Wondata Comments

Selam Hizb'och Welcome to Wondu's corner. From today on, you will be basking in the glory that is Wondinet Haile and my inner workings. You will read about my highs, my lows, my funnies and my gloomies, my observations of the life that revolves around me. I am in prison ' a minimum security five day a week prison that is . This prison comes with the perks: an eight by eight cubicle, a wanna-be PC, a small desk,  and last but not least a funky new carpet smell. So, for those five days I wallow in disgust, working relentlessly and at the same time looking for escape  the Internet. Back in the non-internet days, workers would get entertained from shooting hoops using crumpled up Post It notes, ( ) But now, I flex my freedom by going from this yonder to that yonder  from Australia to Brazil. But most of the time, I hang out in the horn of Africa. Addis Ababa is my home town so I travel between Piassa and Merkato searching for news and entertainment. Over the years I have figured out all the spots, Cyberethiopia has all the news links that come in on a daily basis. Its a one-stop shop for all the Ethiopia news you want. For entertainment, the forums are full of laughs. Medrek is serious, where the older educated crowd hangs out and ESAi is progressive, where all the young professionals test the waters. Abesha is young and funny, they are Abesha but most of them do not speak Amharic. Seleda is the spot the starbucks of the internet; like all things it came to an end a while back. Currently I'm surfing the many bloggers Yekolo Temari has a Qal Tera, which I checked out to get reacquainted to the new Arada lingo. FTL Ethiopia, short for "for the love of Ethiopia" has a girl writing on virtually every topic Ethiopian. Few Years back I stumble upon a website called 'Ethiopian Brides,' basically a website for a few dollars will give you phone numbers of young Ethiopian girls from mostly Addis Ababa. If you are going to pay for the digits might as well be yeketema lij. Not that a white person would know the difference, NO I want a girl from Gondar as she is likely to be more submissive. Recently a white coworker got a FedEx from Vietnam; Johnny you've won a beautiful Vietnamese Bride!. For months, he was window-shopping for a bride through his monitor; finally, he got one. I wonder how many Ethiopian girls succeed in getting married to a westerner. Recently the number of girls available on this website has quadrupled. Approximately 1,300 girl's pictures are available. Of course the Ethiopian bridal market is not as sophisticated as the Eastern European market which has millions of sites. For that matter, even the Asian market has dozens of sites to start commencing for beautiful brides. Well at least in this matter; I am overjoyed that Ethiopia is in last place.

6 Responses to “Wondata”

  1. 1 sara

    just to clarify, the blog ‘for the love’ is not for the love of ethiopia. whenever anyone asked me why i was going to ethiopia, i would answer ‘for the love’…of the boyfriend.

  2. 2 nolawi

    hey sara,
    damn u dedicate your blog to your bf, betam interesting

  3. 3 sara

    i would hardly say it’s dedicated to my bf. it’s the reason i ended up in ethiopia but the blog is about my experiences here, rather than my love life.

  4. 4 Antique Automobiles

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  5. 5 achisew

    wondata is looking at bridal sites, am i the only one seeing the irony

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