Bernos New T-shirts 117 Comments

Mekonentoch and Woyzazertoch!

It is with great pleasure we announce our new collection of three new T-shirts on Bernos. A lot of work went on the making; from design to production to presentation.

The three new designs are Ethiopian-Alien on gold American Apparel T-shirt, I Dream In Amarigna on baby blue American Apparel T-shirt & Sold In Merkato on olive American Apparel T-shirt. We couldn't be happier about the new T-shirts as we were able to push the envelope and get creative on design, concept as well as production.  


Concurently we are putting the entire previous collection of T-shirts on sale. We are now selling Desta Keremela at $13.99, Abebe Bikila and Addis Ababa Classic at $14.99. Remember, we only have limited quantities left in respect to sizes. This is the best deal we can offer selling them at about cost since we need the stock space. 

In the past month we have seen Bernos grow. In due to the Bernos customers who have gone out of their way to trust and support us by purchasing online. The Bernos Blog contributors, who have and are using their limited time to contribute and produce real content that matters,while are keeping it consistent with the Bernos theme that is

…to create high-quality, priced-to-sell, eye-catching T-shirts featuring Ethiopian themes. We supply the world with standout T-shirts featuring Ethiopian icons, inspired by our childhood memories.”

Most of all, Bernos is only possible because it has a supporting cast. Friends who are investing their time to help us grow. People like Beshou, Meron, Dawit, Robel, Mike & Ephrem. A real detailed “thank you” will be written on the Bernos blog soon.

amexpgiftcardart.gif Last but not least, Bernos will be running a raffle between now and till midnight December 31. Those who have and will purchase any of the Bernos T-shirts will automatically be entered to win a $100 American Express Gift Card! That’s right we didn’t stutter; $100 American Express Gift Card, which is as good as cash anywhere that takes American Express Credit Card. The winner will be announced January 5th 2007!

We are still working on a good shipping solution for those that reside outside North America. We still haven’t found a permanent solution that is cost effective but we’ve had more than a few customers that have purchased Bernos T-shirts in Eastern Europe including the UK, Sweden, Italy and Germany. We were able to ship through USPS with no problems. For the time being, for those who are interested can purchase and enter in the American Express giveaway; Bernos will ship to any country in Europe at a cost of $4.99 or $6.99 depending on quantity. Bernos will pay for the extra costs. We hope to find a permanent shipping solution by January.

For those not familiar with American Apparel LLC, they produce the best T-shirts in the world:

it is a clothing company based out of Los Angeles, California. It has over 155 stores in 11 countries. Its claim to fame is sweatshop-free clothing made in Downtown Los Angeles…. It is one of the fastest growing companies in the world at a rate of 525% growth rate in the past three-years…. It produces the best, most comfortable stylish and sexiest T-shirts in the world."

Hey if you don’t believe us read more here.

Bernos LLC, is committed to strike free customer service. We have shipped and fulfilled over 110 orders with less than 1% error. We believe in quality of product and service over quantity as you can see from our customer testimonials.

So those of us at Bernos would like to thank every one of our customers, becuase you make everything possible. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at info @ We will make every effort to accommodate your need or at least give it a shot.

Remember we are only here as long as you support us.

Thank you.

117 Responses to “Bernos New T-shirts”

  1. 1 kulalit

    Hello Bernosoch!
    I really like what you are doing? More than the design, I am impressed with the marketing of the Bernos. The whole process got me thinking. wow impressed with really smart young Abesha’s

    I am not going to buy a shirt only because I am in India. You dont ship here!

  2. 2 Nolawi

    hello.. thanks… at least your input keeps us going!!

  3. 3 wondering

    Wow nice pictures everyone and designs. Beshou nice photos. You also look very beautiful.

    I actually have seen you too around town. But had no idea about tshirts.

    When will you start having your tshirts sold in stores?

  4. 4 Tsedale

    Go Nolawi and Dave this is your boy from Denver, Tsedale,

  5. 5 toto

    exactly the kinds of Tshirt i was dreamin off , Specially the “Addis Ababa ” and ” i dream in Amarigna” OMG i love em , ofcouse the Cute and the beautyful ppl made it look like a Boom Good Job Guys !

    But really really when are you going to Post “BIG DISCOUNT ” !

    and the DUDE from INDIA , Kelib kalekesu Emba aygedim yelal yagerea sew !


  6. 6 ShalomShalom

    ellelelele about the “$100 American Express Gift Card”

    got me the ET alien yellowy tee, and been making people slant their head to get what the head is about :) :)

    and constructive criticism: “I dream in amarigna” would have been more fabulous if the “amarigna” part was in ethiopic fonts… that way those who do not dream in / read amharic will not get it – it will just look jibberish to them… and it should. and people challenged with amharic reading can actually wear the tee and have other people ask them, “what do you dream in?” and they’d have a choice of replying “jibberish” or “some language I do not know” or anything…

    inaaaa.. “Sold in Merkato” is another one whose color I was not exactly fond of but now I am loving. It is the color of a stinky Ahnd BiRRRR! was that the intent behind the color choice? weyinis, it’s just me convincing myself into loving the color of that t-shirt?

  7. 7 Wudnesh

    Ssup Tsedale? Bernos seems to gather ppl from around the states.

  8. 8 beshou

    mr/ms wondering. unfortunately, i dont think the shirt will sell in any stores. at least as of now. you’re best bet is to purchase it online. thank you for the compliments.

  9. 9 beshou

    *ahem* typo “your best bet..”. i blame it on my empty stomach.

  10. 10 Nolawi

    Toto, thanks… we will not have a big discount.. we are selling at close to cost.. we print on american apparels which are the best tshirts… sorry no fruit of the looms that shirnk and fade after every wash! we receive them preshrank at 5% they stay the same forever… I still wear my american apparel tees after four years! anyways our prices are consistantly cheaper than similar niche novelty tshirt market like defunker which also  use american apparel for their save cost cheaper we buy wholsale directly from the factory in downtown LA

    shalom on the amex ex! you are in the raffle as well… actually and got some feedback on ET and a couple of people had wanted it to mention the alien aspect of it.. the reason we didn't want that is because we wanted to leave the messaging ambigous for the general market as opposed to narowwing to a small niche to people who are apt to understanding the concept behind it.. its a business decision… but ultimately it had to be aestetically pleasing while being consistent as consistant with our theme… i am actually very happy about that shirt… it is also the most popular…

    Dream in amarigna… geez fonts… we will probably never ever use geez fonts… we will continue to push the tshirts to be more inclusive afro-centrically…. but that depends on how much support we get from ethiopians… big thanks to beshou and meron on this shirt a lot of feedback.. it was a tough one…

    also on stores carrying our shirts.. beshou is on point …we will probably never do that as well… it is very very important that we build a reputation on successfully completing an online order from ethiopians…. if we ever fully penetrate the Ethiopian market online then only then will we be successfull.. maybe one day make might even make some money… if we don't then its a failure… but we will know in about a year…. I am committed for all of 2007.. but its also good to note that we have so many people that support bernos as a whole…

  11. 11 FlorNueva

    again the shirts are very cool. i like the fact that they don’t look like every other shirt sold by abesha’s , especially at the soccer fests.
    Good business decision on selling online only as well.
    There something ‘tacky’ about buying clothing at the sook were you buy the kesel and phone card. Anyways big up on orignality….i personally don’t like wearing what everone else has. Can’t wait till my shirt arrives.

  12. 12 Nolawi

    Our emails hit up today. One girl asked if she could intern for Bernos for the summer time. I was like sure sure… you have to wear a miniskirt everyday. and give me back rubs minamin… no.. i refered her to esai..

    One guy was saying merkato was in piassa before it was in merkato

    I asked our celebirty sponsor ;)   Maki from Bole2harlem to send us a picture of him wearing a bernos Tshirts.. He will all six designs soon… We hear he wears to most of his concerts..

    maki from bole2harlem

    also we found a couple of people on face book who have tagged us.. with their bernos Tshirts…

    Here and Here 

  13. 13 wotete

    Wow Nolawi you are so hot! all this time I didnt know what you looked like. I thought this guys is smart, and creative. But is probably is ugly because you were always complaining about girl problems.

    But now, I am surprised that you have lady problems.

    I also saw this picture and I think you and Beshou look like a power couple.

    Ever though about dating each other.

  14. 14 Maki - From Bole2Harlem

    Hey Nolawi… Thanks for the love… As an Ethiopian I think I’m obligated to help my felow Ethiopians! So, I changed the entire myspace background page to reflect the Bernos t-shirt pic. on the stage…

    Powered by Bernos! Ha, ha, that would be the title for the Bernos theme song!



  15. 15 Maki - From Bole2Harlem

    Sorry I meant to post the address:



  16. 16 Nolawi

    thanks man! mcmaki!

  17. 17 Marena-Wotete

    Kick Ass T-Shirt Design: Viva Bernos!!!!


    I find the hostess’ in all new line of t-shirts.
    The ironic thing, of course, is that the they all don’t have “Amharic” fonts but still express’s our connection to Ethiopia! Original ideas!

    You see Bernos people are thinking from the streets and can only wonder whether they’ve crossed the line from fashion to street, the answer is YES!!!! Hard-core designs will define the new generation of Habesha living abroad to express their artistic skills to the World. Bernos is an example to all…

    Other than that, the Blog section is amazingly good, addictive, seductive, sexy, not to mention over-the-top fashion statement…. Hummmm, I wonder would the fashion statement distracted everybody?


  18. 18 munit

    I love the new design, just made you 20 dollars richer. keep up the good work.

  19. 19 Nolawi

    thanks munit.. you are greaat!

  20. 20 ya

    … what acknowledgment is given for someone who suggests new t-shirt design? i hope its more than “aser santim le desta keremela” :)

  21. 21 Wudnesh

    Got my ‘I dream in Amargna’ t-shirt just before leaving for my exam. BeTam BeTam ariff quality…am happy with my purchase. Thank you! Let’s hope I’ll give the answers in Engilizgna.

  22. 22 kumneger

    hi i saw most of your t shirt i love them they are fabulos the milliniums is nice but…
    b/c i’m in ethiopia …… so how can i get your t shirts

  23. 23 Nolawi

    kumneger thank you so much for your interest, gin unfortunately we do not ship to Ethiopia.

    a few people have order to there zemeds place..right before they come from the US to visit addis…

    maybe that could be an option for you!

  24. 24 Alazhar

    What is the problem with shipping the tees to
    Ethiopia.I don’t see the point? We have a well
    structutred business financial system now a days.
    And I also think you might even gain better market
    than the states b/c I see a lot of tourists, foreingners,
    as well as countrymen who would like to were something
    that belongs to Abyssinia.And your tees will definetly
    gonna fit their needs. Think about it! I’m looking
    forward to do business with your company.

  25. 25 Nolawi

    thanks alazhar,
    we barely penetrated the market here in the states where people are in the digital world and can make an online transaction….

    it will be even harder to make an online transaction where people do not have a credit card…let online access to get online…

  26. 26 Alazhar

    Dear Nolawi
    First of all I’d like to thank you for your reply.
    As you know here in Addis, people are engaged in importing different goods from all around the world through a banking system known as LC(letter of credit).
    If your company is legally established then it is perfectly possible to get along with our local bankers.
    Do think about it and I can send you more infos about the procedures. I know that online transactions are far easier in the States but if you think globally then you should be able to do it according to your customers will and preferences.And as far as I know bulky shipments are much less cheaper which in turns are more profitable.
    I don’t know if you’re producing in bulk or not but if you do i’ll be glad to be your biz partner in Ethiopia. Anyways sorry for the long message hope your not fed up. I liked all the people who participates on this web, specially (Chelema’s short story)and the comments.

  27. 27 Alazhar

    Alazhar again!
    And… Nolawi,Marena-Wotete,Wudnesh,Maki,DawitK,celebratelife,etc…all of you
    out there it’s a pleasure to communicate with you.
    And guys are you thinking of coming back home for our millennium ! Hope to here more from you all!

  28. 28 Nolawi

    no thanks for your interest…we get tons of emails from many people who want to do business with us…. with different ideas minamin.. but most of it is somewhat far fetched faith in the Ethiopian people…

    you can probably sense some frustration because the same people who claim to like our products and like to support.. or get involved are the same ones that have not bought a tshirt yet… if you yourself have not made a transaction or have tried to … then what makes you think others will….

    ofcource we have shipped to ethiopia… one person sent a check another had a family member buy for them and send it to a us address before another family member traveled to ethiopia… etc…

    i will be writing on this topic next week… i would like to get your input then… thanks

  29. 29 Tchereka

    Hi people,I live in Australia(melbourne)and I saw a guy wearing your tshirt(Bekila)in some Ethiopian concert party.Do you see how far you reached !

  30. 30 DawitK

    Thanks Tchereka…

    This confirms to us that all the hard works is finally starting to payoff. Not only is someone in a different continent wearing our t-shirt, but it?s also being recognized as a bernos design when seen in public by others.

  31. 31 pazion


    I recently went to Walgreen’s to find a tee that has ‘Seattle highlights’ but the tag says ‘made in Ethiopia’ … there might be possiblity of printing it there as well….

    I know of ppl exporting the tee’s from Ethi, BUT, but and then again, i heard lots (tons) of so called ‘business interests’ with unclear consumer trend and with ‘don’t worry’ approaches.

    some of the answers i got asking questions like ‘how about this? – ‘oh don’t worry about this, we know the system.’ ok how about that? – oh don’t worry about that, we have ppl who work there…..

    i’m like, and you expect me to do business with you? with lots of ‘don’t’ worry about this and that?’

    I agree with Nolaw, when you say we the ‘digital clicker’ ought to have a habit of buying online.

  32. 32 wudnesh

    To those who live in Ethiopia and want to own Bernos tees…if there is a will, there is a way. Get your zemedoch to send it to you (my bro and neice in Addis own my fav of all the tees….”I dream in Amarigna”…I love it so much that I have two of them myself (actually…was after one got bleach stained -accidentally- though is just a penny size….was an excuse to get the second one) :)
    Alazhar, goes for u too…..or wait till one of us come to visit and get u the tee :P
    BTW come join us at Bernos press…..lots of interesting ppl to talk to….

  33. 33 Alazhar

    Hi everybody!
    Last time when you wrote back on your blog you answered
    “no thanks for your interest…we get tons of emails from many people who want to do business with us….”
    and later you said…
    “I will be writing on this topic next week… i would like to get your input then… thanks”
    But it is now even more than two weeks..?
    Hope to listen soon from you.

  34. 34 dawitm

    [quote comment="60926"]BTW come join us at Bernos press…..lots of interesting ppl to talk to….[/quote]

    i signed up for bp, but wassup with the free grazing scare :) ? i voted no, cuz i know am not going be there as much as everyone

  35. 35 Nolawi

    [quote comment="64612"]Hi everybody!
    Last time when you wrote back on your blog you answered
    “no thanks for your interest…we get tons of emails from many people who want to do business with us….”
    and later you said…
    “I will be writing on this topic next week… i would like to get your input then… thanks”
    But it is now even more than two weeks..?
    Hope to listen soon from you.
    yo sorry, it is on the schedule, it will get posted… thanks for making us accountable

  36. 36 Nolawi

    done alazhar done…

  37. 37 abebe

    [quote comment="9216"]ellelelele about the “$100 American Express Gift Card”

    got me the ET alien yellowy tee, and been making people slant their head to get what the head is about :) :)

    and constructive criticism: “I dream in amarigna” would have been more fabulous if the “amarigna” part was in ethiopic fonts… that way those who do not dream in / read amharic will not get it – it will just look jibberish to them… and it should. and people challenged with amharic reading can actually wear the tee and have other people ask them, “what do you dream in?” and they’d have a choice of replying “jibberish” or “some language I do not know” or anything…

    inaaaa.. “Sold in Merkato” is another one whose color I was not exactly fond of but now I am loving. It is the color of a stinky Ahnd BiRRRR! was that the intent behind the color choice? weyinis, it’s just me convincing myself into loving the color of that t-shirt?[/quote]

  38. 38 port

    Love the designs! When are you coming out with new ones?

  39. 39 Evening Dresses @ ED

    simply awesome designs. i really love it:)

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