Remembering TG 10 Comments


Blengrafix Introduces Tsegaye Gebremedhin Wallpapers. Nice designs, & very cool concept. Support the arts, and Ethiopian Artists. If you don’t you are lame. And give your shout out to Laureate.

It’s a good start but those of us that are not familiar with the work need a place online where we can read some poetry and maybe a bio. Thank you Blen for your support of the arts.

Per Ephrem, the site has been upgraded. Motem Yimut, is a song recorded by Neway Debebe in rememberance of Laurete Tsegaye Gabremedhin. The song sampled below, to download visit the site.

10 Responses to “Remembering TG”

  1. 1 Nueva

    Thank you so much for this. I just got the CD as well. I am in love with it.


  2. 2 mamo kilo

    You know what?s so sad about this piece? ‘I’ KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS POETIC GENIUS!!!!… And ‘I’… ‘I’, represent a generation…

    God, please have mercy upon us!

    We want to listen to the beat of a great poetry..
    …and not to a political rhetoric

    We want to dance to the sound of music…
    …and not hide to the sound of bullets

    We want to hear children laughing…
    …and not mothers crying

    God, please have mercy upon us!

    This guy does not even need to print a single word to tell his story. Look at those pictures, and tell me that they don?t tell a story by themselves!?

    Great work guys…we will show our support (as Malcolm X used to say) by any means necessary!

    mamo kilo

  3. 3 Nolawi

    are any of you using this…

  4. 4 Ephrem

    Thank you Nolawi, yes the wallpaper has been replaced by a music “Motem Yemut” produced by Tayitu Entertainment for the Celebraion of Poet Laureate Tsegaye’s event. Please go to


  5. 5 rebecca

    ooh wee nice.. ephrem..atitfa…

  6. 6 Nolawi

    So Edited Mr Ephrem. but u shoudl have left the wallpapers on… they were great…

  7. 7 zelabaju

    there is a short bio (you can expand) on under the category sene tshuf/derassian.

    By the way a suggetion, why not putting a permanant line to amharic wikipedia on your blog roll?

  8. 8 Nolawi

    Good Suggestion zelabaju, but an even better suggestion would be if you wrote about the amharic wikipedia and posted in here

  9. 9 Aba Biya

    Nolawi & Others,

    If you were at the event organised to celebrate the Laureate’s life and works, can you tell us about the evening? Any review about the performance of his works, the speeches and overall your or the ‘new generation’ impression of his works? BTW, any interest in forming amateur drama club? I even have some plays written by Ethiopian playwrights translated to English? We can start by arranging play reading time.

  10. 10 Nolawi

    I was hoping someone that understood what happeend throughout the night would explain about the show…

    there was a alot of drama, we heard some of TG poems from recordings of his own voice, we saw a wonderful photomontage…

    it was good,.. i dont know anything about drama, but i’m sure a play in amharic here in DC will make a bunch of money…as there are so many talented actors locally…

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