Cock Blocking! 49 Comments

No one likes to be cock blocked!

Some people might think it’s an art, but if you happen to be one of those people who actually fall victim of a cock block it can be very infuriating. It can even get worse depending on who is cock blocking you; her good girlfriend, her guy friend or her “other” girlfriend.

cock block

There are many forms of cock blocking that someone might have the misfortunate of encountering, but I think the basic ones fall in any one of the following categories…

I. Say you have an interest in this girl and you are trying to converse with her, so cock blocking would be any attempt by her girl friend to disturb the conversation. Either her girlfriend is unintentionally trying to protect her, or she wants you for herself.

If you are a loser type of guy who stalks a woman while she goes to the parking lot, doing her grocery shopping, or trying to catch a cab, then don’t be surprised if your advance is intentionally cock blocked by her girlfriend.

II. It’s no surprise to be cock blocked by her guy friend, too. If you are one of those guys who had encountered this, the only reason that you’d think you got cock blocked by another guy is just because he himself has an interest in her. And if she happens to lean more towards the other guy, you just have to let it go. The rule of thumb is you have to respect a successful cock block.

But, this is just one form of a “guy-cock blocking-another guy” scenario, and it’s the most common one. There is, however, another rendition of this same scenario that seldom occurs. In this case, the other guy is cock blocking you not because he is interested in her, but just because that it’s his job. He is a designated cock blocker! He is the type of guy who hangs out with a group of girls and, when requested, acts like a boyfriend to scare off any undesirable guys.

III. And there is her “other” girlfriend, dubbed the “ugly friend”.…. She is the less attractive one and usually suffers from attention deficit. This is a tough situation guys. You know what I’m talking about. In this case, the girl that you are talking to is actually interested in you, and this other girl steps in and demands to leave or something. She is not trying to protect her friend nor does she want you for herself. She just wants to make sure that her cute friend goes home with her ugly ass…. This is not my fave type of cock block at all!

See ladies, what you don’t get is, there are a good number of nice guys out there who approach your friend. Not only you are preventing her from having a good time, but you are also blowing up her chance of meeting a potential partner. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and trust people……if not, you will always remain a cock blocker!

49 Responses to “Cock Blocking!”

  1. 1 Nolawi

    Haha haha haha ahah ;

    Besak motkugn…

    The rule of thumb is you have to respect a successful cock block.

    this was funny indeed, but i have a problem respecting any type of cockblocking!!

  2. 2 zgent

    This brought a lot of memories. A crafty cock-block, of the type, “guy-cock blocking-another guy”, to get the girl first, is worthy of every respect it gets. It is but an artful sting, in the old days we used to call it fengela the more crafty it is the more laugh and admiration it gets for the vulpine during the berCHa or d’d-masCHya time. Woe for letefenegelew yoyo! Adhenene malet new. Though I don’t approve of cock-blocking, of any type, nowadays. I don’t know if could supress laughter if I heard a canny cock-blocking anecdote.

  3. 3 curious

    This is funny!! SBS … Ted you have analysed cockblocking thoroughly.

  4. 4 celebratelife

    This is hilarious. Who is this Ted love him!

    But what do you call it when a girl is interested in a guy and he in her and her girlfriend or guy friend get in the way? Kitty cat blocking….hahahah

    I hope to read more of your stuff you’re good.

  5. 5 ShalomShalom

    hahahah … this is good! :-)
    Who would have thunk it’d have a name?

    Ted, you should write about cocks who make advances on drunk girls. What is the thinking behind that?

  6. 6 Wudnesh

    VERY FUNNY! :)

  7. 7 DawitK

    Congratulation on your first article Ted…I almost felt this was an episode from CSI just the way you analyzed Cock Blocking. Good one!

  8. 8 story

    Have you Questioned why u r cock blocked?
    Most of u abesha males lack skills of approching.
    Let’s face it most american men know how to smooth talk.
    Which will quickly get everyone’s attention. But most of u abeshas just lack that skill. When u get closer to approach someone, people automatically reject u. Why? because u use this weird way of starting conversation that turns ppl off. Most African American men are so interesting when approaching someone. They know what to say how to say it when to say it. It is so sweet because they are only conversing. Even when u say no they respect it and try to still be gentlemen. But u guys have 0 skills. If you work on your pick up line skills you won’t have to worry about being bocked. Just an advice 4 u .
    u might not like it but try to consider it.

  9. 9 Wudnesh

    Story, how would you know? Did most of the abesha guys approach you, and you didn’t like it? ayyiiii. Who said ppl automatically reject the abesha guys….and that most American guys are interesting? If your mezebarek were true, we would have seen most abesha guys staying single forever. Besides, in stating the three most basic cock blocking categories, the writer did lay them out in simple English….I don’t know where yours fall. I just hope you are not among those who’ll always remain a cock blocker just because you think the abesha guys who approch your friends are not interesting.

  10. 10 baby

    This is so funny! I had no idea that it has a name, but I do it all the time with my girlfriends…when we go out, I’m usually the one to chase off guys. I think I’m protecting them, but I guess I just might be a hater!
    This is self intervention right here, and Ted, you’re responsible for it…

    And Story, don’t be so harsh on our Abesha guys..i happen to think that Abesha men are funny and the way they approch girls is just so cute, except the ones that get drunk before hand to do it. If some drunk, low life loser tries to smooth talk your girl, ladies use all the cockbloking you can think of! There’s just no excuse for some guy who leans over and sends his birra breath all over your face! Yeman Chemlaka new!

  11. 11 kiki

    Very funny Ted…

    “you have to respect a successful cock block” I love that…I look forward to reading more of your stuff…

  12. 12 celebratelife

    Story honey stop generalizing with this Abesha men don’t do this and don’t do that.

    Maybe you’re not doing the right things to get the men to approach you respectfully or in the right way. Have you thought about that?

    Let’s face it most american men know how to smooth talk.

    Yeah smooth talk you right into bed right? But afterwards you’re kicked to the curb. Next time you see an Abesha guy you like try to be nice and maybe you’ll hear the words you’re longing for.

  13. 13 Nolawi

    [quote comment="43983"]
    Most of u abesha males lack skills of approching.
    …. Most African American men are so interesting when approaching someone. They know what to say how to say it when to say it. It is so sweet because they are only conversing. Even when u say no they respect it and try to still be gentlemen. But u guys have 0 skills. [/quote]

    story, my god… I can’t believe you actually believe ethiopian males don’t know how to pick you up…

    “who you be with”?
    Things to make you smile, what numbers to dial
    You gon’ be here for a while, I’m gon’ go call my crew
    You go call your crew
    We can rendezvou at the bar around two

    when did lets have sex tonight become more interesting than

    endemin nesh yene emebet

    this is what I call brainwashed by MTV!!

  14. 14 Abebe

    Interesting piece Ted. My behind is educated by your writing. I despise them.
    Story, I wonder where you got your facts from but if you ask me, Abesha men are actually more respectful towards women than American men.
    Nolawi, Amen to “this is what I call brainwashed by MTV!!”

  15. 15 Oreo

    LOL very Funny!!

  16. 16 story


    I don’t watch T.V. I am not familiar with the channel u mentioned. But what i am brainwashed is by the smooth pick up line skills other men possess. BTW endemin nesh is not a pick up line. As far as i know it’s a standard greeting. I prefer the smooth sexy talk of men who slowly catch my attention and somehow i will be amazed.
    Ex. they will slowly ask hobbies, they have sexy eyes and talk. then they will invite u to enjoy those activities together. Which is nice. They know the steps 2 take it to the next level. I enjoyed myself completely
    in those activities. Every friday i go out to the clubs and i love it.
    Some Abesha dudes are also brushing up their skills the sad part i can count them with my fingers.
    I went out with a couple of them and i thought they are good.

  17. 17 celebratelife

    Story = Ethiofused

    Don’t know what she wants or what she’s saying but will do her darned best to make sense.

    But u guys have 0 skills.

    I went out with a couple of them and i thought they are good.


  18. 18 Saq-be-Saq

    This is too funny! Ted, how many cock knocking sessions did you buy tickets for to know all the do’s and dont’s?

    Story, if you can tell me where all the Casanova American’s are I’ll tell you where all the best of the best Abeshoch live. Deal?

  19. 19 Sebleye


    I feel you. It’s the demn truth. Most in this blog
    seem to be males and u touched a nerve. They hate being told they lack skills. Story i agree with you that abeshas with approaching skills are countable by hand.
    When we say abeshas that can approach we mean those who are TRYING TO IMPROVE. They will never reach the level of African American skill.

    Celebrate life
    You said story is generalizing. I don’t see anything on her post that said ” ALL abeshas this or that” all she said was “most”. Unless you are one of the most then i don’t see why u are defensive. If you are a woman i suggest u broaden your horizons to see the skill other than Abeshas possess at approaching game. Maybe you have never opened your mind to talk to other men to see what you are missing. Either way you need help.

  20. 20 celebratelife

    Celebrate life
    You said story is generalizing. I don’t see anything on her post that said ” ALL abeshas this or that” all she said was “most”. Unless you are one of the most then i don’t see why u are defensive. If you are a woman i suggest u broaden your horizons to see the skill other than Abeshas possess at approaching game. Maybe you have never opened your mind to talk to other men to see what you are missing. Either way you need help.

    Sebleye, Seblina, getting dating 101 from you. hahaha ahhaha ahahhaa ahhahaha ahahhah ahhaha oh my goodness I have pain from laughter. Thank you for that as I live to laugh. Oh my god hahaha ahhaha that was really good. What’s next how to love and appreciate Abesha men 101 from you who don’t even know they exist? Oh my God that was funny ahahah ahhahah.

    Thank you so much. Do you do live shows? Please let me know so I’ll make sure not to be within the continent as I can’t bear to keep laughing like this. ahha ahahha. Thanks again.

    Now let’s go back to the cock blocking issue. Please go back and finish reading your girl Storylina’s comment #8 cause I think you stopped half way. lol

  21. 21 insideZRmind

    Story + Sebleye:
    I just feel sorry for you both. without a doubt, you have insulted your own brain, and ass i.e., if you have one, a dignified one or if any is left outta this drenched pool that you soundly bogged down.

    your darn black ass, that is your Abesha ass, is nothing but a reflection of who you are and where you come from.
    Nothing more nothing less. Whicever way you see it, in their eyes, you are just the “Ethiopian/African convenience” . Call that darn Ethiopian fool, and get your ass here… haven’t heard all these yet? oh you will
    unless you truly are evading truth from the thershold of reality.

    no matter how you ridicule Abesha or disgrace it so you be accepted in a circle that you can never meet a standard at, or in a circle that you are a dwarfy at,

    no matter how you do it,
    no matter which way you see it,
    no matter how you overdo it,
    no matter how sophisticated ur Qil-mind thinks 2 think,
    no matter how you scale you to fool yourself that you are just too good and sophisticated for your own ass, your ass will remain your ass and oneday you will turn around and say to your Abesha ass… darn, i was an absolute fool to fool you which you knew i didn’t.

    …if you are sophisticated and progressive as you claim to be one, since you chose a ReferencePoint of your sophistication the AA circle, What advice do i have except, saying, “Gize Astemariyachuh Yuhenew” …

    That is all your sophistication can do? Trashing your own ass and just to end up picking another stinky ass! HUH! Enes Yerasew, yeGele, Teshalegnalech. That is what I was gifted and i will proudly cherish it, and use my own scale to gauge it.

    if you have an iota of realism and wisdom, you will learn from your own wounds and this dangerous zone your in. May the Abesha MelAk see where your Abesha ass end up, and say, I told you so! since none of us for sure will never know.

    Ted: Nice Job! I enjoyed the confession from that Saq-be-Saq especially. Being brute honest with oneself and spill it over without pretending to be others, when we can’t, is something we all should learn.

  22. 22 Chala

    [quote comment="44064"]

    Ex. they will slowly ask hobbies, they have sexy eyes and talk. then they will invite u to enjoy those activities together. Which is nice. .[/quote]

    Way too funny. How old are you?

  23. 23 Ted

    Thank you all for your comments!………………And Story, I think you got it mixed-up baby. Cock-blocking has got nothing to do with “rejection”. It’s like you interfering when I’m trying to chat-up with your friend or something. All I was trying to say is “girls don’t cock-block your girlfriends”! The funny thing about it is, usually it’s the girl who ain’t getting any that cock-blocks her friend. I despise cock-blocking!

    I don’t have any problem with “rejection”, though. It doesn’t mean that every person that you are trying to acquaint with will be into you. It just doesn’t work that way. Sometimes you do a good job of selling yourself or may be sometimes you don’t.

    And if you have a fetish for AA men, then that’s your preference and there is nothing wrong with that. But, don’t give us that “abehsa men don’t know how to do this and that”. It all depends on your personal experience…

  24. 24 bgFelasfit

    great read!

    hi ted! welcome…why do i think u’re nahom? :P

    this is interesting…

    LOL! there’s a bernos brainwashing going on… how are we so fast to label ‘ethiofused’ ??… that’s the same labeling as story saying most abesha men are without game.

  25. 25 Ethio Jazz

    Ted welcome my man! Never new there was a word for the intentional blocking or sabotage of an approch. Bernos has become a gateway where I learn new things. Thanks again and keep coming back.

  26. 26 lilye

    Ted a great & funny read indeed!

    Story & Seble, if you define courting & dating by what you experienced at clubs, then you definetly have to grow up and experience life a little. You can’t generalize Abeshas nor AAs by those you bumped into in clubs. The one thing though is that the AA migh give you special attention BECAUSE you are Abesha, while not all Abesha men will try to ‘sexy eye or talk you’(whatever that is)because you are another Abesha among many others and they would want to ‘sexy eye and talk’ you IF you have something more about you than the simple Abeshanet…. that would interest them. Don’t mistake that ‘attention’ as real & maybe the BET brainwashing as siliTané.

    BTW I am a woman.

  27. 27 Nolawi

    I love you lilye… ewedishalehu!

  28. 28 Sebleye


    Dear lost sister
    what i experience at the clubs is not dating. It is called “FUN” something u lack. I go to different clubs in fact i will go today it’s friday YEAh.
    Sure i get attention clubs. What’s wrong with that? That’s what comes with being Beautiful. On the other hand i can’t stand abesha males at the clubs who happen 2 be there. They will ruin my night by trying to approach me. I will tell friends to block their move.
    Sister soul i love the clubs dear that’s where i get wild and free. I don’t go there to date. I think you don’t know the meaning of dating? Talk to me when you become a REAL woman like me.

  29. 29 Alpha

    LOL….I’ve heard of the term before….but the catagories were FUNY!!! Nicely put!

    but as far as the African American game spitting skillz vs. Abesha men…..I think all of you are generalizing……not all African Americans are just in it for sex nor are all Abesha men Terrible at the dating game.

  30. 30 Mengedegna

    great analysis Ted!! It’s well-put.

    However, am beginnin’ to agree with this:
    [quote comment="44241"]
    LOL! there’s a bernos brainwashing going on…[/quote]

  31. 31 mestawot

    However, am beginnin’ to agree with this:
    [quote comment="44241"]
    LOL! there’s a bernos brainwashing going on…[/quote][/quote]

    I also agree!

  32. 32 Alpha

    LOL…..I was a 2nd degree cock-blocker tonight……hehehehehe just realized it on my way home from chilling with me best friend….and found myslef laughing

  33. 33 Chuch


  34. 34 lilye

    I love you too Nolawi!

    Sebleye NWAYS…… I don’t think the term ‘lost’ applies to me. REMEMBER I am the one who likes my Abesha men. My sweet brothers, cousins, friends & all. Minim biseleTin I will never loose my abeshanet & the pride & love i have for abeshawoch. And believe me BETAM yesleTenku yimesslegnal;)! Ferenjignam aweralehu, ende ferengim mebalat echilalehu, adenanessunim emokiralehu (BET), ke ferengum keTikurum gar sigaffa ewilalehu. And about what comes with being beautiful, again a real woman would not want the attention she gets in clubs. Why? Lemin? Why? Because clubs are for that. You go to there to be seen. The guy are there to look. Nothing special about it, all women get attention!! That’s how nature goes.
    If you were SOO lucky, little girl you would have a sisterly talk with ME! Talaqish negnigna. Kanchi beTam bizu salawq alqerimina.

    By replying to you, I don’t want to dignify this ignorance, just trying to make you think bezih agaTami.

  35. 35 story

    hi Sebliye

    I just saw your comments. Thanx girl. I think it’s only u who read my comment completely. I think most just read it a few words where i was critical of out dudes. That’s why they jump 2 conclusion saying it was Generalization.
    They should have finished it before jumping on attack wagon. It doesn’t surprise me the lack of skills most have in dating or even conversing. It’s due to lack of communication. Sebliye you know what’s up. I am so proud of u girl. I am surprised u enjoy da clubs to. It’s sad how most of the abesha ladies just are filled with misconceptions. Going wild at the clubs and drinking is just part of life they don’t understand. It ‘s a lifestyle. They don’t get it. Sebliye just keep on clubbing and enjoying yourself. You deserve it.

  36. 36 lilo

    very interesting,never new it is called that hmmmm…
    betam betam new des yalegn, be story ena be lelaew yalew torenet demo ayewera!

    don know about those AA guys but i think abeshas have sth.different that most men lack(in a good way)

    am still trying to figure that out…..let u know when i do

    need to know though everybody is diff and need to treat them differently…..just keep your mind open

  37. 37 Tikur lij

    Once, I was an undercover cock blocker. I wasn’t aware of it until a couple of dude came up to me and said somethin’ to me.

  38. 38 KNIGHT

    …good job TED! you obviously have done your homework.i my self have seen one too many COCK-BLOCKING and was forced to exercise a different approach so that the amount of COCK-BLOCKING can reduce, i must say it has. all thanks too Russle Crow and the Beautiful mind (a great movie) whenever you see a pack of girls together, always go for the one who is the least attractive (remember, beauty is a light switch away) see chances are she is the one who is getting the least action, if any at all. so, the fact that you approach her from the whole pack is gonna earn you some points, and her friends already know she is the biggest COCK-BLOCKER of them all, so they will be more than happy to send her on her way. so by the end of the night Ugly-Betty will get a long awaited action and your little major will finally be a general. its what you call a win-win situation…

    as for STORY and that other chick…
    …i think yo watched one two many American movies…let me paint a little piture for ya…you wanna go out with Jamal? go ahead, in two years your gonna have two kids. and your Jamal, is gonna leave your ass for a white girl who he has been f*ckin with the same time he was with you, and guess what? she is pregenant too…so one minute you are his “baby” the next minute you are his “baby mama”…and if you are even thinkin about going for White bois, i dare you to do it, you will see what happenes….as for Ethiopian guys, even though we have our flaws, admit it, we are the only ones who can PUT UP with you Ethio chicks…

  39. 39 ELIM-rx

    Every man that has ever gone out on the hunt has at one time encountered the infamous cock-blocker.

    They come in all shapes, sizes,genders, colors, and persuasions and I also declare that cock-blockers are not limited to sentient beings, either.

    I’ve been in situations where a fatty has caught me eye and it seems like all the forces of nature at that one instance in time and space has conspired to make it impossible. I won’t elaborate at this time, but the guys that love the thrill of the hunt will know exactly what I’m talking about.

    Someone mentioned earlier that it’s “infuriating”. Yes, indeed – infuriating to the nth. In some respects, its an understatement. A man really feels like giving the culprit the beat-down, when thwarted like this.

    I suppose it’s a pride thing. All I know is that, someone who purposely prevents me from making a move invokes the most intense dislike from me. It’s never funny, even as I look back on it.

    I have actually deferred to the cockblockers, just to maintain a semblance of calmness and collection. But what I really felt like doing was throwing an atomic drop-kick to his cranium.

    Women can tend to be the most effective cock-blockers for all the obvious reasons that women already know.

    There is an old song by Barrington Levy called “21 girl salute.” It’s not about cock-blocking per se, but it lends a perspective that all men should keep in mind living on this wonderful rock.
    I recommend that fellas take a listen. If you heard and like — good.

    “It’s no surprise to be cock blocked by her guy friend, too. If you are one of those guys who had encountered this, the only reason that you’d think you got cock blocked by another guy is just because he himself has an interest in her. And if she happens to lean more towards the other guy, you just have to let it go. The rule of thumb is you have to respect a successful cock block.

    But, this is just one form of a “guy-cock blocking-another guy” scenario, and it’s the most common one. There is, however, another rendition of this same scenario that seldom occurs. In this case, the other guy is cock blocking you not because he is interested in her, but just because that it’s his job. He is a designated cock blocker! He is the type of guy who hangs out with a group of girls and, when requested, acts like a boyfriend to scare off any undesirable guys.”

    This above portion couldn’t be more accurate. Believe it or not, the rendition that the writer says seldom occurs, is on the contrary more prevalent than you think.
    Thanks for the article.

  40. 40 err

    getting cockblocked blows ass….espically when you have a non sexual romantic intrest in someone then a tooling cockblocker knows it and then makes SURE you don’t get her alone to talk to her.

  41. 41 w!LdCaRd

    Good article. Looks like it ignited whole lotta different topics from what was initially intended for. But that’s a good thing…at least people are talking.

    Well Ted, I know what you talkin ‘bout bro….you see a whole lotta cockblocking in abesha people but you see that every where too. Unfortunately, that’s sad reality… and if the girl of interest plays part in it, she clearly does not have interest in you….so you are better off leaving it alone. And obviously if that girl didn’t even give you a chance to approach her, that should immediately give you a glimpse of her character anyway. As they say it just “brush your shoulder off “and keep it movin. You were doing fine before see the girl and you certainly will do ok without her.

    Now STORY, you sure are trouble maker…lol…And I ain’t mad at you… you just keepin it real. You got every abesha guys fired up in here. But I would have to disagree on the generalization tho. It’s true that most people lack the skills….but not all abeshas. I know you didn’t say all abesha guys, but the notion I got from your comment is that you have given up on abesha guys. But I wanna tell you sometin… This skill is not what people master at birth. Like any other skill, its somethin people learn in life with age and maturity. And most guys does not understand women at all….ya’ll just one big puzzle to be solved…lol. What works on some girls will get you slapped on the other one. Also not all “smooth talkers” have the best thing in mined when they smooth talk to you. Remember what I said; this skill is not somethin you are born with, if you think he’s all that ask yourself how he got that skill to develop this impressive level…hmmm?! Just be careful sista….there is whole lotta games you might not want to hear the true intentions about. Especially with AA people you seem to be swept off on….how many of them do you know who does not have a kid some where? Truth be told, majority of them are not commitment material!!!

    And finally, to all my Abesha fellas….nobody promised us a WIN in this game, you just gotta step your game up.

  42. 42 Augustus Nuno

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  44. 44 Gaye

    Why is it I always really feel like you do?

  45. 45 ?????? gmt

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