Zilch Moonlighting! 266 Comments

moon light moonlighting

No, I am not talking about the TV series!

I was finishing up a job interview; I was thinking it went very well, that is till they dropped the bomb shell.

Last thing, you would also have to sign on the moonlighting clause."

I had an inkling, on what he was talking about, and I understand where he is coming from. For what he is planning to pay me, I was willing to sign it but ignore his request.

You see 'moonlighting' is term used to describe when a professional has a day job and uses his nights to freelance for small projects/job. Within creative fields such as graphic/web design, architecture, interior design, photography, and etc; it’scommon practice.’ If something with a nice pay comes along, then you forget about your day job and concentrate on what is paying or creative.

I hate to complain about Ethiopian girls yet again but its common practice,’ to keep the relationship ambiguous while they shop around.

Well, I am not a mannequin the Gap that you can wait to buy when I am on sale. I am never on sale. No window shopping here! Either you buy or don't! No I am not interested in becoming your friend first; What for? So that I can dine-n-wine you and entertain you while you make up between the five other guys who are in the same boat as me. Heck no!

One girl had the nerve to tell me, 'if we do hang out, it would have to be as friends!' Nevermind babe, I’m kinda busy this weekend anyways! Another girl was like ‘tsebahi kasamer!’ no no no girlie anchi tsebayshing kasameresh the invitation might still be open!

I say zilch to those who moonlight! I do not care if you are America's next top model, I do not gamble with my feelings. I prefer physically unattractive girl who is only talking to me. A 300 pounder who is not confused with too much attention!

The ladies are not to blame her though, it’s the guys! Because you guys let them do that to you. Where is your pride man? Why are all ten guys pursuing that one ‘hot girl’ while the rest of the girls are being ignored. Not all and sundry deserve a trophy wife!

They say there is someone for everyone. Well I suggest you get a mirror, and if you are 5’5” no need for you to ‘Meshamate’ in the 6 foot pool; you will just ruin it for everyone else, by spoiling her.

266 Responses to “Zilch Moonlighting!”

  1. 1 bernosisgettingaddictive


    haha i love this piece. you have a bitter sense of humor..sarcastic maybe. did you ever consider saying forget habesha women? i predict 20 responses for this one.

  2. 2 shanqillaw

    Don’t blam me man girl friend is ugly and I couldnt be any happier. She is easy maintenance. She doesnt care about expensive gifts. If I forget her birthday, so be it!

    She is very faithful, mostly because none else is interested and I couldnt be any happier.

  3. 3 Phil

    There’s TONS of chicks, TONS. Just look at facebook, hi5, myspace or even skyblog, why would anyone waste time pleading with window-shoppers? be honest, upfront, and frank about your intentions, any response that’s not on the positive needs to met with a ‘c ya when i c ya’… don’t get hung up on those who play, you’ll only end up making things worse.

    dr. phil

  4. 4 a

    I would have loved to disagree . But nolawi , for the first time Nolawi , i think you have point .ok , I am a good looking woman (no I am not joking) .
    I am impatient , high maintanance , picky . One of my girlfriend is very plain ( kind of askeyami) .I havent been in a relationship for more than 6 months . She on the other hand has had a couple of steady and long term relationships. she in her two year long relationship now. How does that work? she does everything , and I mean everything that the guy needs and asks from her and more. Just because she doesnt want to be left alone – if he leaves , she knows it will be a while before another one comes. She has no other life. He is her life .
    well… I want a good relationship -but if a guy messes up and is not giving much attention ” welad bedibab tihid” degmo lewend – I will get 3 – 4 at once so I wont tolerate . I always moonlight – even when I am in a relationship.
    But all the ugly/ plan / not so good looking – spoil their men so that he wont leave. I want a man who knows how to treat me so that I wont leave .
    but at the end of the day I will have to ask my self… who is in am better position? me or her ?

  5. 5 asteyayet

    Oh my God , a – I hope you are not serious!

  6. 6 b

    miss a..i don’t know where to begin. i think you need to work on your personality a bit..but then again who needs a personality when you’re hot, but then that’s all men would like you for. maybe the men mess up on purpose after three weeks of miss a, jus a thought.

  7. 7 celebratelife

    Moonlighting, sunlighting, criblighting…..all lit up but I think you have a love-hate relationship with Ethio women. If she says no it aint the end of the world. Who the hell is she anyhow? Take charge and say who’s your daddy? hahahaha.

    asteyayet, DITTO!

    Hey A, love your honesty…..Ladies and gentlemen I look like Beyonce and cook like Julia Childs. My favorite hobby is pole dancing. I get my manicure at Saks and my chauffeurs name is Bubba. All that and my man Morris Chestnut won’t talk to me. Now my girl Tayesha wears corn rolls, has gold teeth and walks with a limp and she gots herself a pimp daddy. Now you be doing the math people who be getin it on everyday? Aint life a bitch? Thank you for the laughter, lol.

  8. 8 ShalomShalom

    nice one, Mista John Nash.

  9. 9 Nolawi

    just a quick question, was asteyayet refering to me when he/she said i hope you are not serious? :)

    dear A, you do have some issues to deal with! but since you are so hot, I’ll offer personal counseling sessions for free… :) ha ha woy gud…

    Dr. Phil is on point….

    Celebrate, what love hate relationship! this is about guys eko… I didn’t blame the girls….

  10. 10 asteyayet

    This is a she ( although not as hot as “a”) but still hot enough … ha ha
    I was refering to “a” “a” I thought she was too much. Nolawi , I dont know you personally , I wander if you are 5’5”…? just a joke.
    Celebrate , always love your comments and that was a good way of putting the story of “a” .

  11. 11 celebratelife

    Nolawi, Although you stated “The ladies are not to blame here though, it’s the guys!” you did start it out with “I hate to complain about Ethiopian girls yet again.” The yet again gave me the impression you had a love-hate relationship with Ethio girls.

    Asteyayet, hahahaha no one is as hot as “A” but hey at least we got skills….

    I don’t know about you guys but I’m dying to know what “A” looks like. All the bragging and all are things that make you say hmmmmm.

    bernosisgettingaddictive, you’re right it is addictive.

    Have a good weekend!

  12. 12 celebratelife

    P.S. I predict 75 responses and 50 of them about “A”

  13. 13 a

    I was not trying to brag about my looks . I was just telling how it is. Just being Honest. the diffrence between good looking and not so good looking woman , our attitudes towards men and you know, claifying nolawis point.

    asteyayet – no I was not joking.

    My point is that even for a good looking women things could go wrong and our pride and confidence may back fire! as celebrate put it you do the math… who be getting it on everyday? and as I have asked in the end , Who is better off my askeyami girlfriend or me ? just a question .

  14. 14 Temelkach

    hey ‘A’… Girlie, I can see more of a potential for you to be a trophy wife than America’s next Top model! And from the looks of it, you’re gonna be the classic “always a bridesmaid, never a bride!”…not cos you rightfully don’t wanna cling to the wrong man but cos you are too obessesed with yourself and your wrapping paper (those are your looks incase you didn’t get it) to get even the right man close enough. Don’t forget it’s a relationship..50/50, it ain’t no silent auction where someone is fortunate to have the prize. At the end of the day, your looks would mean less than your personality if your man, be it of 10 months or 10 years can’t stand your better-than-thou attitute so GIRL, CHECK YOURSELF!

  15. 15 Nolawi

    celebrate, min laderg blesh neuw… you know me too well! i admit the love hate relationship.. and its very extreme on both sides… i do love hell out of them.. but they piss the hell out of me…

    but as a whole i relate very well to woman, i grew on in mostly female enviroment… I would also say that over 70 percent of the bernos blog readers are female… but that is another post…

    A, love the honesty… and if u know you are so hot… beqaa… tease adergibete…

    gin, just because you are pretty, i am not going to go out of my way to satify u… relationships are compromise.. the sooner you understand that the sooner the man will love you…its give and take… not just take take..

    maybe you asqeyami friend is not just giving she is also receiving… have u thought of that.. A!

  16. 16 Tobian

    A, hahahha … I’d not be surprised if you’re actually a man. Either way, you’re making an interesting discussion point.

    I think friendship comes before a relationship. If you can’t forge a meaningful friendship, then the rest is a question of how long it’ll take you before you get bored in bed and one of you takes a hike.

    Yes, a fu** buddy can become a good friend, and the interaction can grow into a friendship, but why pretend like the beginning is a relationship? It’s not. It’s hormones, madness, lust, infatuation, delusion …it’s anything but a relationship.

    Also, you don’t have to ‘wine-n-dine’ a friend. You’ve to wine and dine a date (well, a peculiar breed of high maintenance date). If a girl says she wants to be a friend, take a chill pill … sit back, and shoot some breeze. You may find that she’ll open her mouth and you’ll distaste her guts anyway. Less baggage for you.


  17. 17 Nolawi

    Haha haa … speaking of dine n wine….

    My little bro, calls me over and tells me he met a “hot” AA girl and asked her out and she yes!, and he said that he thought she was somewhat expensive though…I’m like go for it… and so he calls her over

    Bro: what about dinner on Friday?
    She: can I pick the place?
    Bro: are you paying for it?
    She: no
    Bro: then, I’ll pick the place!
    She: ok but no franchises!

    So he calls me over
    Bro: can u believe she said no franchises?
    She: don’t worry man, take her out, I’ll pay for the dinner?

    So after the date he calls me over:
    Bro: you know what , SHE ORDERED APPTIZER, ENTRÉE DESERT AND A BOTTLE OF WINE!! You owe me 110$ !


    but why pretend like the beginning is a relationship? It’s not. It’s hormones, madness, lust, infatuation, delusion …it’s anything but a relationship.

    you cant be serious, you don’t have to have sex to be in relationship or to date… so your theory off.. what i am saying it that you dont have to put the freindship label on it… to go out an have a drink or whatever u youngins do on dates these days

  18. 18 hidaya

    Hi a, you raised few good point in your post,you, a good looking and demanding woman by your own admission havent had a boyfriend and your plainer friend is on her second in tow years .

    Since you both have individual reasons and standards in relationships why do you draw comparisons?.You want certain things from a boyfriend that are important to you, are you assuming your friend wants similar things?,you say you are impatient, impatient to do what? being picky and high maintenance can mean selective and demanding depending on interpretation, question is: are you prepared to give what you demand? if you are not what kind of a relationship are you looking for? one where you demand and your other half obliges? do you think anyone likes that much high maintenance?. Relationships are about compromise but equal amount of compromise not more nor less on any single person, when it reaches the point that one person does more compromising than the other it becomes unequal and it is time to leave. .

  19. 19 Tobian

    Gashe Nolawi,

    “… to go out an have a drink … ”

    Yeah, I do that … and I call it friendship :p

    “youngins’? R-ight!

  20. 20 Tobian

    Also …

    Here are random thoughts that are somewhat related to the topic. But be warned – they are not necessarily very PC nor sensitive.

    I don’t remember where I read this but there was an exchange that went something like, “Chivalry is dead!”. A man would respond, “Yes, and women killed it.”

    I don’t know who killed chivalry, but I agree it’s dead. A while back, on a lazy afternoon discussion with a female friend, we were … enlightened.

    Consider the state of romance in contemporary literature and look at characters, specifically the men. Take all these books that women supposedly hoard, from Danielle Steele’s to road-side trashy novels. (Don’t even try the ‘no self-respecting woman would read those books!’ argument. BS! Nobody admits to reading or having read those books ;-) The men in these books are relentless in their pursuit, they arrogant, harsh and at times almost too forceful. (well, surprisingly they’re also always good in bed). The trend is actually kind of disturbing. All these are qualities which are uncharacteristic of the modern gentleman.

    I don’t care what people say but there’s some major discord between how we behave and what we like, even in public.

    Men keep asking, ‘what do women want?’. Tell you what. Look around you. When was the last time ‘if she doesn’t’ take me the first time I’ll see her when i see her’ made it to be a movie plot? If people cannot stand 1hr and half of watching other people’s life in that state, what are the chances they’ll live life like that?

    I think this

    “They say there is someone for everyone. Well I suggest you get a mirror, and if you are 5’5” no need for you to ‘Meshamate’ in the 6 foot pool; you will just ruin it for everyone else, by spoiling her.”

    is somewhat flawed. There should be no hierarchies and pools, unless one willfully submits to a position. This may sound a tad obnoxious, but pls bear with me for a moment and do a dispassionate sum of benefits. If a guy approaches a female with an awestruck mindset of ‘you-re-so-off-my-league’, then what is it worth to her? charity points? What is she to think?

    If the woman rejects the fist advance, I don’t see why she can’t be ‘demoted’ to a friend status. After all, I’m sure everybody has friends of the opposite sex who’re not, for one reason or another, date-able, no? Surely, she fits this category.

    Now, if she doesn’t want to be friends at all then the way I see it, that’s a major, unforgivable flaw in her character. Such a person is not worth a guy’s friendship. It’s a revision of Wilde’s, “I don’t want to be a member of any club that will have me as a member” … with a double negative.

    That’s all my mind can spew right now.

  21. 21 dboi

    noli…great topic…and this is my first post in this site… evethough i have been a reader for a while… you know i just figure out recently that i was looking for a ‘trophy wife’ technically…because ..not to boast i can say i am average attractive male with good education and job minamin….and can’t be that difficult to get attractive woman….also i mean i really like to have a beautiful abesha woman to be my wife minamin ..of course who doesn’t …but their ‘ugly’ personality killing me…so i asked myself can i continue with her like the rest of my life… No Way! so i seek other alternative that seeing a woman with good personality and attitude regardless of physical features or status is a best way to have what i am looking for ….a good faithful woman! so during my quest i met this young abesha girl at wedding few months ago..and i really liked her. she is cute, attractive and stylish…but not model looking woman i was looking for …but i can see her confidence and innocence…and took me a little longer to ask her out because she is very religous/church goer kind of girl ..came from back home not long ago..and she is very serious in this issue….and i guess she heard some bad stories abesha men in U.s …lol…anyway when recently i asked her out after lil chat…she asked me why i chose her since i could find “better” women out there…..and of course that blew me away…i mean you see …that kind of humility you will never find any abesha women who think she is pretty….so back to the story ..she didnt say yes or no but give her time to think about it…and i decided not to gave up…not matter what! :)

  22. 22 T

    What it boils down to is how one defines “beautiful”. If you are only looking at a person’s physical features, what happens after all that changes with age? Most of these women who are so hang up on their physical appearance (like a) usually have nothing else to offer to a man. Do you really want a trophy wife/husband who can’t hold a conversation? Also, if you are in a good relationship with a “beautiful” women, would you leave her if she gets in a car accident and ends up in a wheelchair, and her face gets deformed?

    A friend of mine once told me “I would like to meet a man who can F my brain and not just my body” I laughed at her at that time, but come to think of it, she is totally right.

  23. 23 a

    I think I am being misunderstood. or , we live in this chauvinistic world that a woman can not choose who she wants , as the men are doing. reason I say this..

    i can say i am average attractive male with good education and job minamin….and can’t be that difficult to get attractive woman….

    why is no one giving this dude (dboi) a hard time??!! as I did, he said he is good looking and has good education ,furthurmore he can get any women …. what the hell? I say this guys is a male version of me.
    Ok would it help my case if I say … oh ok . I am good looking woman , ladada tatata .. since i am not happy with the guys I am meating I chaged my attitude and try to see men with good personality . ( to me that would be a guys that wont be selfish , knows how to treat me very well in and out of bed, not like some kind of slave … ). I still dont want to suck it up and go on with the guy without personality . So i will not be picky… just a guy with humility , who will ask me why I picked him , when I could have picked anyone! Some one innocent ….
    Give me a break! if you think I had issues , the same will go for dboi.

  24. 24 celebratelife

    “A” your askeyami friend is way better off because she’s got a man who takes care of her and her needs. From your description, she’s content and confident. I remember my brother in law once telling me “a guy will not stick with a woman if he’s not feeling her…he’s gonna put some eggs in his shoes and beat it.” What’s with the “I’m high maintenance” sermon so is a cat. Unless you’re a feline cut that shit out! If you continue singing “give me, give me” he may ask you, “what have you done for me lately?” Snookems, you need a good man to take the crease out of your skirt. Don’t let your reality check bounce.

    Nolawi, I almost got you figured out…don’t let the Abesha women piss you off, you’ll find the one that will dance to your tune. Don’t expect any woman, unless she’s desperate, to tell you right off the bat she’s interested in a monogamous relationship. Avoid the women that say..ende, weyne, aydelem for some reason they seem shady hahahahahaha. Friendship first then relationship later, too much too soon will ruin a good thing.

    Maybe I’m from the old school but aren’t men and women supposed to work on their relationship together, like Temelkach stated, 50/50? I know time flies but are we already in the – you scratch my back and I’ll scratch your eyes century?

    May I suggest some do’s and don’t for first dates (take notes “A”)

    ask what do you do for a living.
    Do ask how did your day go today, then SHUT UP and listen.

    Don’t talk on your cell phone with a friend no matter how urgent (they can dial 911).
    Do admire his/her sense of humor (hopefully s/he’s got jokes).

    Don’t brag about what you got and what you do.
    Do roll your eyes if they brag about what they got and what they do then tell them you forgot you have a dentist appointment at midnight with Dr. Seuss then hail a cab.

    Don’t expect any more from him/her then you expect from yourself.
    Do have an open mind.

  25. 25 T

    One more for a

    Don’t call your friends askeyami as ‘birds of the same feather flock together’

    Do think about these issues and try to change.

  26. 26 Mitmita

    A, I don’t think you are single because of your hot look, I would bet a million dollars it’s your attitude

    and Nolawi, I was literary laughing out loud when I read about your bro’s hot date…so did you end up paying him $110?

  27. 27 winta

    Hey that was too funny Nolawi…But with that attitude of yours you are so going to die alone …

  28. 28 Nolawi

    Winta, dont tell me! do you actually think I have an attitude? no I don’t! I am just a man that has a few expectations from woman!

    some men think the fact that beautiful ethiopian woman actually open her legs up every once in a while is enough! I once was having drinks with a bunch of female friends and one of the girls said… I was sleeping with him, what else does he want?

    she actually though that she was offering him the holy grail!

    winta, if alone I might have a shot at being a Menokuse, debre libanose heji emotalehu lebichaye… minim aydel

  29. 29 Mamitu

    A, haven’t you heard the saying ” Merach yewedkal ke-Mirach” :-)

  30. 30 akame

    well everyone i take the blame for this. it is i (america’s next top model) that have caused such torment in nolawi. but in my defense, nolawi and many others like him are willing to try this whole friendship thing in hopes that one day ill change my mind. i call them the “hopefuls”. so sad, but true.

  31. 31 Meyissaw

    Well My friend I get your mind in most of the moonlighting.As already’n said “Women can’t live with’em and can’t live with out’em”what a paradox.

    Gin gin…….wedaje Siyayut yalamarem ale leka.

  32. 32 Marena-Wotete

    Here’s my advise to all Habesha Lovers (Nolawi, Mamitu, Diboi, Mitmita, a, Asteyayet, Shanqillaw, and Celebrate, …. Be creative.
    Take a little time to think it through, It’s not really hard…

    A three-hour date with a movie that lasts two and a half-hours is not a good way to get acquainted to your Habesha dates, speciall you know how we love to gosip!

    Then again, you don’t want to be stuck staring at each other without a topic of conversation if you don’t know each other or if you don;t belong to the same circle, specially over Injera!!!

    If you go to Habesha restaurant, make sure to order extra spicy food, like Mitmita and Sinig-Qaria, so you have something to talk about while your eye are watery.. :-)

    I suggest a daytime meeting takes the heat off.
    Plenty of topics for discussion without having to deal with issues like: “What happened to your last relationship, was she/he Habesha?”
    And you can avoid the usual casual chit-chat like:
    “My wife is still missing after I brought her from Ethiopia.”

    “I met my first boyfriend in high school or ye-sefer lij

    Menamen, Menamen, Menakmen

    Clothing is not optional.
    Wear clothes that make you feel good, i.e Netela, Gabi!
    New clothes always help – but if not new, be sure they’re clean, pressed, and fit well – or if that’s not your style – be sure they fit whatever way makes you feel the most comfortable and still look presentable.

    Help the Other Person Feel Comfortable
    Find something nice about your date and compliment her or him. “Aynish Betam Yameral” “Terseh Betam Konjo neew”

    But mean it. Don’t just say, “Nice shoes, Mimi.”

    “Konjo Shemiz, Abebe”

    Let’s review.

    Find something nice. If it’s painfully difficult to come up with something that you sincerely like about the person, you shouldn’t be out with them in the first place.

    Habesha, Manners and/or Kindness

    Thank the other person for the date – always, without exception. I know it’s hard for us to do as Habesha thanking someone for paying…
    Habesha Good manners are still in style. Well, not necessarily good manners – but common sense. Human kindness. That sort of thing is always in style.

    Focus on the Other Person – pay attention to your date.
    No wandering eyes. No preoccupation with old relationships, work, bank robberies.
    Be THERE.

    Listen actively to what your date says.
    Don’t interrupt. While your date is talking, don’t spend time thinking about what you’re going to say when it’s your turn.

    Attitudes and Habits – stay positive.
    Don’t complain on a first date.
    Be cautious about alcohol – if you drink heavily, you’re not going to be at your best. (This one is for Habesha Men, take it easy on Black Lable)

    If your date gets swacked on your first date, it’s not necessarily due to nervousness.
    He or she is likely to be a heavy-drinker, at best, and could end up drooling on your new, pressed clothes as you shovel him or her into a cab.

    Date ideas for the my Habesha’s:
    Take a class together.
    Injerana-Wet Mesrat?
    B/W Photography?

    Or cut to the chase with a chinese massage class with happy Ending! LOL


  33. 33 dboi

    “The ball in yo court man, but I just got a question for
    Is you happy??”

    lol…A,take it easy girl. All i am saying is that keep it moderate.sometimes things are not as it seems…

  34. 34 celebratelife

    A – look what you’ve started but I’m loving it and I should thank you for the good laughter as I live to laugh. As Dr. Phil would say “How is it working for you?”

    M&W, I laughed so hard I chocked. You are hilarious! I wish I had this ‘dating for dummies’ book for my first ever Abesha date! I would have had a ball!

    Go to an Abesha restaurant? As if! Who wants to be seen there on a first date with an Abesha? Then there is the gursha scene, oh lord!

    Day time dates are out! If I want to end it I can’t blame it on being tired or having to wake up early. Late afternoon, yes but before noon scratch that!

    I like him wearing a Gabi though that’s kinda of hot!

    Love the “My wife is still missing after I brought her from Ethiopia.” Then why the hell is he out on a date? Shouldn’t he be calling 911, making posters/fliers, or contacting friends and family? That’s why she left his scandalous behind he didn’t give a damn in the first place.

    Black label? I thought we’ve moved up to blue label!

    No complimenting..the last Abesha guy I told, “love your smile” to got stuck on stupid. Toss that!

    Can I give a high 5 to saying Thank you! Dangit people say thank you whether you paid for it or went along for the ride. Amasegenalw yene geta, yene emebet! Just say it or do a sign or a wink or something.

  35. 35 zanzibar

    What a discussion…very impressing.

    Points well taken and understood. But rather than concluding and judging someone if we try to understand people from different angle we could learn a lot o from our discussion. I feel like ‘A’ is misunderstood.

    Even tho I’m a man and I love being laid with beautiful girls, I respect them and I don’t consider girls are made just for satisfying men’s sexual needs. As Nalawi said men’s could be the one to be blamed and the victims at the same time for not having a dignity and going around after women’s skirt all the time. ‘A’ said she didn’t get what she want (her kind of man) and she is single ..and she rather stay single than going with a male acting like a mule. I prefer a girl who can tell why exactly pick me up and why she wants to go out with me than she picks any random man. Of course I’ll like to kiss and sleep with any beautiful girls at any time as long as I’m a free man. But I pick the person I want and I keep my test..and I understand the person I pick might not pick me. But it is Ok…it’s not a matter of minority minamin…it is a matter of attraction.

    As I said…the point on the article is well done..just thought some people are miss understood.

  36. 36 zanzibar

    ” Merach yewedkal ke-Mirach” ?? Dame. does that mean you don’t chose with whom you go out wiz?? But of course if you don’t have a choice…or if you just need any man with a sausage.

  37. 37 adam

    I don’t care what people say but there’s some major discord between how we behave and what we like, even in public.

    isn’t that the whole point?

    seduction is where passion and fantasy collide. there is nothing practical about falling for someone. your feelings rarely ever make sense. your stuck wanting more going from hope and despair. over and over again.

    so let’s not bush around the beat (as nolawi would say)the men who keep asking ‘what do women want?’ are weak. you know these passive aggresive types who hide hostility behind a facade of being nice and polite. i really despise people like this. its like they think they have some sort of ‘get out of jail card’ for playing the game.

    so guys stop complaining about what women want. put your internal talk on mute and listen to what these girls are saying. most women can appreciate a deep seduction, we all want our emotions to be engaged on a deper level.

    we all wants our minds to be penetrated. (nohomo)

  38. 38 keleb

    I think I got you figured out. All this cry me a river makes me think you are a mild mannered dude who aspires to be a Lothario but can’t be cuz you’r too much of a wuss! Time to re-invent yourself..

    Halleujah…all this pussyfooting around trying to make nice is prelude to what? Don’t we all know what we are after? If I want a relationship, I will go shoot hoops with my boys. If I want a wife to be, I’ll go home and get me a nice girl who can put up with my benign neglect from time to time. If I want a friend with benefits, I might spring for a bud,…

    My number is 555-111-5555 Call me and I hope we straighten each other out…I need a break and hope you can be my baby mama and also hope the baby looks like you cuz all my other babies haven’t had much luck in the looks department.

  39. 39 Nolawi

    Haha haha ah
    Very funny Keleb, “Aspires to be Lothario,” come on man! you are way off!

    Yes, I do romanticize the idea of a man that really understands women not for the sake of getting into the panties but for the sake of being able to satisfy women’s needs.

    But on the other hand I didn’t cry here! I do occasionally complain about men woman and about everything…. I express my feeling freely and that Dr Freud is an oxymoron from your initial assertion that I am Mild Mannered, if anything I’m Hot Mannered

    Paging Dr Keleb, time to reinvent career choices, from psychiatry to maybe gynecology


  40. 40 celebratelife

    Zanzibar…“I feel like ‘A’ is misunderstood.” I don’t think she’s misunderstood but she’s seriously disrespected. There is nothing wrong with being confident with yourself, I’m hella confident but I don’t use my friends as a crutch to compare and put the spot light on myself. Depend on your inner/outer qualities to attract a man not a picture of your askeyami friend to convince him you’re beautiful.

    Did you catch her repeated question “Who is better off my askeyami girlfriend or me?” If you still define her confident and a woman who knows what she wants then maybe you’re the person we should be discussing here.

    It’s not everyday you come across a man/woman who is totally comfortable in their own skin. But bullshitters are a dime a dozen and their words are usually a cry out for help.

  41. 41 zanzibar

    celebratelife…I might not agree with all what ‘A’ says but I tried to understand what she wanted to say. When I’ve a lil spare time I read blogs to see if there is something i can learn from not to have ‘Quna mulu weRe’. I’m optimistic and positive mind for most things. I don’t like the fact ‘A’ describe her own friend and the fact she says “if you think I had issues, the same will go for dboi.” to balm dboi too if she is blamed. She should have stand by herself for what she believed and open her mind for change, to learn and grow. But that was another issue. If you think she is wrong you have to be calm with her. I don’t like 10 people biting one person.

    but say what?? who the fuck do you think you are to discus about me? do you know me? we are here to share ideas and learn, not to showoff.

  42. 42 toothpick

    dating and relationships are just like little wax fishies. they have as much to do with sex as hairspray does with decaf soy lattes. because, at the end of the day, wax fishies don’t really have toupees. and their gills will wilt away if dipped into anything un-aquatic, much less soy, caffeine, or dairy. now, imagine, if you will, that one day, said wax fishy decides that dotmatrix printers are the in thing; and it decides to throw out it’s brand new ipodlaserjetdualcorequadrosonicfacsimile machine. you know what would happen then? nothing much, really. in actuality, the wax fishy will probably meet another fishy who’s in the habit of smoking, which really threatens in exoskeleton as much as it implies explosions of nuclear proportions (insert: hairspray). so … my question to you, dear wax fishies, is: who is cleaning out your tank?

  43. 43 Temelkach

    toothpick, I normally consider myself to be a fairly intelligent person who can understand most gibberish but you have lost me on yours….Is this a nice awareness gibberish talking about your ipodlaserjetdualcorequadrosonicfacsimile or what?

    Zanzibar…you aware of the Amharic saying

    ” be’seferut Quna… “

    just out of curiousity zanzibar, if you can so freely discuss and analyze ‘A’ and make insightful statements about her comment, what makes you think you can’t be discussed about. Remember this is a blog, anyone can say whatever they want about whatever. That’s what free speech is all about. And anything they say is nothing but their opinion to which they have a right so pls spare some of us from the Iron fist rule and the profanity that came with it.

  44. 44 celebratelife

    Zanzibar, regardless of our disagreement, just because you’re Abesha I got love for you but I got to say what I got to say.

    I actually enjoyed your reasoning until I got to the point….“If you think she is wrong you have to be calm with her. I don’t like 10 people biting one person.” Calm? What the F, now we got to cater to someone’s fragileness and go by what you like and dislike. I think you need to revise that one. I speak my mind, not only on this blog but in real life. If you don’t like what I have to say, then guess what? I’m not crazy about what you got to say either.

    What you say to me is deleted/purged/forgotten in about 30-45 minutes unless you matter in my life. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas that’s the rule I live by. Take everything with a grain of salt. Fortunately for me I don’t know you because you seem like a woose. Grow some hair and take it like a man.

    We are here to share ideas and learn, not to showoff. Show off? Honey we are not at the car dealers looking at cars we can’t afford. That’s what I call showing off. You have yet to share an idea, when is it coming?

    Toothpick, Please susplain or transledemo or something.

  45. 45 Marina Wotete

    This one s to Toothpick (I will call you Mefaqia) since you need one really bad!! LOL

    Ere Bakeh Ante Sewuye; Betaina Neew?? If you write something here at Bernos, everyone will read it, if it’s worth reading. If a lot of people think it’s worth reading, you’ll get a responce to you comments… Like they say on the street speak softly!!
    Do you want that to happen to you? Your fascinating personality may not be enough. :-) Here’s how to improve your chances:

    First, it won’t kill you to proofread!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Check your grammar and spelling. If you can’t be bothered to go back and re-read what you’ve just written, you’ve got a hell of a nerve asking us to waste our time reading it. When we find spelling and grammar errors in a writeup, it’s customary to /msg the user about it, because we all make mistakes — but if your writeup is riddled with errors, some people may think that you haven’t put forth enough effort to deserve the courtesy.

    Be sure that what you’ve written makes sense.

    Bear in mind that we are not you, and we can’t read your mind. When you read your writeup, you already know what you’re trying to say. We don’t have that advantage. You are in a position to fill in the parts of your intent that aren’t being communicated effectively; we aren’t. If you’re not communicating, why bother? Are you writing only because your fingers need the exercise? If so, that’s fine, but if not, you should be revising absolutely everything you write. Dose your family know you are having writting issue’s?? Everything you write, including but not limited to /msg’s here at Bernos, grocery lists, your signature, confessions the police made you sign in the back room, anonymous death threats, manifestos, and angry letters to your dead beat dad! There are no exceptions here.

    Toothpickiye; Try to write short, declarative sentences, Ok! Yene Wondem/Ehit?


  46. 46 Tsion

    lol @ toothpick. you have an ingenious warped mind, and us wax fishies here are clearly not ready for it. next time, stay away from the keyboard and keep those loony thoughts in your head.

  47. 47 zanzibar

    Cool. I’m sorry for my language.

    When I was reading ‘A’ comment I didn’t go between lines to say she is referring her friend’s ugliness to show her beauty. I thought she wanted to give two cases, one is someone like her friend (could be anybody), who is plane and who will go out with anybody randomly and who is in a relation ship for two years or so. And the other one (someone like her) who is picky with high expectation and high maintenance (even tho she is the one who is suppose to maintain herself), good looking but is single for several months looking for what she want. That is the two scenario cases I’ve got from her comment regardless of her personality. Asking myself, should a man go out with any random girl to get laid and stay or wait till he gets his kind of girl? I didn’t know she was trying to convince someone or herself by referring her friend.

    Everybody has the right to speak his/her mind. But it is not cool to cross a line; I prefer to share only the idea. So from the above scenario, I might chose to go out with girl like I don’t mind waiting. But don’t misunderstand me, I’ve male friends who will go out with anybody as long as she is a women, may be they think you are just a sex toy. She could be ugly and horrible but they have the technique of “shinkurt” (onion) which means, they pull up her skirt up to her head (to cover her face) and they do what they want at the bottom….if you know what I mean.

    Temelkach….of course anybody can talk about anything….at any time…but what is the use to talk about somebody you don’t even know. And it doesn’t mean a shit. It is like “yeGorebet Buna..weRe”.

    Is it wrong to try to understand what someone wants to say than how he says it? Is it all African or all human being who usually tend not to agree? Anyway we are students and we prefer to use our right properly.

    If you think I’m wrong drop my comment.

  48. 48 zanzibar

    Do you remember an Israelis brought a prostitute in front of Jesus Christ and they want to kill her according to the law? But what he said was, ‘any one of you who is righteous throw the first stone’. Even tho he makes the law and she breaks his law he wants to save her. He just told her not to do it again. Her life must have changed; at the end of the day she put an expensive perfume on his foot to show him her gratitude.

    Oops may be I’m outa the subject. It just came to ma mind and I just wana share it. i’m not a religious person, just trying to give analogy for being good.

  49. 49 celebratelife

    Zanzibar, I know the bible stories….it also says turn the other cheek but what’s that got to do with the price of tea in China?

    Now unless we have to be dabbled with holy water before entering Bernos.org, this is a place for us to share our opinions and the best part is we use anonymity. Even if you personally know me I wouldn’t change my responses.

    As much as you’re struggling to protect ‘A’ we are trying to bring her into reality. Check that off your list.

    I don’t think anyone here is trying to hurt anyone’s feelings but everyone has a different way of communicating and I actually find it humorous. How can you take seriously, the words of a stranger you have never met? That baffles me.

    You know my hubby constantly tells me…Celebrate not everyone wants to hear the truth, all of the time, some people want to remain in the dark because that’s their comfort zone. I always tell him Abeshoch are different we’re used to reality and take everything with a grain of salt. When am I gonna start listening to that man? I owe him an apology.

    Bernos is suppose to be a positive experience and not a battle of -I’m right, no I’m right- but in the end no one is right/wrong just opinionated as hell.

    I truly have respect because you’re honest but please take everything with a grain of salt. I’m starting to love discussing you and ‘A’ and now toothpick

  50. 50 zanzibar

    what ever you said madam.

  51. 51 celebratelife

    Correction mademoiselle at least get that part straight.

  52. 52 zanzibar

    as you said..master.

  53. 53 celebratelife

    Zanzibar, master for males; mistress for females. Can we get that corrected in your reference book as well. Now let me have the last word and call it peace.

  54. 54 keleb

    Rataattt! BOOM!I am ducking!

    Psychiatry might not be my forte, but please don’t send me to the gynecology department. True story…a buddy doing his residency in LA told me that he stopped looking at women for a whole year after his gynecology round! The horror story doesn’t end there. According to this budddy, the majority of male gynecologists are gay.

    I don’t know if there is any cause and effect relationship here, but I ain’t touching it with a ten foot pole!

    Bach to our discussion. My brother, you are agonizing and romanticizing too much about fulfilling women’s needs as you put it.

    I dare say that ALL you need is make sure that you have fulfilled the lower three rungs of Maslow’s Heirarchy for a woman and you are in like Flint.

    That’s all there is to it…cash money and the willingness to go under ( which according to you we do too;-). I know you got all that cash from the sale of the fly t-s.

  55. 55 Mitmita

    Nolawi…The statistic you quoted might be because women just fill comfortable with women or gay gyno’s ….

  56. 56 Timo

    whew, I need a cool ice tea after that heated debate!

    Celebrate, you crack me up girl.

    Toothpick, lay off the pot man/girl

  57. 57 a

    I didn’t know that I could stir this much attention…. without even revealing my beautiful looks (I know this will piss everyone off especially you celebrate . But again, you’re always pissed off ) This is just great !
    Ok … I enjoyed all the postings, however I didn’t get too much positive , or even “realistic “ information .
    Celebrate: you assume too much. You are just making too much noise.
    ““A” your askeyami friend is way better off because she’s got a man who takes care of her and her needs”
    I don’t remember describing the type of relationship my friend had, let alone how her man takes care of her … let alone her being confident or content. I just said she was askeyami and she has a man. The flip side of the story could be , she takes care of him and he does not do that in return…. Ever thought of that ?
    I don’t feel bad for calling my friend askeyami , I didn’t tell her to her face , nor did I go around telling people who know her “ she is askeyami”. Lets be honest , all of us know askeyami people. It could be relative but we all have what we call ugly , other wise why would the word be invented in the first place? Just don’t say it out loud. I don’t, this is an annonumous posting and I thought it would be good for the discussion.
    “ Take a look at me!” Where the hell did you get that “I’m hella confident but I don’t use my friends as a crutch to compare and put the spot light on myself. Depend on your inner/outer qualities to attract a man not a picture of your askeyami friend to convince him you’re beautiful” what the hell does this statement mean??!!
    “I remember my brother in law once telling me “a guy will not stick with a woman if he’s not feeling her…he’s gonna put some eggs in his shoes and beat it.” – Let me tell you angry woman … as a matter of fact I beat it . I leave them, for the most part a lot beg (some still are begging) to get back with me. Welcome celebrate ,this is the world of the beautiful woman. Just can’t stand to stay with a man that I don’t find interesting, I haven’t been content so far. And I won’t stop until my high expectations are met.
    “we are trying to bring her into reality.”… I just hear attacks and anger nothing more.. at least not from you.
    Lady ,you got too many flaws in your argument … it is not even worth to go over all! So just try to make your point without being angry, don’t go out there just to attack!
    You’re hubby is trying to be modest and nice by telling you that people don’t want to hear you angry, shallow comments! We habeshas don’t tell it up front , ke egir enjemiralen sile tsegur lemawrat . We just work our way up slowly…. So wait for it celebrate, your “hubby” one of these days will say “ celebrate … not everyone wants to hear your stupid comments – you talk too much” and he will beat it. I suggest you use your own brothers’ advice.

    Did you say 50/50 temelkach. I have no problem with 50/50 , just don’t like doing 70/30 just to keep a man .

    Oh and by the way , I thought you were a madam?! You said “hubby “ … yet another little mezebarek from celebrate …

    Nolawi : nothing but love for you . feel sorry for your bro… I will take your advice and tease even more …
    Dboi: still think you are a male version of me . You just did not agitate people since you’re a man . The world is used to men choosing and not women. Answer to your question “ is you happy” . I am honest. I don’t fool my self as the ever-merry person that celebrate claims to be. As everyone, some days are good some days are not so good. We live for the good days. But I thrive to be happy.
    M&W: I was laughing so hard when I read your dating “etiquette” for Ethiopians .
    Toothpick , what the hell was that ??? I would love to hear what you have to say in English or in amarigna both would work

    I will again forward my question … “Who is better off my askeyami girlfriend or me?” ( some of thought this was a question of confidence… I wont argue on this) since most of you didn’t get it . Let me rephrase.
    Is it better to have a man ( with positives of … you know regular Sex , a companion to go to the movies with , hold you at night ) but this guy is not someone you see your self with . I am not seeing cheating or abuse but . Just conversation wise , you guys don’t understand eachother , no share of sense of humor , you have to argue a lot or just to keep him , you shut up and let him win the argument ….
    Or just try to see if someone is you type , if he is not ( for reasons mentioned above) … continue to the other person who might actually be out there somewhere ? meantime being single( which sucks sometimes ) .. I just don’t know what the answer is for a lot of people . For me I have chosen the second rout .But fellow habeshas… what do you think?
    I will leave you with that.

  58. 58 celebratelife

    A – Actually I enjoyed your comments. You speak your mind. It’s not your beauty that disappoints us it’s your attitude about your friend. Let it sink.

    You started off on comment #4 asking who’s better off me or my askeyami friend and on comment #57 no one really cares to answer, get the hint. I think this is what’s really irking you more then my comments. If you were really that confident the question wouldn’t be presented so check yourself.

    As far as my hubby you see we’re close like that. Are you having a problem with it?

    Love that I’m labeled angry by an angry black female love it, love it. But you may want to also add in realty checker. Thank You.

    Regardless, just because you’re Abesha I got love for you. Now I’m done with you.

  59. 59 Oreo

    K I’ve been reading all the comments and here is my 2 santim
    ‘A’ – either you’re making up this askeyami friend or you’re a b@#$H!!! The way I see it beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what u think is Askeyami might be cute so that could be the answer for the guys being interested in your friend…. But what I really wanted to comment on is don’t argue saying I’m being honest….if u love a person as your friend it is so hard to say she/he is askeyami cause a friend is not just the look but the personality and everything!!! So when one person ask u if they think your friend is cute I believe if that person is a friend the word askeyame won’t even cross your mind so please stop saying FRIEND!!! I just don’t think the word Friend and Askeyami goes together

    As for the question you asked I’m with u 100%!!! I’m all for the 50/50 but shit if one has to compromise more than that obviously there is no need for the relationship.

    Celebrate – I love your writing and all but…one question do you people know each other? Cause it seems to me that you only attack the people that are not regulars go back and read most of your comments and u will see how different u write when u don’t agree with Nolawi and when u don’t agree with other people!!! Don’t get me wrong u have the right to your opinion but my question is why be all rude when it’s a name u don’t know? Maybe I’m spending too much time reading this blog but what can I say it’s addictive.

  60. 60 Debritu

    This is to Miss “A”. You seem to have all the answers so why even ask the question? Your friend wants to compromise for the sake of being in a relationship and you on the other hand would rather be alone. So there you have it; we all have our choices in life based on our priorities. Your assertion that only ugly people give in more in a relationship is totally flawed. There are so many beautiful women out there that are in abusive and one-sided relationship, for fear of being alone, low self-esteem, fear, love etc. Therefore, if you would rather be single then it is your choice or you can say you still haven’t met your ideal guy, but don’t try to say “I am single because I am beautiful”. Because that is what it sounds like.

  61. 61 zanzibar

    “I am single because I am beautiful”. Because that is what it sounds like
    It doesn’t sound that way for me.

    it rather sound like should i be like unattractive a’s friend (could be anybody… b or z that is not the point) but stick to the man and being down to earth for him to keep him around or should I be proud and wait until I get the person I respect and love even if being single sucks sometimes.

  62. 62 zanzibar

    celebratelife, I admire your talent and appreciate your energy. It’ll be better if you try to listen, understand and see others perspective too. But if you think you have answer for everything…..well I’ve no problem with that.

    We’ve got love for all human being.

  63. 63 celebratelife

    Oreo, Thank you for your honest criticism, and I’m not trying to be funny. I don’t know anyone on this blog and I don’t intentionally pick on names I’m not familiar with. I beg to differ about being rude, there are a lot more harsh comments on this blog then mine. When someone is posting a comment it is for all to view and comment/criticize. This blog is public otherwise everyone would be exchanging personal emails about each other’s opinions.

    Zanzibar, I am very expressive and it sometimes comes off as a rude comment and I can’t apologize for my dry sense of humor. I think we are all allowed freedom of speech. I actually don’t have an answer for everything but I do have an opinion about some things. I also have love for all human beings but I have special love for my people, I can’t help it, and I don’t believe there is harm in that.

    If everyone said exactly what the other person wants to hear as supposed to what we really feel, life would be too predictable and this world would be built on fake interactions.

  64. 64 asteyayet

    oreo – good observation! I would have to agree on what you have to say. Thank you for opening our eyes!
    Celebrate : I know you are being honest , you are right you dont know eachother …. but I sense this kind of respect for regulars , a certain kind of “politically correct” critic … oh well, we’re all here to exchange views and maybe we will learn something about it at the end of the day. The same goes out to you miss “a”….

  65. 65 a

    thank you for your constructive asteyayet ” oreo” and Zanzibar”…. eventhough that was not what I had in mind , you showed me how my statement might be/ are /were misinterpreted , therefore thank you too “debriye”.
    This was the kind of response I was expecting from the beginning

  66. 66 zanzibar

    celebratelife, You are doing right by expressing yourself and you do have freedom of speech. I didn’t say you are harsh either. But I wanted to say if we consider ourselves like a family member and try to understand each other and learn from one another, I don’t think the world will be predictable, but a better place rather.

    Love and respect for y’all.

  67. 67 celebratelife

    Zanzibar, LOL

  68. 68 toothpick

    see what you’ve done, wax fishies? you’ve made bad candles out of yourselves. now your wicks are mere twigs, crackling in darkness, somehow lamenting lost sentiments from the bowels of the ural mountains. don’t say i didn’t warn you.

    as for that infidel marina-wetete: if you choose to mock me any further, be prepared to wake up with your upper lip stapled to your eyelids. this is no euphemism. i actually have a discount at office depot.

    now, the rest of you … play along in your sandboxes, soapboxes, or whatever polygonal enclosure you fit most comfortably in. i also suggest a fascist diet of tuna and putrid water; it will clear your head after 3 days.

    i’m going back to the vault now.

  69. 69 asteyayet

    Toothpick, as timo has suggested PLEASE do us all a favor ….. lay off the pot man, or 555 samuna minamin , do whatever – gud eko new….

  70. 70 Shanti

    You guys are killing me… LOL! I have never posted here before, infact I found this site by accident earlier today and have been reading various of your comments for the past hour or so. The comments made by “toothpick, celebratelife, MW, etc.” are hilarious. Toothpick, you have a sense of humor that is so dark… I would love for you to come out of that vault frequently… loved your wax fish comment…

    What are other blogs that are available out there that are this much fun? – Abesha style ofcourse :)

  71. 71 Nolawi

    Shanti nice that you have found us…. there are countless blogs…check the sidebar at carpe’s …


  72. 72 Shanti

    Thanks, Nolawi! Great info…

  73. 73 hidaya

    Toothpick you have a wonderful sense of humour even if you live in a vault, actually that is hilarious. I am thinking of renting one, it might make me as funny as you.

  74. 74 chelema

    How in the heck did I miss the Juice on this one? Ladies and gentlemen, boyz and girlz, lesbians and gayz….ATTENTION PLEASE!!!! Since my energy level is s.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o slow today, I will just put my contribution in response to the original message by Nolawi. So here we go…. ….Nolawi said,

    Well, I am not a mannequin the Gap that you can wait to buy when I am on sale. I am never on sale. No window shopping here! Either you buy or don’t! No I am not interested in becoming your friend first; What for? So that I can dine-n-wine you and entertain you while you make up between the five other guys who are in the same boat as me. Heck no!

    Nolawi, can I get your permission to use that line in my future relationship endevour? I like the way you put it. First and for most, if a girl says she just wants to be friends, I wouldn’t drop her YET. Reason being is that because there is no Chemistry developed yet and she just does not want to committ at this time. Its a risk analysis from her point of view, so she’s playing it safe. Who knows, you could be an asshole and she just don’t wanna get stuck with that. So unfortunately, the job is left for us men to do. Though its not an easy task, the solution is very simple. I am currently not following my own theory of HOW TO GET THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAM but I know it could be done. Besides, you know the saying…”Those who can’t do, TEACH? So I am gonna sound like Dr. Phil here for a sec so just bear with me. One thing for certain((girls back me up on this…) is that girls just simply get fed up with routine, get bored, start daydreaming about other possibilities and often act on it a lot quicker than you’ve even got near to doing. Men who are in this situation are lucky if the pull their’s girls felt is simply physical. And not that the other man can rescue her and give her a better life. If that’s the case, we men have already lost. So the question is, how do you get the girl of your dream and KEEP her for eternity without her wondering about other posibilities? The answer, GET OUT OF YOUR ROUTINE. Routine is like an Itch you can’t scratch, because if you scratch, you don’t know what might happen. Girls like to get surprised at all time. Don’t just give a girl a flower on Valentine’s day only, give her a flower just because its Monday, Tuesday or whatever. They don’t like to see it coming, they just want it to keep coming. Most men including myself get it wrong sometimes, that its only the little things that make a girl’s world swirl and blow her out of her skirt. We need to make sure that we do a lot of interesting things with our women so that they get too busy keeping up with us and don’t have time to think about those other men. But then, if she is YeMeDA aHeYA type of chick… and just wants to hop around from one man to the other for no apparent reason, then you got to drop her ass as fast as a lightening and move on to the next. By the way, (forgive me ladies for saying this…) I am in no position to advice a girl to stay loyal to her men, ’cause recently I became the biggest player I ever known. Most of the girls I date know that I am playing them and to some I even tell them I am seeing a lot of other girls, but they just keep coming…don’t know why. Girls enjoy competition, men avoid competition. I am trying to get out of the player circle and I am making a progress…i think! ….. so bottom line is, If a girl sees something she wants to keep, trust me, she will do anything for it. But, and this is a BIG BUT, that not all girls are the same. No universal rule apply. Its a matter of trial and error, but most girls follow the same rule… Sometimes, I happen to get lucky to tap into their hard drive to get a sneak peak.

  75. 75 celebratelife

    “Since my energy level is s.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o slow today” are you serious? I thought you were on your 3rd espresso. I’m on my 4th – waiter can I get one more please and make it a double cause I have a lot to say…click, click on the key board.

    “First and for most, if a girl says she just wants to be friends, I wouldn’t drop her YET.” Can I get an Amen, a high 5, a halleuler or something for that! The best Abesha relationship I had was stemmed from friendship. We were both set up as a blind date by our friends who were also on that date with us. We mutually agreed on friendship….we became friends/lovers and the couple, we escorted, broke up hahahaah. We got to know each other first without the strain of a relationship (totally inseparable) and I’ve never met another Abesha like him since. Wohhhhh just thinking about it brings back memories. If I had 5 hands I’d give it 5 thumbs up for friendship then relationship.

    “Most of the girls I date know that I am playing them and to some I even tell them I am seeing a lot of other girls, but they just keep coming…don’t know why.” I’ll tell you why…either you’re great at what you do (Self EXaggeration) or you’re good at telling them what they want to hear. Any respectable girl/woman is not gonna let you keep taking her to the Candy Shop. We’ve all played the game but in the end you can hurt someone who really loves you so the game can sometimes backfire. Pick one of your sidekicks and be faithful to her, you don’t have to marry her but be good to her. Stop guarding your heart like a bank vault.

    After you’ve made your rounds you’ll come to understand the connection you have with the one person who dances and sings to your tune is more important then hitting the sack for a one hour physical gratification (the way you’re going, you may not last that long). On a serious note Chelema I know you’re a good guy so don’t sell yourself short.

  76. 76 chelema

    celebratelife, I think you hit the Jack-Pot on this one. Specially on your last statement “don’t sell yourself short…) I think about that everyday. Something that might have to do with the fact that they just keep coming is probably because when I am with the girl I AM WITH THE GIRL. period I don’t look around to check out every booty that passes by or daydream about other girls. Girls usually enjoy my attentiveness and my strong personality. I show them the best time of their life, with me its always something different…they enjoy that. I worry about hurt feelings(mine and the girls)…which is why I tell them the truth. By the way, did I tell you I am moving to Ethiopia at the start of the mellinnium? So I am hoping to find the one girl that GOD had reserved for me there. She better challenge me or else… daayymm. I have yet to find a girl with a strong personality. I am a sucker when it comes to girls that have a strong personality. Its like a futtish..or something. If a girl puts her foot down and claims the grounds the walks on and takes no shit from on one, that’s the girl for me. You know one of those “HaileGNa” chicks, something about a woman in power makes me go Esssssssssssss. But thanks for your comment, as always, I am starting to see you Eye-to-Eye. you’re cool in my book…

  77. 77 celebratelife

    Chelema, You will definitely find the girl of your dreams in Ethiopia. I have a cousin who lived and was educated for most of his life outside of Ethiopia and went back after college. He’s a true success story…to make a long story short he found the girl of his dreams there and they’re happily married with a child. I have a feeling you’re going to be very happy there but remember you got to toss your playa/pimpin hat before you land at the Bole airport.

    I’m with you there I’m a sucker for a guy with a strong personality and I’m lucky to have found one. I can’t stand the eshee, eshee types.

    Remember to keep us updated once you’re there.

  78. 78 chelema

    You know what’s funny?…when it comes to girls in Ethiopia… I am like the most BeCHeBaCHA wond you ever see. By that I mean, I get scared of the famous question What if? she was infected with HIV? Recently when I adopted my own nephew, they asked me for a medical exam and I wanted to do an HIV test at the same time, but booooy, was I scared shitless? Though I slip a condom everytime I rustle with a girl in bed, there were a few occations that I just simply let it go without the shield. After the result came in and I found out that I was clean(oh that was the best day of my life…) I made a promise to myself that I would never get myself in that situation again. I am glad to say that I kept my word until now. But the one problem I have now is how do I convince a girl to accompany me so that we can both get tested for HIV without hurting her feelings? I have no problem with tossin’ out my pimpin’ hat once I get there, but am I safe with one girl? Is it practical to ask a girl to get tested? Or can I just say “YeChibO AmLAK AnTE TaQAleH” and go for it anyway? That’s what I am only scared about.

  79. 79 Nolawi

    bicha Chelema… Asemechi ena lakih endatihine

    that is import exporter.. for the Amarigna Impaired…

    meaning she woudl leave your as… when she gets her…

  80. 80 celebratelife

    Nolawi says save your time and money cause she gonna leave your azzzz. I don’t think Chelema is planning on bringing her here but speaking of HIV testing.

    Ok so I’m on my 10th espresso and I can manage to type without shaking. Chelema, you have to get that phobia out of your head. This is your life and the life of your children you have to think about. First thing is the more you fear it the more it will track you down and bite you on the ass.

    How about you put it like this….”listen girlie I dun got me a good life and I plans to live right here on earth for many more of them years, don’t know where you been, who you done been wit or what you dun done did but I need me some proof you aint got notin lurken in that blood vain of yours. You feel me?” Or in plain English no test no SEX! If you’re a real romantic she’ll do anything for you. I would think she would actually be thrilled you asked and should jump for joy that you actually care.

    You can also get some blood from her while she’s still sleeping and run to the lab. Which one do you think is easier? Just messing with you but tell her upfront and if she’s not game look for someone else. Don’t gamble with your life no woman in the world is worth that.

  81. 81 Shanti

    Celebratelife: girl, you straight up Ghetto… you hear me! Every time I read your writing, I’m thinking Shaniquo ;)

    But, your words are true…

  82. 82 celebratelife

    No, no, no! No Shaniquo pleeease! LaQuesha, LaNeisha, LeBrana anything but Shaniquo. Hey I always write for fun…what can me say I love the black culture (from the stretzzz) but not as much as the Ethio culture. But I have fun, hell corporate life is grilling me 24/7 so why the hell not. When the suit comes off LeQuesha is born between 7-9pm but only on Monday’s and Wednesday’s. Sometimes on Thursday’s if it’s raining outside cause that’s when I gets my hair did. It’s better then like totally yeah woooo. u herd?

    I see you’re a little ghettofied ;) to recognize.

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