Blackerer 151 Comments


Africans view of African Americans is like that of a white person. We as Ethiopians are black in the eyes of the white man and we should be black in our self-portrait.

There are many reasons that blacks do not support black owned businesses. Black businesses are limited in numbers, and usually do not offer the same services as other competitors. Other minorities such as Asians and Latinos have taken advantage of the many business opportunities in our communities. But to understand why blacks do not support each other’s businesses, we have to understand the connotations of what it is to be black.

Blackness“, or behaving “black,” is perceived as acting “ghetto” or similar to the stereotypical black person. However, acting “ghetto” is a resembling aspect of low-income people, and does not have a correlation to blacks. In the black community acting “black” is suggestive behavior of the hip-hop influenced urban culture, but in reality “black” is a race, not a behavioral trait.

Blackness” is a phenomenon in which different kind of people imitate the urban style of the African American way of life. Various people associate blackness with a behavioral trait of being “ghetto enough.” But what does that really mean? You cannot act black because black is a race; hence you are black based upon your race, not upon your behavior. This “blackness” can be seen in all types of different people in urban areas: in their dress, in their actions and in their speech; they reflect the influence of hip-hop and black stereotypes.

The definition of black is precisely an indication of skin color and nothing more. Roberto Santiago asserts, “Acting black. Looking black. Being a real black. This debate among us is almost a parody” Santiago indicates that one merely is black based on race, and the debate whether someone is black enough is ridiculous. Somewhere along the line it became a consensus that black people are only good at such things as athletics and entertainment and not able to do other things associated with whites, for instance talking properly, working hard and sustaining economic prosperity. This stereotypical belief, in clearly defined roles and accepted behaviors for blacks is restricting us.

In ‘The Handicap of Definition’ William Raspberry illustrates how black people define “black” and how it is confining to African Americans. Raspberry states, “…if we could infect black children with the notion that excellence in math is ‘black’ rather than white, or possibly Chinese,” that would extend the definition of what blacks are good at and therefore blacks would work hard enough to be good at math.” Raspberry uses the word “infect” because once the idea is in place, that one can flourish and fail in a particular venue, it is nearly impossible to change.

These stereotypes and ideas that have been present for so long are evident in our society and they have to be stretched and elongated or the only perception of black will be an unconstructive one.

There is a negative connotation of “blackness” as a behavior and blackness as a word. In “The English Language Is My Enemy” Ossie Davis tells us that, “the word blackness has 120 synonyms, 60 of which are distinctly unfavorable, and none of them even mildly positive.” The negative image of blacks and their limited potential is embedded in the English vocabulary.

Consequently it is “cool” to act and dress black, but when it comes to important affairs, it is unacceptable to act in that manner. Raspberry outlines that if you describe an entertainer or athlete by using the word “black”, he or she might thank you. But if you describe a doctor or lawyer in the same manner, he or she might file a grievance. This is so because of the prevalence of black stereotypes.

Black accurately refers to the human group having dark colored skin, especially those of African descent. In American English language the word black has a negative denotation, which implies that we have negative perceptions and stereotypes that are clearly set.

The Black Image in the eyes of society may be a negative one. These negative images of the black man possible could come from stereotypes, overall lack of respect for the black man, and the negative image the media places on the black person.

There are a lot of factors as to the current state of affairs, but if we choose to break the mold, we must have a positive image of black and what we can do to encourage each other. And more importantly support and uplift black owned businesses in our communities.

151 Responses to “Blackerer”

  1. 1 Lovejones


    Excellent illustration and text. When did the word ‘black’ turn from being a race to a behavior? Pre colonization and slavery, black was feared, black was a fighter, black was a leader, black was a continent, & black was beautiful. When we use the standard of the Western world and the present state of the globe, it does bear a negative image.

    One question to bear in mind, if black people were leaders of the world would we dominate and mistreat the white race just like we are being treated now?

    My 2 cents

  2. 2 MoneyMek

    yes and no, as black people we are not imperialistic, we are brotherly creatures. e lived in a prosperous land where we didn’t need borders or have the need to compete for food and survival. SO naturally my opinion is that the world would be a better place if blacks ran it from the beginning, however the natural state of the black man doesn’t exist today without the negative effects of hundreds of years of exploitation, degradation and manipulation. So who can speculate, but then again people in power always exploit people underneath them, but the point is we are here now, and we have to make the most of it.

  3. 3 emebet

    as black people we are not imperialistic, we are brotherly creatures. e lived in a prosperous land where we didn’t need borders or have the need to compete for food and survival. SO naturally my opinion is that the world would be a better place if blacks ran it from the beginning,

    i’m going to have to argue with you on this one. there is no way that you can make a comment like that, cause there is absolutely no way you can ever know how things would have turned out without the exploitation and colonization by the west. when you say we lived in a prosperous land, and we didn’t need borders, you are talking about hundreds of years ago when land wasn’t as scarce as it is now and populations weren’t this high. we cannot make comments like, the world would have been a better place if it was run by blacks. how do you know? are you saying that the state of the world couldn’t be worse? maybe i’m reading into your comment in the wrong way, i apoligize if it is so. please clarify

  4. 4 ÜberMan

    Just some random thoughts on the world in our hands:

    Barrack would be an incumbent & we would be talking about can a white woman be elected president?

    Affirmative action for all those Hicks in the trailer parks.

    The Black Panther Party would be outlawed b/c they barbecued a few white meat.

    Dorothy Dandridge would grace the magazines covers & bedroom posters as the sex symbol not Marilyn Monroe (wait a minute Dorothy is still sexier in the current setup – scratch that one).

    Angela Davis – would have been the first woman president.

    The Chocolate City relocated to Nashville TN.

    Barbie w/ a ‘fro in the 70s & corn-rows in the 90s. But no change in the BBBBoOOOTAaaY all through the years.

    Malcolm X replaces JFK & Frederick Douglass on the dollar bill.

    Karrine Steffans would still be Superhead though – who wants to see a skinny white girl w/ no a$$ in a rap video. Or would we be talking about Gangsta Rock instead? Sure hope not…

    Not sure if the world would be a Utopian society but who can argue w/ the above scenario?

    The Blacker the Berry the Sweeter the juice… ‘nough said!

  5. 5 Nolawi

    Besaq motkugn…. @ Nashville being the chocolate city….

  6. 6 Nolawi

    btw, it doesn’t matter who is in power.. white or black.. those in power will have certain advantages..

    IE, in africa, the Tutsi’s aka the house negroes according the Hutu, but in reality their origins are more similar than different; they are black they are rwandan/burundi
    the main difference being the social class….

    in 1972 the Hutu’s where killed by the Tutsi’s estimated .5 burundi

    and then Hutus in ruwanda in 1993… IE those in power abuse their power….

  7. 7 DawitK

    Great post MoneyMek. You are right on and so true…not only in the U.S. but for all part of the world. As people we need to step back and ask what our choices going to be if we carry on to support weakness, crime, low academic standards just to mention a few…and simply continue to blame “the man” without recognizing our own shortcomings. my two cent

  8. 8 Grand Ma

    Let’s not forget Mr.Mugabe. Not only he’s mistreating white Africana’s, he’s brutal.

  9. 9 Chala

    I am not trying to insult you in any way but I don’t think you know what you are talking about. I am sorry but I don’t see them as short commings, I see them as road blocks in place for a specific reason to block, whether it is education living standards, or running governments. But this is a very thoughful article, really good,

  10. 10 Chala

    I am not trying to insult you in any way but I don’t think you know what you are talking about. I am sorry but I don’t see them as short commings DawitK, I see them as road blocks in place for a specific reason to block, whether it is education living standards, or running governments. But this is a very thoughful article, really good,

  11. 11 winta

    My God ,Dawit ! My eye brows are still raised after reading wht you have written up .

    If you don’t mind my asking ,are you black?

  12. 12 Money Mek

    Thanks for commenting everyone, emembet i was asked that question so i replied, you really should read my comment in replying to the question. thanks chala, and nolawi you are right, those with power abuse it, its inevitable. Dawit, my article is to uplift, and break the status quo. the state of the black man today is the result of white imperialistic history, and although there is an extent of victim mentality, my aim is to address the issue, find and root out what they still use against us today. And although i do not think i am as judgmental and critical as you are Dawit, because I consider myself the most black moreso than the displaced africans living in the Americas; I think its not a question of our shortcomings, but rather a question of having the means and taking progressive steps.

  13. 13 dawitm

    i don’t know why some of you are jumping on DawitK (i know he can defend himself) are some of you suggesting that blacks are flawless…? sometimes you have to face up the facts and keep it real. you can’t always blame others for your problems.

  14. 14 Money Mek

    the other dawit, lets worry about the issues, not on reactions and defenses

  15. 15 dawitm

    dude, you sound like you want to tell people how to think or respond. if you can’t see the ‘issues’ or ‘issue’in my posting, it is not my problem but yours.

  16. 16 DawitK

    Winta – Why the big noise with the empty words, if you have a point to make then make it

    [quote comment="106512"]My God ,Dawit ! My eye brows are still raised after reading wht you have written up .[/quote]

    Like Money Mek said – “Lets worry about the issue, not on reactions and defenses”

    Money Mek -
    I subscribe to the school of thought of Bill Cosby – Point being that in order to move forward we need to also acknowledge our flaws without always pointing fingers…that’s a no brainer!

    If you already haven’t, I suggest you read “come on, People! On the Path from Victims to Victors”. By Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint, professor at Harvard Medical School and a civil right veteran. One of the key principles of the book is “to help empower people to make the daunting transition from Victims to victors.”

    Remember that old saying, what the truth can do? “The truth will set you free”

  17. 17 cece

    DawitM, that’s not what MoneyMek is saying or doing. He was explaining to DawitK
    why Blacks are the way they are, and why he doesn’t judge them also admitting the victim mentality they have. Try to understand what people are saying before you start attacking..

  18. 18 winta

    Great ! I just found out that Bill Cosby has a school of thought :)

    I wasn’t making a noise .It was just shocking to read your preception of blacks .

    if you have a point to make then make it

    Seriously,May be you need to start asking why these things are happening in the first place .I have never met a person who choose to live a sub-standard life.Or May be I don’t have a point .

  19. 19 emebet

    the problem here is that the collective struggle teaches blacks that they are not responsible as individuals for their failures. dude, you are. it might sound harsh, but it’s the truth – nobody is responsible for making something of yourself but you.
    my 2.5 cents

  20. 20 dawitm


    i am not attacking anyone. i think you are entitled to your opinion, but i know and understand the issue. unless you want to parrot the same thing again n again, your understanding of my response is still flawed. i still stand by what i said, regardless of what each one said. all i am saying is that blacks are not flawless and they should also share some blame for their fates past and present, and even future. is that hard to understand?

  21. 21 Money Mek

    Nobody is flawless, people abuse power, blacks need a better standing in america even considering the past and the current circumstances, regardless, but your point is noted, what you habesha’s don’t understand is, they might not want to change the way you want them to, they might not want to be in the mold of the status quo of success in america. anyways the point of my article, is to discuss WHAT IT IS TO BE BLACK, and hip hop generation and black are not synonymous. Black is what we are, not how we act and not our perceived attributes , and once we acknowlegdge that we as individuals can make strives to make change. I am also saying we (blacks, africans, ethiopians) also feed into the stereotypes and your negative judgements of black is wrong. We are all individuals, and some of you habesha’s are helping DEFINE BLACK AS a NEGATIVE…READ THIS FROM THE ARTICLE>

    [quote comment="106658"]
    There is a negative connotation of “blackness” as a behavior and blackness as a word. In “The English Language Is My Enemy” Ossie Davis tells us that, “the word blackness has 120 synonyms, 60 of which are distinctly unfavorable, and none of them even mildly positive.” The negative image of blacks and their limited potential is embedded in the English vocabulary.

    Consequently it is “cool” to act and dress black, but when it comes to important affairs, it is unacceptable to act in that manner. Raspberry outlines that if you describe an entertainer or athlete by using the word “black”, he or she might thank you. But if you describe a doctor or lawyer in the same manner, he or she might file a grievance. This is so because of the prevalence of black stereotypes.

    Black accurately refers to the human group having dark colored skin, especially those of African descent. In American English language the word black has a negative denotation, which implies that we have negative perceptions and stereotypes that are clearly set.[/quote]

  22. 22 meron

    hey y’all…

    well it seems this is a touchy subject…i kinda agree with you Mek. we need to stop viewing afrian americans as something seperate from us. we are only different in culture. when it comes to race…there is only kind of “black” which inclues ethiopian and all other brown/black/tan africans!!!

  23. 23 Nolawi

    DawitK, just because its bill cosby thought doesn’t make it right…

    the guys is obviously too conservative… by anyones standards… what i am saying is.. there is some truth to it.. that is all.. bill cosbies nor anyones book is or should be the bible

    aight, I am off to read Men are from Mars: Woman are from venus…

  24. 24 Don't Eat My Buchela!

    I suppose the problem I have with this whole discussion is when it comes to how to define black, it is defined by African American standards of what is considered black.

    For example, during my university days, living on campus, my African American friends used to ask me “Why don’t you listen to Black Music?”. This question confused me at first and enraged me later as I understood the implications. Why? Because I was listening to Ethiopian music 90% of the time! Ain’t that black? What is black music? Is it not Congolese, Haitian, Dominican, Ethiopian, Somalian, Eritrean? Is it not Malian, South African, Chadian, Zambian, Namibian? Is it not New Guinean Music? I mean I could go on.

    As a fresh boarder from communist Ethiopia (I left Ethiopia in 1991 right before the current gov’t came to power) I had no idea who Malcolm X was. I never learned American history outside of the fact that it was a bad imperialist country.

    As a freshman in class, while everybody was going on and on about him as if everyone else in the class already knew, I raised my hand asked who he was. The African American kids gasped. Some laughed. I was terrified not knowing what I did wrong. Then I was told I should know. With the implication being…what kind of self respecting black person wouldn’t know who Malcolm X was?

    Later, in another gathering, to illustrate my point, I asked them if they knew who Minilik was… did they know Tewodros, Abba Jaffar? Did they know who Abune Petros was? Did they know who Abraham Deboch and Moges Asegdom? No, they answered, they didn’t. Then I asked, “Well then, how could you be black and not know my country’s historical figures?” They didn’t know how to answer. I thought it was a fair question at the time. I had just come from Ethiopia, I had just arrived, and I was expected to know everything African American because I was black.

    Years later, now, as an American, as an Ethiopian, as a person who has sought answers on these issues, I understand where they were coming from. They were viewing me through their narrow definition of what was black and I didn’t fit. So they questioned my blackness. But still, I don’t accept it.

    I am black. I am Ethiopian. Being Ethiopian is a black and an African identity. I am also an American. For me, there isn’t one type of black; there are in fact many many kinds of black people, cultures, food, traditions etc. As a person, I do what I want, what interests me. I listen to music I like, vote for politicians whose views I agree with. I will always do that. And most importantly, I won’t allow anyone to tell me what is black. Because I already know. Because I AM BLACK.

    It should be considered ok to see myself as a black person but one with an Ethiopian heritage. However, as a black person, I will also align myself to the collective struggles black people face in the American context and fight against issues that affect black people negatively.

    By the way, I recommend anyone who is interested to read these articles. The first one is on Obama written by an African American. The second one, also written by an African American, was published a while back in quiet a few news papers. I had to dig to find it. It is on Affirmative action, among other things. Both delve into the chasm between African Americans and African immigrant Americans directly and indirectly. Point being, sometimes it is not just us that see ourselves differently.

    Phew, now I gotta go to work! I wrote this post quickly, so I hope y’all excuse the messiness:)

  25. 25 hmmmm

    dose of ambivalence:
    black is a social construct. history and society shaped it. depending on where,when,with who u are, black means different things…
    its real & constructed cos money and power are real & constructed

  26. 26 DawitK

    Ohhh just Hush Nolawi…who said anything about making the book to a bible or following is viewpoint just because it’s Bill.

  27. 27 Money Mek

    Don’t eat, i started reading your article, then i fell asleep.

  28. 28 Don't Eat My Buchela!

    Money Mek, that is too bad. I was hoping I can bring something to the discussion but I guess not. oh well. Good night.

  29. 29 spacefog

    Money Mek,

    That sounds really strange coming from a guy who quotes himself :)

  30. 30 Hidaya


    I agree with most of your article except for this statement. We dont know it either way if black people would have done a better job at race relations and how we would have ruled the world. It is all an academic point really,as no one can say for certain and if it is thought and said that power corrupt people arent black people too with the same inherent trait to dominate that all human likely to be corrupted by it just nas others with power do?

    SO naturally my opinion is that the world would be a better place if blacks ran it from the beginning, however the natural state of the black man doesn’t exist today without the negative effects of hundreds of years of exploitation, degradation and manipulation. So who can speculate, but then again people in power always exploit people underneath them, but the point is we are here now, and we have to make the most of it.


    I subscribe to the school of thought of Bill Cosby – Point being that in order to move forward we need to also acknowledge our flaws without always pointing fingers…that’s a no brainer!

    If you already haven’t, I suggest you read “come on, People! On the Path from Victims to Victors”. By Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint, professor at Harvard Medical School and a civil right veteran. One of the key principles of the book is “to help empower people to make the daunting transition from Victims to victors.”

    Remember that old saying, what the truth can do? “The truth will set you free”

    I agree that a community needs self reflection and to see where it is going wrong and for it to be pointed out in order to move forward but is Bill Crosby the man to do it? a trillionaire many times over comments on the state of the black community and its short comings without actually living those lives himself. Is that criticism fair? what does he know about the communities he is referring to apart from beleonging to the same race as them?. And the reality of what keeps the black man or woman behind isnt as simple as blacks not doing anything for themselves but unfair policies in place that are either discriminatory in their nature and intent, and to point that out is not to seek “preferential treatment” when you set up a system designed for people to fall instead of soaring mostly they will fall, the ones who dont are the ones who succeed despite all the obstacles and that is all well and good but it isnt a fair deal….

  31. 31 Money Mek

    hidaya, i was asked that question, so i answered to tthe best of my ability, lol.

  32. 32 Hidaya

    hidaya, i was asked that question, so i answered to tthe best of my ability, lol.

    Thank you, yes you have, alas, I cant ask anything else because I agree with the rest of the article, lol…

  33. 33 Wudnesh

    Don’t Eat My Buchela!, I thoroughly enjoyed reading what you wrote….thanks for sharing.

    I don’t understand what the writer is trying to say in the following lines.

    There are many reasons that blacks do not support black owned businesses. Black businesses are limited in numbers, and usually do not offer the same services as other competitors. Other minorities such as Asians and Latinos have taken advantage of the many business opportunities in our communities. But to understand why blacks do not support each other’s businesses, we have to understand the connotations of what it is to be black.

    Are you stating it as a fact? Because “…blacks do not support black owned businesses” is not a fact! First of all, How do you describe ‘support’? Is it buying from that business? Personally, I don’t buy a merchandise or service from a business just coz it’s owned by blacks…..neither do I avoid it cos the owners are black. It all comes down to whether the business has what I want. As to using it to break the mold, this can only work if those businesses in return give back to the community. Otherwise, we’ll just be creating some fat pockets (nothing wrong with that).

    I agree with the writer that

    There is a negative connotation of “blackness” as a behavior and blackness as a word

    But don’t you think this is based on historical behavior pattern? (not necessarily laudable method to reach a conclusion…but yet a common scheme)..Don’t you also think evidences will be against us if we choose to deny the actual existence of the negative patterns?
    Personally, I accept the negative connotation of blackness is not without basis. However, I find the assumption that psychological damage of slavery has been passed through the generations credible…and have been convinced by research findings that negative attributes such as low self-esteem by blacks are direct results of the trans-generational damage of slavery (note: some whites also suffer from trans-generational attitude of supremacy over the black race). This is not to give excuses but to point out that the solution could be Education and Dealing with the Roots of the cause (psychological damage of slavery)….and not Getting angry at those who perceive blackness to be a negative attribute.

  34. 34 W/O Anonymous

    What Ethiopians neglect to realize is the significant contribution African Americans have made even to the Ethiopian community…it is because of their “mesoat” (sacrifice) that we are able to go to school, work, and even express our opinions freely. if we have come to the states 40 years ago, things would very different for us. Furthermore instead of supporting them on their (and our) on going struggle for equality, we are often obstacles. For example it is the immigrants that come and do the jobs that African Americans refuse to do without overtime compensation for thirteen plus hour shifts. White businessmen in American are very shrewd and have managed to divide and conquer us from Africa to here. So African Americans are fighting not only the white power of this nation but the immigrant obstacles they encounter in trying to better things for themselves and other minorities. it sad really…

    so instead of being quick to judge or separate ourselves it is time we educate ourselves…

  35. 35 ÜberMan

    So African Americans are fighting not only the white power of this nation but the immigrant obstacles they encounter in trying to better things for themselves and other minorities. it sad really…

    I’m not advocating separating ourselves from African Americans & I must agree w/ the fact they have sacrificed a lot for all the generations to come. But the above statement is just absurd. Just b/c an immigrants are accepting less favorable conditions of employment that does not mean they are trying to be an obstacle. In actuality, immigrants are in essence “trying to better things for themselves and” their families… Are you suggesting they should not? Maybe I should not seek a job b/c some poor AA turned it down & starve to death in the good ‘ol USA? Interesting proposition… you can start that trend. Better yet why don’t you refuse the pell grants so that it can be given to African Americans? Interestingly, a lot of African Americans do not take advantage of this educational assistance. Why do you think that is? Bad educational conditions? Maybe they don’t like the fact there is no “overtime compensation” for studying… :)

    BTW ALL business men are shrewd! Its not a white or black thing. Its called Capitalism – maximize your profit. A black business man will just as soon hire a labor force that is cheap & willing to work in bad conditions. So check yourself…

  36. 36 Moi

    Having migrated to the US at 18 years old, I was somewhat aware of black American history (slavery, civil rights movement, afro pick :-) ), however I was not cognized of the every day black American. Now years later, after being a fellow student and now a co-worker to Americans in general, I appreciate black American history and sympathize with their struggles. However, I can’t relate to being a descendant of slavery, I can’t relate to feeling like a 2nd class citizen in your country, I can’t relate to self-hate and I refuse to pretend as I do (yes, I am talking to you abesha thugs out there).

    At the same token, I don’t expect them to locate Ethiopia on a map let alone know its history, because they were and are still struggling to make sense of their own history. Cut them some slack.

    Now with that said, I would like to add that I love country music and hate gangsta rap, I hope I don’t get my black card confiscated by the “black-ism’ police.

  37. 37 Nolawi

    pe pe pe….

    chebcheba on the blackism, idealism, panafricanism police….

  38. 38 meron

    Yemi i too enjoyed reading your response. i had similar experiences myself. i was criticized for talking like a “white girl” and for dressing “white”. but i do disagree with some points you made…

    i came to the states when i was in the fourth grade and had no idea about american slavery. i too was criticized for not knowing about Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
    but the lack of knowledge on both our and their part does not compare. i feel they are justified in their criticism since i reap the benefits of their struggles everyday. however, although it is ideal for everyone to know about everyone’s history, its somewhat unrealistic to expect them to be through familiar with the Ethiopian history. especially since they dont live in Ethiopia.

    Other than that minor detail im with you!

    Hidaya—well said!!!!!!

    UmberMan— this is a little much don’t you think? I see the points your trying to make regardless of how futile they are…

    Interestingly, a lot of African Americans do not take advantage of this educational assistance. Why do you think that is? Bad educational conditions? Maybe they don’t like the fact there is no “overtime compensation” for studying…

    Maybe I should not seek a job b/c some poor AA turned it down & starve to death in the good ‘ol USA?

    But I don’t think the point was immigrants should starve themselves but rather acknowledge the struggle of African Americans.

  39. 39 kiki

    The longer I have lived in America and the more I know about American history and experience the more I appreciate the sacrifices and the struggles African Americans have gone through for me to reap the rewards as an immigrant. For me to think I understand what African Americans have been through because some jerk out there called me a Nigger or the clerk at the store ignored me and helped somebody white or the security guard followed me around at Neiman-Marcus, would be ridiculous. I can’t even fathom the strugglesthey went through. Think about what they went through during slavery – (which I won’t go through because I am afraid I might not be able to give it the gravitas it deserves) and having to struggle through a system that was deliberately designed to keep them down.

    Starting with education, housing, jobs, healthcare system or lack thereof, etc., African Americans have had to swim upstream with a heavy weight tied around their necks. It really angers me when we i mmigrants come here and think it is easy to make it in America because we have done it, but how were we able to do it? We didn’t have to do anything for the struggle. We came after all the heavy lifting was done. We should appreciate and thank our African American brothers and sisters and not act as if we are better than them, because we are not. I agree we have flaws everybody has flaws but we shouldn’t talk about the flaws or “shortcomings” without understanding the causes of these perceived shortcomings.

    [quote comment="105731"]Moneymek,

    One question to bear in mind, if black people were leaders of the world would we dominate and mistreat the white race just like we are being treated now?

    My 2 cents[/quote]

    Look at South Africa, after apartheid they didn’t mistreat the whites. They set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and were able to move forward. With all the problems South Africa is going through right now maybe they should have done something more – and I am not suggesting they should have killed “whitey.”

  40. 40 ÜberMan


    My point is futile but yours is not? Nice… I – poor immigrant – am obligated to know Black History & they get a pass. Just one problem – America is not “their country”. The only people that have a claim to this land are relegated to reservations. It’s now & henceforth will be a country of immigrants. (Watch Latinos dominate in the near future).

    To clarify my argument, the statement that was made was: “… we are often obstacles. For example it is the immigrants that come and do the jobs that African Americans refuse to do without overtime compensation for thirteen plus hour shifts. …So African Americans are fighting not only the white power of this nation but the immigrant obstacles…”

    I don’t know about you but this implies I need to refuse to take these low-wage jobs so I don’t become an “obstacle”. Hence the starvation. That is the absurdity I was referring to. One needs not refuse to work these jobs in order to fight the equality struggle (refer to the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Workers or Chavez & the Grape farmers etc…). These are NOT mutually exclusive choices.

    Whatever rocks your boat lady… You can refuse the jobs, sit by & learn Black History – maybe even “talk like a black girl” one day. I choose to work whatever is given to me & better myself first.

  41. 41 Don't Eat My Buchela!

    Wudnesh, glad you were able to get through it without falling asleep:) I know it is on the long side.


    I know what you mean about me living in the US and the students that criticized me about my lack of Malcolm X knowledge not living in Ethiopia but this incident happened after I barely began living in the US. I had just arrived (just a few months in America) and I was completely overwhelmed with my struggles to survive. It was ridiculous to expect me to know anything about American history.

    Interestingly, other international students that were not black but also not white (Indian, Chinese, etc.) experienced none of the problems I did. Yet, there is no question that they also benefited from the civil rights movement. America is a better place for all of us in part because of the struggles of African Americans. No question about that.

    Therefore, I don’t think any one of those students were thinking I benefited so I should know. It wasn’t that kind of intellectual exercise. It was purely based on my color. I was black so I should know. I was black so I shouldn’t be different. It was a knee jerk reaction.

    And no, we can not expect everyone to know everyone else’s history. That can’t happen. Thus my point. I couldn’t have known. I shouldn’t have been expected to know. Just like I didn’t expect them to know when I asked them questions about Ethiopia. I was trying to illustrate my point to them by putting them in the same position they were placing me. And it worked.

    On a different note, it is 3:41 P.M in China. Chilly afternoon here. There is a 13 hour difference between Dalian and the East Coast, more if you are in Central or the west coast. For those of you who are in the US, it is the dead of the night at the moment this comment was made. Most of you are sleeping soundly in your beds.

    It is amazing to get into these discussions across such great distances:)


  42. 42 Hidaya

    Dont eat my buchela….

    For example, during my university days, living on campus, my African American friends used to ask me “Why don’t you listen to Black Music?”. This question confused me at first and enraged me later as I understood the implications. Why? Because I was listening to Ethiopian music 90% of the time! Ain’t that black? What is black music? Is it not Congolese, Haitian, Dominican, Ethiopian, Somalian, Eritrean? Is it not Malian, South African, Chadian, Zambian, Namibian? Is it not New Guinean Music? I mean I could go on.

    I have had experiences like yours,though I dont live in the US.

    Here in Europe I am asked by black people who are not born in Africa, and have never been to Africa, why is my tastes in music so unblack, I have been asked this so many times , my reply is consistently the same. I ask if they think Ethiopians, Malians, Somali or Sudanese, Kenyan or Congolese music isnt black music, by black people with black musical instruments originating from the Continent all black people come from either now or in the past. It is fair to say I never get a convincing answer why this is so.

    I now know when I am asked this, what it actually means here at least is that what is seen as black music is western black music and African music is referred to as “African music” it is fair to say I dont understand the division, arent Africans black?

    As a fresh boarder from communist Ethiopia (I left Ethiopia in 1991 right before the current gov’t came to power) I had no idea who Malcolm X was. I never learned American history outside of the fact that it was a bad imperialist country.

    I also didnt know who Malcom X was initially but knew about Dr Martin Luther King, thankfully no one asked me if I knew who Malcom X when i didnt know, but if they did, and if they would have been surprised by my lack of knowledge I would have pointed out that I was born in Africa and naturally I mostly know about African historical figures, and that doesnt make me less black, it makes me African,we all know the histories which are relevant to us and first and foremost if I am African born then it is only logical I would have more knowlege about them than other black historical figures, then point out I am miles ahead becuase I did at least know one other black figure then, and many more now in history and they knew of no one from my country or the entire African continent…

    Later, in another gathering, to illustrate my point, I asked them if they knew who Minilik was… did they know Tewodros, Abba Jaffar? Did they know who Abune Petros was? Did they know who Abraham Deboch and Moges Asegdom? No, they answered, they didn’t. Then I asked, “Well then, how could you be black and not know my country’s historical figures?” They didn’t know how to answer. I thought it was a fair question at the time. I had just come from Ethiopia, I had just arrived, and I was expected to know everything African American because I was black

    And most importantly, I won’t allow anyone to tell me what is black. Because I already know. Because I AM BLACK

    Amen, being black is a racial indentity, no one black identity is more black than another and black history isnt just one history, there are many and all our histories should be considered unique on their own.

  43. 43 Bilena

    Unfortunately being black has found it’s own definition for most to be a culture & behavior more so than just a color. What can we expect from a society that has been trying to find it’s own root for hundreds of years. A society that has been basically dehumanized for centuries. We are so quick to judge, standing from where we are. Yes, I am Ethiopian and I consider myself black too – but black as a color not as a culture; because I have a culture, I have a root and I have something beautiful to identify my-self with. If I didn’t have such a significant history to look back on than maybe I too would accept blackness as my behavior and culture…or just the way to be…instead of my color. Perhaps, if we step back and try to observe understandably the true African American history we would be less likely to criticize. It’s true that there are many ignorant ones who use this traumatic history to blame for their shortcomings that are irrelevant to this fact; however we should also acknowledge the many who are able to overcome the victim mentality despite all the roadblocks.

    For those of you who choose to judge without understanding, I suggest you start by watching the 14-part series on the dealings with the Civil Rights Movement called, “Eyes on the Prize”. I first watched this when I was a little girl (eleven I think); anyhow it was a big wake up call.

    Also I love this quote by Karl Marx who by the way is a white philosopher from the 1800’s and anti-slavery.
    “Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living.” – very well said.

    Every culture has some degree of oppression including ours…but as for the African Americans I must say that hundreds of years of oppression, slavery, class separation, political differences, cultural differences, religious differences, etc. are things that are difficult to undo overnight. It would not be hard to believe 246 years of slavery would take 246 years to undo or even come close to undoing. Especially where there have been so many roadblocks. IT HAS ONLY BEEN 135 YEARS SINCE IT ENDED AND COUNTING.

    I know, the blame game does not help……where this all started does not help. Having an understanding as I said before and learning how to move on patiently is a start.

  44. 44 ÜberMan


    Well put! BTW another short version that sums up Marx – The Materialist: Man is the product of his environment.

    Now to my nitpicking – why 135 years? Did the signing of the bill to abolish slavery end the discrimination, 2nd class treatment, lynchings, Jim Crow laws, etc…? Racism still exists so until that day is no more we can’t start the timer just yet.

  45. 45 wudnesh

    Bilena, Arif biyeshalew! ;)

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  47. 47 BEZ

    I enjoyed reading this article, I think articles like this are groundbreaking in this topic. In the united states there was such a thing called “THE BLACK WALL STREET” back in the days. YOu will not find this in history books but look it up, you will be suprised. Basically its time back in the days where there was a large region that consisted of black owned business, black doctors, black lawyers, intellectuals and etc. All the blacks lived in the same community and all in the community became prosperous and self sufficient. It was basically the beverly hills of black. But after a while it was bombed and destroyed (for racial reasons ofcourse). Its called the BLACK WALLSTREET, look it up its interesting.

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