaasssseee write a blog on online dating …I would love to hear people’s opinions and experience if any….

  37. 37 selamt

    Totit, you said :

    And Nolawi can u pleeeeeaaaaasssseee write a blog on online dating …I would love to hear people’s opinions and experience if any….

    Why don’t youy write it yourself. Ir sounds like you know more……

  38. 38 nolawi

    Selamt. on point … exactly and then email it to us

  39. 39 bgFelasfit

    [quote comment="134066"]Since I see a couple of BP admins here (uhu uhu), how about we start[/quote]
    LOL! who else r u talkin bout?

    sojiye good to see u’re alive :)

  40. 40 Tsedey

    Oh God! I agree with Totit…

    I somehow found out about Bernos when the tees were launched first and the rest is history… although I enjoy each and every post here… my productivity both at work and study has gone down like crai-zeee. I’ve always been in control of my life except for this one thing…Bernos. I hate that I love U! Plse provide -elp!

  41. 41 SelamT


    I am waiting for you to tell us about your “Online datinG”.

  42. 42 Totit

    Ennnnndeeeeee……Ahune Eko newe Tsafi Yaleshign…I am writing about it…Is it Okay by you if I take maybe one hour….G backatcha…:)

  43. 43 Totit

    Sorry Selam…I misread ur comment….I rear “G” as Gee…my bad…

  44. 44 Totit

    Hey SelamT..I sent it to…Hope It aint too long…I cant wait to hear other peoples experience….

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