Roots is Here! 247 Comments


  1. Roots is part of the body of a plant that develops, typically, from the radicle and grows downward into the soil,
  2. it is also the very foundation or source; origin; base; beginning

More than the preliminary usages of the word root, it also used in connotations with other words, the disambiguation’s are endless. It is used in computing mathematics, music, entertainment etc… In essence though, it is the source as in ‘the roots of the roots miniseries in Alex Hailey’s novel.

For us Africans it is more often associated with themes including social issues & resistance such as its use as a sub genre of reggae, and the knowledge of our story. Our saga, our history, our origin, our foundation, ie our roots”

The Concept

The core of our Project Roots notion is the knowledge of our origin, history and culture. Unpretentious as ‘a broken root is lacking firmness of a solid base.’ Akin to the prevalent quotation of Marcus Garvey;

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.

The Process

Laying this out on paper was somewhat a challenge however we wanted to show the essential core of what roots is both figuratively and literally.

Roots Reggae teeAmbiguity aside, the illustration was complex because screen-printing is fundamentally simple process of printing different shapes in different colors. Limiting the number of colors and simplifying the shapes essentially simplifies the process.
This time the shapes were complex “many Roots, four Colors, one Vision”. We had a black color mixed from shades of hues by subtractive process, Red, Yellow and Green.

However, we didn’t want our concept to look like a generic red, yellow, green design thus we matched the colors to make it look as earthy and natural as possible.

Bernos Roots Ethiopian Tee

The result – Project Roots is finally here. As always you can get it online, fast, friendly and secure. You can purchase Project Roots in less than two minutes and receive it on your door steps in a few days.

Last but not least, podcasted is Burntface‘s RGB from the Kush Groove Album. Its ‘the Profit’s’ version of Ere GorawIt’s the Red the Yellow and the Green” Listen to the lyrics….It’s deep! really deep.

247 Responses to “Roots is Here!”

  1. 1 Alpha

    YAY!!! He looks good…uhhhhh…and the t-shirt too :P

  2. 2 ababiru

    I like it – typical Bernos design – simple yet brilliant!

    Well done guys – again!

  3. 3 meron

    thank thank you…we hope you’ll love it as much as we do…

  4. 4 celebratelife

    Me likes it and me want one. You guys do an excellent job of picking the models. The girl is gorgeous and the guy looks like he’s related to DK.

    Where are the Millennium and Awaze dudes, I hope you didn’t retire them :)

  5. 5 Nolawi

    [quote comment="81434"]Me likes it and me want one. You guys do an excellent job of picking the models. The girl is gorgeous and the guy looks like he’s related to DK.

    Where are the Millennium and Awaze dudes, I hope you didn’t retire them :) [/quote]

    its not that the models are hot.. its that the tshirt makes them look good… i think

  6. 6 celebratelife

    its not that the models are hot.. its that the tshirt makes them look good… i think

    AMEN and you ain’t never lied because without the tee’s they would only be models and not HOTssssss models.

  7. 7 Beewketu

    I like the lady’s beautiful smile and her straight nose and texture. I just wish she didn’t have that green stuff on her eyelids!

    Other than that….Wube embet nat!

  8. 8 yohanes

    Nice shirt! Excellent choice in the colors…. I’ll get mine this week.

  9. 9 winta

    You know wht I like most ? The guy’s Lips .Muy Caliente ! Honest .

  10. 10 celebratelife

    Muy Caliente

    LOL that saying in Espanol cracks me up! There’s a long story behind it but I laugh every time I hear it lol

  11. 11 DawitK

    Winta – I think we can include him on your next order…

    Celeb – No he is not related to me…but he is very happy to know that you even consider him related to me ;-)

  12. 12 winta

    Celeb,Wht is the Story …Do tell pls .

    If you habla un poquito espanol you will figure this one

    Why do you call a mexican Guy a Paragraph ?

    Because he is not an (essay) yet .

    this one is a knock knock bonus

    Knock Knock
    Who’s there?
    Britney Spears
    Britney who?
    Knock Knock.
    Who’s There?
    Britney Spears…Oops I did it again.

  13. 13 Ruta

    I think its a marvellous idea of all times. Quite a design, very mature yet so colourful and so alive. Guess thats why they call it Root.

  14. 14 celebratelife

    Celeb,Wht is the Story …Do tell pls .

    Can’t tell the full story without permission but let’s just say someone misused that phrase to refer to the weather but got the wrong response from some vato’s lol.

    If you habla un poquito espanol you will figure this one

    Why do you call a mexican Guy a Paragraph ?

    Because he is not an (essay) yet .

    hahahahahahahah lol that’s a good one. I love your humor.

    The Britney one is hillarious too. So like totally like yeah like something like what Britney would totally say like on Sunday morning like totally yeah wohoooo.

    Sorry to digress let’s take this to the Aman Newu

  15. 15 kiki

    Another great design guys. I love the color.

    [quote comment="81476"]

    its not that the models are hot.. its that the tshirt makes them look good… i think[/quote]

    Noles, You might be right but just to be really sure, and to prove your theory could you post a picture of homeboy without his shirt on so we can compare and contrast? I think that would help a lot. ;-)

  16. 16 meron

    nice try kiki…

    damn i miss BPress :(

  17. 17 celebratelife

    Noles, You might be right but just to be really sure, and to prove your theory could you post a picture of homeboy without his shirt on so we can compare and contrast? I think that would help a lot. ;-)

    If that’s the case then let’s add two more for the road….throw in Mr Millenium and Mr Awaze Pleeeeease.

  18. 18 toothpick

    it’s a shame the female model’s real assets are beyond the crop-margins of the photo. tsk tsk tsk. ;)

  19. 19 Semi

    Nolawi thanks for inviting me to your site. The shirts are a must have! Kudos to you and the Bernos team! Definitely sharing this with everyone I know.

    *I’m a little concerned about the shirt making the person hot because I’m pretty hot on my own. Do you think I might start a fire???

  20. 20 Nolawi

    [quote comment="81734"]Nolawi thanks for inviting me to your site. The shirts are a must have! Kudos to you and the Bernos team! Definitely sharing this with everyone I know.

    *I’m a little concerned about the shirt making the person hot because I’m pretty hot on my own. Do you think I might start a fire???[/quote]

    what is wrong with being on fire….. oh ya if you need a date give me a call…

  21. 21 zfunk

    melka job bernosoch. We have seen good t-shirts so far. when are you gonna venture out to producing bikinis and butaNtis?

  22. 22 meron

    zfunk- when you offer to model them for us…

  23. 23 dawitm

    what the hell is butaNtis :) ….. ?

  24. 24 tsedu

    oh my god who is the eye candy I love how he wore the T. he will be on my screen saver .

  25. 25 ethiopioneer

    is there anyway to pick up from store? my friend is coming from DC over the weekend…just trying to get it faster and cheaper…

  26. 26 Nolawi

    [quote comment="81772"]is there anyway to pick up from store? my friend is coming from DC over the weekend…just trying to get it faster and cheaper…[/quote]
    if you order it today online… you will get it on tuesday … to canada…

    or your freind comes here calls us.. changes his canadian money to american then meets us picks up the tee… then comes back to canada u meet him and pay him the money then pick up the tshirt…

    all so you can save 2 dollars for the stamps… mts…

    just order online… IMHO

  27. 27 justme

    funny nol..!!
    well i choose Afro over the root tee for some reason so..i just ordered couple of hours ago….!!!

  28. 28 Sky

    Nice job Bernosoch. I love the Roots!!

  29. 29 Dinich


    EP is benatu gurage babatu british…..

  30. 30 ethiopioneer

    Ok..ok… I think you are right… i just ordered online…i hope i will be the first one to have this in Toronto area…I wish i can memorize the poem to preach in my office……Roots..

    [quote comment="81780"]…is there anyway to pick up from store? my friend is coming from DC over the weekend…just trying to get it faster and cheaper…
    if you order it today online… you will get it on tuesday … to canada…

    or your freind comes here calls us.. changes his canadian money to american then meets us picks up the tee… then comes back to canada u meet him and pay him the money then pick up the tshirt…

    all so you can save 2 dollars for the stamps… mts…

    just order online… IMHO[/quote]

  31. 31 ethiopioneer

    BTW, Canadian Dollar was equal to US dollar last week…now it is almost equal…no need to change …So, Canadian fellows, the price for the t-shirt — “what you see the price is what you pay…” unlike old days..he..he..he..
    [quote comment="81780"][quote comment="81772"]your freind comes here calls us.. changes his canadian money to american t[/quote]

  32. 32 Nolawi

    kool then…

  33. 33 DawitK

    Smart move Ethiopioneer…and yes you will be the first one to have it in Toronto!

  34. 34 Ethio Jazz

    I’m digging the color. Ena beqa tazwal! Thank you Bernosoch for what you do!

  35. 35 Blue Blood

    Seskiness is upon them…

  36. 36 meron

    i heart EJ :) siTmech eko

  37. 37 Selam

    Good job. Keep it up.


  38. 38 Selam

    Good job. Keept it up

  39. 39 GSac.

    The core of our Project Roots notion is the knowledge of our origin, history and culture. Unpretentious as ‘a broken root is lacking firmness of a solid base.’ Akin to the prevalent quotation of Marcus Garvey;

    A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.“

    not sure about this^^…

    what do you mean by the root? is it the knowledge?

  40. 40 Nolawi

    it a popular quote… marcus garvey… knowelgde of origin and history give your more depth persay

  41. 41 winta

    Nolawi ,I think Garvey was talking about Identity.

  42. 42 Nolawi

    [quote comment="82377"]Nolawi ,I think Garvey was talking about Identity.[/quote]
    you can define it anyway you want… at the end.. it more or less means the same thing… depth identity knowledge of origin… roots… self… etc

    its about knowing your history.. its really nothing complicated…. unless you try to make it

  43. 43 tesfa

    [quote comment="82465"][quote comment="82377"]Nolawi ,I think Garvey was talking about Identity.[/quote]
    you can define it anyway you want… at the end.. it more or less means the same thing… depth identity knowledge of origin… roots… self… etc

    its about knowing your history.. its really nothing complicated…. unless you try to make it[/quote]

    actually i think its much more complicated than you make it appear. where is the knowledge, origin, identiy or depth in a tree?

  44. 44 Nolawi

    Ahahahhah very funny.

    A tree is an analogy. What Garvey was saying is that without the knowledge of our past we lack foundation.

    The tree… which is an analogy for us…. would lack a foundation if it doesn’t have the strong roots… literally…

    root is the origin of the tree, if you track anything to its origin it is history… but knowing history is knowledge… etc blah blah…

    its very simple….

  45. 45 winta

    Nol,It cracked me up too .I mean the whole where is the history and Identity in a tree thing .But I agree with Tesfa tht it might not be as simple .

    Okey Tesfa ,

    Identity is sth that is build up through time .knowing your History and tracing where you come from(roots )helps you to Identify who you are.Basically its the worst thing that could happen to a person ,Its like Cutting off you head .you can move but you don’t know how to think Right .

    Many people remain confused because they donot know that .Like decendants of Slaves ,colonized nations and even some Ethiopians who are brought up elsewhere .

  46. 46 Ethio Jazz

    [quote comment="82020"]i heart EJ :) siTmech eko[/quote]
    enem eko ewdeshalehu :)

  47. 47 winta
  48. 48 celebratelife

    EJ an Meru you left Winta speechless :o

    Should we spread the word is it a Bernos hook up? ;)

  49. 49 beshou

    nice shirts, nice designs!
    kudos all the way from ethiopia!!!

  50. 50 Oumer

    Nice work guys! I hope it won’t be a one time off. I like the shirt but live in Addis so I might need to find someone to order it for me and send it…easy task… well, thats what I like to believe. Later

  51. 51 bgFelasfit

    me likie how the tree kinda looks like an afro ;)
    (would be nice if the girl had an afro…reppin’ the natural roots of her hair)

  52. 52 fekade

    i realy love the thier anything i can do.i want to play my part in this project

  53. 53 Elsa Nehu

    keep up de good work

  54. 54 celebratelife

    I got my tee and I declare it my favorite. I love all the tee’s but this one….the concept along with the design and color just fabulous. Keep it up Bernos! Really great work, you have truly outdone yourself. Btw the grey is much deeper then it shows on the pic making the design stand out. Two thumbs up (four if I can count my two big toes) :)

  55. 55 tsatse

    how beautyful the root concept would be had the roots extended/branched out to the full length of her or his waist/crotch area. Unexposed, but realistic roots pale the the exposed life in comparison.

  56. 56 nasser

    how may to miss that thing

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