Ye Nazareth Fabirca Setoch! 525 Comments


The Fabirica I referring to is Nazareth School. Over the past five or so years I’ve had the honor of meeting girls from the above mentioned school.

Forgive the generalization, because generalizations are never 100% accurate. Still though, I love generalizations because they are truthful in their intent. The intent being to simplified truth. I am going to stress this point because I truly feel generalizations are factual. Here is a good example of a proper generalization:

A car is a generalization of sedan because every sedan is a car.”

You can’t argue with that not being accurate. Consequently, I’m going to try to make my main point.

Most girls from Nazareth School have the same goals; like the same type of men; are superficial; have the same opinions; among other things. Basically Nazareth School is the next best thing since Ford Model T’s assembly line!

525 Responses to “Ye Nazareth Fabirca Setoch!”

  1. 1 Munit

    ohhhhhhhh, no you did not say that. But again, it’s true.

  2. 2 keleb

    Nolawi, my brother, you had me worried big time. I see the pink motif and then I see the new post! I thought they pushed over the top to the other side..and then I read the explanation…my bad!

  3. 3 celebratelife

    Well, I don’t know if this is an insult or a real insult but I love it! This is so true that Hollywood directors were fighting over the story rights and because of the international laws that forbid them, they instead released the “Stepford Wives”. Booyaaa Nazareth School Stand up and protect what’s yours, one at a time please, group response will be charged at a higher rate. Can you handle it?

  4. 4 metad bet

    why you hating nolawi? you know you were chasing after nazareth girls. lol. i have proof! LOL

  5. 5 Nolawi

    Metad, metad feat atihune… I do not find nazreth girls attractive on non-physical levels…

    they have no depth.. not all just most… :)

  6. 6 selam

    I agree with nolawi nazereth girls are so fake ,they think they are better than every body ,in every aspect from their style to how they talk .What bugs me is that they try to pull all that crap in us they are just fake fake…………get real.

  7. 7 Lovejones

    Nazret school girls are hummmm, let’s say full of bizzare fake fortitude. They show off their school, tradition, heritage in a Paris Hilton/Nicole Richie ritual, empty madness. Like Nolawi said, intellectually nothing comes out of their mouth that make sense (most) but physical attraction is the mode.

    My 2 Cents.

  8. 8 Nazareth Setoch

    ya… F U too::

  9. 9 Proud Nazareth sete

    WOW why u people hating? Is it that u’re jealous or is it that u guys are so damn that non don’t give u the time of the day….. but whatever is the case don’t make urself look so kefo erasoch if u think u have a point on certain things try and explain them!!!
    Nolawi – we grow up in the same environment for 12 years what do u think? of course we?re gonna have a few things in common (Just like all Ethiopians have some things in common) but to generalize and say ?they have the same goals; like the same type of men; are superficial; have the same opinions; among other things?????. So do u also think all Arabs are terrorists? Or all black people are gang members? Come on u can write a better than this?..I can never argue for all Nazareth students but I can definitely tell u there is no way even 25% of the students will be the same

    Selam ? u sound like u have some kind of complex problem cause can u explain and tell me how Nazareth School students are different from all other private school students?? The only thing that really stands out different is most Nazareth students are proud of their school and also tend to stick with their friends wherever they go?.. But as for being fake and having the same style girlie don?t know where u got it from!!

    Lovejones ? I really don?t think I can say more and don?t even really care what u all think but I think u guys should read what u wrote u definitely sound betam ignorant!! It?s like saying all blacks are drug dealers or whatever example u can think of???betrefe thanks for the complement at least it?s nice to know even though u all are kefo rasoch u still think we all look good :)

    PS get the name right….missing an “A” ;)

  10. 10 celebratelife

    Hey Nazareth Setoch and Proud Nazareth sete,

    Uhhhhhh, I think you?ve missed something ?Forgive the generalization, because generalizations are never 100% accurate.? Ping, is the light on yet or are you still not home?

    There are two more letters that follow the missing A but I can?t say them cause I didn?t go to Nazreth. Hint, hint the missing letters are S and S. Can you put it all together and do one big cheerocracy for us. Like totally yeah! Wooooo!

  11. 11 Proud Nazareth sete

    Domicho if they are not 100% accurate DONT use them!!! and u know what they say when u point one finger on others the other 3 are pointing at u so we all know who the ASS is :)

  12. 12 samrawit

    I think this post is in bad taste. Nolawi, I expect better things from you. We live in this great United States where everybody should be accepted for who they are. What is the point anyway? I think the girls have had better life style and were exposed to different things because of their parents’ social standings. Who devised the standard that tells people from real to fake or from fara to arada or whatever. If you are not a book worm like me or if you don’t know a lot of intellictual stuff then you must be “fake”. If you don’t accept people’s different point of view or if you hate people who are different from you, then you must be a “fara”. What is “real” anyway? May be it is a matter of mis-match here. Leave the “fake” girls to the “fake” boys :) Then you don’t have to be so angrly about it.

  13. 13 Munit

    oh my God, who the hell are you guys to disrespect Nazreth School girls, that’s so NOT HOT. After all that’s not their fault to act weird, and some times ignorant. Nazretoch, just don’t bring that fakeness here to the US.

  14. 14 nolawi

    I new what the rebuttle argument was going to be. "generalizations are not perfect" thus i included why i was generalizing in the article… lets simplifiy here… all nazareth school student are girls… most come from upper middle class families of addis ababa… by ethiopian standards… most of the girls are driven and are competetive with each other… including that of significant others…. you can argue with that… and that in itself creates a superficial sense of drive… thus my comment… most (not all) have that in common… thanks celebrate life for the supportive arguments.. I starting to love u :)

    btw I have updated the spelling error, low and behold, why should nazareth girls go without the A.. cause they are A+  .. ha ah forgive the sarcasm!

  15. 15 hilina

    Well, Ddont you have a better things to do complexam hula.Is’s a well known fact that Nazareth students are the most sucessful ones no mater who or what they are or look. So guys ayenchchabacheu eshi anyways “telba binchaha band mukecha”. instead try to be like them “belto megegnete” newe yemiyawtaw.

  16. 16 Nolawi

    Woy gud nazareth chick you are not helping your cause eko with the kind of superior complexame yehone melsachehu…

    ayii you are just proving us right!

  17. 17 Proud Nazareth sete

    nolawi the way you’re explaining yourself it seems like you?re talking about all private school students?.. Can you explain the difference if u see one? Because from ur reasoning u said we come from middle class family, we?re driven and competitive?. Don?t u think that fits other schools like Saint Joseph, Saint Marry u name it?. But then again u all just wanna hate and I?m sure u all know u don?t make sense??.. shit if u really think u have a point I guess u?re really :) .

  18. 18 Mamitu


    I beg to differ about the generalization of Nazret crowd, as a person who went to Nazret for my High School education. I found the Nazret schoolgirls to be highly motivated, smart with an all rounded knowledge. There were so many smart girls in the classroom that I faced my first serious challenge in all of my schooling put together trying to get to the top of the class I was in. I can imagine that they can be intimidating sometimes, because they seem to be worldlier than most Ethiopians, all the while being successful in their education and professional lives but that is no reason in my opinion to talk negatively about them. If I remember right the graduates of Nazret school make up a good percentage of women in Ethiopian Universities, most of them going for majors in Law, Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicine, Statistics, Architecture, … which are highly coveted professions in Ethiopia. I feel like this school’s effort is something to be celebrated and encouraged.

    Please check out the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association, which was the brain child of Nazret School graduate Lawyers in Ethiopia at This association has single handedly pushed for women?s rights in Ethiopia.

  19. 19 Nolawi

    Indeed I agree, mamitu, it should be celebrated that they are successful and confident and other things.

    But that doesnt mean they have the right look down and belittle others who arent as fortunate.

  20. 20 celebratelife

    hey nezzzazzza nazretoch remember, back in the day, when you (yes you!) use to say “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Honey, sweety, sugar puff live it, love it, and breath it. Life is not that serious. Everyone is just having fun.

    If you want to repeat this message, press the any key on your keyboard (that thing that your fingers press to write stupid messages) and pooof you’re dead.

    nolawi, what can me say but great minds think alike.

  21. 21 Nazareth Setoch

    *hi fives Munit* totally! That was so NOT HOT.

    Nolawi et al., esti kezkez belu:: Be eeeeeeeeeeeasy on the haterade and attempt to be HOT.

  22. 22 celebratelife

    I?m still leaving out the A, you?re the attorney, sue me. Didn?t they offer ?It?s not cute to brag? classes in Nazreth? You?re like summer school – no class.

    Mamitu, I didn?t get this part please feel free to elaborate, ?they seem to be worldlier than most Ethiopians? Who? Sweetie, you don?t get out much do you?

    And also ?most of them going for majors in Law, Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicine, Statistics, Architecture? This covers oh about 60-70% of, non Nazreth Spool attending, abeshoch please go out and mingle just a little bit more. Nazreth students please meet the world. Hello world!

    The reason they?re called private school is because exhibit A (isn?t that what ya?ll say in court?) look what happened when Nolawi let the cat out of the bag. Shhhhhh it?s private. Please close the door on your way out!

    Oh now I?m getting pissed and this doesn?t happen very often in my life. Don?t mess with my Abeshoch excluding the fabrica termusoch by the way what?s your refund value 5 cents, 10 cents or no sense? Ohhhhh suki, suki now!

  23. 23 Nazareth

    I can see that some people like Nolawi have the time to say all this.AL!!(if u know what i mean) U have no point at all. No one is belittling u or anybody cos of ur fortune but because of who u are inside. So get over it!
    And atleast 90% are successful and become who they are today.

  24. 24 Oh dear

    Celebratelife, you need help…please get it soon.

  25. 25 One Love

    Oh dear, Nolawi, As I read the content of your posting I began to comprehend the frustrations & difficulties that you are going through living in a very small box. I thought I might as well help u by defining that small box, its called ignorance. I am suspecting that you are actually nurturing your ignorance by labeling & stereotyping those who can’t live in a box, like u do. It?s not us who feel superior its u who suffer from extreme inferiority complex syndrome. Come on, it about time to sort out ur personal problems, insecurities, & fears and plz stop that blame culture of yours its certainly not serving you well . Don’t take it on us but plz Sort it Out.

  26. 26 Mamitu

    celebratelife: And also ?most of them going for majors in Law, Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicine, Statistics, Architecture? This covers oh about 60-70% of, non Nazreth Spool attending, abeshoch please go out and mingle just a little bit more. Nazreth students please meet the world. Hello world!

    I can assure you that about 25-50% of the girls in any of the above lines of study at any given year in Ethiopian Universities are from Nazret School and I think that is a great accomplishment for any single school. And should not intimidate anyone but encourage every one to see how we could replicate it in other schools. Did you know that over 95% of the girls in Nazret pass the school living Certificate exam and qualify for degree programs?

    For any of you guys who feel intimidated by Nazret school girls, I want you to realize that they are like every body else and they do not look down upon any one who isn’t from there. They just feel a great camaraderie with others who went to the same school, which is quiet human. Enough said about this subject, can we move on?

  27. 27 Nigga please

    Ufff I must say that I really enjoyed everyone’s comment! Well, for all them boyz (yes I said boyz…not men) that were heart broken, really beat down by one of our girls…..ayezone…don’t cry about it, infact learn from it afterall we do represent 90% of all the desired women in ethiopia and across the boarder, admit it or not. Betam betamarereh new….and I say you go girl to be able get this type of reaction from a guy!
    On a real note though, seriously like other people commented, what do you expect from us! We have been going to the same school, with the same teachers, same faces for over 12 years, some continue through college together some go their separate ways. When we reunite it’s very easy to pick up the pieces and continue on. This has nothing to do with socioeconomic stuatus, it’s just common human behaviour.
    As far as our goal, nigga please! We all have different career goals. If you’re talkin about personal goal, well yes we all want to get married, have children and live in a house with white picketted fence and if you’re mad that we have higher expectation for ourselves than other people, then I say take a look at yourself and work on YOU don’t pass the blame and try to make us feel guilty. This aint rocket science, this aint politics, and most def this aint a competition. And if you ever felt inferior to us, well maybe you should work on your self esteem cause we sure never claimed we are better. But if you think that we are, well then thank you, we’re not shy we take compliments! So all my girlz…keep representing!

  28. 28 Mamitu


    Mengistu Hailemariam’s two daughters went to Nazret School. And in case you were wondering, they were top notch students.

  29. 29 nigga please

    and your point being…..? Are you blaming the school for admitting them, or them for being a part of the school’s alumni? Were you being sarcastic about them being top notch students, cause they really were top notch!

  30. 30 Mamitu

    nigga please,

    It was meant to be a trivia thingie, and was not meant to be offensive in any way. They were both nice girls who took pains not to attract any attention,(sorry you took offence) indeed they were top notch too especialy Timhertie. And I am not blaming Shiela or Goretti for letting them in….

  31. 31 celebratelife

    Did I push some buttons? Did I do that? Oh who cares!

    You keep talking about Ethiopian Universities and in case you didn’t know “Dorothy we’re not in Kansas anymore”. Let’s try to keep the subject matter close to home and in the new century ok? I think this discussion was about Nazret girls in the US.

    Oh dear, so now I need help and you are…Dr. Phillistein or Dr. Nezzazza?

    Mamito, you wasted your time with this one ?For any of you guys who feel intimidated by Nazret school girls…they are like every body else and they do not look down upon any one who isn?t from there.? You?re already down so you can only look up. As a proud Ethiopian chick, you’ll have to spit a lot more to intimidate me. I’m just trying to keep you from embarrassing yourself, breath girl breath.

    You see, you take it very personal, which proves you accept it. First part of healing oneself is acceptance and you’re moving in the right direction. I think the next step may be denial and you’re one step into that category.

    Nigga please, the border you speak of is it the Mexican border cause you know homeland security is on that don?t you? Find another fence to hang out at G so you don?t get zapped. I see you?ve joined the bandwagon of leaving out the A, you?re not bad after all. You?re a quick learner missy.

    This aint the Ho’s up Pimps down show so put away your hood rat claws, Meeeeaaaw! This whole thing is supposed to be in good fun so let?s keep it that way please, Sheniqua.

  32. 32 Nolawi

    I just love celebratelife… you make excellent points…

  33. 33 Mamitu

    I thought we were talking about the Nazret school in Ethiopia and not the one in the US(sarcasm).

    Any way Nolawi, I wish your blog hasn’t gone down to name calling. Sorry for those who think that they have to resort to this to score a point, it reflects on the kind of person they are and their upbringing. Seriously Celeb… see a shrink, it might help you get over whatever you are feeling.

  34. 34 Mamitu

    P.S. Nolawi,

    I am assuming that you are a buisnessman and a buisnessman shouldn’t display such a distaste to a group of people who might be his clients. Just an advice from another buisness person who might know a thing or two about buisness.

    Good luck with the T-shirts.

  35. 35 Nolawi

    As far as I know this is a light subject. no need to make it seem like an insult. I have many freinds, from nazareth school. Really nice people… I just wanted to mention that most seem similar as are all people from same background….

  36. 36 Oh dear

    Oh Nolawi,

    What did you start? I am puzzled as to why you “love” celebratelife. How low can you go?

  37. 37 Nolawi

    I really love the way she writes, how almost every point has a current social analogies attached to it….

    I’ve noticed that only people with creative writing flare can make it roll of the tongue or screen on this case… and it sounds naturally poetic…

    when i do it it sounds unnatural… thus.. I write exactly the way i talk… it is the only way i can write….

    thus i love her

  38. 38 celebratelife

    First thing is first I do have to confess I attended Nazreth for a minute before I left Addis but I wasn?t there long enough to pledge to your sorority or make bosom buddies. Seriously though, Mamitu why are you getting hurt over this? I have best friends that attended Nazreth and all the other private schools in Addis and you know what, they wished it was their school getting dissed because they would have loved it.

    I want you to know I love Bernos because I?m able to interact with Abeshoch that I can relate to so why don?t we make this a fun place to meet and chitter, chatter. I think we have enough stress with life, work, and personal responsibilities to shout out murder!

    Also the B in blog is not for business bashing. I have never met Nolawi but he seems like a cool and easy going person along with the other members of Bernos. If you?re trying to diss this site or the business, there is a time and a place for everything. You said yourself you?re a businesswoman so if a client doesn?t say what you want to hear you?re going to hang up the closed sign? Come on let?s be fair. I?m doing it in good fun, just like everyone else. So whatever you call yourself Nigga or else just have FUN. Ok?

    This is not the GGGGGUnit blog there is no beef among members. Just pure wholehearted fun.

    Nolawi, you?re doing a fabulous job and you have my full support!

    Enjoy your weekend everyone!

    Love your Abesha Sister

    Dance like nobody?s watching
    Love like you?ve never been hurt
    Sing like nobody?s listening
    Live like it?s heaven on earth
    ~Mark Twain

  39. 39 Temelkach

    In all fairness, this is a blog and he has a right to write whatever he pleases, be it in pure fun or not. It’s a free country, right? (If in theory, not in reality). 38 comments later, I have an important Q or Qs.

    Nazareth school is over 60 years old and if in the last 50 years, there was, on average, a graduating class of 100 students yearly, we’re talking about over 5000 Nazareth school graduates in the World. Nolawi, even if this was for fun and to see just how much of a riot this will be, I’ll bet you, you don’t even know 500 of the 5000 graduates. Even if you have a disclaimer for this generalization, it is unrealistic to generalize, when you hardly know 10% of the people you are talking about. You can make the statement based on the general trend you observed, but I,personally don’t think that knowing 10% will make it reasonable to make statements that include the word “most” as in “Most girls from Nazareth School have the same goals; like the same type of men; are superficial; have the same opinions; among other things. ..”

    The very highest level in Nazareth School is grade 12, full of 18 year olds on the brink of starting their lives away from a sheltered existence of the Nazareth school gebi and meeting other people from other schools(Private and Public). Celebrate & Nolawi, Don’t you think it is unreasonale and unfair to make statements like ” they are superficial” about barely Adults who haven’t even yet completely joined the society? Not to mention that the ones in the US are Adults who are not the sheltered kids anymore and if you find it that they have a tight Nazareth circle with talks of all the greatest plans and expectations in life,and all the great things that they are yet to become, they are expecting more from themselves and in that not berating anyone plus even if their aspirations do not materialize, how much do you know about them to say they are superficial cos incase you didn’t know ….as per the webster dictionary, superficial is equated to shallow and shallow is…

    SHALLOW is more generally derogatory in implying lack of depth in knowledge, reasoning, emotions, or character

    For a person who doesn’t even know 10% of the people he’s referring to, you have made quite bold, not credible remarks.

    I still think it’s your right to write whatever you want on your blog but this is an FYI on a few points you might want to consider.

  40. 40 Temelkach

    P.S Nolawi, if your next argument is going to be that you don’t need to know everyone to say this as books and articles have been written about Ethiopians by Non-Ethiopians without having to meet all Ethiopians… least they were researched well….can’t quite say that about yours

  41. 41 Nigga please

    Now all of a sudden you happen to have “many” friends that went to nazerate and yet you still bash us. hmm I thought you said most were superficial, and all have the same goal. Well either your generalization has no basis or you are just tryng to cover your ass. Ohh yea so I assume you agree with what Proud nazerate set said then…that if you want to generalize, you can generalize about all private schools and not just our school. Dang I guess all a person needs to do is point out your business to put you in your place!
    BTW I am not taking this to heart. BUt just as y’all came at us hard, we have to push back a little harder.

    yup, I do agree that this whole thing is in just good ol fun, but I wonder, do you regret leaving our school and going somewhre else? I mean I can understand why…considering our unbreakable bond that seems to bother everyone else. And like you said, we should be honored that we are being discussed to this extent., I guess it’s better to be talked about than not. So I’m sensing some childhood issues you never dealt with that are just surfacing.
    PS. I was talking about all boarders. Your geography must be a lil rusty from staying in the US, you do know that there is more than one boarder in the US other than Mexico’s.

    Betam eko new metasekut…kemerachun if you feel this way then, you should def. stand your ground and say what you got to say. No need to back off or try to make us feel better by admiting that you have best friends from Nazerate…I mean business is business and this is entirely separate.

  42. 42 Tobian


    Hahaha ….

    I’m am always amazed, and amused, by the amount of attention Nazareth School garners (remember that Seleda article, too?) considering, yes, on average a well-networked Ethiopian man knows at most 50 Nazareth girls/women. Tops. And that includes his aunts, mother and their friends, otherwise make that count 35.

    My brothers spent most of my young adult life torturing me with various horrible “generalizations” regarding Nazareth students. Of course they’d end every generalization with, ‘but not you!. Right. Just my friends.

    The curious thing which my exceptional, atypical Nazareth mind couldn’t help but observe over the years was the frequency with which my brothers consorted with Nazareth girls. In fact, in the past couple of years, one by they one, they’ve gotten married – to Nazareth alumnae, of course. If only one last brother would marry a Nazarethan, I will make a life career out of mass torturing my siblings … for the rest of their lives. With my sister-in-laws :) I am ecstatic.

    So, play on, gentlefolk. Tell us more of those atrocious not-your-friend, not-your-sister, and not-your-cousin, and of course not-your-mother Nazareth chicks. I guarantee you, no Nazareth alumna will take it personally, especially if you seal that with, “Stop thinking, you huffy woman you!”

    ‘Coz really, it like, like … totally, makes perfect sense. (and stop reading what Temelkach says!)

  43. 43 Tobian

    BTW, I loved the 9 green bottles you put for the Nazareth Fabrika. It reminded me of a song we used to sing in Zero Kifil (yay Mz Elizabeth!)

    10 arenguade Termusoch, be gidigida lay
    Dinget andu wedqo biseber, 9 yiqeral …
    9 arenguade Termusoch ….


    Actually, on the topic of songs, I’d like to leave the lyrics of a another song I learned at Nazaerth which, to me, embodies the spirit of that school. It never made much sense when I was a kid. We just used to recite it, and go round in circles … until we ‘grew up’ enough to consider that practice rather, ah, lame.

    Everybody : Set be’Setnetwa tikeber, set besetnetnwa
    tiker, tikeber, ayichalim’na
    yaleswa lemenor
    kesetoch’m mehandisoch alu
    Crowd 1 : Alu!
    Crowd 2 : Tadia kewendoch …
    Crowd 1 : Ihis?
    Crowd 2 : Bemin yansalu?
    Crowd 1 : Inja!
    Everybody : Set be’setnetwa tikeber, set besetnetwa …

    Repeat. Instead of ‘mehandisoch’, insert Tebeqoch/hakimoch/sportegnoch … or any profession that’s traditionally male dominated.

    That, dearlings, is the Nazareth Fabrica I know.

  44. 44 oh dear

    celebratelife, may this is the way you are healing from your wounds…glad we could help.

  45. 45 Nolawi

    oh my god Tobian; that is very funny song.

  46. 46 celebratelife

    Temelkach, I know you’re trying to play the biased-mediator but this whole issue has turned into a death match – sorry no refunds.

    Once again, I feel like a damn school teacher, this is NOT, I repeat NOT about the underage, sheltered from the rest of the world, Nazreth students in Addis! IF YOU’RE NOT GETTING WHO THIS IS ABOUT…hold a mirror to your monitor and maybe you’ll understand it better in reverse. Oh Challenged Ones! Remember when you got on a plane, and you were served food, and then passed thru the security check point, guess what? Welcome to America! Not South but North, USA, America. You guys seem to be taking the scenic route to never, never land. Come home child!

    Temelkach, please oh please stop using statistical data that’s what started this warfare. You see because some clueless mis-understood it didn’t mean 100 damn %. I’m selling my stock for Egmacation.nit.wit any takers? What’s with the talk about research? Damn, THIS IS A BLOG (aka web log). Lay off the decaf, live on the edge, go for the real thing – Caffeine does a brain good.

    DON’T HATE THE PLAYA HATE THE GAME! For those of you who live in a Cacoon there is a BIG difference between BEEF and BATTLE. Look it up at See now Chequito, LeQuesha, or Lebrana (whatever you’re calling yourself today) you got me talking like you.

    As an Abesha set, I’m ashamed of all the hostility. Now if this was about “an all boy’s school” all the responses would’ve been of the hook and not so damn hormonal. Take a pill, I mean chill out! Being equal is not just about using a sugar substitue, if you can’t handle the heat….

    Nigga please: Are you still playin with a deck of sympathy-seeker cards? Your BS is for the birds and the birds fly south! FYI I left Nazreth after the 1st grade because I left Ethiopia and I don’t regret it cause look how I turned out – just fabulous! With that said, you think I had some childhood issues, YOU WISH! Get a grip, oh knowledgeable one, I referred to the Mexican border cause I live in Cali. Why are you so sensitive aobut borders, Maria Merkato? As far as geography, you’re still living in your UNIVERSE called Ethiopia so ahhhhhh you wanna try that one again? I tried to create peace but you still have flames shooting up your ass so the game is still on. Bring it on baby you have no idea! Where is my vest? Pow, pow, pow they’re not real bullets you can get up now! I’m tired of all the esherooroo some of us have to dish out.

    COURSE – PSYCHOLOGY 101: Nazretoch, you see the problem is you show your weak side and that’s not your fault that’s what Nazreth taught you – you should sue! You’re like a playground of emotions and you need to get a grip and define yourself as an individual and stop letting other people or a school define you. You don’t represent all Nazreth school chiklings, you went there so what? Get a f-n life! Is it sinking yet or has the ship already sunk? Be confident in who you are and you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone except the person you see in the mirror – now if you don’t see yourself that’s another show.

    Oh dear, you know what I love the most? you and your lost soul crew keep repeating that I need help and I thank you ever so much for that compliment. You see this is what I call a back-handed compliment. The fact that I need help means I’m different from you – and we all know what you are – so there goes the compliment. You go girl!

    MY ABESHA RIGHTS according to NIT-WIT: Anything I write can and will be used against me in HER court. I have the right not to write, and If I wish to get an attorney she’s at the ghettofabulous bar chilling with a forty and a cool’s menthol. “I swear your honor they pushed me” may work in your defense. Your responses may be viewed by the clueless crew. Offense-taken is optional and it doesn’t come with fries. Is there is a light at the end of your tunnel or better yet do you see a tunnel? You can shoose your crew based on your answer. Firma______________ Ken:____________

  47. 47 celebratelife


    Right back at you. As my sis would say…game recognize game!

    Your number one fan!

  48. 48 Proud Nazareth sete

    Celebratelife – breath…don’t hold it!!! Ufffffffff do u feel better? We don’t wanna loose u over this!! Hehehehe now the joke is on u dear!!! I thought we were the one who “think we’re better than others” it looks like u’re doing that better than us!! But on a serious note try to cool off I don’t know what part of cali u’re at but where I’m at it’s nice and hot so I suggest u get a bucket of ice and sit in cause the way u’re going u might get to a boiling point.hahaha :)

    Oh by the way where did u get the idea that everyone is in the US? As long as u’re talking about people who went to a school back in Ethiopia unless u specify to a certain group which Nolawi did not we are gonna assume it is for all Nazareth school students that actually went to school there not for those who just wanna be part of it;) (and incase u don’t know we’re all over the world not only by the Mexican border)

    We the Nazareth fabrica setoch are worried about your well being!! Please let us know if you survive this lovely day!

  49. 49 celebratelife

    Nice try…de, de, de the number you’re dialing is not accepting your call.

    I was kind of reading (you know something you should take up on your spare time) the opening line “Over the past five or so years I’ve had the honor of meeting girls from the above mentioned school.” I think (almost 100%) Nolawi is in the US, is it getting in yet? I don’t care where you’re located but it’s still NOT about you if you’re not here! Yes, I’ll say it, in the US. This is not a – get in where you think you fit in – game show. Why is this so hard for you?

    I think I know you, I only know one really challenged Nazrethoyd!

    I’m sorry you thought I was saying I’m better than others, although I don’t remember saying that, you may want to clean your monitor cause you’re seeing things or not reading. Sisterly advise work on that self-esteem.

    I take back what I said – bring it on – cause I don’t have time to keep explaining and clarifying over, and over, and over again. As I stated I’m not a school teacher sorry! I’m here for fun only and I have a life to live.

  50. 50 Timo

    people, people, (in the words of Rodney King) Can’t we all just get along?

    I totally understand your frustration CelebrateLife, but hey, must live and let live, right?

  51. 51 Proud Nazareth sete

    My dear hopefully you still breathing and you took my advice and cool off cause I don’t want your blood pressure to go high….anyways what happen to having fun?? Did u not like the game you started? Are we not playing the way you wanted us to? Or are u thinking we’re better players than you? :) lol anyways like u said u ain’t no school teacher and thank God for that cause the kids would have been so confused since u don’t seem to stick to what u say….but 2 things
    1. I ain’t a freaken tenkoye to know where Nolawi was for the past 5 years
    2. You went back to my initial point!! Don’t say Most Nazareth school students when u don’t even know 1% of us. And even if u wanna talk about just those of us in the US u still don’t know enough of us to make that kind of statement!! My point from the start was Nolawi or you don’t know enough of the students to say whatever u were saying!! If u two have problems with few people from that school all we’re saying is don’t include the rest of us!!! like somebody said u don’t even know 10% of us!!!!! Hopefully now will understand my point if not…..(fill in the blank)

  52. 52 Oh dear

    This is getting tiresome. Celebratelife you have a long tounge. I do not wish to meet you (finger snapping and all). Just because I like my life nice and quite. Get over it and get a life. Or back to your lonely self.

  53. 53 Nigga please

    hehe keyet lejemer! Ok so I’m going to have to quote you, Celebratelife, and then respond to them. So you said you’re not jealous, sounds jealousy to me when you said “cause look at how I turned out, just FABULOUS!” Hmm I wonder who’s looking down on “us” now, I mean if it makes you feel better and ease off the bitterness, then you def have turned out to be a fabulous person who just can’t let go off her childhood demons. Well that also means we, hold up, like you said let me speak for myself, I must have turned into a clueless, superficial person for the simple fact that I went to that school. Sweethear, whatever floats your boat! I’ll just play along afterall I don’t want to drive someone over the wall because of a simple blog.
    Hmm also since you seem to have this magical knowledge of knowing where everyone is, let me just correct you one more time…I am in the US and I have been writing on behalf of all Nazerath students in and outside of the US. It really shouldn’t matter where we are.
    To be honest with you I left Nazerath when I was really young as well, not as young as you but still I had great appreciation for the school, for most the students and the culture. I just feel for you that you never had to experience what everyone seemed to have. But you know what, we are very generous and welcoming, so if you do want to be a part of our “caccoon” that we love and defend so much, you’re more than welcome. We are willing to teach you how to be superficial and how to lookdown upon others….ohh wait but you seem to do that just great so your transition will be easier than I thought.
    One more thing, I thought we were suppose to take this lightly babe, I mean it was you that pointed that out. Yet when we point your ass wrong and when we push your buttons a little, you seem to blow off steam. Let’s take this as it is….”in good fun.” Straight from a person who’s in denial of her emotions “let’s make this a fun place to meet and chitter, chatter”.
    PS. Ohh yea, thank god that you’re not a teacher. I mean the education system in the US is being questioned as it is. We just can’t have a person with your tongue and your judgement filling the mindz of our youth. So whatever career you’re in, stick with it and away from the children!

  54. 54 Tobian

    Hmm. Two things:

    “As an Abesha set, I’m ashamed of all the hostility. Now if this was about “an all boy’s school” all the responses would’ve been of the hook and not so damn hormonal. Take a pill, I mean chill out! Being equal is not just about using a sugar substitue, if you can’t handle the heat….”

    I see a couple of problems here. One is that, of course, such brash, wide cast, non-representative statements will never be said about all-boys’ schools. Just about every brother of a Nazareth school student attended St. Joe. Doh! They grew up with the same values, same parents. But these comments are never thrown around with regards to the guys. Not in Ethiopia, not in the US (ever heard comments about all-women institutions in the US? They once earned names as ‘sluts’. When women achieved too much freedom, they have got upgraded to ‘dykes’. Yet 44% of the women in Congress are from all-women institutions, much like an obscene percentage of Nazareth students dominate the Ethiopian college women’s scene.) I’m not sure why this trend of the independent-woman-clique bothers most of society – yourself included, but apparently it does. Oh, well.

    And trust me, you’re welcome to exercise your right to express these feelings as, I hope, the rest of us are welcome to point out our observations to you. And no, I don’t think you’re hormonal. In fact, I think your comment about responses being ‘so damn hormonal’ just spat on the legacy of the likes of Gloria Steinem, Betty Freidan and Carrie Chapman Catt. Low blow, lady. In the 21st century of women with rights & reason, that was a lil’too low for my taste. As Yezihch alem set, I’m ashamed.

    “Temelkach, please oh please stop using statistical data that’s what started this warfare. You see because some clueless mis-understood it didn’t mean 100 damn %. I’m selling my stock for Egmacation.nit.wit any takers? What’s with the talk about research? Damn, THIS IS A BLOG (aka web log). Lay off the decaf, live on the edge, go for the real thing – Caffeine does a brain good.”

    Perhaps this is a new “level” of interaction I have not been taught … anywhere. Where did I miss the Train to Nonsense? Society can only grant you freedom of speech. You’re going to have to invest in some sense yourself (maybe with the dough from Egmacation.nit.wit ?) Just because something is written online doesn’t mean it’s exempt from scrutiny. If anybody attempts to make a point, then the person better have the substance to back it up. Otherwise, if the writing is supposed to be purely for entertainment value, let’s shake hands on this rather shallow, badly tackled topic, smile silly and move on. (And if your position is indeed that your point has no substance, then why, thank you for acquiescing so, um, graciously (?) That’s rare. Another reason why Bernos is so refreshing :-) )

  55. 55 toothpick

    i’m still disturbed by the heineken bottles, though.

  56. 56 Nolawi

    Actually Tobian, next is how the guys from St Jo… chauvinist basteeeds… :)

  57. 57 Timo

    What’s up with all the negativity? Can EVERYBODY take a chill pill? You are turning me off with all of this bullsh…!Why is it that most of you have a problem with good constructive dialog? This can easily be accomplished if some of you stop acting like a 2 year old brat. This ain’t

  58. 58 celebratelife


    Blah, blah, blah. Let me guess, you had to call your fabrica-made-sisters to get feedback on what you should write, right? You must try not to be so predictable. Your pathetic psychological game (which I used to play when I was in kindergarten) is at most laughable.
    Your boss is calling you, you need to flip the next burger.

  59. 59 Nazareth sete

    ayeeeee u know if u get to the point u don’t know what u’re writing about it’s time to STOP!! Cause dear this is not an insulting game…. we are trying to make a point and I believe everyone else got the point and stopped writing! Missy it’s ok to say I was wrong and thank people for actually educating u on things u didn’t know before :)
    BTW didn’t u hear the Americans don’t want foreigners taking their jobs so no more flipping burgers :)

  60. 60 ShalomShalom

    Can we fast forward and get to the bashing St Jo dudes already?
    Let the NZ bashing die with the 60th post:: Ommmmmmmmmm

  61. 61 Shemane

    oh my good ness this is hilarious. I guess it must be true

  62. 62 yenegabat

    I guess some of it is true, what you say about us. But give us a break we’re not all that bad.
    anywhoooooo “Proud to be ye Nazreth Scool Mirt” how about that for the new T-shirt line….

  63. 63 Nolawi
  64. 64 keleb


    Lemen merdowen atengrachewem?..the facory is closed…everybody is laid off…..the manufacture of the barbie dolls has been out sourced….

  65. 65 Wudnesh


    can’t believe u wrote that! u should’ve known better!
    but get this>> u r not the only one who dribbled at the slightest sight of ‘Key Uniform’……..we r used to it!! Fake? EXCUSE YOU! am sure u know that it takes one to know one. But, Reds have fun! can’t help it. We do think alike….do we now?!! I am glad u didn’t quit your job to go into psychology……would have had problem creating a grade below F just for you.
    Having said that, you would have done great in marketing….creating controversy always increases rating………don’t we all Nazrethians agree?(since we think alike)

  66. 66 Wudnesh

    hey nol,
    take Yenegabat’s advice….i’ll be your first customer

  67. 67 La Joconde

    Keleb: I think you should take a minute to re-define ‘outsourced’ …and to where? Yaltebale atefter/ri.

    Eitherways, Nolawi, on top of Yenegabat’s suggestion of creating the tshirt I am for sure to buy dozens for my dozen ‘barbie doll’ friends and sisters …(not forgetting the guaranteed interest of your ‘many friends…really nice people’ from Nazareth as well) maybe you can also think to put a percentage of the proceeds to lend a hand to save our school. whatchu say?

    On a more humourous tone, Tobian (Re: #43 comment) here are some links for you to check out if havent already.

    those are my two favorites from Nazareth…

  68. 68 Nolawi




  69. 69 Dboi

    nolawi…look now what you did..
    ok j/k but its sad..

    Nazareth School Closes Over Unsettled Labor Dispute

    The Daily Monitor (Addis Ababa)

    December 8, 2006
    By Hayal Alemayehu
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

    Brewing dispute between labor union and management led Nazareth School to suspend classes for an unlimited period of time beginning Tuesday, The Daily Monitor has learnt.

    Contained since last academic year, the dispute centers at staff salary increment request, which the school’s management rejected, according to sources inside the school.

    Discovering that the pay roll for the month of November has, against the practice, been prepared minus the provident fund ( 15%),the staff refused to collect their salary.

    A week later, the management squared in on closing the school finally.

    The teaching-learning process, which was then interrupted (last Tuesday) for about a half day, promptly resumed after representatives of the sub-city’s Education Bureau mediated the case, where the school agreed to reinstate the staff provident fund in the payroll, and the staff obeyed to continue to report for duty, according the school’s Labor Union Chairman Sisay Abate.

    for more

  70. 70 Dboi
  71. 71 Nolawi

    ha ha ha no way… 

    I hope it still stays open though! 

  72. 72 keleb

    La Joconde,

    too bad u missed the tongue in cheek saying….remember cookie cutter…dolls….model t’s..

  73. 73 La Joconde

    Honestly, without prejudice, no idea what you are talking about. Educate me please re: # 72.

  74. 74 blenmark

    wow…nolawi thanks for putting this discussion…i was laughing hard through the respondes… be honest as alumni of my second homi nazareth…i enjoyed it and i had the best time and great friends that i have since i was five….But there are some nazareth kids who really do not know ….1+1 as in real life…all they know is they went to nazareth and that is the highlite of their life….i have accomplished and see my self heading to as a successfuly SINGLE Nazareth graduate with the help of God…i think my lovely school has really gave me a great foundation for my accomplishment but make as in a way narrow minded too. so take and leave all you….

    celebret life thanks for ur comments u really made me laugh…

  75. 75 Nolawi

    wow blen nice comments…

  76. 76 Wudnesh


    if it made you narrow minded, speak for yourself!

    “…i have accomplished and see my self heading to as a successfuly SINGLE Nazareth graduate with the help of God”
    Can you explain what you are trying to say there? I don’t even see the significance of the emphasis on ‘SINGLE’ .

    FYI there are kids who do not know much in every school..whether Nazareth, English school, public school…and in schools in America. What I want to know is, how do you really know that Nazareth school is the highlight of those kids’ lives? Sorry to say, but the “complex Sinchacha!” ababal fits you just right.

    take it easy

  77. 77 keila

    It ought to be said that it is an extremely excruciating thing to hear people think that you are superficial by association. Not that what Nolawi et al have said is even remotely close to the truth, it still hurts to hear ignorance reigning. For those interested, Nazreth students have a lot in common because we grew up in a cohesive community that allowed them to retain friends through the years. As for the success……..can’t help u out there. We, like most Ethiopians grew up with a sense of need to be accomplished. We just had the right tools to make these aspirations happen. Yes, most of my friends from Naz. Are still great friends although we are all in our mid 20s. And yes, all are college grads. About half in grad school. I would think this is would be a point to be celebrated as we are all on the same team and rooting each other on……or am I mistaken. Do you honestly think that having some failures from Naz will make you look better, or is it that it will make you feel better to degrade others with some unfathomable lies. If you could name five people from Naz that you mate without your preconceived notions dictating how you will perceive them even before you meet them, then feel free to bash those five girls who have had the misfortune of displeasing you “my lord.” Hopefully the sarcasm has been noted, if other wise buddy you might be in even deeper despair than I had initially thought.

  78. 78 BeGirimt

    This blog’s highly entertaining!! Its astounding to find so many people interested in this topic! Let me just say — for the fun of it we should look at a few things that may be falling between the cracks in this discussion…

    1. Nazareth school/NS may be the school with the lowest school fees in Addis- as the school administration has tried to keep the fees as low as possible. (Somebody could do the actual research about this for me) In 2003 I made it a point to ask around about the cost of highschool and elementry school fees. Compared to the “old school” private schools: Meskai Zona, Senjo, Stanford, ICS, Cathedral, American Mission school etc. and even more for the “new age” schools like Ethioparents, School of Tomorrow, Yenegew sew, NS had the lowest school fees. If you do not believe me: what do you think the current fued about labor union salaries is about: NS was closed for more than a week because the workers complained about their salary. The idealistic & probably unrealistic nuns want to make NS education financially available for everyone. NS has moved from the prestigious school for Ambassador’s kids through the years – it is run by the catholic mission and is not run by/for Americans who are employees of governments etc.

    –> have you stopped to consider through the years (since 60 years ago- which is probably around when the stereotypes started formulating) the “the nazareth cookie-cutter” has gradually changed – reaching a point where a majority of the NS students I know do not fit in the cookie-cutter Nolawi made

    “girls from Nazareth School have the same goals; like the same type of men; are superficial; have the same opinions; among other things.”

    Of course a common experience of attending the same school for many years would have results in conditioning students to have similar ideals. But even so, can the ideals shared by NS girls be generalized as superficial? and does it even reach the point of them sharing the same opinions? I think not!

    2. The point made about superficiality – in other words “shallow”, “stepford wives”, and Nolawi – I see you’re not attracted to naz girls beyond the physical right?:they’re empty beautiful containers? — It may be a shocker to some who think naz girls are stuck up about their physical appearance and don’t care about nothing else — but the cirriculum in NS focuses on moral values/community living. Discussions amongst NS students focus on professional goals as an independent woman (not foremost about trying to grab the first handsome/educated/richest man around i.e. become a “stepford wife”), many also care deeply about working for Ethiopia And others are deeply religious and family oriented or really engaged with politics.

    I see where the exclusivity of NS setoch can make them seem like they think highly of themselves. It’s sort of a comfort-zone thing- not a superiority complex, they’re like anybody. Just like you think they are superficial — I have heard several NS girls say that men around the DC area are way too superficial.

  79. 79 BeGirimt

    I want to make 2 disclaimers

    I am not implying that 60 years ago NS students fit the cookie cutter- but that the stereotype of 60/30/20 years ago cannot be true NOW! And I say this since someone mentioned:

    all nazareth school student are girls… most come from upper middle class families of addis ababa

    If you are looking for those girls…go to one of the other private schools I mentioned- you will find a LOT more of them!

    Another disclaimer: EVERYONE mostly sticks to their comfort zone, NSers are not unique in this.

    And celebratelife – I think your blogs are probably the most entertaining – thanks for adding the humor!!
    I gotta say though, that you should try making some more arguments with substantce, not just powerful/funny words to reemphasize the same points over and over.
    On thing I do agree with you is!: The thing about “sororities” – *some* (this is a key word!) NS setoch stick to the same small groups of tight knit friends – the same way that they stick with their naz friends when it comes to other people.

  80. 80 Nolawi

    begirment thanks for your comments… you made some valid points… welcome and i hope you stick around here….

  81. 81 blenmark

    #76 wudnes…the ‘single’ was used as a sarcastic way to spice up nothing attached to nazreth…and for your info…it did not make me narrow minded…like i said it gave me firm foundation…it seems like u have jumped that sentence so for ur info…if nazreth has gave me firm foundation for my accomplishment i do not now how i can be narrow minded…u may be right u can be a very successfully and educated citizen and be narrow minded; if you only know one subject of what you have mastered. Nazreth gave us to explore more wider and see the horizon, that means some of us took great advantage of it and some are just use nazreth as a big title…like every blondeeee is not stupid so i still think some are really way backward the way they think in a lot of ways….

    and for ur info….i do not know why nazreth is a big deal…i never considered NS as one of the best schools to get education….so thank you for ur narrow minded opinion…..being nazreth alumni does not make u smarter, wiser or better individual….what makes u better is ur persistent and determination…. dear “Narrow minded #76” as I think u referred yourrself

  82. 82 wudnesh


    If u need a reminder of what u said, here it is:

    but make as in a way narrow minded too. so take and leave all you….

    sooo,I didn’t call you ‘narrow minded’…I said, speak for youeself only, since the sentence “but make us in a way narrow minded…” includes all. And it seems u r reading what’s not there….u don’t find anywhere at #76 an implication of NS being a big deal…or NS alumni being smarter. u r getting emotional sis.

  83. 83 blenmark

    wudnes lol lol lol ha ha emotional over what…merry x mas dear

  84. 84 kefa

    utterly amazing to know this many people are arguing over a subject that needs no argument. It is like saying “All Ethiopians are alike as they come from the same vacinity”

  85. 85 lulu


    “Forgive the generalization, because generalizations are never 100% accurate. Still though, I love generalizations because they are truthful in their intent. The intent being to simplified truth.”

    Whose simplified truth? Yours or mine? Because what is true for one maybe not be true for another, depending on who they are, their past experiences and how they choose to see the world at the present moment. Besides, the truth is never that simple. So, if generalizations are never 100% accurate and what is true may differ from person to person, then I do not get the point of this blog. Unless of course it is to vent some hidden frustrations you may harbor or to increase traffic to your blog. In the latter case, as someone already mentioned, not a smart business move.

    I was fortunate enough to attend Nazareth School that has given me an excellent background. I wish for every Ethiopian kid to have the same fortune for years to come.

  86. 86 Nolawi

    [quote comment="10215"]
    hose simplified truth? Yours or mine? Because what is true for one maybe not be true for another, depending on who they are, their past experiences and how they choose to see the world at the present moment. Besides, the truth is never that simple. So, if generalizations are never 100% accurate and what is true may differ from person to person, then I do not get the point of this blog. Unless of course it is to vent some hidden frustrations you may harbor or to increase traffic to your blog. In the latter case, as someone already mentioned, not a smart business move.

    I was fortunate enough to attend Nazareth School that has given me an excellent background. I wish for every Ethiopian kid to have the same fortune for years to come.[/quote]
    lulu’ye ayzosh.. its my simplified truth… you are encouraged to disagree… I do not have any hidden frustrations with nazreth chicks..infact i have many friends.. i beleive there is truth in what I said.. i say it the way it is or atleast the way I feel it is…

    someone did mention the latter (not smart business move) that but collective thinkers like nazreth school girls are usually in consensus aydel?… ayzosh siqeledish neuw … lets not get so serious!


  87. 87 Shanti

    Nolawiye, I love your comments and your thought process – so far, who knows, maybe someday you’ll start talking about the Bole kebetoch and I just may get sensitive ;) NOT!

    I do, however, have an unrelated question for you that I have been meaning to ask for sometime now. The suggested ET blogrolls you have on the left side of these articles are wonderful… are these some you frequent or are they from your bernos blog readers? I really enjoyed reading some of them and wish they were updated frequently… So, if your readers are the “under cover” owners, I encourage them to keep it going!

  88. 88 Shanti

    OKay, that would be my left but your RIGHT side of these articles :) jeez… not easy being me these days!

  89. 89 lulu


    “I do not have any hidden frustrations with nazreth chicks..infact i have many friends..”

    You know what this statement reminds me of? The people who say “….in fact some of my best friends are black” ayzoh siqeledeh neuw!!


  90. 90 blenmark

    ha ha ha…nice lulu…

    woye gude what’s up with nazreth chicks? can we discuss about sanjo boys or tiqure anbesa, or misraqe chora with a fresh article…

  91. 91 BeGirimt Felasfit

    incredible! it keeps getting so personal so fast!! I guess you gotta tred on eggshells when you’re talking bout long-held beliefs based on limited knowledge about people’s identities.

    Sewoch chill…let’s take what Nolawi said for what it is- a simple generalization using fabrika and car Zeyibes (metaphors).
    I stand in disagreement with others who said that wouldn’t sell — business is booming @…controversy sells! Hell, I’m coming back to check what’s up with this controversy and other steamy articles (Lesson #xxx from Britney Spears: sex sells)

    Regardless, what Nolawi said cries out to be deconstructed cos honestly, it is highly deficient of logic [no pun intended nolawi, i’m just tryna be straightforward about what u said]. I’m gonna run the risk of a complicated attempt at making my point but plz bear with me….

    …generalizations are never 100% accurate. Still though … they are truthful in their intent… to simplified truth…I truly feel generalizations are factual

    Alright, so it looks like this is the definition of generalizations nolawi used & its set up pretty well!:

    2 a : to derive or induce a general conception or principle (sounds like simplified truth?) from particulars (sounds like facts?)
    b : to draw a general conclusion from (sounds like simplified truth again?)

    I’m gonna stress what this means: based on some specific facts (particulars) nolawi/others have encountered, there is a general conception(principle) about Naz School/NS setoch in nolawi’s/others’ minds right? Pure of intention, of course…to understand the simplified truth… ok ok…
    Let’s see the first logical flaw:

    Here is a good example of a proper generalization:
    A car is a generalization of sedan because every sedan is a car.”
    You can’t argue with that not being accurate.

    Truthfully, I can’t argue with that. But looks like you’re talking about a whole different generalization there!

    1 : to give a general form to
    …no coneptions/facts/principles involved here – it’s like the statement every woman is a human.

    The sedan generalization sets up really witty metaphors: the metaphor of fabrica-NS Incorporated, the Ford T assembly line and the world of cars.

    According to the sedan-car-ford t example and just like the arenguade termusoch: A fabrica with an assembly line manufactures the same exact shape, content- product….a little irregularity equals a defect ina qedada termusochu yitalalu…mts…miskin imperfect termusoch…

    So the logical deduction is that “ye nazareth mirtoch are manufactured to fit the naz fabrika cookie-cutter: necessarily identical in astesaseb, choice of men, ina superficial (absorbed in surface-level things & lacking substance)”

    Well ok…fine fine…

    Here comes the second logical flaw:

    generalizations are never 100% accurate

    are you contradicting yourself nolawi? implying, not everyone fits the cookie-cutter?!! …meaning NS fabrica unlike the Ford T line produces exceptions as well? Could the fabrika be pemanently flawed and its been mass manufacturing defective stepford wife robots for Senjo boys for 60+ years!? Well truthfully, the flaw is not in the NS fabrika but in nolawi’s metaphor.

    Just for kicks and giggles I’ll not compeletely hate on Nolawi’s metaphor. Let’s say…NS is not like the fabrika that produces Ford T Models but is like Dell’s high-powered top of technology assembly line which produces Technology made only for YOU!

    …(anyone who’s taking/took the GREs will know which analytical writing piece this post prepares me for :p)

    Ok…apologies for those who got bored with my analysis — here comes my main punch line!!

    Generalizations based on particular expereiences allow for stereotypes – and these stereotypes are what segregate our society based on ’superficial/surface level’ differences!!

    Though the intent is pure, the effect of sketching generalizations works to draw a portrait of NS girls. This portrait is not something that nolawi’s fun play with fabrikas, sedans and arengwade termusoch painted….it is a portrait that many people already have in their minds. A NS set will have to work hard to gain a status amongst her non-NS friends as the ‘exception’ amongst the mass of once-red-skirts. And this builds a real barrier for interactions/relationships between people who just need to stop tripping/posing and be themselves!!

    NS girls experience being stereotyped in all the Ethiopian communities across the globe — this stereotyping goes beyond NS setoch and it gets real serious. We generalize and stereotype people from all walks of life! People from cities, people of different ethnic groups, different socioeconomic status or even occupation… Let’s not kid ourselves, this problem of differences/labeling is a problem of the world! It is serious!!! The problem of difference caused racism and slavery, the holocaust, darfur/rwanda genocide etc. Eritrea seceeded due to a problem of difference- other parts of Ethiopia might as well. And now…all muslims are terrorists as all africans are improvised/hungry etc. The NS stereotype is a social problem in Ethio communities…but it points to other, more serious factions within our communities that limit our chances at a harmonious multicultural society.

    I think we really all need to stop labeling people and get real!!

    P.S As a NS grad myself –I want you to think how differently you would you have read my posts had you known! does where I went to school change ur mind about me/who I could be/what I said/and my opinions? Did you just feel a reflexive ‘ah-HA’ response because of the stereotypes in your head? Think about how stereotypes are limiting your openmindedness about friends/naz girls…

  92. 92 Nolawi

    shanti- send us your email address you know where.. thanks

  93. 93 Nolawi

    begirmet.. it will take a couple days for me to digest and get back to you on this… great great rebuttal… :)

  94. 94 wudnesh


    loved what u wrote!

  95. 95 celebratelife

    Are we still on the bottle? We need some intervention like a 12 step program or something.

  96. 96 wudnesh

    12 step program? lol. How about we live up to our reputation before ending the discussion…just to prove Nolawi right!

    Yetim teweled, ye-NS alumuni hoon
    Yetim teweled, teacher Yaredin iweK :)
    Yetim teweled, Key uniform weeded

    Here we go NAAAZZZZZZZZ!

  97. 97 Oreo

    Wudnesh for some reason this just came to my mind :)
    Nazarethye Timiherte Bete
    Yadekubesh Yetemarkubesh
    Nuri Lezelalem ende Korahubesh;)

  98. 98 yoda

    Suggestion for your next topic:

    Most men from Ethiopia have the same goals; like the same type of women; are superficial; have the same opinions; among other things. Basically Ethiopia is the next best thing in producing the same type of men, since Ford Model T’s assembly line!

  99. 99 yoda

    If I might say so myself…that is hilarious….ha, ha, ha, ha.

  100. 100 Tobian

    Re: 96 – “Yetim teweled, teacher Yaredin iweK”

    That’s it! That’s why habesha men like to complain about Nazareth women. The standards were set too high after ooh-ing and ahh-ing after Yared for so many years. Yemanim yemender wefefe just doesn’t do it! LOL.

    I was talking to a grad from the early 80s about this – every NZ grad I’ve ever met knows this guy. How is it possible for one man to reign the hearts of 2+ decades of high school girls? And last i heard he was still bloody single! Does he still teach?

    Kudos to him for the lack of scandal.

    I think we need a thread on Yared. Something along the lines of Yoda’s suggestion: “How can habesha men perfect the production line to achieve a Yared quality/excellence” :-)

    p.s. I never liked Geography and I never found him cute.

  101. 101 Wudnesh


    hahahhahha..wuh..u gave me a laugh…..But I wouldn’t have italicized the part u did, if I were u,…because I can feel some Bernos people getting ready to strangle!
    u didn’t think he was cute? But u must have liked his beautiful eyes…at least?
    I liked Geaography a lot…but I doubt it had anything to do with him. In fact, whenever we had ‘Geography’ , most of us in my class were really eager to see the reaction of this girl who was crazy about him.

  102. 102 BeGirimt Felasfit


    I don’t think Yared “”reigned the hearts of 2+ decades of NS girls”. It’s more like there’re a few in every class, like wubnesh said, who want to be his groupies! The rumor had been that he’s been in a relationship with someone, but he kept it on the down low…so he’may not be single. Hope we here about his wedding soon!
    What I gotta say is: He is very dignified, classically handsome (didn’t do anything for me personally), quietly charismatic, and commited to his job (I thought he was an amazing teacher-and loved geography when he taught it)
    The quality of man you were talking about — I hear you! He is a very high caliber man, indeed.

    Yoda, lol…
    I’ll quote someone on my response to that :p

    i beleive there is truth in what …[was] said..[thats] the way it is or atleast the way I feel it is…

    Nolawi, I’ll be looking forward to your response to my rebuttal :)

  103. 103 Wudnesh

    BeGirimt, Tobian

    Talk about dignity and class! Can you imagine someone else in his position/situation in America?… would have made the daily headline under ‘School scandals’ and ‘molestation of school kids’. Yea, Yared has quality!

  104. 104 lulu

    Nolawi – I think by now you’ve gotten the point. So, this is what I am going to do….because you contradicted yourself when you started this whole thing, and you did not refute my comment about having done this to generate traffic to your site, I am going to be a good sport and order a t-shirt to support an Ethiopian brother. How about that?

  105. 105 Mamitu

    Yared was a great teacher and cute too. I loved Geography but it didn’t help the learning process any having twenty something girls in the classroom trying to get his attention any way they can. I wonder if he is still teaching and if he is still as cute.

    Wudnesh, if you are talking about the late 1980′s I kind of know the girl you are talking about. She literaly stalked that guy but I admire him for keeping his cool thru it all.

  106. 106 blenmark

    Truth be told…i had a cursh on him too…i would go to Geo. class late and will stand at the staff office door and ask for him to ask some Geo. questions and made sure a couple of my white shirt button was unbuttoned…i think i was looking his attention in my 13-14 years age from cutie

  107. 107 Tobian


    LOL. I see you were a Yaredite :-) I don’t even remember what his eyes looked like. Were they an unusual color? I do remember how he carried himself. Looking back, of course he stood out … it’s rare to find Ethio men who stand tall and straight. (Same goes for women, for that matter ) I also don’t ever recall seeing him angry, raise his voice, etc.

    I generally bold/italicize Amharic words, if I remember. If the wefefewoch are offended, oh well .. :-)


    Yup, he is/was one good teacher. There are 2 teachers that stand out to date and I can say good things about them without but’s – Yared and Habte (and he’d such a horrible nickname!). Kostara. No petting. Came prepared, and neither were big on punishing students for trivial reasons.

    Yup, that’s 2 good Habesh men ;-)

  108. 108 Wudnesh

    maybe the same girl…who knows!
    Weyy, gedelshing. u had a crash on him beyinga!
    indie, how could u not remember his beautiful eyes? lol! I swear I could picture his eyes, his stiff upper lip (he usually spoke through his ‘teeth’), and yea, definitely, the way he stand tall and straight. Yaredite…errr…NOT!
    BUT here is what I know. This girl ,who was a senior to me..but still much younger than Yared, dated him (hold it…it was years after she graduated). I just couldn’t believe it. I hear he is beTam religious and ‘yebetekristian seww’. Where is Nolawi? add it to my ‘missed randzvous’ list.

  109. 109 Oreo

    Yared Yared Yared… i used to hate Geo BETAM and still do gin not because of him…loved his class cause i was always making fun of the girls asking to go to the bathroom with their shirt open and shit like that… but one thing for sure he hated me with passion used to send me to the office I think I was one of the girls Yared actually pushed out of class…the good old days!!! But funny thing I can’t figure out why I used to get the satisfaction from getting on the teachers last nerve? It was like that was my mission to go to school…

    i wander if they are all still teaching i used to hear about everything till my lil sis graduated about 6 years back

  110. 110 hewe

    Tobian, how come you don’t remember yared’s eyes (hehehe)…I remember he had that signature yellow coat…nick named “yellow bird” (bird is for zenach during our time)…either way, he carried himself w/ dignity and walked w/ his head high …betaam dess alegn thinking back…he is probably the only man that can get away w/ wearing yellow coat
    by the way is teacher habte -‘chengaf’ (sorry 4 using the nick)…I liked him betaaam he reminded me of my dad…kusterter yale…
    Wow common experiences…do you guys remember ‘Dave’? never saw the ‘wow’s about him. And how Teacher Neda used to beat us w/ that daster?
    I see i got carried away…sorry peeps

  111. 111 adey

    Nazreth is the Gucci of schools

  112. 112 wudnesh

    Hey NAZ ppl
    I like the fact this is going in a direction Nolawai didn’t dream of…good for us!
    What did Dave teach? I remember the wOWS over Josi…u remember the loud screams in NAz Ggibi when the young male teachers walk through? a friend of mine used to initiate the screams whenever teacher Josi walked through (he was a young graduate from Uni of Addis)…and he used to blush and stumble. He was new and introduced his name in class on his first day as YOSEF…..was very shy And you can imagine what the response would be for a young shy male teacher…the whole class goes…”teacher, blackboard lai Tsafew!”..and when he wrote “Yosef….”! all of us said..”Yosi, Yosi, Yosi…..”the poor guy wished ‘meret tekefto biwTew’ fun memories

  113. 113 Nolawi

    Yoda – point taken

    [quote comment="10439"]Nolawi – I think by now you’ve gotten the point. So, this is what I am going to do….because you contradicted yourself when you started this whole thing, and you did not refute my comment about having done this to generate traffic to your site, I am going to be a good sport and order a t-shirt to support an Ethiopian brother. How about that?[/quote]

    This article might have generate a few unique visitors to bernos but the reason there is traffic on the site is not because of this article…

    1) we are consistant with updating the blog
    2) we have content that matters for our core audience
    3) we write from a personal perspective…

    the intent of this topic was not to try to intise a controversy persay but to share my personal opinion… but it created a controvesy only because most nazreth school grads know that there is truth to the assumption… so you are wrong.. the blog would have traffic regardless of this article…


    So the logical deduction is that “ye nazareth mirtoch are manufactured to fit the naz fabrika cookie-cutter: necessarily identical in astesaseb, choice of men, ina superficial (absorbed in surface-level things & lacking substance)”
    Well ok…fine fine…

    we are good on the logical you say.. and go to the contradiction claim…

    Yes generalizations are never 100%

    I am as you say implying not everyone fits the mold… only some and all to different extent… putting that in the my post would have been good… but would have lacked some poetry… maybe not…

    Could the fabrika be pemanently flawed and its been mass manufacturing defective stepford wife robots for Senjo boys for 60+ years!? Well truthfully, the flaw is not in the NS fabrika but in nolawi’s metaphor.

    nice try on trying to imply… that i made a claim that the girls are exactly like an assembly line… Really nice try… any smart person that read this knows that are a million plus variables in the making of a person… nor are people identical when they are born! hence in laymans terms

    object source + sensory input = result object

    in model t case

    steel + assembly line = ford model T

    in nazreth case

    Betty Tamrat + school (assmbly-line) = Nolawi’s claim Betty! but still betty!

    so only if the source was the same identical would my claim be 100% … no flaw in the metaphore… only that in the fabrica they used identical source object and so the result is identical… gebash nefse…
    but betam betam arif try! I will give youa cookie…

    gin At the END…

    THIS IS NOT A RACIST OR A CLASSIST ARTICLE.. minamin.. yes it is a stereo type.. and my personal opinion… really doesnt matter… poking fun.. its jsut a fuken blog article.. no need to make it a big deal…

    ya i know i know… It raised some eyebrows.. lets drop it eshi…

  114. 114 wudnesh

    BTW, Has anyone of you Nazs had this kind of experience..? years back, this cute guy asked me out. But couldn’t believe his excitement (beiwnet, i ain’t exxaggerating)when he found out I went to NAZ. Then his friends told me he is crazy about Naz girls and would even run after ‘yeteseTa Key uniform’. He was ke-SaintJO, which I got excited over, though not as much as he was over NAz. Was I happy!….had flowers everyday until he was too much for me and I had to end the relationship…didn’t know if his excitement was over me or NAZ, lol!

  115. 115 Mamitu

    Dear Nazareth Aluminai,

    I had a thought over this holiday weekend (with the spirit of giving in mind), how about we contribute to keep Nazareth School as strong as it was for generations to come. I think what made Nazareth school strong was the high caliber students and the teachers who nurtured that. I was thinking that we can set up a fund for the school so that it will be able to retain the good teachers through competetive pay and that we can give scholarships to deserving students through out Addis schools just like ICS does, by giving them entry tests that identify these strong girls and allowing them to stay in the school as long as they maintain good grades. I hope some of you guys will entertain the idea and see how we could go about it. I think there is so many of us that it wouldn’t be a burden. For example if we have an average of 80 girls graduating per year, there is over 3,000 of us around. And I am assuming we can afford 20 dollars a year for this venture.

    This is just a thought I hope most of you Nazareth alumini agree with me.

  116. 116 Tobian


    I likes idea 1) of doing our part to keep the teachers around, especially in light of the most recent lab our dispute that shut down the school.

    As for the second idea, there are already girls in Nazareth who’re being sponsored by various alumnae groups. Saint Joseph has also been doing the same for a little while now. You can probably contact the school to forward you to alums responsible.

  117. 117 Mamitu


    Where could I contact the Nazret school alumini group which is giving support to the school?

  118. 118 BeGirimt Felasfit

    I also heard there’s an alumni association in the U.S. You guys know anything about that?

  119. 119 ye nayereth

    Here is a new book based on Nazareth School. Interesting

  120. 120 blenmark

    thanks for ur info. really…it broughts a lot of good memories just seeing pic of the pupil’s pic in their uniform and miss woynitu too.

  121. 121 lulu

    ye nayereth – thank you for the link. I just placed an order. Can’t wait for it to arrive so I can start reading.

  122. 122 lulu

    For those who have not checked out the link for the website provided by ye nayereth

    The book was published in a bid to raise funds for the execution of potable water, sanitation, and humanitarian interventions in Ethiopia.

    This would be money spent on a very good cause.

  123. 123 bgFelasfit

    Yep!! Lulu, great call mentioning that…and thanks for the link ye nazreth…

    For those that don’t know the sisters (sisters of the heart of christ??-yemiyaq sew yastekaklilign…) of Nazareth school are also very active in lots of charitable projects: some mainly focusing on access to water, sanitation etc.. especially in regions where other organizations are not focusing — this includes southwestern ethiopia some are areas in the limbo state between urban and rural and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to sustain a lifestyle based on agriculture.
    Those sisters are a blessing to Ethiopia, too bad money and miscommunication has brought a challenge to the existance of the school!

  124. 124 lulu

    bgFelasfit – Also, besides the fact that the money will be used to help those in need, from what I saw on the website, the book is going to be a very interesting and enjoyable read.

  125. 125 Annette

    Hi ladies, and fellow students, greetings from Buckingham, England (60 miles north of London)! We have so much to be proud of, having been educated at Nazareth School. Although I only studied there for two years, I always told people that it was the best school I ever attended. Many are surprised, they only associate Ethiopia with war and famine, you know!

    The idea of giving money on an annual basis to the school is a really good one. When I visited the school in March 2004, 40 years after I left, Sister Weynemariam Tesfaye told me that it was their 50th anniversary, but they had no funds with which to celebrate it, which saddened me. I saw her again on 26th October 2006, when I launched my book there, and believe you me, they need your help.

    From grade 6a (my last year there) in 1963, you know that 3 of our classmates now work for the UN. How cool is that?!

    And yes, for those of you who visit my website, I’m determined to do all I can – with your help – to bring clean, potable water and sanitation to the very poor, in both cities and rural areas. The lack of this directly affects women and young girls in particular: the latter can’t afford to go to school, their days are taken up by collecting water.

    If you decide to buy “An Ethiopian Odyssey” you’ll read some amazing miracles in the book, which ends at Ground Zero in New York, at St. Paul’s Chapel: a place of amazing peace. Please let other Ethio-Americans know!

  126. 126 Nolawi

    This is great Annette, That we were able to reach you. I first read about you in an article on Tadias Magazine last year. I am thinking that this book is good not only for nazrethers but also all Ethiopians…

    I am getting a copy myself! thanks!

  127. 127 bgFelasfit


    Thanks for your support of Naz School and your committment to help Ethiopia! It’s wonderful to hear about the great things your classmates at Naz have done and the great things you have done by reaching out to Ethiopia. There are many great women that have gone to Nazareth, it really would be so wonderful if we have a real alumni organization where we can reach across generations to at the least have a cohesive community outside of our classesmates!

    There are recent feuds that you may not be aware of but tensions are high amongst the staff and the administration — as recent as these past few days there were events that took them to court. I am sure studies are being disrupted at least every few days because of the way the conflict has been handled. I think the central issue, as you point out, is money, such a pity for a charitable missionary school (both staff & administration) to struggle like this without the alumni looking back and stretching our helping hands.

    Nolawi — glad to hear u’re supporting this good cause. I hope you help spread the word about the book! For your knowledge, even the motto of the school is “My God, My Country”.

  128. 128 Annette

    Hi BgFelasit (and what does that mean in English?!) I was aware there were some problems when I visited in October. Sister Weynemariam is having a really tough time balancing the budget: it’s the same with some schools here,but most of us can afford to pay higher taxes, so it’s not so critical. There, a lot don’t earn much, so their taxes are low and where’s the government going to get the money from. Is it possible to arrange a meeting in DC, to get some old girls together to raise some funds for the school? When I return to work – soon, I’m praying,as it’s been 10 months now since I had some income – then I’ll see what I can do. Can someone set up a non-profit for Nazareth School? Universities do this all the time, via their alumni, and most graduates have gone onto good things and much better lives.

    Just a suggestion.


  129. 129 Angry Naz alumni

    what on earth r u saying?…were u dumped by a naz girl…r u jealous cuz we r smart, bright WOMEN who don’t let anybody, any culture put us down?….Listen all of my friends, including myself r in ivy league schools…i have a question 4 u…why did u write this article anyway?

  130. 130 Nolawi

    This post is half a year old.
    and is now closed.
    Get over it!

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