The Final Stretch 144 Comments


Hi I’m Mike.

For those of you who know me, I am sure by now you know how keenly I have been supporting Barack Obama for his presidential bid in the past 10 months or so. Honestly, the sheer thrill of being part of something bigger than I has been the most rewarding experience I have ever had.

obamaAs improbable as the quest was, the Obama campaign—our campaign—is now in an upward trajectory to finish first and lock the nomination by knocking the so-called “inevitable candidate”, Hillary Clinton. Most of my friends were less than optimistic that America would not elect a black president a few months ago, but I think they are in the process of being proven wrong. As I wrote on an op-ed piece for The Ethiopian American Magazine, the American people are willing to see beyond one’s color and judge their character.

I really believe this is our chance to to make it happen.

Some facts:

    - Obama is now ahead of Hillary Clinton and the other candidates in Iowa, the first caucus state. (Washington Post – ABC Poll)
    - Obama is now well-ahead of any Republicans running for president while Hillary loses to all of them. (Zogby Poll)
    - Obama has the financial backing from over 370,000 people to match Hillary for dollar to dollar.
    - Obama is now treading upwards in the National Polls.
    - Obama is showing his foreign policy experience by setting bold agenda that is proportional to the new century. (Foreign Policy Forum)
    - Obama did exceptionally well in the critical Iowa Jefferson Jackson Dinner two weeks ago setting the tone of the next six-weeks. (When A Movement Gains Momentum)

Now let me back to the reason why I am sending you I’m posting this. The Iowa caucus is less 900 hours away and I need your help to meet my fundraising goal. I am on a personal journey to meet Barack in person and discuss the future of this country and your donation will help me get there. As of today, I am the 576th active member of the Obama campaign out of the 100,000+ people and if I manage to get to the single digits, I will be able to.

I would be eternally grateful if you can help me by donating $10 today to the Obama campaign. I know this is NOT a small change to shout at and I do not usually feel comfortable asking money from people. However, I TRUST that you are the one person I can count on.

Please click: and make your donation.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. If you feel so compelled, please feel free to forward it to your friends who you think can help.

Thank you so very much.


Video: For those of you who do not know Obama, please meet him.

UPDATE: This is just hot off the press! The Iowa New Des Moines Register just released a poll showing Obama leading in Iowa

This is what movement gains momentum looks like, ladies and gents! Please join.


I am grateful for Bernos for allowing me to use their platform to solicit funds.

144 Responses to “The Final Stretch”

  1. 1 Nolawi

    my little brother who goes to howard saw him about a month ago.. and he wrote a paper about his speech….

    i am going to quote a few pieces

    Sen. Barack Obama during convocatoin diverted from his usual speech on ending the Iraq war and uniting America, instead telling us, a young black audience in the nation’s capital that if he becomes president, he’ll reshape the Justice Department and criminal justice system to help minorities.

    Obama received an honorary degree from President Swygert. He told us that he’d seek to end sentencing that punishes users of crack cocaine more harshly than those who take powder cocaine, “when the real difference is where the people are using them or who’s using them.” He softened the rhetoric from his prepared text, which said the difference was “the skin color of the people using them.” Obama also suggested that he’d scale back voter-fraud investigations in black and Latino districts in favor of investigations into voter suppression, hate crimes and job discrimination.
    Obama’s remarks here at Howard University, were striking because throughout his campaign, the biracial Democratic senator from Illinois hasn’t emphasized race.

    and then lets talk about the level of support from black people although the tide is turning
    Black voters support Clinton over Obama

    obviously a black man can’t run a campaign based on race in america.. i am not saying
    that but the fact that there is a little bit of hypocrisy there… I thought the campaign is about hope…

    Also black people are smart… after jessy jackson and other reverends in politics.. we don’t want to just back somebody just because they are black…

    I hope you are not asking that of anyone…

    Third, can he really win… ? he is great but is he ready? 3 years in the senate is not much experience… I prefer john edwards because i think he can beat the republicans….

  2. 2 Dinich


    I am not American but imho less experience in politics is sometimes a plus not necessarily a minus….It could mean utterly fresh ways of looking at things…..

    3 years in the senate is not much experience

  3. 3 .mike

    [quote comment="103432"]Also black people are smart… after jessy jackson and other reverends in politics.. we don’t want to just back somebody just because they are black…

    I hope you are not asking that of anyone…[/quote]

    Absolutely not. It is the same as Woman are smart that they wont vote for Hillary just because she is a female.

    [quote comment="103432"]Third, can he really win… ? he is great but is he ready? 3 years in the senate is not much experience… [/quote]

    Experience is an interesting topic. If we’re talking about experience in elected office, then Obama has 11 and Hillary got only 8. He had been a state legislature for 8 years before becoming a Senator. On the same token, the very people who have lots of Washington experience like Rumsfeld and Cheney have led this country to a mess. This is to simply say that Washington experience is not necessarily a good thing!

    What a candidate needs is JUDGMENT. Obama showed his judgment when he opposed the Iraq war from the start and recently when he voted NO for the Iran resolution.

  4. 4 winta

    I don’t think Obama will have difficulties than any other President in dealing with US or World Poltics .Definitly ,he will be much better than Bush Junior .

    On the other hand ,Although he hasn’t played the race card himself alot of other people would look at things that way .I don’t think the American society is Advanced enough to vote for a Black President .Also ,Many people would consider him as too young ,right now .There is also all that Madrassa stuff .

    Hillary ?…The fact that she is also a Minority ( Woman ) is a plus for her .But again I don’t think ppl are ready to handle a Woman President for the ”Free” world. specially in the era of Iran ,South Korea and China .

    You know who would be a great candidate if she plays the minority card ? Condoliza Rice .She is black and a woman .

    But Definitly, People would vote for Juliani .

  5. 5 .mike

    [quote comment="103468"]On the other hand ,Although he hasn’t played the race card himself alot of other people would look at things that way .I don’t think the American society is Advanced enough to vote for a Black President .Also ,Many people would consider him as too young ,right now .[/quote]

    I am afraid your premise is somewhat flawed. I dont think there is an evidence for people thinking of his skin color and not his character.

    [quote comment="103468"]There is also all that Madrassa stuff.[/quote]

    The Madrassa story has been debunked.

    [quote comment="103468"]But Definitly, People would vote for Guliani .[/quote]

    To make sure that doesnt happen, please donate
    :) sorry for the shameless plug

  6. 6 beshou

    yaaayy mike!
    i REALLY admire your conviction about this whole Obama thing.
    Just wanted to let you know that you have my moral support. Monetary funds will soon trickle in and then I shall donate to your cause :)

  7. 7 Grand Ma

    Your candidate is running to lead the free world and all he got is his judgment? How you major judgment in leadership? You don’t have to answer this. It’s just a thought. I admire Obama’s guts, though! You put me in real delimma here. You know x-mas is coming, gas price, recession is around the corner, dollar value is sinking, i may attend Bernos tee’s party so, why your timing JUDJMENT is not good as your candidate? :-( Wish you luck!

  8. 8 .mike

    [quote comment="103482"]Mike,
    Your candidate is running to lead the free world and all he got is his judgment? How you major judgment in leadership? You don’t have to answer this. It’s just a thought. I admire Obama’s guts, though! You put me in real delimma here. You know x-mas is coming, gas price, recession is around the corner, dollar value is sinking, i may attend Bernos tee’s party so, why your timing JUDJMENT is not good as your candidate? :-( Wish you luck![/quote]

    Grand Ma,

    I was actually arguing the importance of judgment over experience. Even people like Warren Bennis — and this is Bennis, pioneer of the contemporary field of leadership studies — recognize it. Read his piece on Wall Street Journal titled Judgment Trumps Experience

    Actually, if you see it in another way, my judgment on timing might even be more fruitful. I’m sure you dont want the very constraints you are mentioned to be permanent… that’s why we need Obama ;)

    Skip one 10 bucks gift and donate, it will go a long way to guarantee the future :)

    Again, shameless plugin: Donate

  9. 9 Money Mek
  10. 10 masinkomelody

    Yay for Obama!! I’m with you on the issue of experience Mike.

    Good luck on your quest.

  11. 11 shanko

    Barak Obama is just another politician trying to get elected, he has not said one thing different than any other democratic candidate. You know what black men need, its not to treat crack and cocaine the same it’s not to go to jail for 20 years because we have an addiction to drugs, it’s for judges in the courtroom to treat us the same as out white counter parts or this could be purely economic but any way do you my drift, black men don’t need promises they need universal health care they need their brothers uncles fathers grandfathers to be freed from prison. did barack obama live in the getto did he have friends that lived in the getto or does he have friends who live in the upper part of this society, who is he more accountable too? black men in the majority who do not have economic power or those who have that power lets be real. Now its not to say he seems better than some of the candidates but politics is politics, and in politics there is no such thing as morality.

  12. 12 Grand Ma

    There’s also a school of thought said “Good judgment comes from experience”. We just witnessed G.W. Bush’s zero,nada experiance followed by really really bad judgments. I hope you’re not relating Obama’s campaign cause with the season Salvation army donation? I like your passion. I’m sure you’re winning the minds and heart of Bernos bloggers.

  13. 13 Nolawi

    Mike I just donated… I was gonna go watch a movie but then since i decided to stay in.. i might as well pay for piece of mail that will go to 50 people in IOWA.. alu….

  14. 14 .mike

    [quote comment="103569"]Mike,
    There’s also a school of thought said “Good judgment comes from experience”. We just witnessed G.W. Bush’s zero,nada experiance followed by really really bad judgments. I hope you’re not relating Obama’s campaign cause with the season Salvation army donation? I like your passion. I’m sure you’re winning the minds and heart of Bernos bloggers.[/quote]

    With all due respect, I think you are misinformed. Obama has plenty more experience than any candidate in the field and of course Bush! From growing up in different parts of the world, to his community organization days to state legislature to senate. Dont mind the Colombia degree and the first African American review of the Harvard law review after finishing first!

    So my friends, I think you are out of your league to say he has only judgment without experience.

    But, you can still donate :)

  15. 15 .mike

    [quote comment="103572"]Mike I just donated… I was gonna go watch a movie but then since i decided to stay in.. i might as well pay for piece of mail that will go to 50 people in IOWA.. alu….
    :) [/quote]

    Excellent :) thank u sir

  16. 16 .mike

    [quote comment="103552"]Barak Obama is just another politician trying to get elected, he has not said one thing different than any other democratic candidate. You know what black men need, its not to treat crack and cocaine the same it’s not to go to jail for 20 years because we have an addiction to drugs, it’s for judges in the courtroom to treat us the same as out white counter parts or this could be purely economic but any way do you my drift, black men don’t need promises they need universal health care they need their brothers uncles fathers grandfathers to be freed from prison. did barack obama live in the getto did he have friends that lived in the getto or does he have friends who live in the upper part of this society, who is he more accountable too? black men in the majority who do not have economic power or those who have that power lets be real. Now its not to say he seems better than some of the candidates but politics is politics, and in politics there is no such thing as morality.[/quote]

    Actually, to your surprise, he actually livedand worked in the ghetto. Please watch the video posted. It will shed light about his biography.

    Imho thats what makes him unique.

  17. 17 ÜberMan

    Has Bernos been Hijacked by the Osama.. ooops.. Obama campaign?


    … setting bold agenda ….

    Plz dude. WHAT BOLD AGENDA??? He has shown us nothing extraordinary. In fact, he has slowly inched his way to the status quo. And just before you place me in the RED box, I’m one of the original supporters who solicited $$ from friends & fam b/c I believed the hype. I was brought back down to reality right after the 1st debate. He has yet to say anything bold & visionary. Just triangulated BS being shoveled @ us… Having said al that, I hope any DEM wins. Just don’t make the man more than what he really is just another politician trying to win an election.

  18. 18 ÜberMan

    BTW this “DONATE” “DONATE” plea after EVERY reply is such a turn off. You sound like a used cars sales man peddling a lemon car. Could it be Obama is a lemon?

    You need to chill on the “Si’le emiye Mariam” “Be’ Giorgislimena… Just an advice!

  19. 19 Grand Ma

    I’ve no interest what he’s all about. I’m not mis-informed, but willingly i’m not informed at all. What appeals to me is that non- dem or non- rep. in politics. My original comments initiated from your idea of judgment & experiance not about Obama’s politics, though. I don’t mind donating just because he’s a black man.
    But, i can still donate :-) (please note ,i’m helping you out from typing this).

  20. 20 .mike

    [quote comment="103625"]Has Bernos been Hijacked by the Osama.. ooops.. Obama campaign?[/quote]

    ayiii… that was a pathetic and an unadulterated bs. and coming out of a fellow black wo/man is especially telling. *mts*

    [quote comment="103625"]Plz dude. WHAT BOLD AGENDA??? He has shown us nothing extraordinary. In fact, he has slowly inched his way to the status quo. And just before you place me in the RED box, I’m one of the original supporters who solicited $$ from friends & fam b/c I believed the hype. I was brought back down to reality right after the 1st debate. He has yet to say anything bold & visionary. Just triangulated BS being shoveled @ us… Having said al that, I hope any DEM wins. Just don’t make the man more than what he really is just another politician trying to win an election.[/quote]

    hmm.. i dont know. i dont think we saw any “hype” in Obama. Everything he said has been substantiated and considered a path to the new century. Without sound too campaigner-ish, I’d like to mention few of bold ideas he envisioned…

    Foreign Policy: He’s willing to talk to everyone unlike Hillary and Bush! He sees diplomacy and trade as a center piece of his relationship with the world.

    Ethics Reform: He’ll open the door of the government for the people, allowing people to participate in the process. While in the senate, he authored and passed the most sweeping ethics reform since Watergate. Click Here to read about the specifics of the plan.

    Dont want to bore people with everything, but there is more Here…

    [quote comment="103626"]BTW this “DONATE” “DONATE” plea after EVERY reply is such a turn off. You sound like a used cars sales man peddling a lemon car. Could it be Obama is a lemon?

    You need to chill on the “Si’le emiye Mariam” “Be’ Giorgislimena… Just an advice![/quote]

    They didnt call it retail politics for nothing, (bruh or sistah). Every vote and dime count in the primaries!

    You can still donate tho :)

  21. 21 .mike

    [quote comment="103634"]Mike,
    I’ve no interest what he’s all about. I’m not mis-informed, but willingly i’m not informed at all. What appeals to me is that non- dem or non- rep. in politics. My original comments initiated from your idea of judgment & experiance not about Obama’s politics, though. I don’t mind donating just because he’s a black man.
    But, i can still donate :-) (please note ,i’m helping you out from typing this).[/quote]

    arif.. please donate. I also appreciate the dialogue.

  22. 22 masinkomelody

    but politics is politics, and in politics there is no such thing as morality.

    I dare to disagree Shanko. Morality does play a role in politics and there have been many successful instances where it has been used as a leverage by grass roots organizations to influence policy makers and hold them accountable.

    Barak Obama is just another politician trying to get elected, he has not said one thing different than any other democratic candidate.

    Personally i don’t think what a candidate states pre-elections really matters all that much in the long run as what is said and what is actually done always have a tendency not to match up. Basing one’s electoral choice on pre-election grandeur speeches is allowing ourselves to be emotionally swayed and deceived, and therefore i don’t think its a big deal whether or not Obama says anything different from the other democratic candidates as he has a track record to speak for him. Blowing trumpets on the same issues as one’s opponents is a smart and safe campaign move. In the end, the choice is a matter of political symbolism and if i were American i would vote for him because he somewhat embodies the spirit of a new America from a racial and experiential perspective. Frankly speaking, i am tired of white-male centric politics!

  23. 23 Hidaya

    Hi .mike

    If I lived in the US I would vote for him,not because he is b;ack alone, but because he is black frankly speaking his perpective of the world is closer to mine therefore can represent me better than say Clinton or the other Clinton or Bush and everyone before them.

    It is also long overdue.Those of you who are to visualise an American woman president how much of a leap is it to visualise a black American president? And what is wrong with voting for a black president. There is nothing wrong in voting for him because he is black. Many white people people for other whites precisely for that reason they are better represented by someone who is particulary aware of their problems.


    but politics is politics, and in politics there is no such thing as morality

    There is morality in politics if it werent it would just be a quest for power


  24. 24 winta

    Hidaya ,

    I hope everone think like that about race and Politics .But they don’t .

    Wake up ,Wake up and smell the coffee.

  25. 25 shul jart

    I am so inspired at the possibility of Obama as president!! Even if he doesn’t make it, I have been changed by his campaign so far. Go Obama Go!!

  26. 26 kiki

    [quote comment="103713"]Hi .mike

    If I lived in the US I would vote for him,not because he is b;ack alone, but because he is black frankly speaking his perpective of the world is closer to mine therefore can represent me better than say Clinton or the other Clinton or Bush and everyone before them.


    Actually Hidaya, experience in American politics show that Black politicians are not necessarily better for black people. Clarence Thomas, anyone? (I know he is not the best example but his decisions have the most influence in our (Americans) lives). I am pretty ambivalent about Obama. He has become more and more of a “Politician.” I know that is the nature of the game, but I still dont like it. My candidate is Kucinich. He most appeals to my liberal sensibilities. I know he won’t win but it the primaries I will vote my conscience and vote for him. However, in November 2008 I don’t care who, I am voting Democrat. I wouldn’t be disappointed if it was Obama that I end up voting for.

  27. 27 shanko

    Masinkomelody, it is not out of morality that the politician or politicians are swayed to vote in a particular way. It is out of self interest, so where it the morality in that. Hidaya politics is all about power. And if anyone wants to vote for the man because he is black they can do so it is their right. It does not mean you are making a good choice, it just means you voted for him because of the color if his skin, personnally I don’t he himself would look positively on it. I think if he gets elected it would be very positive for the country, we could say yes we have a black president we have come a long way as black people. I just don’t think the real issues that are affecting the lower strata of our society me being in that group would change, it does not matter if we are black white gold what ever. Maybe i may be a little negative depending on how you look at it, but choosing a president should not be about a skin color, it should be about a vision, a vision that will lead to the betterment of everyone, remember the dream of Martin?

  28. 28 Hidaya

    I hope everone think like that about race and Politics .But they don’t .

    Hi Winta

    Race is never far away from politics, it is naive to think it, isnt or politians wouldnt use it as a election tool at election time, immigration policies anyone? Racial legislation including the issue of discrimination? which politician black or white doesnt use the politics of race when campagning?

    Actually Hidaya, experience in American politics show that Black politicians are not necessarily better for black people. I am pretty ambivalent about Obama. He has become more and more of a “Politician.” I know that is the nature of the game, but I still dont like it. My candidate is Kucinich. He most appeals to my liberal sensibilities. I know he won’t win but it the primaries I will vote my conscience and vote for him. However, in November 2008 I don’t care who, I am voting Democrat. I wouldn’t be disappointed if it was Obama that I end up voting for

    Kiki, my point was, and still is about representation,black politicians whether they are good or not are better representative of their black constituents because they might be familiar with their concerns better than others to do something about those concerns….

    The politics of the candididate, his/her track records on voting for issues, the policies they have in place are also issues that should be examined when voting, for example black or not I would never vote for a Conservative candidate. Different politcs to mine altogether but I would entertain the notion of voting for a black Liberal candidate.

    .Clarence Thomas, anyone? (I know he is not the best example but his decisions have the most influence in our (Americans) lives).

    Kiki how many white politicians have messed up totally over the years,some in criminal ways?…countless I think, do then white voters stop electing other white candidates because they might turn out like the previous bad apple candidate and then declare and then start voting for black, Asian or women candidate? I am not so sure they do, they go out and elect another white candidate hoping this one will fare better.

    Obama is of a different generation to Clarence Thomas and he hasnt actually held office yet, where is the indication that he might yet turn up like Thomas? Lets judge politicians on their own merits and their own failures, not the failure of others before them, and even here we are using the race card.

    One black politician bad, therefore the next one might be too. But we dont yet know that. And if black politicians dont represent the interests of black people well do you think a white politician can fare better or wants to fare better more to the point?…

    Hidaya politics is all about power. And if anyone wants to vote for the man because he is black they can do so it is their right. It does not mean you are making a good choice, it just means you voted for him because of the color if his skin, personnally I don’t he himself would look positively on it.

    Politics might all be about power but it doesnt lack morality, if you have noticed many politicans get the sack to what is percieved to be moral flaws.

    No Shanko, it does not mean that I have voted for him because of his colour, but becuase of his race rather than his colour he might be in a better position to understand issues that we come across as “black people” and better placed to bring in policies which are favourable to me,legistlation which is also favourable to me as a black person now I know that is self interest which is also politics but a candidate of my own race and my politcal leanings will understands my political concerns more than a white one is my belief….

    It is an unfair world Shanko and white people have different concerns politically than black people, if you think your political concerns are similar to theirs I think you might be in for a surprise.

    I just don’t think the real issues that are affecting the lower strata of our society me being in that group would change, it does not matter if we are black white gold what ever. Maybe i may be a little negative depending on how you look at it, but choosing a president should not be about a skin color, it should be about a vision, a vision that will lead to the betterment of everyone, remember the dream of Martin?

    This is true in places, things will change but it will take an awful long time. Have you ever thought that a canditate of your own race might have a vision closer to yours than a white one?

  29. 29 Mamitu

    Whew, Mike this is like a breath of fresh air. I am so excited about Obama’s persuit of the presidency not because he is black man but because he is a man who is not afraid to speak his mind and is also very smart, articulate and a visionary. I will vote for him also because IMO he could change the image of America in the World. Can you imagine what a slap in the face it would be for the hate mongers out in the world if America has a black president with Hussien for a middle name. Will I donate? You better believe it!!!


    and then lets talk about the level of support from black people although the tide is turning
    Black voters support Clinton over Obama

    IMO this is because the black voting block is mostly made up of women. And women base many things on personal experience and since their experience with black men is not a positive one most of the time, they would rather trust another woman black or white. I donot think they are looking at Obama and saying this guy will have the best of our interest at heart because he is a black man and many a black man has failed them before. Where as some women will not vote for him for fear of his life. I believe he will have to apeal to the black men so that they will go out and vote for the primary because as it is shown on a lot of polls the men tend to favor him more so than the women.

  30. 30 toothpick

    “America is actually racist enough to elect a Black president”

    so said a friend of mine, once.

    don’t get me wrong, though, mikey. i will donate :)

  31. 31 .mike

    People, please, watch what Rev. Lowery said about Obama and how long things have come since the Civil Rights Era!

  32. 32 S

    props Mikey!!!!

  33. 33 YA

    Hi Mike,
    I have to say a job well done. Go brother make us proud. I am willing to help you out and spread the word around in order for you to archive your goal. But before all that i wanna know if you have any plan to raise a question on what his foreign policy MIGHT BE toward ETHIOPIA ? And his assesement in what’s going on around the region, if he has any ?

    Good Luck !!

  34. 34 nyalasmoke

    Mikey and Obama supporters, I thought u might find this article very interesting

  35. 35 Nolawi

    that page does not exist it says.. Nyala?

  36. 36 toothpick

    Mike Gravel, anyone?

  37. 37 nyalasmoke

    Nolawi, the link works for me. But u can go to and click on the top headline “Hillary Clinton Might Be the Least Electable Democrat”

  38. 38 nyalasmoke

    Hey tooth, in my opinion Sen. Mike Gravel probably the second best candidate with only Kucinich ahead. I mean, of all the candidates he probably is the only one who can claim playing a major role in ending another unjust war (Vietnam) and in the process sacrificied his career. Unlike Hillary who voted for the Iraq war and who always seems to be bending with the tide, and to a certain degree Obama and Edwards, Sen. Gravel already proved his integrity.

    Anyways, Kucinich, Gravel and the libertarian Ron Paul are the only candidates not playing realpolitik. But from the remaining realpolitikers I would much prefer Obama or Edwards than anyone else.

  39. 39 .mike

    [quote comment="104552"]…
    But before all that i wanna know if you have any plan to raise a question on what his foreign policy MIGHT BE toward ETHIOPIA ? And his assesement in what’s going on around the region, if he has any ?


    His policy towards Africa not just Ethiopia has been impeccable. He cares so deeply for the regular joes like us. IMHO, that’s what makes him a distinctly qualified candidate.

    [quote comment="104854"]Mikey and Obama supporters, I thought u might find this article very interesting

    I think that article only solidifies what Zogby Poll shows.

    We’re on the ROLL!

    This is what a movement looks like when it gains momentum

  40. 40 nyalasmoke

    I think that article only solidifies what Zogby Poll shows.

    We’re on the ROLL!

    This is what a movement looks like when it gains momentum

    if u are democrat then yes! for the sake of preventing Repooplicans from continuing their evil reign it might be a better bet to go with Obama than Clinton. Go Obama indeed!

  41. 41 ÜberMan

    Has any body been watching the debates??? Can anyone honestly say he has won any of them? I think not. What vision, what leadership are you all talking about? If you believe what you say – “voting for the man not b/c he is black b/c he is a leader” then start judging him on that standard. Show me where he has led? Even on Iraq he takes a Calculated votes. Smells like Hilary to me. He has triangulated himself out of my short list.

    PS Making wonderful speeches from the pulpit doesn’t make a leader. Just makes you another run of the mill “black ORGANIZER”. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton all make great speeches…

    Mike please stop feeding links & defend your MAN…

  42. 42 LoveJones

    Like the Nike commercial has it magnified all over their stores and the city of Cleveland and NYC, I would like to put up a banner right next to ma main man Obama’s picture


    Wow, never thought in the early stages of my life as an adult, I will be able to see the name of a black/African/African American’s name listed as a winner towards a presidential running is amazing. This day will remain in history as probably the best and the biggest.

    Homage to the ancestors of Africa, the slaves, the civil right movement leaders and all the folks who shed blood, tears, and everything in of their lives for our freedom, justice, and peace.

    Wow, I can barely type….I can barely speak.

    Watching the caucus results sent a tingling through my body, one I have never felt…voice telling me to get up and scream; and I was loud. Shouting yes, yes, yes…..

    This is a day in history.

    Brother Obama, keep on keeping on.

    This is the day.

    God bless him.

  43. 43 spacefog

    I hate conspiracy theories but ,saddly ,I am a conspiracy freak myself.

    I think sth is going to happen.I am not as freak to think that he might face the same ending as Butto. But,I just don’t see America voting for a black president.I dare to think that it makes it easier for a republican candidate to win an election against Obama than any other democrat candidate.That,I think,is why they are letting him go as far as they want him to go in this election. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed something diffrent in the way media is handling the Iowa thing???…Whatever the case something just doesn’t smell right here.

  44. 44 user

    [quote comment="114306"]I hate conspiracy theories but ,saddly ,I am a conspiracy freak myself.

    I think sth is going to happen.I am not as freak to think that he might face the same ending as Butto. But,I just don’t see America voting for a black president.I dare to think that it makes it easier for a republican candidate to win an election against Obama than any other democrat candidate.That,I think,is why they are letting him go as far as they want him to go in this election. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed something diffrent in the way media is handling the Iowa thing???…Whatever the case something just doesn’t smell right here.[/quote]

    If you are not a freak, you’re an idiot. Both of which is pretty damming.

    If you don’t want to believe that he can pull this off, then dont, but dont come here blindly and pull your lost weed off the air, pal.

  45. 45 LoveJones


    Let the person speak his/her mind. That’s a belief or a thought, let’s be respectful and speak on the objective.


    What you are saying has been thought of and I have always suspected such things time and time again. If you remember when Ron Brown-US DNC Chairman/Secretary of commerce working for president Clinton who supposedly died of a helicopter crash but an autopsy revealed that there was a bullet found in his head. Could a tragedy like that happen to Obama, I doubt it; but not something to ignore.

    Regardless of what is going to come out of this, even if Obama doesn’t win the rest of the election, he has made history. A movement of the nation will not stop here as Obama is an excellent and well educated man, more than just a presidential candidate.

    As far as the republicans letting him win, none of his opponents on the republican side can’t debate with him. As a matter of fact, the one they want is Hilary.

    We shall see what’s going to happen in the coming weeks. With 40 percent independent vote in New Hampshire, Obama might get the nod. And with the strong black vote in South Carolina turning to Obama, he will smash all his opponents.

  46. 46 spacefog


    Why is it hard for you to imagine sth like that might happen ?…Its the same blindness that got other black leaders ended up the way they did in the past.

    Belive me ,there is no one else more happy than I am to see a black president.Not because I thik obama will bring up any change but the fact that he is there will send out a critical message to ppl who think blacks can’t do it.


    I totaly agree with wht you said about his achievments.I am sure any one who is of a minority knows what it is to be the ‘Other’ so I can imagine the hardships he had to overcome to be here.But You know there is no such thing as fair play in these things.I am just not as optimist as you are about it.

  47. 47 user

    [quote comment="114395"]USER,

    Why is it hard for you to imagine sth like that might happen ?…Its the same blindness that got other black leaders ended up the way they did in the past.

    Belive me ,there is no one else more happy than I am to see a black president.Not because I thik obama will bring up any change but the fact that he is there will send out a critical message to ppl who think blacks can’t do it.[/quote]

    LOL. you are really an idiot. what blindness got other black leaders ended up “that” way?

    ah, minority complex, perhaps? i think so.

  48. 48 spacefog

    Hold on the insult for a minute and read some history. Please don’t reply to this one until you do so.While you are at it … go through your desederata as well …It talks about how you might find sth out of an idiot mind if you listen closely.

  49. 49 Hidaya

    Barack Obama has captured the imagination of the world not just America. In Europe he is talked about as the man who would rehabilitate America’s reputation abroad and the man who made people come out of their political apathy and vote, the right man at the right time for a country that is looking for change. I dont know how much of that is true it might just be media hype but even if he doesnt succeed all the way to the White House, he has set a precedent, that it is possible for a black man to aim to become President and it seems he has somewhat succeeded in convincing a greater number of people than Hillary did, at least in Iowa and many of them white and middle aged from what we saw on tv. I am rooting for him, fingers crossed for New Hampshire.

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